UPDATE: OK, I changed the wording of the title of this thread because I guess you could technically say Christian Willams, The Hooded Man, is not "lying" in his depiction of the events. He's just leaving out any and all info about his involvement with Jeff Bauman, which seems INCREDIBLY suspicious. He's depicting himself as a dazed, helpless victim when, in fact, you can clearly see in the photos, a man working quickly and diligently at a highly-focused task with Bauman's legs, just seconds after the bomb went off.
Many of you saw my previous message detailing the highly suspicious activities that were caught on camera between a mysterious Hooded Man and double-amputee Boston Marathon bombing "victim" Jeff Bauman. Here's that discussion in case you missed it: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/new-photo-video-analysis-clearly-shows-agent-attaching-prosthetic
Well, there's a new layer of absurdity to this story and you're not going to believe it. First off, let me just add a bit to further clarify the incident that was caught on camera. If you go to this site, you'll find all the photo evidence: http://imgur.com/a/9MPLT
On that site, some of the frames are presented out of order but all the evidence is right there, plain as day. Of particular interest are these six sequential frames which I've re-arranged in the proper order:
Someone made a nice animated gif of this sequence here (right-click the gif below and open it up in a new tab to see the animation play):
In these photos, you can clearly see the Hooded Man touching Bauman's right leg, which at first appears normal and flesh-colored. You then see the Hooded Man is either handed something by the black woman with the red shirt or pulls something from behind his neck with his left hand. It looks like a black strap of some sort. He is then seen slipping this strap over Bauman's right leg stump, immediately changing its appearance. From the strap down, the right leg is now darker in color, looks shinier and differently shaped than before. In later photos you can see this strap has been pulled further down (or up, depending on how you look at it) Bauman's leg.
It is my belief that this black strap is part of a fake prosthesis the Hooded Man attached to Bauman's right leg with his other hand, simulating a freshly injured leg from the blast. The same thing was done to Bauman's left leg but it was hidden from view by two other crisis actors: the black lady with the red shirt and the blonde lady behind her, both sandwiching Bauman's legs in an attempt to hide what the Hooded Man was doing. In fact, I propose that Bauman was already missing his legs from a previous incident long before the bombing and was used as a crisis actor in this blatant false flag attack.
OK, on to the next part of the story. Check this out... The Hooded Man has been identified! His name is Christian Williams. Look at this story about him and prepare for your head to spin: http://www.gofundme.com/ChristianCarolineFund
In the article, there's absolutely no mention of his involvement with Bauman. In fact, take a look at this bombshell of a quote:
"After speaking with Christian about his ordeal, he remembers quite vividly that a Boston Marathon runner who is also a surgeon, came to his rescue. He remembers the man was able to get people to help him apply tourniquet to each of his legs, he hollered out "if we can get this guy out on the next transport he has a chance, otherwise he's going to die".
That's when he realized how serious his injuries were. He remembers the man taking two belts and putting a tourniquet on each leg so he wouldn’t bleed to death."
WTF??? Does he also "vividly remember" applying a tourniquet to JEFF BAUMAN'S leg? Because he was clearly CAUGHT ON CAMERA doing either that or "something else" to his legs! Please explain yourself, Mr. Williams! According to you, this whole ordeal that was CAUGHT ON CAMERA never happened!
When I look at these photos, I see Williams, cool as a cucumber, immediately going to work on Bauman's legs before the smoke has even cleared. He's very focused and intimately involved with Bauman, touching his legs and clearly seen slipping something over at least one of them. What, he doesn't remember doing this? He has post-traumatic amnesia of his own "heroism?" It was actually WILLIAMS HIMSELF who had tourniquets applied to HIS legs? Again, WTF??? Why isn't this outrageous discrepancy between the photos and Williams' story being talked about everywhere?! Will someone ever show him these photos and ask him WTF he was doing to Bauman? I feel like I'm stuck in The Twilight Zone here! This story is getting more and more absurd every day!
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Hi Thalamus,
I’m of the opinion as is he, that this was indeed a real bombing of innocent people, I do not intend to continue with any further dialogue, however as my friend addressed some of the issues in his first statement, and because you stated that ‘your response’ did not address certain aspects, I have again asked him to reply to your post with another in-depth statement.
