Drunvalo: 1972 Sirian Experiment


Lucifer was one of the most incredible angels that God ever made. He had a flaw, however; he thought he was as good as God. Lucifer knew the creationary pattern, the merkaba, but it was originally intended to be enacted only internally. Creating it internally meant you had to have your emotional body intact along with your mental body, which protected you. Lucifer went one step further. He dared to do the obvious and created it externally. By separating himself from God, the source, he was in fact not able to do it internally. Yet initially, prior to the consequences, he thought, "No big deal. He does it internally, I'll do it externally. Same old merkaba." This is like saying the hydrogen bomb is the same as love because it is bright and hot. Externalizing the merkaba was a billion times more serious.

Now this type of experiment against God had been attempted three times before the one that affected our planet, and it always ended in total chaos. The last Lucifer rebellion was about 200,000 years ago and at the time he convinced about a third of the angels to join him.

About a million years ago the race on Mars was dying from the effects of an earlier Lucifer rebellion (the third one). The planet was terminating from merkabas run amok. When you create a merkaba internally using love or your emotional body, it becomes a living field around your body, but when you create it externally you don't have to use love, you only have to use the calculating mind. Ultimately, this act produces a being with only a left-brain who doesn't have an emotional body or understand love. The best example of such a race is the Greys (the Greys are descendants of the Martians and one of the alien races now visiting the Earth). Another effect of creating the merkaba externally is that the act itself is generative of duality. How could it not be, since it dualizes in order to externalize and turn emotions into technology. Once everything is dualized and running on motors it becomes more and more difficult to perceive the One spirit that moves through everything. So we see good and evil and, even though the One spirit is still present in an externally created world, it is incredibly difficult to discern.

When the Martians came to Atlantis they imported the effects of the Lucifer rebellion right along with them, and this is the deed that led to our downfall on Earth. The problem was that Mars was a full left-brain culture; the Martians knew and understood everything intellectually but they had no feeling; specifically, they had no love. They had no reason to care for anyone other than themselves. As a consequence they were always fighting, and they destroyed their atmosphere just the way we're doing here. As Mars was dying a small group of Martians, approximately 1,000 or so, built structures in the region we have come to call Cydonia- the massive humanoid face and the monuments the Viking spacecraft photographed on Mars in 1976. These monuments represent in exquisite mathematical detail at many levels the form of a star tetrahedron, and they also describe how the Martians created their own unfortunate external merkaba. They had lost the ability to create an internal merkaba so long ago they didn't know what it was. After all, such a vehicle requires an emotional body. They certainly knew how to create an external merkaba and they did just that. They got in it and left, believing that was their only option.

Through the creation of this elegant external time-space vehicle, the Martians were able to journey into space, travel in time, and discover and decide the perfect time and place for them to enter. They saw, projected far ahead into their future- about 65,000 years in our past-this place on planet Earth on Atlantis, so perfect and waiting for them. That is where they headed. They stepped in against our will and tried to take over immediately, but there were too few of them and they failed. They finally decided to go through the motions of trying our feminine way even though they didn't understand or accept it. But they put on a good act. They tried it, in fact, for 50,000 years but always with disruptions. Their influence on us was so strong we began to switch our consciousness from a female to a male orientation. We didn't transmute completely, but we were significantly distorted.

When the Martians stepped into our evolutionary pattern in Atlantis we were about the equivalent of a thirteen or fourteen- year-old girl and they were the equivalent of a sixty-five-year- old man. They stepped into our evolutionary pattern against our will and, essentially, raped us. As I said, they would have taken over if they could have, but there weren't enough of them so they had to go along with our ingenue program at least for a while.

