Just want to let everyone know that I got all of this information from her
http://www.angelhealingandteaching.com/,I think that everyone should first read lessons before doing first meditation,if you do these meditations you will be able to kill demons so that they won't be able to get in other people.In the next meditation you will learn abut dimensions and how to clear them.


In the beginning, our spiritual bodies were all created equal and lived in oneness in Heaven. Your spiritual body resides within the physical body, and I'm going to teach you how everything that affects your physical body starts within the spiritual body first. All physical, mental, and emotional illness, and all negative thoughts and actions were all created by demons and dark energies. They attack our spiritual bodies first, which then causes damage to our physical body with the illness. I'll show you how you can learn to remove all demons and dark energies from your spiritual body, and the illness in the physical dimension will go away. The physical mind can only comprehend what you are taught. Your spiritual body can comprehend everything in the entire universe. Once you awaken your spiritual body, all the knowledge of Heaven will be released and you'll be able to comprehend and see everything going on in the spiritual world around us. I will also teach you how to communicate with God, Angels, and Hierarchy; not just praying to them, but actually seeing them, hearing them, and talking with them. In many ancient religious texts it shows that God and Angels communicated directly with Noah and many others, and it is possible. Over time, most religions have stopped teaching these secrets and teach us that it isn't possible because the minds of man have been controlled by demons for so long. They eventually quit believing in it, and started teaching people that if they could do these things they were sinners. All ancient texts and artwork show repeatedly that it is possible to communicate with them, to receive spiritual gifts, to heal people, and to remove demons, dark energies, and wicked spirits. At birth our soul already has all the knowledge and abilities locked up in it, as part of the spiritual body. The spirit is there to protect the soul and it's knowledge from demon attacks. People like my soul-mate, Gary, who have these abilities from birth are born with their soul already unlocked. Those are the ones chosen to be psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, etc. We all have these same abilities, but it has to be unlocked.

ANGELS / Lesson 2
Angels do really exist. Angels are beings of light created by God from his energy to help protect Heaven and all God planets from demons and dark energies. They also help guide souls to enlightenment. They can reproduce, but not like us. When there is a need, they can remove part of their energy field, ask God for permission, and then the new Angel is formed instantly. For every being on every God planet throughout creation there are thousands of Angels watching over them. (Q): How big is Creation? (A)God: No one would ever be able to conceive in their mind the size of Creation. Angels are not born into human form or male or female. They appear to us in whatever form we find most comfortable. Angels can cross over to the physical dimension. Their angelic body is what they present themselves to us in. When they need to come to earth without drawing attention, they take on a human form. They come here only when necessary, and in either form at times, which is why there are sightings. The groups: Arch Angels, Warrior Angels, and Helper Angels. Arch Angels are the most powerful and have all of God's abilities and power. They control all the armies of Heaven, protect Heaven and all God planets, are always ready to attack demons and dark energies, and only answer to God. Warrior Angel. Peacekeeper Angels try to keep peace between Heaven and demons in the universe. Their job is to go out to where demons are attacking, they arrive first, and give warning not to interfere with the light beings there. If the demons don't comply, they inform the Arch Angels. We all need to be aware that there is a continuous battle for earth. The demons want to keep us all darkened down and possessed, while God wants us all to become awakened to the light beings they are meant to be. There will only be one winner, demons or light beings (you). Helper Angels help keep Heaven running. they take care of souls after they die, help us through transition, they meet them at the Gate and show them around, and Guardian Angels also are from this group. Guardian angels help guide us to enlightenment, and help us achieve our dreams and goals while here.

Demons / Lesson 3
Different religions from all over the world believe that demons exist, but they're not teaching people how to get rid of them. Society over time has programmed people into thinking that only certain members of the church were able to do this. Everyone has the power within themselves to remove and banish the demons and dark energies from themselves and others. Once you have awakened the spiritual body within the power is released.
Quotes: "When Jesus saw the crowd growing he rebuked the demon 'O Demon of Deafness and Dumbness,' he said 'I command you to come out of this child and enter him no more." Mark 9:25
"Then a demon-possessed man---he was both blind and unable to talk---was brought to Jesus, and Jesus healed him so that he could both speak and see." Matthew 12:22

God said, "Many people don't want to hear about demons because they are scared or in denial that they exist." I'll show you how demons affect us in every part of our lives. Denying that they exist will only ensure that they continue to wreck havoc in your life and keep you from your dreams. They will keep you darkened down and have victory by keeping people from becoming awakened. Angels were made in God's likeness and given free will to obey the laws of Heaven. Some of them eventually grew tired of the laws and challenged him. They were cast out of Heaven not to be in his graces ever again. They are doomed to exist in the spiritual dimensions between Heaven and the other enlightened planets. The exiled Angels are demons. Once exiled they began to wreck havoc on enlightened planets trying to block Heaven's energy from reaching the beings there. They managed to totally extinguish the light on some planets and dim the light on others. Earth is one of the dim ones, but we are going through a spiritual awakening and we can all learn how to fight back. Because they didn't have any laws to follow, they managed to cause a lot of trouble and control the minds and bodies of man.