Hello Thalamus,
You have some interesting questions, but none that cannot be resolved if you look at the pictures objectively and in a professional light. The problem is that some folks aren’t doing that, and are simply looking to ‘prove’ their ‘theory’ at any and all costs, which in so doing has the net effect of ensuring that they will only see what they want to see, whilst leaving out the inconvenient bits that don’t fit in with their ‘view’. As the saying goes ‘there’s none so blind as those that don’t want to see’
So, in this knowledge, let us look at the persons you talk about, but before we do, remember we are looking at, as you yourself say, seconds of time. This you can see in various different ways in the pictures, especially in the fact that if you look at them you will find that debris is still moving in the air and the way that smoke and the persons themselves are moving. You also have to bear in mind that the camera angle maybe fixed, whilst the events it is capturing are in movement, which throws in mixtures of light and shadow (and the human mind is exceptionally good at filling in gaps). These are all things that we have to take account of at accident scenes if photos have been taken – what you see and what really is can be two totally different things.
Now then, onto the hooded man, looking carefully at the picture where you can see a strap in his hand, you will also see that the end of the strap closest to the woman has a metallic looking ring at the end of it. This I would hazard a guess is the strap of a hand or shoulder bag. You see the strap again in the next frame across the woman’s lower body, he is staring down at her and she is grasping at his shoulder whilst being against him. It is definitely not being used as a tourniquet of any kind….that much is obvious, and in the time frame you are seeing it would not be possible to apply one without the camera at that angle capturing the actual actions.
And as to why he didn’t talk about doing it, the answer is simple – because he didn’t do it! Think about it for a moment. The man next to him had lost his legs, so the chances are that it had done a lot of damage to him as well (which, it seems, it had). Now, this was an explosion, so we have both smoke and noise, which causes loss of vision and hearing difficulties, combined with adrenaline and blood loss etc.
So the ‘evidence’ of any survivor has to be treated with caution (we do this in accidents, as the injured person may well be not be the best person to recall what happened, hence the stressing of the importance of the history of an incident).
Now, as the frames move on you see that the person who has lost his feet / legs rolls slightly and the stump actually comes over the woman’s head (not her shoulder). Some have seen the ‘lack of blood’ etc as being ‘evidence’ of them being prosthetics, but again a more objective view shows that the bone is white-ish (remember this is a moving object in the light), but the white is not totally white, but is of a reddish colour, totally consistent with having just been sheathed in muscle etc. (The woman is also seen on a stretcher with blood all over the same side as the man’s leg had been on, so some of that may well have come from that)
You will also see that the hooded man is looking away at this point, and only in the next frame does he look directly at the man’s injury (in frame 6 you will see he is actually looking directly down at the woman). Remember, this is a low trajectory explosive device, packed with shards of metal and ball bearings which would have exploded outwards with terrible force, and they would have acted much like scythes, slashing through flesh and bone in a fraction of a second and inflicting terrible injuries. This is akin to the kind of damage that grapeshot would have done when fired from cannons during the Napoleonic wars, and which was used to ‘sweep’ the deck of a warship clear of enemies before being boarded. If you care to look at some of the descriptions given in historical records of this at the time, you will find the same sort of injuries mentioned as you see in the pictures.
And in all of this, as I said before, we jump from frame 14 to 20, with nothing in between. Why? What was happening then? Perhaps things that would make it a trifle difficult to cry the word ‘fake’?
In the course of this I’ve also seen questions from some who ask why certain people weren’t moved, why that person was moved first etc. The simple and plain answer isn’t a conspiracy, as I detailed in my first answer it is a process known as triage (from the French, meaning ‘to sort’). This system works on the basis of dealing with survivable injuries first, and at times it might seem odd that a person is moved first, even though they don’t seem as injured as another, but in the field you have the practicalities of access to your patients to deal with, and also it can make the scene / patient easier to deal with e.g.;(such as say moving the clearly dead wife of a man in a car first before dealing with him – the man calms down and allows you to get on with the job as he thinks his wife is being attended to, making it easier to treat him)
Triage would also be done in line with what we (in this country) would call the ‘Major Incident Plan’ (other countries will call it by different names but the idea is the same). These plans are put into place if an incident occurs such as this bombing and have (again in this country) 3 levels of command (Gold, Silver and Bronze). The plan
incorporates the way that each rescue service will work with the others, how triage is to be performed, roles of personnel etc.
The rescuers who attended the scene would have been working to their MIP, and you will find that in the next few weeks that this plan will come under close scrutiny as the response of the emergency services will be evaluated and adjustments made where lessons have been learned or points raised with regard to how things might be done better. Emergency medicine is constantly evolving as our understanding of injury and the response of the body to it evolves.