Even though there were always conflicts, things progressed fairly smoothly until roughly about 16,000 years ago. At this time a meteor hit planet Earth where Charlestown, South Carolina, is today. Remnants of the molten stone scattered over an area the size of four states, making huge impacts. The Atlanteans were an extremely advanced culture at that time, so they knew the meteor was coming. In fact, they had the technology to blow it out of the sky. The Martians advocated using the machinery to destroy the intruder, but even though they had a strong influence on us, our female orientation was still strong enough for us to say no. Basically, the intuitive aspect said, "No, don't shoot it out of the sky: it's God and what will be will be, so let's just let it happen." So the Atlanteans watched the meteor hit and, guess what, most of the damage occurred right in the area where the Martians were staying. In fact most of that area totally sank. For the remaining Martians, that was the last straw.

The devotees of the external merkaba decided from that time on they would not follow our lead anymore and would go their own way. What they did was to assemble another Luciferian experiment just like the one carried out a million years ago on Mars that resulted in the external vehicle. They still did not have the requisite emotional body and love necessary to create counter-rotating fields as a living entity, for they had done nothing to nurture this aspect of themselves on Earth. They had, or at least they thought they had, the ability to reinvent the merkaba externally. In so attempting to create it, they intensified the pathology of the Lucifer rebellion on Earth and they also failed miserably. The experiment lurched out of control and began to rip open the dimensional levels, causing spirits who were not meant to be here--spirits who had been consigned to other dimensional worlds--to come in by the millions. This blew the lid off things; the place just got crazy.

Picture thousands upon thousands of yowling, terrified, highly psychic, telekinetic entities whipping through not only, the atmosphere but the mind, body, and spirit of the inhabitants. It wasn't pretty.

The ascended masters helped a great deal by sealing up most of the dimensional tear as quickly as they could, but with millions of these disembodied beings already present, every Atlantean had anywhere from twenty to a hundred spirits in their bodies. Things in Atlantis got much worse than they are here now, though we are fast approaching that. And those spirits are still here. Everyone on this planet has at least a few of them living in their bodies.

This failed experiment happened about 16,000 years ago, and for the next 4,000 years matters just kept worsening. The ascended masters, our highest aspect, the very highest degree to which consciousness on this planet has reached, looked outward from their habitats on the tenth, eleventh or twelfth overtone of the sixth dimension and prayed for help. They had to find a way to rescue everyone. They couldn't just get rid of the Martians or kill the disembodied spirits; that is not what ascended masters do, it is not the path of life. So what the ascended masters were looking for and praying for was help in finding a win-win situation for everyone.

In the highest aspects of life there is unity consciousness, and in unity consciousness there is no duality, no illusion. It is abundantly clear there is One spirit that moves through everything, and since the One spirit moves through everything, then everything is a part of the whole. This is precisely why the ascended masters couldn't just obliterate the Martians. Our modern surgical philosophy of excision--to cut you up and take out what isn't working--is not what true life is about. By annihilating the Martians or driving them off, a loss for anyone would ultimately have been a loss for everyone.

A lot of intergalactic consuls were involved in the ensuing deliberations. They looked back into the remote past and were able to see something that had been done before and in fact had worked. It required synthetically initiating planetary Christ- consciousness. Not merely allowing it to proceed naturally but synthetically beginning the process of creating the Christ- consciousness grid on the planet, with the result that everything would eventually be healed.

Once our consciousness reaches a certain level all the problems solve themselves. Christ-consciousness is unity consciousness, so, if it could be achieved, everyone would win.

There are five levels of consciousness associated with planet Earth. The levels of consciousness are directly related to the number of chromosomes we have in our genetic makeup. They also each prescribe a range of height. The first level of consciousness has forty-two plus two chromosomes, and this is harmonic with unity consciousness. At this point collective consciousness operates such that if one person experiences something, it is possible for everyone else to access this memory and relive it. This is the dreamtime of the Aborigines in Australia. The range of height associated with this level of consciousness is three-and-one-half feet to five feet. The second level of consciousness is where we are now. We no longer have this unity consciousness; we are cut off and separated. The second level of consciousness has forty-four plus two chromosomes, and the approximate range of height is from five feet to seven feet.

