A question for Michael Horn?????

Michael, I have a sincere question for you. When I mentioned in an earlier post that I had been abducted by Zetas for biological purposes on occasions, you publicly labeled me as delusional because it is your contention that that only person who has ever had extraterrestrial contact is Billy Meier!!!! You believe implicitly that everything that the Pleiedians have said to Billy is the truth and that Billy is absolutely telling the truth about everything that was told to him by Pleiedians. SO why is it that you disputed it was not possible that I had been abducted and that I was delusional. when Billy's contact note below specifically states that the Zeta DID come to earth and that they have a mission of studying humans biology and that they have a scientific agenda and that they DID abduct Betty and Barny Hill. So if what they say is the absolute truth then why are you so quick to judge me as delusional?????? Why are you so quick to ridicule and speak harshly and judgementally to any of our members who have had experiences with extraterrestrials when in Billy's own note it is stated that OTHER species have and continue to have contacts with humans. It is stated in the note below that there are other earth contactees with aliens. I see a big contradiction here.....with what you are dishing out to us and what the contact note says. Which is it Mike? You have been very disrespectful to many members of this forum and others and I think you owe us an apology for your behavior.Here is the contact note from the official Billy Meier SiteSynopsisBilly and Semjase discuss the abduction of Betty Hill and Barney Hill by scientists from the Zeta Reticuli star system in 1961.Contact Report 37 TranslationSemjase ....For a longer time hitherto unknown intelligences have been visiting the Earth. They first came to our attention in your year 1961 when they took posession of two Earth human beings for the sake of study, took these into their spacecraft and subjected them to a physical-chemical analysis. Here they were...Meier In this field I am a null. Can you tell me, what good is such a physical-chemical analysis?Semjase It concerns not only one method, but different ones, by which matter mixtures and compositions can be separated as desired, quantitatively and qualitatively, from what then are definable the chemical compositions in their structure and combination according to their characteristics, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Very finely studied methods connected to finely studied techniques, admit those analyses of living creatures without any injury to them. As far as we know, this is still unknown on Earth, but very much used by certain space-traveling races. They use these methods only in connection with telepathic hypnosis, from which fact the test or examination subjects have no conscious cognition of such tests or examinations. This means that for them this time is missing from their memory, by which I mean the examination or test. That memory is only established very deep in the subconscious, and so it can only be recovered from there. This is not even possible by the consciousness, but only by strong hypnotic counter block, which we also call block breaking.Meier Oh yes, even if I don't understand the chemical things, your explanation does inform me. But what has happened in the year 1961? This matter is somewhat unknown to me.Semjase Of this i can say: It happened on the 19th of September, in the mountains of New Hampshire in the USA, during the night, when two Earth human beings, by the name of Betty Hill and Barney Hill, a married couple, met with a spaceship of extraterrestrial origin. By oscillation-paralyzers used by the intelligences, their vehicle, an auto, was placed out of function and forced to stop. At the same time both of them were put into a deep hypnosis by telenotical forces. By that their consciousness was paralyzed, by which their conscious recollection was blocked. This I have explained to you before. The purpose of that proceeding by the intelligences was no ill behavior, because their data gathering was only in exploring the Earth human form of life. So they took possession of both Earth human beings for a time of 127 minutes, brought them into their spaceship, and subjected them very thoroughly to their examinations and analyses, while they also took different specimens from both, such as some drops of blood, male sperm, hairs, saliva, finger nails and skin. They took as well, specimens from the shoes and clothing, and from other things too, which were of importance for the analysis of those intelligences. Everything