I will also add that, as an trauma scene instructor, I have participated in literally hundreds of casualty simulation exercises, making up my willing ‘volunteers’ with all sorts of injuries from major to minor. To achieve all of this, and do it to a good standard, takes a long time, sometimes up to an hour of prep, especially if you are talking major incident.
It is not just a case of cutting some holes in clothing, squirting some stage blood on and ‘tally ho, that’ll do’. So I can tell you with experience and authority that for someone to think that this level of authenticity and use of prosthetics can be achieved in such a short space of time is quite honestly talking out of their hat! (I could say it another way, but the words wouldn’t be very polite…).
Further, with regard to the chap in the wheelchair, I don’t suppose it has ever crossed anyone’s mind that the EMT that is alongside him is an EMT B (Basic), and is therefore not allowed to cannulate / give fluids (this is the reserve of the EMT I (intermediate) and EMT P (Paramedic) – EMT B’s can assist but cannot carry out the procedure). Now, given that information (and that the chap is rather an obvious candidate for such therapy), then does it not make sense to get the chap to someone who can carry it out?
Therefore they have used the only thing to hand and have used the tourniquet to try and stop / lessen bleeding, as not only could this kill the patient you will find that if you try and cannulate a patient who is peripherally shutdown it can be almost impossible to get a line in – which is when you might have to resort to intraosseus procedures (infusing via the sternum), not easy and you need the right equipment to do it.
So, here’s a challenge to all those who still think that it was all faked. Get someone who is America, specifically in Boston, to go to the hospital and talk to these victims, and see the injuries for yourselves. Then, when you’ve done that, and you’ve seen it for real and you are proved beyond any doubt to be wrong, then you might all like to make a very public apology for all of the idiocy that has been written and hyped up about this incident.
The whole ‘fake’ thing falls into the category of ‘something I heard from my mate Dave down the pub’ (where Dave knows zip all about the subject but will try and impress everyone else with his ‘knowledge). In this case it is more ‘I got this off my mate who got it off the net, and it’s got to be right because it says it is’
And you might want to consider yourselves lucky that it wasn’t you there at the time. London and other UK cities have lived under the constant threat of bombing for decades, and many innocent people have died and been maimed as a result (look up the IRA Hyde Park and Regents Park bombings in 1982 and you will see what I mean).
Bombs don’t do fakery…they simply maim and kill, which they did here.
What I can’t understand is how you lot can’t accept that this happened and that these two brothers did it. After all, those who live in the US will have witnessed the Columbine massacre, 2 kids with firearms who killed and maimed without mercy, and those who live in Europe will recall the man who killed and maimed kids at a political rally in Sweden, and others will recall the IRA and the Admiral Duncan bombings.
Such things happen; all we can do is hope to learn from it.
Or we deny them...and live with the consequences.
End Quote.
@ Lightbeing
Sorry that you feel this way that you do , and we have a different view on what spirituality is.
This is a falsflag event for sure (IMHO) , just like 9/11, Sandyhook and many more events.
For me is true spirituality to help others , nomatter what , and to share the truth and to help others to wake up is TRUE love towards your fellowhumans.
This willl help the whole mankind to manage ascension much smoother , because the masscounciousness creates.
If you still live live in the belief that 9/11,Sandyhoax and Boston is terrorattacks from other then governments , then it´s time to wake up.
The time is short.
Aspirated face palm
I cannot believe what I am seeing, that people on a spiritual site are actually behaving like this. I’m astonished that some of you actually think this bombing is faked, and yet with some it does not surprised me at all. There are at least a few voices of reasoning, those who have not left morals, values and rational thought to delusional paranoia.
So I’ve took the time to read all the posts etc, and then passed everything on to a very good friend for his opinion as I’m not a ‘trauma surgeon’ nor ‘medically literate’. Though, intelligent common sense does guide my own decision on this.
This is his reply which I have not altered:
Having read through all of the comments and seen all of the ‘evidence’ (a word which I use in the loosest possible terms in connection with this) for the ‘fakery’ that is supposed to have happened at the Boston Marathon, I have a few home truths for you all.
So, take a deep breath, clear your heads of all that dope that you like so much pin back your ears and remove the blinkers LISTEN/READ.…and who knows, you might actually learn something.
Got your attention now? Good. Then we shall begin, I will put this in an ‘easy to understand’ presentation.