They realized quickly that they could reproduce. They do this the same way as Angels, removing part of their energy field and taking it to the head demon. They reproduced not just for need, but for the heck of it, and soon outnumbered the Angels. At first, they had the same powers as the Angels, but when they kept reproducing, they became weaker. Reproducing on Earth caused their offspring to become weaker and stupider. The further out the offspring from the original source, the weaker it became and took on more demon-like features. that's why some demons are stronger than others. Every man, woman, and child on the planet has demons. All you have to do to have them is be human and live on earth. If someone thinks they don't have demons affecting some area of their life, they're wrong. Demons have affected the minds of man for so long, and while they were writing spiritual doctrines, so that is why these secrets were not written into many of them. The demons don't want us to know that we have the ability to get rid of them. God said, "I gave everyone free will to decide what they want to believe or not believe. By not fighting against the demons, you're joining their side by default." EVERY physical, mental, and emotional illness was created by demons and dark energies. We learn how to kill demons by learning how to meditate, let God's light in, and receive spiritual gifts. being so outnumbered, the Angels need as many of us as possible to fight with them, or the demons will win. Demons come in all shapes and sizes. Some are several feet tall and stand behind you, and some are microscopic like the cancer cells. Some are even bigger than the planet. They create all negative emotions, all anger and hatred, all war. They can cause depression, cause you to commit suicide, or physical illness that eat away at you like cancer. Angels are full of light; demons are full of darkness.

Christ had taught his disciples how to remove demons and heal people, but they were looked down on back then for their abilities. Look at what they did to Jesus. The demons controlled the minds of men making them not believe in him, so they killed him. Some people are more tormented with them than other people. I've come to realize that the most possessed people are the brightest lights. They are very gifted people who were born with their spiritual bodies already awakened. They have a lot of God energy in them and the demons realize this and that those people would be able to kill them, so they attack them more.

The Present-Moment Demon causes you to obsessively think about the past and the future; you worry about the future; you think about what you should have done or could have done in the past, but obsessively. You go somewhere and feel you should be somewhere else. You're with someone and feel you should be with someone else. This one looks like 2 demons stuck back-to-back; one pulling your thoughts one way, the other pulling them the other way.
The Scared Demon makes you feel scared when there is no apparent reason for you to be scared. He looks like a demon huddles in a corner shaking and trembling so fast it's like a blur.
The Confusion Demon causes you to have trouble making decisions. What to cook, what job to take, what car to buy...keeps you confused. It looks like a demon with heads all over it looking different ways.
The Jealousy Demon causes you to have jealousy over others, envy, or greed over them or their possessions. He has horns and a pot-belly and whispers to your mind that you should want what they have. Then he goes to the other person and tells them something. They can cause such jealous rages that people can hurt themselves or others. We also call those Psycho-demons. This demon will taunt you and tease you and pound you in the chest.
The Communication Demon makes it hard to talk to someone; can't express your feelings.
This demon will make you feel restricted around your throat when you need to speak up. He looks like a demon holding a rope with a spiked dog collar around your throat pulling it tight. They travel in groups of 2 or more
Sleepy Demon: This demon will cause you to become very sleepy for no reason while working, driving the car, during class, or anytime. You keep trying to stay awake, but just can't seem to. They will literally try to cause you to have an accident when driving. This demon stands next to you in the spiritual dimensions and blows sleepy dust in your face. The dust is a grey color and when blown into your face creates heaviness within your whole body, especially the eyelids.

Depression Demon: Here's another one that is very prevalent in our world. According to the World Health Org. ,121 million people suffer from depression
worldwide. Some take 2, 3, or 4 anti-depressants a day just to try to feel better. If the medical society would learn to treat it from a spiritual standpoint, many of these people would need no medications at all. If you want to feel better instantly, remove the demon causing the dark energy in your head.

