Chi PowerBuck RogersStaff
Waking Times

We too often take it for granted that human beings only have five senses, and whenever something cannot be immediately explained within the framework of modern science, we tend to brush it off as an anomaly, or an oddity.

“I exchange energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep.” -Master Kanzawa Sensei

For thousands of years practitioners of eastern martial and meditative arts have been attuned to the subtle presence of chi, the life force energy that animates all living things. Masters of the cultivation and use of this energy have forever been able to perform remarkable feats of concentration, longevity and strength, yet we in the West are have always been reluctant to credit them for their mastery of something we cannot even grasp… that there is a subtle energy that connects all living things.

Qigong is the practice of cultivating the energy, and Japanese chi master, Kanzawa Sensei is known for his ability to control animals with the power of his mind and chi, a rare and extraordinary example of the powers of Qigong. By standing near animals, concentrating his mind, and manipulating chi with his hands, he has demonstrated that he can calm, entrance, and even put to sleep many animals, including buffalo, elephants, even ostriches.

Master KanazawaAs he explains it, he exchanges energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep. As simple as that.

Featured in an episode of the television program, ‘Stan Lee’s Superhumans,’ Master Kanzawa is seen visiting an alpaca ranch in California, where he baffles ranch owner Cecilia Secka by subduing an entire herd of her alpacas. In addition to this remarkable demonstration, a subsequent message on the ranch’s website notes that after the filming, Master Kanzawa did some extraordinary healing work to an injured animal:

“What he did after the filming though was most extraordinary as he worked with one of my female alpacas who that same morning was behaving very strangely. She was almost paralyzed in her hind legs and hips as well as not being able to eat as if her jaw was paralyzed. I gave her some Banamine hopeing that would help. As the day went on she showed no improvement. I told Mr. Sensei about her and at the end of the day he went to see her. She was still not able to eat. Mr. Sensei started working on her, standing 4-5 feet away from her, just using his mind and Chi power. We gradually started seing improvement and after about 20 minutes she was fully restored, moving and eating totally normally. She has never had the symptoms again!” [Sweet Water Alpaca Ranch]

Further in the video presentation, Master Kanzawa is seen working with a herd of buffalo, an unapproachably large and dangerous animal. As witness to this, a veterinarian familiar with buffalo was present, and was, of course, flabbergasted by what the chi master was able to do with these enormous beasts.

The comments between the host and the veterinarian after Master Kanzawa subdues the buffalo get right to the heart of the blind spot in Western science, showing how there is simply no room in the current paradigm for this ancient wisdom.

Host: “Doctor, there any way to explain this in the realm of science?

Veterinarian: “Not in the medicine I know.”

Life is connected in ways more subtle than most of us can ordinarily sense, and Western science is way behind the curve when it comes to understanding the depth of this connection. The energy body is one of our innate super powers, and although abilities like this are typically relegated to freak show media in this rigidly thought-controlled world we live in, we all have the ability to cultivate and develop the energy body.

Many modern day chi masters are revealing their secrets to the world, and while it may seem like Master Kanzawa’s powers are super-human, any one can train to develop awareness and mastery of this subtle energy.

Watch the demonstration of Master Kanzawa’s extraordinary ablities for yourself in the videos below:

READ: 4 Masters of Chi Reveal Their Secrets

For a further demonstration, take a look at this video from Japanese television, showing Master Sensei working with a small herd of deer, an ostrich, and many smaller animals, all of which appear to be calmed and hypnotized by his presence and energy.

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  • Feather Winger ..,How do you connect / commend this Universal Life Force? it a lot of breathing exercises?.. I have seen some chi energy workers at shows in London like the Mind, Body and Soul show and The Wellbeing Show and they do make loud breathing sounds like shooossh shooossh and they claim to unblock energy trapped in patients And charge £20 which also unblockes your wallet/purse 

    • Krishna, you can use any number of systems...Tai Chi is good, also systems like Reiki or Lightwave healing where you get an initiation attunement and it opens the pranic channel so the prana comes in through the top of the head and out the hands. This is not using the pranic energy of our body like when one does lots of mantras and accumulates pranic energy, once we have a Reiki attunement we have unlimited prana flowing through us on tap... unlimited free energy.

  • Amazing...I did not think chi energy was that powerful 

    • yes, Krishna, this is normal, the universal life force is very calming.  Any time I do healing on animals or people it knocks them right out...or rather puts them into a deep state of relaxation.  I´ve had this happen with birds, dogs and cows.  He is well aligned and an especialy clear and strong channel for  pranic energy.

    • Repeat this is the video to watch : 

      For a further demonstration, take a look at this video from Japanese television, showing Master Sensei working with a small herd of deer, an ostrich, and many smaller animals, all of which appear to be calmed and hypnotized by his presence and energy.

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