CONNECT TO YOUR SPACE FAMILY NOW! Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation by Lord Ashtar + Allowing Part I + Allowing Part II 


Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at))) 


Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation 
Lord Ashtar 
To Begin Monday, For Seven Days, For At Least 15 Minutes Per Day 

Greetings! Ashtar here. The biggest challenge within the mass-consciousness grid at this time is the energy of fear, so it is that energy, in all its various forms and manifestations, that you will be asked to focus on in many of your future meditations. And since we are working primarily with the human grids on the planet, others who will be bringing their essence to them -- such as St. Germain, Lady Quan Yin, Sananda and others -- will influence these future meditations. Also as a reminder, although there shouldn't be a need for it except perhaps for those who are new to this Project, much of this work is done through the Universal Law of Intent. It is through stating your intention to connect with a specific grid that it is indeed done! 

This week we are focusing on the Space Brotherhood! By this term, we mean all BEINGS in star craft (ships) above Gaia. This Space Brotherhood is working diligently and vigilantly to co-create the Ascension of all of you -- as One -- and the planet. 

So, to begin your next meditation, and after doing your preparatory work, we ask you to state your intent to connect with those of us in the Space Brotherhood who have their craft stationed around your planet. Although a large majority of Earth's population does recognize the possibility of so-called `aliens', it strikes fear into their heart at the thought of us landing and meeting you face to face. We are, therefore, going to address that fear and bring them into the knowledge of our love for each of you. This meditation will be in two segments: the first, in which we who are surrounding the Earth will download you with the energy you are to send and, in the second half, you sending this energy out into the human grid. 

For the first half of this meditation you are asked to first state your intention to connect with us and then to open your heart and allow the flow of our Love for Earth's humanity, and our peaceful intentions toward you, to enter into your heart space and anchor there. Feel our connection, our love, and the energies of your space families as we faithfully watch over you and protect you. 

For the last half of this meditation you are asked to then send, through your intent, this Love you have received from us, these feelings of our intentions toward Earth's humanity, out through the human grid, into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child upon your planet. 

We come in Light, in Truth, in Compassion, and in Divine Love for all upon and within Gaia. And that is the Knowledge we wish to anchor in their hearts. I AM Ashtar. Good day. 


Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at))) 

Allowing - Part I 
Members of the Heavenly Hosts 
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

Throughout the past several years in your Earth time, the coined phrase 'allow' has slipped very predominantly into the vocabulary and consciousness of those you would term Lightworkers. However, the true and higher definition of what we mean by 'allow' has yet to be firmly anchored within your human understanding. With your permission, and in an effort to expand your awareness, we would now attempt a simpler, easier to understand explanation of what 'being in allowance' actually means for you. 

In human terms, when you think of 'allowing' something, it might mean to you that, although you let or 'allow' something to occur, it in no way indicates your 'acceptance' of it, nor does it mean that you 'condone' it… 'it' being whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself or your loved ones to be in on your earthly plane. In simpler terms, it might mean that you will 'go along with it', but you don't believe in it, trust in it, or 'expect' it to turn out the way you might like. It is, in essence, a grudging cooperation with something with which you don't agree. In doing so, you merely 'hope' for the best, yes? 

Now, let us explain to you the true meaning of the essence of 'allowing'. In your third-dimensional existence on your planet, the majority of your population live their day-to-day lives in a state of fear, albeit sometimes subconscious fears… fears of every conceivable sort. What these fears, however, bring to you is the feeling of needing to 'control' what happens in not only your own life but in the life of your family, your friends, your neighbors, and yes, your government. And why? Because you fear the unknown. It I much safer in your way of thinking, is it not, to control the outcome of a situation so there are no 'surprises' or no chance of venturing into the unknown? 

We tell you now that, because of your veils and restricted view of what might be termed 'the bigger picture', you are not, for the most part, in a position to make the best and highest choices for yourself or those we have mentioned. This leaning process you are in on Earth is, in part, to evolve mankind to the point of being able to make these highest and best choices. In the meantime, however, what is the wisest course of action? The answer is simple: surrender to Divine Will. By recognizing that the Divine Will of Creator will always be the highest and best choice, then does it not stand to reason that the Creator should be in charge of the outcome of a situation? 