was very carefully examined by them and was recorded radio-photographically.Meier This term is not known to me. What is radio-photography? I have never heard of this.Semjase This is an apparatus similar to your pocket cameras, by which the results of physical-chemical analyses are recorded in its radio radiation, and can be photographed in this way, with which the radiations are converted by apparatus processes in the photograph filter directly into the symbol pictures.Meier That is like a "Spanish Village" to me, but this is surely not of so much importance to myself. A technician or physician would know more about that, from this information.Semjase Surely, but now listen further on: After the analyzation of both Earth human beings, they were then released from the paralyzing radiation and set free. The deep hypnosis was dissolved in both people, and they drove on without any memory of the time of the examinations. They had not the least recollection of this. Only in later years were they able to solve the riddle of this event, when by hypnosis they could reveal their unconscious knowledge.Meier I see, but why have you cared for this matter in these days?Semjase A new event, about which i unfortunately am not allowed to speak, has demanded this now. From our examination of this space-travelling intelligence in 1961, it appears you have nothing to fear. They are of humanoid form, and really only perform explorations. Their forms are human, while their body size is different from ours. Their size varies between 126 and 163 centimeters.Meier That is interesting. From where do they come now, indeed? What kind of spaceships do they have, and how are they enduring the atmosphere, etc.?Semjase They originate from the planet and star system ZETA RETICULI, as I already explained. This system has a median distance of 37 light years away from the Earth. Their spaceships are similar to our beamships, and extremely well equipped, and are very able for space-travelling. The atmosphere of their homeworld is very similar to the Earth atmosphere, thus they can breathe here without great difficulty. They wear close fitted filter-dress, which offers protection for them in some ways.Meier Could you print me or take for me a picture of the Zeta Reticulan intelligences, if that can be arranged?Semjase I could produce a drawing for you if you want.Meier This would be nice. Could you produce at least one picture from the breast up of one of these intelligences, and perhaps too, a drawing of their spaceships?Semjase I could do so, but I don't have paper and writing equipment.Meier Of that I can give you something. Here, a pencil, and here there is some colored ballpoint pens, and here is an eraser, and - a moment, yes here, is this enough paper?Semjase Surely: I will bring these drawings to you at the next contact.Meier Well, but now it would still interest me, whether from the mentioned intelligences there is anything to fear?Semjase They are peaceful humanoidsMeier Is that all?Semjase There is nothing more to tell about them.Meier As you like. Then from the side of the Earth there is nothing of importance in their mission; this is what I get from your words?Semjase Surely, so it is.Meier Today you are very narrow in words. Each word I have to buy from you.Semjase I try not to explain more than is admitted for me. You often have a manner of putting questions that unintended to explain more than I am allowed. So I must be cautious.Meier I will no more put you in troubles - at least not with those Zeta-Reticuli human beings, which they are, or...?Semjase Surely, they are different only in their size and color of skin.Meier Well then something else: We are now concerned with a start with respect to the lectures.Semjase That is known to us, and we are also very much pleased that now you all care so much for that. We will be helpful to you in these matters as far as possible, while we give impulses to certain persons to get in contact with you. By that will further some groups announce themselves to you and join you. Some very important contacts should find their beginnings this way as well.Meier What do you mean by that?Semjase What I just explained. In the course of time, important contacts for you will come to pass.Meier What kind of contacts?Semjase We hope that we can lead UFO contactees to your group.Meier Astonishing! Real contactees?Semjase Surely."SourceMessage From the Pleiades Volume 2, Pages 31-35Retrieved from "http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_037"Category: Contact ReportsViewsPageDiscussionView sourceHistoryPersonal toolsLog in / create accountsiteMain Page Billy Meier