Anger-Rage Demon: If you have a bad temper or lose control for no apparent reason, you have one of these. I don't mean over things that could anger anyone, like a stolen wallet. This demon will make you get mad over nonsense things---weather, too much traffic, your team loses, your spouse looks at you the wrong way. This demon will make you get angry over things you can't control. In the dimensions this demon will jump into your body totally possessing it and taking control. It will cause you to rage at someone or something, possibly even kill someone, and then jump back out leaving you with the mess it created. This is why people often say of people that committed murder that they always seemed very pleasant and friendly and it was completely out of nature for them. They have no idea what caused the person to do it. This demon is black in color and has large fangs, pointed ears, evil eyes, sometimes horns, and claw hands. It is very intelligent and will manipulate the person to create the perfect disaster. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are more susceptible to these demons.

Mutilation Demon: This demon gives you the urge to cut yourself. It will jump inside your body, gaining control of your central nervous system. It'll make you think that the most practical thing to do is slice your arms, legs, whatever. You may be fine and just going to the kitchen to get a drink and suddenly the demon will jump in and tell you to take out a knife and cut yourself. The it'll jump out and leave you with the bloody mess. Thid demon will actually make you think that it is a good idea or will make you look better to cut yourself. Once it's done, a depression demon may take over dragging you to a bottomless pit of depression or suicide.

Panic-Attack demon: This is a very common one as well. It's a very ugly demon in the spiritual dimensions that pounds and beats you in the chest causing you to freak out and panic in the physical dimension. People who are clinically diagnosed with Panic disorders have this demon in their spiritual body. When we get rid of a person's panic-attack demons, they will feel much warmth in their heads, or like their heart is on fire. That's because when you remove the demon, you allow God's light back into your body.

Suicide Demon: This is one of the most treacherous demons. Their goal is to take you out of the game, which will put you in one of the most horrible places there is: The Earthbound dimension. Suicide victims are hung in the last moment of death, reliving the last moments of death. When they take pills, we usually see them laying on a bathroom floor or somewhere holding their throat, as they couldn't breathe there at the end. Suicide is totally against all spiritual rules. They can't proceed to Heaven because they cut short their own spiritual learning process. The suicide demon will be embedded into your aura line and gain control of your central nervous system. They make you think: first, you'll turn on the T.V., then get a glass of water, then take your shoes off, then shoot yourself. Most people around them were not even aware they were thinking it. They weren't! 

This is just some of the main ones we see every day in the dimensions. The point for everyone is to realize that you have the ability within you to learn to see spiritually, to receive spiritual gifts to get rid of them with in yourself and everyone around you, and you don't have to live your life with the demons controlling it and keeping you from health and happiness. Anyone can learn. God gave every single one of us the ability to do these things. It only takes an open mind and the willingness to learn how.


Here's the next part to follow the Angels and demons discussions:

"Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant."
1 Corinthians 12:1 Bible

"I long to see you so that I may impart onto you some spiritual gifts to make you strong." Romans 1:11 Bible

"Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye made prophecy." 1 Corinthians 14:1 Bible

God has taught us about spiritual gifts and how important it is for all mankind to learn how to receive and use them. He said that getting spiritual gifts and using them used to be taught on Earth long ago, but was eventually lost and left out of texts due to demons possessing the minds of man. What is a spiritual gift? A spiritual gift is a gift from Heaven given to spiritually enlightened beings so they can protect themselves and others from demons and dark energies. They may appear as a staff, sword, harp, dagger, book, robe, shield, heart, crown, scroll, or many others. There are thousands of gifts customized for use in every part of your life. Each and every gift is custom-made for the person receiving it. Each gift you receive will enable you to get rid of demons and dark energies and help in some aspect of life. When you receive a gift, just ask me what it is for and I will tell you what it's for and how to use it.