When we speak of 'allowing', we are speaking of your surrender to Divine Will. This does not mean, as we have said, grudgingly throwing you hands up in the air with a 'hopeless' cry of surrender, nor does it mean playing the role of victim and saying, "OK, God, take it!" simply because you feel your freewill choice has no other recourse. Your freewill choice is ever abiding and always with you. But, in realizing that the Creator can and does create the highest and best outcomes, would it not be the wisest course of action to surrender your freewill, your concerns, and your need to control, knowing that it will produce the highest and best outcome for everyone involved? To 'allow' is to KNOW that Divine Will is in operation and will bring you the greatest path to joy and bliss. 

And how, you might ask, does one surrender to Divine Will and simply allow? The answer to that is to 'disassociate' yourself from all expectation of a perceived outcome. Or, to be more direct, get yourself, your wants and wishes, out of the way. Let us say, as an example, that many of you are experiencing what you perceive to be 'lack'… lack in the love you receive, lack in your financial situation, lack in your ability to manifest those things you want in life… lack of any sort. Can you disassociate yourself from these feelings? Could you not, instead, step back out of yourself and your situation, and simply acknowledge that Divine Will is being done in and through you, and that there is a Higher Purpose to what you are experiencing? To step back, to disassociate yourself from what you perceive as your lack, is truly the first step toward surrendering and allowing Divine Will to operate in your life. It is not done as a 'last resort' nor is it done within the negative emotions of anger or hostility. It is done with an open heart, a knowing that, no matter how bad you perceive a situation to be, there is a Divine Purpose behind it that you cannot, as yet, fathom. 

If we may, we are going to use this one that we are coming through as an example… although it is her freewill choice as to whether or not she will share it. LOL Let us say that it is only one week left until your rent or mortgage payment on your dwelling is due. You check your bank balance to find that you have a mere $80.00 in your account. Now, the rent is MUCH more than that, and you see no way you can manifest the needed funds before the due date. What is your first reaction to this situation? Do you fall into self-pity, blame your Guides and Master Teachers, curse the Heavens? Or do you step outside yourself to see the bigger picture… knowing that, even though YOU cannot see a favorable outcome to the situation, Divine Will is in operation and bringing all outcomes to their highest and best solution? Can you willingly and gratefully trust the Creator, then allow what will be to be, believing that WHATEVER the outcome is, it will bring you into ultimate joy? 

There is so much transpiring on and around your world, our beloved light ones… more than what you can possibly conceive of. And even while you would struggle to remain in control of the events in your lives, there is a wonderful Divine Plan working in and through you and the chaotic appearances in your world. Let it go. Just let it all go and leave the outcomes to Creator. For we assure you, that you are ALL Divinely protected, the Plan is Divinely orchestrated, and each of you is headed for a more joyous and blissful outcome than you could ever imagine… IF you will 'allow' it to be so. Amen. 

Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at))) 

Allowing - Part II 

Members of the Heavenly Hosts 
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

We would like to take this opportunity to provide a further discourse on the topic of 'allowing', for this is one of man's biggest challenges at this point in his evolution. Let us begin with a question, shall we? With regard to stepping outside of yourself to obtain a broader perspective of your perceived ill-fortune, could you not see yourself as a kind of explorer… an explorer willing, ready, and able to step into the void of the unknown? Could you not, just for a moment, surrender your freewill and your attempts to control the outcome of situations in favor of seeing what the Creator has in store for you? You are familiar with the phrase, we are sure, 'let go and let God'. In essence, this is what you are doing when you surrender to Divine Will. You are taking that step… maybe just out of curiosity… into the unknown, going, perhaps, where you have never gone before and experiencing things you have never experienced before. Such is the life of a starseed. <chuckle> 

Are you in fear of being 'homeless' due to lack of monetary funds? Are you in fear of your spouse leaving you and you suddenly finding yourself 'on your own' with no means of support? Perhaps you have never before, in this existence, been homeless or alone and perceive it to be what you term 'the end of the world' as you know it. This may be true,, but are you in expectation of what those circumstances would mean to you? Do you see yourself in either of those situations, perhaps walking the streets, cold, hungry, and with no place to sleep? Is this your fear? Perhaps, from a different perspective, it would mean a sense of freedom that you have never before experienced. Perhaps it would bring the realization into your consciousness that you are, and never could be, 'homeless' or 'alone', for this, your Earth, is not your true home and you are, as you have come to see, never alone. 