Refering to Some more evidence from the Boston hoax
The beginning: The person who wrote the original article which you and others have so slavishly copied knows very little about emergency medicine. If he did, he would know that there are 4 stages to shock and that Blood Pressure is one of the last things which begin to drop, in fact in the compensatory stage of shock it actually rises in an attempt to put more blood into the system.
Once the body can no longer compensate for the injury, then you get a narrowing of the ‘pulse pressure’ (the difference between the systolic and diastolic readings), which indicates that this stage has been reached. The classical signs of shock (pale, cold and clammy, sweating etc) do not kick in until you have somewhere in the region of 20 – 30% blood loss.
He would also have known that it is perfectly possible for a person to be fully conscious for a good length of time even after such a traumatic event. A few years ago an attendant at Portsmouth Zoo lost his lower arm to a tiger, and chatted quite well to the paramedics who attended the scene, despite the injury that he had suffered.
He would also have known that, in the case of limbs, traumatic amputation has the effect of the body shutting down its peripheral circulation, the severed blood vessels clamping down tight (called vaso-constriction) to stem the blood loss and to keep as much blood in the core as possible. This again is a natural function of shock, and is initiated by the release of Adrenaline (American : Epinepherine), one of the side-effects of which is sweating. This is what allows rescuers to save lives in these situations, as it gives vital minutes to act before the person may begin to bleed out uncontrollably.
Isn’t the Human Body amazing?.............
He would also have known that the man in the wheelchair is displaying the exact features of a shocked pallor of skin (which does not, as I’ve seen some idiots say, become deathly white. It does in fact go very grey in colour, and as shock progresses (without intervention), the lips may begin to take on a blue tinge (cyanosis) due to the lack of O2 reaching the tissues.
I’ve also seen mention of the fact that the chap isn’t screaming in pain. To those who insist that he would be doing this, I suggest they look up the body’s capacity to make its own painkillers, called Endorphins, which are very, very powerful and can numb pain to surprisingly tolerable limits.
In one case a man sustained a severely injured neck in a skiing accident yet still attempted to ski back down the mountain, all due to the fact that the ‘pins and needles’ effect had been numbed by these powerful endorphins (the man was found to have a severed odontoid peg and 3 fractures of C1, which could have been lethal had he even turned his head in the wrong way).
Again…The amazing Human Body…….
So, relating this to the chap in the wheelchair for instance, what we actually have is a male, with traumatic amputation of both limbs and suffering from signs / symptoms of shock. There is a makeshift tourniquet wrapped tightly in a figure of eight just above the knee, which is being held on to by the chap in the cowboy hat (take a close look at his hand and you will see that the muscles of the hand are strained from pulling on it).
He is being transported in a wheelchair, which, whilst certainly not the ideal way to be transported with an injury of this nature, is the only thing that they can get hold of to do this.
If you were him, which would you rather have? Someone to get you out of there by whatever means, or someone to lean over you and say ‘Sorry fella, all the longboards, cots etc are taken, so you’ll just have to wait until they’re freed up’. We also have to take into account the way triage works in this instance.
The initial triage sieve dictates that although the man’s injuries are urgent, his airway, breathing and (at that present moment) circulation are not compromised. This does not mean that he can be left until last, but the woman on the stretcher may well have been in a much worse state than him, (ie head injury, with possible brain swelling etc) therefore triaged correctly.
For all of your information, there are laws (health and safety) in every country regarding the amount of medical personnel (volunteer or professional) who are required per head at a public event, so the persons who were there initially on scene were those who were designated to each stage of the marathon, and therefore would be using whatever kit / gear was available to them at the time.
Those of us that are in the UK who remember the Hillsborough stadium tragedy will recall that, having minimal resources, advertising boards were ripped out from around the pitch and used as makeshift stretchers to ferry people to the centre of the ground and away from the crush. As with that, so with this – as I said, people did what they could at the time, with the resources available.
So, we move on – much mileage has been given to the amount of blood spilled, which is ridiculous to suggest it was ‘gallons’. Try putting even a small amount of water into a bucket, throw the water onto the floor and then see just how much it looks like. As for the lack of ambulances that can again be easily explained in two ways.
a) The situation had just happened, and resources were therefore being directed to the scene.
b) However you also have to remember that 2 explosive devices had just been detonated, so if you were in the police’s shoes, what would be going through your mind? Perhaps there are more devices? So you are going to then allow every tom, dick and harry from XYZ rescue services to come into the scene and therefore potentially end up with even more casualties if another device detonates? The first (and hallowed) rule of rescue – DO NOT becomes a casualty yourself.