Swords: swords are used for killing demons. You can use the sword to clear away demons in yourself, others, and in your dimensions. Daggers: daggers are for cutting away dark energies that are affecting you in the spiritual dimensions. Harp: When you play the harp you will find that you start to giggle--a harp is for joy and laughter. Crowns: A crown is given each time you advance to a higher level of spiritual awareness. The more you understand about spirituality, the more God will teach you. The more he teaches you, the more crowns you'll receive. Staffs: Staffs are different. Some are gold, some silver, some wood, some have jewels on the blade or on the handle, and all have different functions. Staffs with jewels often mean you have special gifts maybe of healing, maybe insight, maybe something else. A wooden staff with a crook in it is a shepherds staff and indicates leading your flock. When I received my wooden one, I figured it was to lead my children; shortly after I became a Teacher and realized I have a much bigger flock to lead than I thought. Everyone usually gets a golden staff originally for clearing themselves with. You touch the staff to your head and pass it through your body spiritually to get rid of any demons or dark energies. You may then feel warmth and feel lighter. Any gift that you receive, you will know that you have a need for it. Some gifts indicate higher spiritual knowledge like a crown, book, or scroll. When you receive a book or scroll, open it and read from it. Once you receive your gift/gifts it is forever your to keep and use whenever you need it. Once you use it, you must store it inside your chest. Just touch your hand to your chest in the physical dimension and the gift will automatically be stored inside. When you do this, your chest may feel warm because you are letting in a piece of God inside you. When you need a gift, just touch your hand to your chest and pull out your gift. Always return it after using it.

"Once you have received your gift from God, neglect not the gift that is in thee." 1 Tim 4:14 The Zohar

"Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee....for God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:6, 7 The Zohar

As soon as you receive your gifts, start using them right away to help yourself and others. The staff is a gift of healing. You can use your staff on someone else the same way. Just tap them on the head and pass it through them and it will get rid of any demons. Every person on the Earth is capable of receiving gifts, and all are capable of healing themselves and others. We are actually all Healers! How cool is that!! The reason is that we are all made of light. Remove the darkness from anyone and the light can come in and they will be healed. There is a very important rule about healing, though: The person being healed must truly want to be healed, and the person doing the healing must truly want to heal that person or no healing will ever take place.

New International Version (NIV)

First Corinthians 12 (New International Version)

"Spiritual Gifts"

1 Now about spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant...
4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.
5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

8 To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,

9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,

10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b]

11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines...

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"
24 ... But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,
25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.
26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Mark 16

17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.
20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

You'll want to read through this several times until you feel you can remember it.
Find a comfortable place to sit. Don't lie down as you may fall asleep. I usually start with the "OM" sound, saying it out loud a few times. When humming that, you'll feel warmth, as it's a very spiritual syllable. It raises your vibration. Now imagine yourself surrounded by white feathers. Relax and feel all the tension in your body being released into the feathers until you feel like your floating. Now see a beautiful ocean with waves rushing up onto the pristine, white sandy beach. See yourself standing on the beach with the warm sand between your toes. Look up and see a beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds passing by. Just relax and enjoy the ocean for a moment. Now see the blue sky turning into a golden sky. See the sky open up and a bright light shining down all around you from your head to your feet. Now see the light going in through the top of your head, going all the way down, and filling your body up with light like a bathtub, until you glow. Now see yourself floating up through the air and into the light. Now that you're in the light, look down and see that you're standing on a golden floor. Look around and see a big room with golden walls. See someone standing in the distance ahead of you. Keep walking closer until you reach him. You may see a being of bright light, or an older gentleman with white hair, beard, and robes. You are now standing before God. You'll see him lay his hands on your head and feel warm, golden energy flowing into your body. He has just awakened your spiritual body. Now introduce yourself and he may say hello or have a message for you. Ask him for your spiritual gift or gifts. Whatever he hands you, reach up with your physical hand and take it. You will likely feel warmth and tingling on your fingertips. Ask him what the gifts are for, and then put them to your chest. They will automatically go inside your chest for safe-keeping. Whatever he tells you, you are now hearing with your spiritual ears. You will now be able to see spiritually.You may get a staff, sword, harp, book, dagger, crown, robe, slippers, or something else. Everyone gets a staff because you need it to kill demons with. Now take your staff and pass it through your body to your feet and back up. This clears away demons and dark energies. Put it away. When you want a gift, just put your hand to your chest and it will appear there. Now thank him for the gifts. Now you can ask him any questions you have or ask for guidance in your life. Whatever answer you hear is the right answer. It will sound like the voice inside your head. When you're done, thank him and the Angels for their time and patience. Most important, when you're done don't keep going over it, analyzing it, and thinking that it didn't happen. It did! Keep a journal of your gifts as they will get so numerous you'll forget what you have. Make sure to meditate every day for 15-20 minutes and clear yourself with your staff.

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  • Newsflash: Demons aren't real.

  • Let's see:  I've got the depression demon, the anger/rage demon, and the suicide demon - NOT GOOD.

    • If you do meditation that is at the end of this discussion you will be able to remove these demons from yourself.
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