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  • Hello Marique,

    It is a good thing that you have voiced your feelings regarding your abduction experiences - and regarding others reactions to it. I did some work with abductees on earth, and we found that talking about what happened and sharing experiences helped a lot. You just have to ignore the judgements, because unfortunately, there is a lot of that going around on earth.

    Regarding Billy Meier...you have to remember he is to all intents and purposes - human, and therefore is subject to being controlled by his own ego at times. Mainly he attempted to keep the transcripts verbatim, quoting only what was said, but he could not help but influence some of the material slightly at times. Also there have at times been others who have tampered with the transcripts - some of them were stolen - and these have been altered to reflect certain points of view. That is the trouble when you get information being passed hand to hand and through different filter systems, and people with their own private agendas. Billy is a very simple person in his perspective, and somewhat naive in my opinion. He did not protect and secure the material as well as perhaps he might. You've also got to remember that Semjase could not tell Billy everything, only as much as he was capable of understanding. And at the time, the then Association of Worlds (IPC, GFL) had not established the later, more refined manner of contact with earth-based contactees. Essentially, mistakes have been made along the way that were learning experiences for all.

    The same situation is true of many earth channels and communicators...as I have said before on this site. Information comes through their filter system, and is sometimes coloured by their own beliefs, desires and opinions. It is also difficult to transmit information that for which the channel has no concept. If the channel does not understand the concepts themselves, they can put a spin on it which distorts the information. That is all I'll say with regard to all the channelled material that is quoted here.

    I must also point out - once again- that there is a difference between 'Zetas' and 'Adonians' (also referred to here as 'Greys'). Adonians are distant - modified - cousins of the Zeta. The Zeta Reticuli agenda regarding earth is NOT the same as the Adonians - who are the ones who desire to save their dying populace by introducing new, modified DNA - some of which they have been obtaining from humans. The Adonians, or Greys, are NOT members of the Interplanetary Peace Council (GFL) and thus do not obey their laws. They are what would be termed 'renegades'.

    In saying that, there have been times in the past when some representatives of the Zeta civilization have been involved in scientific research around earth, and they have taken people from earth aboard their ships - until they were strongly advised by the Interplanetary Peace Council (you would call it GFL) intervened, and told them if they wished to remain members of the IPC, they would have to cease taking earth humans aboard and removing their memories of the experience, because the memories were surfacing from the subconscious and causing much distress. The Zetas complied, and have been very careful not to break that agreement.

    Adonians or Greys are not the kind of people you really want to cross paths with. They, unlike the Zetas, have had emotionality bred out of them (originally they were genetically created to be soldiers) and thus are incapable of emotions. Zetas are capable of emotions, but are not given to extremes like humans, or similar races. They would appear quite 'cool and detached', or at least, all those I've met have been. Mentally, they are extremely powerful, and they live as a group-mind consciousness. The Adonians are group mind too, but their mind power is much less.

    I'll tell you something else about Adonians too - they are weak psychically and also very puny physically. If a person from earth truly wanted to defy them, or harm them, it would be easy to do so. That is why when they abduct, they totally paralyze their victims. If you had a really strong will, and you were determined NOT to allow them to interfere with you, you could put up psychic and mental blocks that would stop them from doing anything.

    I had personal contact with a group of renegade Adonians when I discovered they were trying to take me prisoner and hold me to ransom off-world. They were going to use me as a bargaining chip to manipulate the IPC (GFL). I was a target because of my family connections, and because of the fact that I work as a communicator on earth. They'd tried little mind-control tricks on me (like trying to make me put my hand in a fire...things like that) At first I was alarmed, and began to go into fear about it. My family got extra security for me etcetera. But then I thought "what the hell? Why should I play their game?". When I got really angry, and determined not to be vulnerable to them, they left me alone. Could have been the extra security that put them off too!.

    I've since had a bit of contact with Zeta people also, and though I find them a bit clinical for my tastes, they certainly had a nicer energy than the Adonians.

    Adonians choose their abductees based purely on that person's genetic make-up, and various points of interest such as how that person deals with fear or adversity. They cannot adapt to survival situations because they do not have the capacity to experience something emotionally and make decisions based on their responses. It's quite rare for them to target starseeds, or people who are strong in their power and beliefs. When there are points of vulnerability in the person (such as fears) they will use those to target them and manipulate. In other words, they will detect and use the weaknesses. Once a person grows to the point where they come out of victimhood, and no longer believe themselves vulnerable to 'attack', then they don't attract the abduction experiences any more.

    I have seen and heard of a lot of 'finger pointing' going on on earth at the moment. It seems someone always has to be blamed for what is happening. i.e.: "Zetas do this" or "why didn't the Pleiadians do such-and-such"?. Creating a 'them' and 'us' mentality is precisely why humanity is at each others' throats for the most part. The lack of unity is a major problem for earth, and is one of the main reasons other more peaceful civilizations decided to contact earth humans through spiritual means for the time being.

