Little did I know . . .

When first I appeared to touch down  

on this mesmerizing gem of a

PLAN - IT             

that such an unconventional life would be unfolding.

And yet, from this challenging

vantage point

the glimpses of what others would term miracles,

would become my view.

First I would like to say, Thank you and Bless Your Hearts  to all those who cared enough to read or reply to my Pres. Obama/  Solutions;Discussion:

To all those who left beautiful encouraging messages and imagery . . I will be responding to you, as soon as I get some sleep ; ) Bless Your Hearts! 

Then, I would like to digress for a moment to clarify my position on the above mentioned discussion.  It is not that I am in disagreement  with you, Chella Lea,(and the others who have echoed your sentiment by posting evidence of government corruption.) 

It has been a lifetimes work of mine, to engage with others, who clearly observed,this situation, 40 yrs ago  AND  that something needed to be done about it . . . in what seems like a work that began a lifetime ago we  have been busy creating an alternate system, readying it for the day the old corrupt system is a thing of the past.  We are hardly in denial.

Where we see things differently, CL, is : What now, is the SOLUTION?

To those who grasped my actual meaning / from the article I mentioned above, I am grateful.

If you extracted from my peace piece,  that I was talking about rightness or wrongness

I apologize . . .for I must not have made my point, clearly enough. Let me clarify further, so that you may better see  the point that I was making. . . If I am using Obama as an example; it is because it has become clear to me that there are deeply held feelings and strong emotions of betrayal in relation to this topic . . .based on my observation of the nature of Numerous Postings here and elsewhere. I see that either through extreme disappointment or extreme fear, that so much toxic thought forms are being generated which only adds to the oppressive energy that shall need to be cleared, if we want to experience the highest possible outcome: Both in our personal lives and as A COLLECTIVE.

I ask you to be open to the larger point that I am making, not to PROVE WHO IS RIGHT OR WHO IS WRONG, but rather if you will permit me, to offer a solution based on a process that has yielded up, what many have termed miracles . . . I don't see how you could lose.  Because we have the same goal just different understandings of the surest route to that goal.

I would like to outline for you this process. . . which is not mine alone, but I have applied it to real life, and observed the miracle - like results and I have observed up close, how it really is all about what energy we create and unleash . . . whether it is  in  our personal life or the world at large. 

And I offer it for your consideration here. This is about  a well  known and accepted understanding of how LIFE/ ENERGY works: according to many masters in this field . . . but to name a few:
Gregg Braden, Master of Light /resident Master Physicist (Aka Clifford) here on ACC, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Depak Chopra, Kryon, Jesus, Marrianne Williamson, Dolores Cannon, Moogi, God, (according to  CWG and Neile Donald Walsch), The foundation for Inner Peace through the Course In Miracles.

What some have  termed miracles, is in reality, simply coming N2 alignment/ entrainment with an already existing  outcome, previously invisible to the perceiver!

This has do to with the adjusting of the perceptual beliefs with which the perceiver previously had been perceiving!

Considering the string of what some would call miracles I have personally, in real time participated in; using this template, that is what I now wish to talk about,  . . .if there is even a probability that by

simply suspending judgment and actually being open  to consider my life's work relevant, with reqard to what I have to share with you today. . . .that perhaps there is an option that you haven't yet fully considered, or you once knew, but then forgot, in all the dense energy furor. . . Possibly . . . your highest one.   Unless one is truly willing to suspend their conditioned beliefs, it is not possible to get a glimpse of what to most is an unseen  realm. . .

Please just suspend all your impulses that come from the need to prove me wrong  and hear me.

My pledge to you, is that if you do this, as I ask . . . it is within your grasp to alter not just your life but all life.

Ready to listen?

Now, for empowerment sake, I AM going to reveal to you several real life recent "miracles" because, the mind(more to the point which mind you use), plays a major role in this process. 

I feel, that it is relevant for you to know that I am not simply expounding on  some "Cut & Paste Theory".
In addition, it's one thing to have a belief; it's something else altogether to share a SUCCESSFUL

Accordingly, I have been given permission to share with you real life, life - altering  stories of my clients. 

A 73year old man, named Jason,  who had lost everything, as a result of having compassion and trying to be of assistance  to a methamphetamine user, he had encountered while carrying out his ministry to the homeless. When Jason  came to see me for counseling, he was feeling suicidal.  Jason had taken in, this person; we'll call her Tami, in good faith and with a heart to be of service.  When Jason, found his way to me, he had lost everything, his wife, his home and his freedom.  He had every right to feel betrayed and used.  Yet, this way of perceiving, was creating the rest of his life, from the victim template, so that more and more of his life  kept showing up, in ways for which he could continue to feel victimized. Now he had just learned of a cancer diagnosis.