I have personally attended incidents were although there were persons injured and in need of help, the police were not certain if the scene was safe enough for us to proceed (ie, still a shooter on the loose, possible explosive devices etc), and would not let us through, for our own safety.
I have also see mention of windows looking as if they have been blown outwards, not inwards. Believe this or not (and no doubt by this stage you’ll be forming all the goofball reasons in your little drug filled minds not to), an explosion actually sucks air inwards first, then blasts outwards. My own grandfather was, during WW2, sucked out of and then back into an Anderson shelter by a bomb blast.
If you want any proof of how this works you might like to look up a programme we had in the UK a while ago called ‘Blitz Street’, where the forces of the bombs of the blitz were tested in a full scale street and the blasts shown.
The footage shown and the still photos are all taken in seconds, and therefore what people are doing is simply snapshot of one or two seconds of time, nothing more than that. Nothing sinister, no prosthetics involved. If there was, I would personally like to talk to the persons/person who can do all of that in the few seconds of time that are shown in the photos (which, interestingly, mysteriously go from frame 14 to frame 20 without anything in between being shown – wonder why that was? Could it be that it shows some things that would put a lie to all of this claptrap, I wonder?).
There was an explosion and those people were injured. Do you think that immediately after the explosion those people changed costume and put on fake blood and such? Think! You saw the explosion, it was on the ground, the damage and injuries are on lower extremities. Other injuries (head, hands etc) caused from being throw to the ground, flying glass and additional debris displaced by the blast.
No they are not ‘fake’ blood bottles, as the bottles that are being highlighted are clear plastic, no red residue left inside. (you do realise that at a Marathon… you do have a lot of bottles of water etc? Helps prevent dehydration?).
The labels that are partially visible, upon enlarging the image are indicative of this, as in they look very similar to water bottles available in Boston.
All of the injuries shown in this post and others are consistent with the effects of an explosive device triggered on a low level; therefore the severest impacts would be to the lower limbs in adults and, the head and abdominal area in children.
The man shown in torn and rent clothing and supposedly having no injuries does, I believe, actually have them. I would hazard a guess that shrapnel, glass and debris would have impacted his lower limbs, shredding the clothing and driving into the skin and not necessarily causing bleeding, more probable bruising to the limbs which would not be evident immediately. The blast may have thrown/dragged him across the ground in which case his clothing could well have saved his skin underneath.
You see the picture doesn’t tell the whole story, only a snapshot. Did he remain standing after it was taken, did he walk, or did he fall to the ground?
I do love the person who says that the two people responsible couldn’t have done it, it’s all a Govt plot blah, blah. They are not ‘innocent poor dolts’ whom they offered up as the patsy’s. They are guilty, terrorists who the FBI failed to correctly identify as a potential threat.
In 1999 three bombs went off in London, one in Brixton, one in Hanbury St, and one at the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, leaving three people dead (including a child) and scores injured. At the time there was media frenzy about terrorist cells and groups of all kinds, and yet the perpetrator was found to be one young man who had a very dangerous grudge against the world in general, a man who made his devices in the back room of his house. No Govt conspiracy, no terrorist cell, just one single man.
So, in conclusion, for all of you out there who subscribe to this pot headed theory, to the idiot who is bigoted enough to call everyone injured ‘a Zionist agent’ and the rest of you, take a little advice and stop talking rubbish about things that you have no experience or qualification to comment on.
All of this really is – CLAPTRAP! Never have I seen so much disgusting BS and delusional assumption, a real event where real people died, maimed and injured.
This event was real, and to call these poor people who have now suffered life-changing injuries and the family of the child who was killed ‘fakes’ and actors is both disgusting and morally reprehensible, and all of you should be ashamed of what you are doing in participating in it. If it was one of your loved ones, if it was your child, would you want this to happen to you?
Oh, and to finish – my own medical qualifications, to prove the point.
IHCD Paramedic (UK NHS Ambulance Service)
ITLS (International Trauma Life Support) (adv / Instructor)
PHTLS (Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support
PHECC (Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Course)
Member of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care and BASICS (British Association of Immediate Care)
Oh yes…nearly forgot…..Just to clarify I am very much awake and I am not a TROLL (paid or otherwise) nor am I part of the HYPNO-ZOMB-SHEEPLE that you lot seem to frequently refer to, especially anyone who questions and presents any info that does not fit the paranoid deluded fantasy world that you live in.