We come before you this day to challenge you to be the explorers that each of you, at the core level of your Soul, truly are. Were it not so, you would not have spent eons of time incarnating on one planet and then another to anchor your Light for the evolution of these planets. We would tell you, 'Go for it!' Step into that void of the unknown and meet with certainty and confidence the outcomes that your Creator has already planned for you for your highest good! For we also tell you that, no matter what the fear, no matter what the outcome, you are Divinely protected and dearly loved. Your joy does indeed await you, but many of you cannot begin to feel that joy because you are, shall we say, 'stuck' in your need to control what happens in your lives, rather than trusting in the All-Knowing and Divine Wisdom of the Creator. It is such the easier way to do so, to just let go and experience all that comes your way. 

Now, does this mean you simply sit back, with no feeling of responsibility of yourself, and depend on others to do it for you? Indeed not! You are responsible for your own creations, your own freewill choices, and the intents you have set. But after having taken responsibility for those, you then need only to let go of the outcome, trust the Creator for your highest good, and 'allow' all good, all lessons, all experiences, all joy, to flow in and to you. We cannot say it more simply than that, dear ones. It is 'allowing', it is 'trusting', it is 'letting go and letting God'… it is pure joy. We now take our leave. Adonai. 

Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at))) 



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  • Dear J'Tariah En Ra El,

    Actually we are also stars so we should remain in contact with our Space Family...

    When we can be with our Light bodies and then it's possible...

    Angelic bodies can have very good connection...

  • CONNECT TO YOUR SPACE FAMILY NOW! Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation by Lord Ashtar + Allowing Part I + Allowing Part II

    Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at)))

    Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above MeditationLord Ashtar
    To Begin Monday, For Seven Days, For At Least 15 Minutes Per Day

    Greetings! Ashtar here. The biggest challenge within the mass-consciousness grid at this time is the energy of fear, so it is that energy, in all its various forms and manifestations, that you will be asked to focus on in many of your future meditations. And since we are working primarily with the human grids on the planet, others who will be bringing their essence to them -- such as St. Germain, Lady Quan Yin, Sananda and others -- will influence these future meditations. Also as a reminder, although there shouldn't be a need for it except perhaps for those who are new to this Project, much of this work is done through the Universal Law of Intent. It is through stating your intention to connect with a specific grid that it is indeed done!

    This week we are focusing on the Space Brotherhood! By this term, we mean all BEINGS in star craft (ships) above Gaia. This Space Brotherhood is working diligently and vigilantly to co-create the Ascension of all of you -- as One -- and the planet.

    So, to begin your next meditation, and after doing your preparatory work, we ask you to state your intent to connect with those of us in the Space Brotherhood who have their craft stationed around your planet. Although a large majority of Earth's population does recognize the possibility of so-called `aliens', it strikes fear into their heart at the thought of us landing and meeting you face to face. We are, therefore, going to address that fear and bring them into the knowledge of our love for each of you. This meditation will be in two segments: the first, in which we who are surrounding the Earth will download you with the energy you are to send and, in the second half, you sending this energy out into the human grid.

    For the first half of this meditation you are asked to first state your intention to connect with us and then to open your heart and allow the flow of our Love for Earth's humanity, and our peaceful intentions toward you, to enter into your heart space and anchor there. Feel our connection, our love, and the energies of your space families as we faithfully watch over you and protect you.

    For the last half of this meditation you are asked to then send, through your intent, this Love you have received from us, these feelings of our intentions toward Earth's humanity, out through the human grid, into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child upon your planet.

    We come in Light, in Truth, in Compassion, and in Divine Love for all upon and within Gaia. And that is the Knowledge we wish to anchor in their hearts. I AM Ashtar. Good day.

    Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at)))

    Allowing - Part I
    Members of the Heavenly Hosts
    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    Throughout the past several years in your Earth time, the coined phrase 'allow' has slipped very predominantly into the vocabulary and consciousness of those you would term Lightworkers. However, the true and higher definition of what we mean by 'allow' has yet to be firmly anchored within your human understanding. With your permission, and in an effort to expand your awareness, we would now attempt a simpler, easier to understand explanation of what 'being in allowance' actually means for you.

    In human terms, when you think of 'allowing' something, it might mean to you that, although you let or 'allow' something to occur, it in no way indicates your 'acceptance' of it, nor does it mean that you 'condone' it… 'it' being whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself or your loved ones to be in on your earthly plane. In simpler terms, it might mean that you will 'go along with it', but you don't believe in it, trust in it, or 'expect' it to turn out the way you might like. It is, in essence, a grudging cooperation with something with which you don't agree. In doing so, you merely 'hope' for the best, yes?

    Now, let us explain to you the true meaning of the essence of 'allowing'. In your third-dimensional existence on your planet, the majority of your population live their day-to-day lives in a state of fear, albeit sometimes subconscious fears… fears of every conceivable sort. What these fears, however, bring to you is the feeling of needing to 'control' what happens in not only your own life but in the life of your family, your friends, your neighbors, and yes, your government. And why? Because you fear the unknown. It I much safer in your way of thinking, is it not, to control the outcome of a situation so there are no 'surprises' or no chance of venturing into the unknown?

    We tell you now that, because of your veils and restricted view of what might be termed 'the bigger picture', you are not, for the most part, in a position to make the best and highest choices for yourself or those we have mentioned. This leaning process you are in on Earth is, in part, to evolve mankind to the point of being able to make these highest and best choices. In the meantime, however, what is the wisest course of action? The answer is simple: surrender to Divine Will. By recognizing that the Divine Will of Creator will always be the highest and best choice, then does it not stand to reason that the Creator should be in charge of the outcome of a situation?

    When we speak of 'allowing', we are speaking of your surrender to Divine Will. This does not mean, as we have said, grudgingly throwing you hands up in the air with a 'hopeless' cry of surrender, nor does it mean playing the role of victim and saying, "OK, God, take it!" simply because you feel your freewill choice has no other recourse. Your freewill choice is ever abiding and always with you. But, in realizing that the Creator can and does create the highest and best outcomes, would it not be the wisest course of action to surrender your freewill, your concerns, and your need to control, knowing that it will produce the highest and best outcome for everyone involved? To 'allow' is to KNOW that Divine Will is in operation and will bring you the greatest path to joy and bliss.

    And how, you might ask, does one surrender to Divine Will and simply allow? The answer to that is to 'disassociate' yourself from all expectation of a perceived outcome. Or, to be more direct, get yourself, your wants and wishes, out of the way. Let us say, as an example, that many of you are experiencing what you perceive to be 'lack'… lack in the love you receive, lack in your financial situation, lack in your ability to manifest those things you want in life… lack of any sort. Can you disassociate yourself from these feelings? Could you not, instead, step back out of yourself and your situation, and simply acknowledge that Divine Will is being done in and through you, and that there is a Higher Purpose to what you are experiencing? To step back, to disassociate yourself from what you perceive as your lack, is truly the first step toward surrendering and allowing Divine Will to operate in your life. It is not done as a 'last resort' nor is it done within the negative emotions of anger or hostility. It is done with an open heart, a knowing that, no matter how bad you perceive a situation to be, there is a Divine Purpose behind it that you cannot, as yet, fathom.

    If we may, we are going to use this one that we are coming through as an example… although it is her freewill choice as to whether or not she will share it. LOL Let us say that it is only one week left until your rent or mortgage payment on your dwelling is due. You check your bank balance to find that you have a mere $80.00 in your account. Now, the rent is MUCH more than that, and you see no way you can manifest the needed funds before the due date. What is your first reaction to this situation? Do you fall into self-pity, blame your Guides and Master Teachers, curse the Heavens? Or do you step outside yourself to see the bigger picture… knowing that, even though YOU cannot see a favorable outcome to the situation, Divine Will is in operation and bringing all outcomes to their highest and best solution? Can you willingly and gratefully trust the Creator, then allow what will be to be, believing that WHATEVER the outcome is, it will bring you into ultimate joy?

