by Trish LeSageguest writer for In5D.comSooner or later, once a person is on the path of ascension long enough, they may become a vegetarian. This happens naturally, and the person may experience the following:The person may not desire meat at all anymore. Since meat is a lower vibrational food, the body does not feel like it needs it anymore neither. When a person's energy vibration increases throughout the process of ascension, they may instead find themselves craving higher vibrational foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.In addition, a person who is far enough along the path of ascension may also begin to experience digestive problems when consuming meat. They may feel nauseated, have heartburn or acid reflux, aching and pains in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, etc.A person who has proceeded far enough along the path of ascension eventually feels at one with not only humanity but with the entire animal kingdom and all of nature. Animals are loved and respected as intelligent beings and as their sisters and brothers. As a result of this, the person may experience emotional issues while consuming meat. For example, they may feel a strong wave of sadness or even be brought to tears while consuming meat. The thought of consuming a being that was once alive and then killed for consumption becomes difficult to bear. Compassion for the animal that is being consumed may also be experienced.Eventually the whole concept of a reality system having been created in which humans and animals need to kill one another in order to survive may begin to bother a person who is far along the path of ascension. The whole system of violence and brutality of the 3rd dimension Earth becomes harder and harder to bare. Wanting to live in a place that is in a high enough dimension in which society does not kill others in order to survive may become a strong desire. This should come as no surprise, as it has been said that in the higher dimensions beings consume pure energy or light rather than food. Similar to this would be the 3rd dimension Earth equivalent of getting enough exposure to sunlight in order for the human body to contain enough Vitamin D.Therefore, if you are on the path of ascension, and all of the sudden, you find yourself not desiring meat anymore, you now understand why. Our energy vibration is increasing, and we eventually do not need to consume the lower vibrational foods any longer. We begin to crave foods that are more in alignment with our increasing energy vibration.About The Author:Trish LeSage is a best selling author on Amazon and is a writer of magazine articles on Metaphysics, self-empowerment, spiritual awakening, ascension, and body-mind-spirit topics. She is the author of four books: "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond", "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology ", and "How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness". More information about her work is available on her website at

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  • I've been vegan 6 years and was forced to make the switch because of the Ascension.  I've learned a lot about the movement over the year and reasons why people choose veganism.  Despite what I've learned, I don't think eating animals is wrong nor is it right.  It simply is.  What we need to remember is that as long as we're in corporeal form, we are not above the system but a part of it.  Life consumes life, and in some cases, life has a symbiotic relationship with life.  I also recently realized that those of us who are vegan aren't truly vegan.  There are foods we eat that wouldn't exist if it weren't for bees.  If we eat vegan yogurt, it's not truly vegan because of the probiotics in them, which is a form of life.  I think we all need to accept where each person is on their path and not try to dictate to others what they should be eating.  But I do think we should do everything we can to stop factory farming.  The practice is inhumane to animals, harmful to people and planet.

  • Total Environmental Impact of Three Main Dietary Patterns in Relation to the Content of Animal and Plant Food

    Luciana Baroni 1,†emailMarina Berati 2,†emailMaurizio Candilera 3,†email and Massimo Tettamanti 2,†,email
    Received: 4 April 2014; in revised form: 9 June 2014 / Accepted: 14 July 2014 / Published: 25 July 2014
    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
    Abstract: Based on a review of the most recent available scientific evidence, the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 (USDA DG) provide information and advice for choosing a healthy diet. To compare the environmental impacts of, respectively, omnivorous (OMN), lacto-ovo-vegetarian (LOV) and vegan (VEG) dietary patterns as suggested in the USDA DG, we analyzed the three patterns by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The presence of animal food in the diet was the main determinant of environmental impact. The major impact always stemmed from land and water use. The second largest impact came from energy use. Emission of toxic inorganic compounds into the atmosphere was the third cause of impact. Climate change and acidification/eutrophication represented other substantial impacts.
    Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Dietary Guidelines; environmental impact
  • ........................i prefer veggies and fruit...................

    • I prefer non-GMO.

      • Yep.

    • ...I Prefer Vegetables + Fruit Too......But Whatever....We All Choose For Ourselves....So Be It.....<3 ...:)...

  • Everyone who does not absorb energy directly from the sun to live on, is a murderer. ;)

    • Too much sunlight develops a tendency for the formation of cataracts in the eyes, and eventual blindness if such exposure doesn't stop. Hence if you develop blindness from all that sunlight, you can't murder anyone. WOW! There is a logic to the writings of Acute Observer afterall!!  

      • Malcolm, that is possibly the most stupid thing I've heard you say on this site. ;)

        Read up on Sungazing to find out why all that you said above is totally stupid and ridiculous to post in a community like this one. ;)

        • Look at my post above and see what the number one cause of cataracts is. 

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