Enough said.
Those boys are INNOCENT until found guilty in a COURT OF LAW. Down with the pitchforks! The MEDIA does NOT decide who is guilty or innocent!
This might help spread some light on exactly who was behind the boston event.
Boston Hoax Proven: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed
Boston Hoax: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed
Thanks to a nodisinfo.com poster these images were received proving, once again, that the entire Boston Marathon bombing was nothing other than a theatrical production, smoke and mirrors, where no one died or was seriously injured. This means that all those who claim to be dire victims, particularly the amputees and deceased people at this acclaimed site of the bombing, including Jeff Bauman and Krystle Campbell, are arch-fraudsters to the most extreme degree.
One truly invaluable find is this view of the right leg of Krystle Campbell, which shows it to be fully intact. In other words, the claim that (correction) both her legs were blown off and she died immediately is a gross fabrication.
However, clearly, one leg is missing from the frame. In a real amputation, there would be a great pool of blood and without shutting of the flow the person would die in minutes. Let’s look at that close-up:
Where is that massive pool of dark red blood? And why is the limb not cyanotic? Now, the apparent thigh wound enlarged:
That’s a mighty big wound to be on its own without pressure or care and not bleed, even spurt blood. Note the line of jeans about the tear: not a drop of blood evident. Regardless, all this proves that Campbell’s right leg was intact all along
, which means the photos showing an apparent amputation are gross fabrications.So, how was this achieved? Is this mere man-made; in other words, is the red simply color or pigment which the prop-miesters put into these wounds under cover and disguise?
How to Create a Quick Wound Prosthetic using Dragon Skin FX-Pro
The video explains precisely what is being seen, that is what appear to be large, gaping wounds with no blood dripping, oozing, or spurting: only red color inside the wound border. That’s because the gaping wounds aren’t real and are, instead, applied silicon fabrications. The red color is only the result of painting the inside of the would with red blood-like pigment mixed in a tightening base. The video proves how it is done.
Another view, an important finding confirmed: silicon WAS used to create these wounds. A blob of such silicon has poured over the jeans.
A close up of that ‘gash’ from the original photo:
Look at the ‘gash’ in Campbell’s leg. That’s man-made. Yet, such fakery is equally evident is the findings on the leg of her friend:
Did the Cookie Monster take a bite out of it? Let’s see this, zoomed in:
What’s going on with this leg? The wound is obviously fake.A gash wound of that scope would bleed profusely. No one is attending it; no pressure being applied, no tissue, rags, towels, or tourniquets. Therefore, there would be blood everywhere. Now, the fake blood container, from the image turned upright (foot-up):
More images, for purposes of inspection.
Plenty of good color in Krystle Campbell’s arms and legs; she hasn’t bled out yet.
A vast array of prop-meiters furiously engaged: time is limited, the scam must be finalized quickly.
Moreover, while the prop-meisters and well-paid fraudulent actors stay fully in placed despite the smoke and presumed danger, the rest of the world runs away in fear. That’s what these Zionist moles do best: create panic and pandemonium, fear and angst: all for their own wicked, vile gains.
Watch the lady in pink closely: she is the chief on-site culprit of the fake Zionist plot. Is Eretz Israel that dominating of a scheme that Jewry would go to this length?
Rivers of fake blood flowing at their feet.
What fake victim is the Jewess in pink applying the blood to, now?
Now, the infamous fake wheelchair lady:
Another Zionist operative on the far right can be seen elsewhere looking shocked at the scenery for psychological effect against the people.
…with her cohort in the red jacket; plenty of fake blood on the ground but none yet oozing from their bodies. Where did the blood come from, the lady with the water bottle, or has the lady in pink already come and gone? The red fluid is draining or running right underneath them, but none of them have any wounds.
For effect: fake blood plus silicon, painted and applied by Hollywood masters. The wheelchair lady is most classic; it can be directly seen where the red was painted on, smeared, and slopped. The long, dark areas were painted on aggressively to give the impression of a long laceration. Plus, those nodules: that’s only example of applied silicon fake wounds.