    There is so much transpiring on and around your world, our beloved light ones… more than what you can possibly conceive of. And even while you would struggle to remain in control of the events in your lives, there is a wonderful Divine Plan working in and through you and the chaotic appearances in your world. Let it go. Just let it all go and leave the outcomes to Creator. For we assure you, that you are ALL Divinely protected, the Plan is Divinely orchestrated, and each of you is headed for a more joyous and blissful outcome than you could ever imagine… IF you will 'allow' it to be so. Amen.

    Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at)))

    Allowing - Part II

    Members of the Heavenly Hosts
    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    We would like to take this opportunity to provide a further discourse on the topic of 'allowing', for this is one of man's biggest challenges at this point in his evolution. Let us begin with a question, shall we? With regard to stepping outside of yourself to obtain a broader perspective of your perceived ill-fortune, could you not see yourself as a kind of explorer… an explorer willing, ready, and able to step into the void of the unknown? Could you not, just for a moment, surrender your freewill and your attempts to control the outcome of situations in favor of seeing what the Creator has in store for you? You are familiar with the phrase, we are sure, 'let go and let God'. In essence, this is what you are doing when you surrender to Divine Will. You are taking that step… maybe just out of curiosity… into the unknown, going, perhaps, where you have never gone before and experiencing things you have never experienced before. Such is the life of a starseed. <chuckle>

    Are you in fear of being 'homeless' due to lack of monetary funds? Are you in fear of your spouse leaving you and you suddenly finding yourself 'on your own' with no means of support? Perhaps you have never before, in this existence, been homeless or alone and perceive it to be what you term 'the end of the world' as you know it. This may be true,, but are you in expectation of what those circumstances would mean to you? Do you see yourself in either of those situations, perhaps walking the streets, cold, hungry, and with no place to sleep? Is this your fear? Perhaps, from a different perspective, it would mean a sense of freedom that you have never before experienced. Perhaps it would bring the realization into your consciousness that you are, and never could be, 'homeless' or 'alone', for this, your Earth, is not your true home and you are, as you have come to see, never alone.

    We come before you this day to challenge you to be the explorers that each of you, at the core level of your Soul, truly are. Were it not so, you would not have spent eons of time incarnating on one planet and then another to anchor your Light for the evolution of these planets. We would tell you, 'Go for it!' Step into that void of the unknown and meet with certainty and confidence the outcomes that your Creator has already planned for you for your highest good! For we also tell you that, no matter what the fear, no matter what the outcome, you are Divinely protected and dearly loved. Your joy does indeed await you, but many of you cannot begin to feel that joy because you are, shall we say, 'stuck' in your need to control what happens in your lives, rather than trusting in the All-Knowing and Divine Wisdom of the Creator. It is such the easier way to do so, to just let go and experience all that comes your way.

    Now, does this mean you simply sit back, with no feeling of responsibility of yourself, and depend on others to do it for you? Indeed not! You are responsible for your own creations, your own freewill choices, and the intents you have set. But after having taken responsibility for those, you then need only to let go of the outcome, trust the Creator for your highest good, and 'allow' all good, all lessons, all experiences, all joy, to flow in and to you. We cannot say it more simply than that, dear ones. It is 'allowing', it is 'trusting', it is 'letting go and letting God'… it is pure joy. We now take our leave. Adonai.

    Join our Family of Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Galactics to begin your Ground Crew Mission Now! We of Project: Eagle Triad welcome you with open star craft hatches! Make contact: janisel(((at)))

    CONNECT TO YOUR SPACE FAMILY NOW! Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation by Lord…
    CONNECT TO YOUR SPACE FAMILY NOW! Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation by Lord Ashtar + Allowing Part I + Allowing Part II  11:1…
  • CONNECT TO YOUR SPACE FAMILY NOW! Space Brotherhood Within The Star Craft Above Meditation by Lord Ashtar + Allowing Part I + Allowing Part II 

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