    Oh, and by the way Napa - Billy is NOT the only physical contactee with full awareness of Pleiadians ;) And, as I understand it, Nancy is not the only one for the Zetas either. It is just that some of the contactees do not choose to make their contacts public.
  • Marique,

    Here's an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak's book 'Path of Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos':

    'The more you choose the staple of spiritual power, the greater your contribution is toward stabilizing the planet.. The purpose of your intersection with your reality is to direct you toward your own internal power, a force that has been overshadowed, ignored, distrusted, imprisoned, and even faulted for being evil. Your inner power exists as an inalienable right of consciousness; it is a tool for living and affecting the world you encounter. Any spiritual awakening is challenging because a reinterpretation of reality is always involved. You must summon your courage in order to emerge from denial, for only then will you know and realize how inner-connected you are. As you take charge of your life energies, consider the following proclamation with great care, for these words exemplify the concept of conditioning your life with an attitude of cultivated trust:
    "I am a creator. I am here to create a safe and bountiful life. By vibration and frequency, I choose to be healthy, productive, and wise. I have great gratitude for my abilities to recognize that thoughts produce frequencies, and I can create a frequency that supports the safe, probable world I live in by directing my energy toward what I want to experience. I walk through life with clear, conscious intent to weave my energy, like a gossamer thread in a large and beautiful tapestry, throughout the world I encounter. I fully realize that a multitude of probabilities and belief systems exist side by side with mine. And in mine I am safe. In mine I am guided. In mine I love and trust my body. In mine I know my cells are precognitive and that I am a co-creator of the multiverse. I know I am a valuable being. I know that I will receive the impulses, the signs and signals and guidance that I require to always be in the right place at the right time, for my highest good and that of all those around me. All this I know, and for this I am most grateful."
    By availing yourself of a greater sense of personal power, you will discover the exalted state of all power, which is the power to heal...'

    According to several channelings I'm aware of, the Pleiadians' advice to us humans is to 'always find joy in our earthly existence', i.e. Let's all enjoy ourselves while we're here.

  • Amen to that OOTB. If I had known that I had CHOSEN or agreed at soul level the lifetime of confusion and trauma I went through on many levels due to the zeta's intrusions into my life, I guess I would have definitely not had to struggle so much just to keep sanity, (and before anyone says it, yes I AM sane still) lol. It would have been more like giving birth, something that you know AHEAD of time is going to hurt like hell but you get over it because you have this special wonderful child to love after and you forget all the pain after and get over it quickly. But with the abductions, I had no idea what was happening to me, whether they were going to kill me or mame me, whether the thing they put in my head (that to this day causes me violent seizures) was a control device, and did not have a clue WHAT they were, where they came from, and why they kept picking on me and when I would be taken again. Physical things were done to me that has left my spine a complete mess, which required many spine surgeries and painful recoveries and now my spine is held together with plastic and wires from countless reconstructive surgeries just so I can use my hand and arm (which was paralyzed after one of my abductions) and to be able to walk again. The fear was almost shattering for me, keeping the secret of it and the shame from it was unbearable; because when I did talk about my experiences nobody believed me except my family (who knew it was happening because I would disappear and reappear hours later in a terrible state of shock and pain). people in general shunned me as a crazy lady when I tried to talk about it and get help against it, laughed at me and called me names, told me to just get over it, told me I was just dreaming and having nightmares.......and so I began to withdraw from people and went into a self made prison for a long time and did not let anyone get close to me, and ran away from love because I thought no one could love me becasuse of it all. I was a very very lonely human.

    I uprooted my children moved from town to town, changed my name constantly thinking the government was somehow involved in all this and that I could somehow hide, but no matter where I ran, they still found me and took me. This went on for years. Then as my kids got older there was not a day that I did not live in fear that they would start taking my children too, which petrified me. My kids never slept well at night fearing my being taken away from them, (when they were really little I disappeared for four hours leaving them all alone in the house and when I came back they were cowering in the corner crying their eyes out because Mama had left them all alone). Does anyone understand how that felt? And my children had fears of abandonment for so long and nightmares about being taken themsleves. Not a wholesome way to live for any of us, we all are scarred.