The energy that we spend most of our time in (whether we have come by it honestly or not) is the energy with which our lives get created from/ with.

One of the things he brought on himself with this victim /anger/poor me/ perception was a stroke which brought on a brain bleed.  It was at this point; while in the hospital; his Soul Self caused him to recall all that I had shared with him, as he hovered near death during his surgery, realizing the value in what I been sharing with him  during our sessions, he recalls deciding to fully embrace this new way and to take his power back and take his life  to a higher energy level.  He recovered from the emergency brain surgery and instead of being an invalid (according to the neurosurgeon the odds were greatly against him even surviving the surgery, because of his age, his ongoing battle with cancer and his previously doomed outlook.
Not only did he survive this massive stroke and live to tell the tale . . .but he was up and doing everything he could do before the stroke/ brain bleed, including driving his truck, which,  according to his neurosurgeon, is a miracle!  

He did this by following the template, which I talked about in the previous article (Obama/  Solutions;Discussion:  

regarding how to create and bring to life the energy of  solutions, instead of  the energy of victimization, hate or anger , , , whether it is  towards Obama, or any other situation that we wish to change.  We accomplish this by, "consciously deciding to choose what frequency you to want to create from."  
You may create from anger and self pity,( and considering how many times we appear to be at the  mercy of unfair difficulties, we could certainly allow ourselves to feel like we have the right to feel betrayed)                                                    OR

You may take it to the next level and realize that everything is brought into your reality by how we choose to respond to what shows up!  We may choose to be grateful because we understand that at some level our higher self knows what we need to deal with next, in order to complete our lessons or cancel out energy debts, or earn our badges, depending on how you want to look at it.  If

we choose to create from our anger, then,  that energy will create  more situations showing up, for which, we can feel angry and victimized about.

Meanwhile, I am not quite finished with Jasons' story. .

After applying the template that I have been sharing with you . . Jason found the "woman of his dreams", fell deeply in Love for the first time in his life, and has triumphed over his belief in cancer, and is planning to move into the home of his dreams. And after he walked away from a stroke that should have killed him or left him a vegetable. . . He will instead, be driving his truck to his new home! He is a living testament to what shifting ones perception upward N2 gratitude and creating life from that higher perspective while focusing on what you want  more of.  And what that looks like.

To conclude . . . some of the responses to the previous discussion about the Obama

situation . . .seemed to be responding to a point that I was NOT making.

I don't need any more links to prove there is darkness in Dc. The reason so much hate was created by the haters and fear mongers, during the campaigns, was to cripple any chance for President Obama  to be able to achieve what we all hoped would happen.  The more you focus on it(fear and hate energy) the more impossible it becomes to ever clear out the toxic waste/ energy that has been created to assure that the dark never runs out of dark energy to do it's dirty work with.

Which is why I am asking have you done your part?  I have been working on the problems created by the corporastocracy my whole life long.  As opposed to being in denial or ignorant of the situation.

What I am asking you is: Do you want to keep enlivening that energy of hatred and darkness?  Because that is exactly what those who are really pulling the strings in DC are hoping you will continue to do.

Because  whatever energy you keep your focus on becomes the energy you create more of and you create from.

We are Lightworkers . . Sending more light which  raises our frequency(both individually and collectively)  is always the way to "turn out the dark"

Thank you for listening . .

Be Love

Be Peace

Be Light Senders . . .

Tune in next time  for yet another true life story of how someone created a life altering energy experience that brought miracles N2 their life!

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  • I don't think any of us really know what's going on in Obama's heart and mind.  Would anyone really rather have McCain and Sarah Palin in the White House?  Speaking of the "White House", I sort of wish that Mr. Obama would exercise his executive power and have it painted black....  :).

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  • My dearest Faith Much Love,
    I do wish to say First that I do Not believe that Obama is the anti-Christ as some think. I do wish to state again that I voted for him. And Yes, I had faith in him as well and yes maybe disappointment is part of it. There is no Fear however, I Have been exposing government for years and have no fear of what they wish to throw at me. Where my concern is that many are giving away their power, to those in power. Our Creator is not going to wait for Obama to disclose anything. Giving all your Power to him to bring disclosure, is giving up in my eyes. Don't just stop trying to expose the truth. They have told us for years, “Look away, there's nothing to see here”, Their hiding behind the Curtain, doing things in secret. What happened to transparency? That’s what I voted for. Where does the lies stop and the truth begin. I just want people to open there eyes to see that the Individuals that are in our government is no better than anybody. They are no different then you an me. So why should we bow to them, when that's giving up our power to them. We are gods and goddesses, Why let another take control of your life. Bring your own disclosure, Bring your own truth. Don't let another determine your fate. Don't just throw your hands up and say OK, Obama's going to do it. I don't have to work as a light worker anymore. because he has it under control. Remember what a Light worker is. We are Truth workers. For Light is Truth. Much Love to you all and I hope this clarifies my way of thinking.

