When you set the wheel alignment settings of your car to its maker's specifications the car drives straight down the road. (road camber not withstanding) This is a perfect and desirable outcome.
Over time you hit bumps, in the road, gutters, tyres wear out and the alignment changes. As a result when you let go of the steering wheel the car veers away from the straight ahead. This is still a perfect outcome because for those new settings you can't expect the car to do anything other than pull in one direction. The changes are however undesirable. And frustrating.
So we are left with several courses of action. You can put up with the frustration of the undesirable perfection with its associated consequences. Embrace the undesirable perfection as your new desirable perfection. Along with the associated consequences. Or make the changes required to renew the settings to their original, desirable perfection. With the most desirable of consequences. Which ever you look at it however, it's perfect.
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