    The zetas say that I (an abductee) has agreed to all this at the soul level. How to hell do we know that that is true? I guess it must be because I have always felt that you choose your life script before you are born, but it would have been nice if they could have showed me a signed affidavit signed by myself saying, I Marique, wish to experience being a lab rat for genetic experiments that will leave me paralyzed and crippled, that I agree to making alien halfbreed babies that will be taken away from me that may or may not live, and that I am not allowed to bond with or take home with me to love and that these hybrids formed in MY womb must have a dreadfully lonely life living with a race of emotionless guardians who have no idea how to love a child and nurture them. If I had been shown or proven to me that I agreed to that......No, I am still not sure it would have made a difference to me because I find it almost impossible to believe I chose this. It is time for me to heal but it is hard for me to be proud that I helped them in their plans. I am sure that makes me a bad person in peoples eyes, but it is how I feel. Maybe some day I will be as they are, without feelings and emotions, and then it will be easier to understand. I guess it is my job now to work through it all. I am trying. It is so easy for people who have not experienced all this to say it is all for the good and just don't think about it. Not as easy to do.

    I am sorry for the ramble but soemtimes it helps to say how I feel, right or wrong, uplifiting or not. I feel safe here to do so, the rocks thrown at me are not as large as some I have ducked.
    • I believe in you Marique,strange as it may seem,your story,but thats why you are here, to tell your story! You have the courage to tell It and let others judge It.damn stinkin computers,they always get the human emotions involved!
      • Thank you for sharing of yourself with us. You are a wonderful person and add so much to this forum. I am so glad to meet you, it has helped me so much. I, like yourself, always was looking for the skys and feeling I did not belong here. The energies here never seemed right or natural to me. I could never understand hate or violence or people not getting along...It seemed so wrong to me. I have always felt drawn to the Arcturians and if I were to pick where a lot of my heritage lies I would say it is with them. Just my feeling, and the more I read up on species the more I am strongly feeling a kinship with them.

        I agree with what you said about the Zetas should use different tactics for sure. I do feel great empathy for the Zetas as a species though and do not hate them. To me NOT having emotions is such a tragedy, and the fact they know we humans have them and the Zetas want that for themselves means they know something is alack in themselves. Maybe if they could come to people and ask them nicely, would you help us with this on a (conscious level), and give a person the CHOICE, they would have far better results for the people helping them. Survival instinct seems to be a universal thing so I do not blame them for wanting to do the scientific studying and trying to perpetuate their race, but there has to be a more humane way to go about it. They are like little kids at the sandbox that are bullies, they see something they want and just take it away with not so much as a please and thank you. They have so much to learn, but humans too have so much to learn too, so I guess I can't judge them as a species, just their methods. They do make people feel like lab rats...When they snapped my vertibraes it would have been nice if they would have healed me after. I know they did not mean to, I just put up too much of a struggle and got violent toward them, and they could not wait to dump me off back at my house. They do not understand violence toward them and they are very leary of us because we are larger with much more strength. I am glad it is all over for me. They have not taken me since I got older because I no longer serve a purpose for them that I know of. Used and discarded thank goodness for me. (KNOCKING ON WOOD HERE, HAVE NOT HAD MUCH TROUBLE WITH THEM LATELY....). Now I am off to read the Visitor Within.
  • Being a dick! ^_^
    • Are you talking about the Tick?
      • Okay ,I thought you were talking about me,at the end of the day, we are all sinners,lets get a good laugh at it all!....................................................................................................................
      • No.

        The old soul is being a dick..

        Why do you assume that I am completely fucked in the head?
      • Tickety Tickety Tock,the mouse ran up the clock,Tickety Tickety Tock,the mouse could not stop,till it ran to the top of the clock! Tickety Tickety Tock!
This reply was deleted.

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