    • My Dear Chelle Lea
      Thank you for your gracious reply and clarification.
      I had written you a warm in-depth acknowledgement yesterday.
      Which got eaten before I could send it . . . So I simply friended you
      until I got a bit more time and a bit less frustrated with my technology ; )
      So dear Sister Bless Your Heart for your open heartfelt reply
      I hear you . . . I notice we are both artists living in Colorado!
      I loved your your bright uplifting art! Looking forward to sharing more with you Sister
      Sending Love
      Be Peace!
      • Thank you so much, for your reply.  Art is How I escape all the dramas in this world. I do look forward to getting to know you better my sister. Much Love and Peace my dear

    • "God help those that help themselves!"

      Agreed, Chelle!

  • Hi Faith!  Your just full of passion!  And it shows in your post!  I like to give you some info and stress some points:

    When reading about Jason, I instantly knew it was Universal Laws as mentioned by Merlin62.  There is another higher power at work and that is what the ascended masters say "Always ask for your highest good".  Whatever the situation, always ask for your highest good of said individual.  Of course, always ask for the best outcome, but no one knows what a person's life path will take them.  Example:  My mother fell to a stoke.  I was doing everything in my power to heal her and bring her home.  I sent her a Reiki healer and a Quantum Touch healer and was setting up a months long healing when she fell into a coma and died.  I later found out that it was her time to go and she was not suppose to survive the stroke.   I still fought for the best outcome but the higher purpose of the soul or spirit will win every time, whether it is more attacks, setbacks, have not learned the lessons needed to advance, ect...  And I like to point out, it is not the "mirror" excuse that a lot of people like to say.  It is way to complicated than that. 

    I understand what you are saying about what frequency we choose.  That frequency will create change.  True.  And I agree with Peekay, not everyone is going to go along.  The energy you are referring to is the energy that is already bombaring earth and that is the 5D energies.  These energies have several purposes:  one, is to expose and cancel negative actions and intent.  Example:  There is a member here that came here from Greg Giles blogsite with negative intent to harm and have made many attempts against me.  His motives were exposed and no longer has followers like he used to have and still continues post to try and have people follow him.  I'm glad to see no one falls it anymore.

    Like in my last message in your post, the energies are slowly awakening the people's consciousness and awareness, another one of it's purposes.  It will cause the trigger for change as people begin to see the truth behind the shadow government.  The change you are posting is happening now but slowly for the people's consciousness to digest the information.  What people call "conspiracy theorists" now, with be call "truth seekers" later.  That will happen when the people, as a whole, accept the fact that we "the terrorists" right in our own government.   The consciousness shift is happening.

    • Thank you Darryl
      I appreciate your clarity. I agree with what you say . .
      I also took care of both my Parents and yes, I agree, I could have made that point clearer,thank you for noticing and bringing my attention to your point. It is not everyone's, choice, like your mother,and both my Parents, whom I cared for, quite devotedly also, to chose to stay. Because that was not the focus of my story, it slipped past me, to point out, it's not everyone's decision to stay and have a miracle. No guilt tripping intended. If a persons Loved one chooses to leave . . .it's hard enough to miss them . . . without the guilt. On your next point . . .it's true not everyone is at the place to grasp the frequency thing . . .that is why I posted the.Mooji vid because that is really the same prinsiple, just expressed differently. My point was really directed at those who do have a basic grasp . . To put it N2 a assimalatable and memorable form. For me the whole secret government/ corprastocracy thing is not about pointing the finger that it is true, but moving out of blame and N2 solution. Being empathic, I try and stay out of blame because it boils up such an energy of being slimed with doom. The more people remain in anger, instead of anger serving to alert oneself, that something is in need of solution, and moving out of anger/ blame N2 what is to be done . . So much the better!
      For me having been aware of all this secret gov. Thing for so long . . .it just seems like if people still need CONVINVCING about that . . .well maybe it would be better to move on to the being aware of how their individual lives would change drastically if they were aware how simple it is to call in a "miracle" in their life . . .which might just call in a higher vantage so that all the rest would come N2 view a lot easier . . . More thn one disipline for getting back N2 the moment . . Without so much anger and hatred clogging up every bodies receptors!
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