David Wilcock reveals the stunning scientific proof that DNA and biological life emerge directly out of the Source Field... a universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness -- and we are indeed about to experience the Greatest Moment of All Time. Learn about the pineal gland, Illuminati, government conspiracy, UFOs, DMT, the Mayan Calendar and more!

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  • Omg, im on mushrooms right now and illuminati and DMT part really touched me for some reason, i can't explain it lol but i know about how the government works and how amazing dmt trips are and how it opens your eyes. This is really eye opening.
  • @ Master of Light: Thank you very much for your questions and your interest on this subject. I hope I'll be able to provide the answer for you, to the best of my ability. First of all, I had to turn every stone to get to the 'point' where I'm at now, particularly: I was born a christian, I've studied Bible and lived christianity very radically, then I left it and started studying the mind both conscious and unconscious, the brainwaves, the healing.... So I experimented on that applying all knowledge that I gathered in order to heal myself completely.

    Finally, after so much hard work (inner work) my kundalini was awakened and it turned another page in 'my history book'. In other words: I have done everything within my power to lift myself higher and came to the point where nobody I knew has ever been. So I needed an explanation for my situation because it was completely different from anything I knew or studied before. Naturally, the only next step was - Vedas: the area that I didn't research or study at all.... This little introduction was just for the sake of this: No, it is not like the other twisted books and teachings. I hope this gives me some substantial credit on this subject. By the way, you can read about my experiences from my blog

    Now to answer your questions: first of all, you need to clearly distinguish matter from spirit. There is no explanation of them in ANY religious or scientific book except in the Vedas. It would take me a lot of time to explain you what is what and why, but let me suffice with the following: ether, dna, chakras, kundalini, left and right hemisferes are not spiritual. They are subtle material energy. You cannot see nor grasp spiritual realms by any material means whatsoever, whether gross (like gross body) or subtle (like suble energy of mind, ego, etc). It is true though that those subtle material energies are required to be fully functional for progressing in spiritual life, but they are not the end of the story, and they are not spiritual. So what people call spiritual is not really spiritual. :) Sorry for spoiling the party. 

    So, the first thing which should be known is what is spirit, and what is matter. Next desirable thing would be to know the structure of this universe and all universes, and of course, what is spiritual realm which is completelly 'out of the box' and represents real liberation, and is the only goal of each and every soul who is being stuck in these different material realities. All this, and much much more you can find in Vedas only. However, Vedic language and ontology is completely different from our linear western dualistic understanding of the world and ourselves.

    As per Vedas, there is triple ontology which is beyond dualistic point of view that we're so accustomed to and can not possible get out of it. This triple is: subject, object and the relationship between them. In this triple anything is simultanously possible, but I'd rather not bother you anymore with this. The reason I am saying all this is because I have to put you in different 'ambient', so to speak. Otherwise, my words won't mean anything to you. (I wonder if they would anyway!)

    So finally we come to the question of ego. :) Your 'higher self' is actually your core: pure spirit soul, pure consciousness, your original identity, with which you should strive to reconnect with first. In a triplicate model described above, every individual soul (like you) is already in some relationship with the Whole (Supreme Being, God). That is everybody's original position and there is no 'but' or 'what if' - this is the purest spiritual teaching you'll ever hear and is very esoteric. To get to the point of being able to revive your original identity of pure spirit soul (and understand for yourself what I am telling you now), you have to 'get rid of' false ego which you accumulated over the countless lifetimes in material universes via different experiences and impressions.

    This needs so much time, so much effort, soo much knowledge, so much determination and of course the association of a person who's been through all that. That is why we need self-realized spiritual masters, whom by the way, it is almost impossible to find today. And yet, all is possible if one is serious and determined. It only depends on you: what do you really want? I wanted to answer the basic existential questions that bugged me since teenage time: who am I, how did I get here, what am I doing here, who are these people, what is this world, and where will I go after this life is over...? The duty of every person is to ask themselves these questions and to search for answers the until they're found. I have done this job, but it is not all over now, it has actually just started. That is the nature of the spirit: always new, always fresh, always more blissful. 

    Therefore, you cannot ascend with this particular false material ego, not even to the higher planetary systems, and what to speak of pure spiritual realms... In that sense, folks here are cheating themselves greatly, without knowing the complete matter of subject popularly called 'ascension'. Spirituality is very complex subject matter, it is a science, it is not a cheap thing or something you can come up with in your wildest dreams... So your intuition about ego, higher self and ascension was correct. 

    Here is something more for you, just in case: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/what-is-selfrealiza...

    I wish you all good luck!


  • where's your post gone?? It's showing up on the right of the screen but gone on here :S
  • Most of my learning has said the same MOL about losing the ego feels right to me, always has done even when other things change this still feels right, Lou :)
  • I just finish to watch this video. It took me two day between thing I have to do. I just love it. It is so clear and amazing the informations and explanation of different issues been put all together to give the clear idea of how we became what we are now. The most amazing and reveling thing David Wilcoc  is the fact that he believes we are going to be like gods, after all the changes. I think I have an idea what we will look or be like but if i have to put it into words I could not. THANK YOU Ben-Arion for this video. I would like to see more of this kind.

    A big hug to you.

  • I don't understand why he (David) is taking so much trouble to investigate things which are already known in great detail in a literature noone is really willing to dive into... Why so much trouble, so much work to get one single evidence which might look like a proof but it is actually just a speculation?

    Yes, we are under collective hypnosis and it is noone else's fault but our own, on individual level. The literature where everything is already perfectly revealed is Vedic literature. Nowhere else you'll find scientific explanations about anything except there. All other religions and teachings (including different esoterica and masonry) deal with metaphors only which actually indirectly refer to the Vedic wisdom which is direct, scientific perfectly structured knowledge about anything you ever wanted to know. Furthermore, why doesn't he (David) want to meet those "gods" that he is talking about in this video and many of his speeches? These are known as "demigods" and not "gods", because God is one. Those demigods are at disposition to anyone but nobody knows how to approach them (if that's what you/they really want!)... 

    We're all under a spell of collective hallucination of this particular material reality which we observe in so-called 3 dimensions. Since there are many levels of material reality in this universal egg and we slowly re-discover them, we now think we have discovered something revolutionary! It is all known, all perfectly known, but people of this particular age love to speculate and don't really want to know, otherwise, their intention would already get them directly to the source of all knowledge

    Here is an excerpt from the book of my spiritual teacher. Hope it helps in tapping more into where we actually are... The link for downloading the book is provided in the bottom. http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/where-are-we-at-all...




  • Just watched the entire movie, amazing stuff!
    I'll definitely check out his book too, this is great information.

    I think everyone should check out what David has to say, it's compelling :-)
  • Yes . when you find the solution to the God consciousness please let evryone know :) ...... It would seem we are all in the flesh vehicle for a very good cozmic reason" but then what is reason ------ a thought bubble developed from the human mind. good luck ! I still get a vibe we only get  glimpses of higher consciousness for if we had the full blown God consciousness - don't you think we would burn ourselves ?? Just a thought .. Thanks for read ..... enrgery=energy . love anything to do with it ..... this is something that will go on for as long as we are here pondering and becoming more and more aware of it in regard to that weeny bit of the cozmic mind ......... etc  .........


  • Thanks Ben ~ :-)

    Checking it out right now, David Wilcock is amazing!!! :-)
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