Picture sources:
http://imageshack.us/a/img7/9039/fakebloodg.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img835/3383/bagofblood.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img9/2091/99341884.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img202/2104/38644291.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img829/3559/78064671.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img221/7831/28812483.jpg
http://imageshack.us/a/img248/43/img8721q.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img15/7500/2013bostonmarathonafter.jpg
Marathon Bombing Had an “Eerie Calm”, Runner Eyewitness
April 30, 2013Follow the Lady in Pink for the Ultimate Truth
April 30, 2013More Evidence of Jewish Terrorist Involvement in the Boston Bombings
April 29, 2013The CNN Fake Massacre Photos
April 29, 2013Boston Dust Bomb Confirmed: It’s Not Towels
April 29, 2013Absolute Proof Boston Bombing Was a Staged Hoax
April 29, 2013Hard Proof the Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set-Up
April 28, 2013Fake lady in the wheelchair up-close
April 27, 2013Martin Richards Family is Fake: Proof
April 27, 2013Boston Fakery: Here Are Your Culprits
April 27, 2013Found at: http://nodisinfo.com/Home/10677/
Again Thalamus , great research!
Some new info about Bauman
Breakthrough Photo Enlargement: Did Lt. Nick Vogt Play Role of Blast 'Victim' Jeff Bauman on April 15th at Boston Marathon While Jeff Bauman Has Collected Over $724K in Donations for Nick's Debut Performance?
From Ken Adachi, Editor http://educate-yourself.org/cn/breakthroughphotobaumanvogtriddle27a... April 27, 2013
Breakthrough Photo Enlargement: Did Lt. Nick Vogt Play Role of Blas...
I mentioned in my April 21 posting titled "Indisputable Photo Evidence That the Boston Marathon Bombing Was St... " that a push ups video of Lt Nick Vogt revealed that his left hand pinky finger is missing, while the guy identified as Jeff Bauman in the hospital photo released and on his donation page, is seen with an intact left pinky finger. I had spent a lot of time looking at photos of the Boston Marathon "Jeff" to see if I could spot his left hand opened up, showing the missing pinky finger. I didn't find one...until tonight.
Earlier in the evening, I added a series of enlarged photos of "Jeff Bauman" in the hospital, Jeff Bauman from photos on his donation page, and "Jeff Bauman" in the wheelchair at the Boston Marathon on April 15th. My contention was that the Jeff Bauman seen the the hospital photo and on the Bauman donation page is not the same guy who was first laying on the ground and then seated in a wheelchair at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. After posting the additional photos for comparison, I spent time going through Youtube videos to see what else I could add to the premise that the Jeff Bauman seen in the hospital photo is not the same guy who was photographed being hustled down the street in a wheelchair at the Boston Marathon by the guy (actor) with the cowboy hat.
Lo & Behold, I came across a video posted by the same guy whose videos I had embedded on my April 21 posting. His Youtube name is " havf8" (I don't know his real name). Anyway, he mentioned a link that had all of the frames in sequence showing the Boston Marathon version of "Jeff Bauman" (and friends).
Here's the link: http://imgur.com/a/9MPLT/noscript
After I carefully screened each photo, I found one that shows "Jeff Bauman's" opened left hand and Voila! , the left pinky finger is missing! The incriminating photo is saved as " V7px8wa".
The photo is shown below enlarged to 1200 pixels wide. I circled the area with "Jeff" in white. The enlarged crop of his left hand is shown below. I applied "Auto Tone" in PhotoShop to increase the constrast.
"Jeff Bauman" is shown positioned on the ground in front of a black woman who is wearing a white T-shirt under her red coat. You can see "Jeff's" left hand is clearly missing his pinky finger (seen against the white background of the woman's T-shirt). Coincidentially, Army Lt. Nick Vogt, who bears a remarkable and uncannmy resemblence to the "Jeff Bauman" seen here, also has a missing pinky finger from his left hand.
Since the "Jeff Bauman" photographed in the hospital and shown in many photographs on the Jeff Bauman Donation web site, is seen to possess all of the fingers on his left hand, I think we can safely conclude that the guy seen in these photos of the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing scene, is not the same guy who has already collected over $724 thousand dollars in donations and postures himself as being the person seen in these photos.
Ken Adachi
THANK YOU! IKR?! Like wtf. When I heard her laughing and going, "ok ok, I wanna watch it again cuz it's just too funny"... I wanted to slap her in her slackjaw face. She must have big tits and a nice face to get the followers that she does on youtube (truly intelligent women don't have to reveal their beauty to get people to listen to them). Real or not, it's pretty sadistic to react the way she did.