In the third level of consciousness, which is Christ-consciousness, there are forty-six plus two chromosomes. The range of height is from ten to sixteen feet. Here we are back into unity memory again, but its form in the third level is upgraded into one of instant manifestation; it is no longer dreamtime but realtime. When you remember something it is real. It is not just your memory but the memory of all Christ- conscious beings who have ever lived. At the third level there is really only one consciousness that moves through everything; its key is memory. This is what immortality is all about. Immortality is not living in a body forever because there is always some place higher to move. The key is not having a break in consciousness as you move through the different levels, not having a memory loss, being able to leave when you want and continuing to know where you've been.

The fourth level of consciousness has forty-eight plus two chromosomes and a height range of twenty-five to thirty-five feet. The fifth level has fifty plus two chromosomes and a height range of fifty to sixty feet. The fourth level is disharmonic like the second but it is a necessary step to get to the fifth and highest level that can be achieved on this planet.

The light on the planet is now stronger than the darkness for the first time in 16,000 years. Even though we don't see it yet, the power balance has shifted and the laws have reversed themselves. Now when negativity resists the light, which is its very nature, instead of overpowering the light it gives more power to the light and we get stronger. So hang on!

After the Martians' failed experiment on Atlantis, there were approximately 4,000 years of life on Earth getting more and more chaotic. The Earth came to the time in the precession of the equinoxes and readiness for a pole shift, approximately 12,500 years ago. Thoth raised the ship, flew back to the island of Undal on Atlantis, and picked up about 16,000 ascended masters. They had gotten no more than a quarter of a mile off the ground, Thoth said, when Undal sank. That was the last part of Atlantis to go under. Thoth and the ascended masters then traveled back to the Great Pyramid, as the magnetic field of the Earth collapsed. The collapse lasted for three-and-a-half days. It took our memory with it. Our collective memory is directly dependent upon the magnetic field of the Earth, so if it collapses, we have no idea of who we are. It's back to savagery. But if you have mastered the merkaba you can create your own magnetic field from the counter-rotating fields of light and retain memory.

The masters landed on top of the Great Pyramid, which was constructed in such a way that it created a perfect landing platform for this spaceship. There they formed a merkaba from which a large counter-rotating field of energy extended 1.6 million miles into space. For the critical three-and-a-half-day period during the pole shift the masters controlled the axis, the tilt, and the orbit of the planet. In fact, they changed the orbit; it used to be a 360-day periodicity and now it is 365 and a quarter days.

The masters stayed in this ship for the period in which the magnetic field was collapsed, and at the end of it they found a whole new world. Atlantis was gone, portions of what is now the United States had risen above water, and the planet was on a different, much lower, dimensional level. That's why archaeologists can't find any evidence. They are looking at the wrong vibration.

The masters entered the Great Pyramid by a circular tunnel leading to its underground city. Ra took about one-third of them there--Tat, Thoth's son, among them. The people in this underground city later formed the Tat brotherhood, and there is a large community of immortal beings living there to this very day.

The ship then flew to Lake Titicaca and the Island of the Sun. There Thoth disembarked with about another third of the masters, and they founded the Inca empire. The ship next journeyed to the Himalaya where Araaragat disembarked. The rest of the ascended masters returned to the Sphinx, raised the ship in its overtone so it could pass through the Earth, and then descended about a mile below the surface into a circular room where the ship itself remained until 1989.

These three places-the underground city, the Island of the Sun, and the Himalaya-were chosen for very specific reasons having to do with planetary geomancy as set up by the masters for a synthetic Christ-consciousness grid of the Earth. The Egyptian aspect became the male point of the grid; the Mayan-Incan aspect became the female-counterpoint of the grid; and the Himalayan aspect became the neutral or child point of the grid.

Drunvalo: 1972 Sirian Experiment

To begin this story we must go far back in time to when Thoth and other ascended masters were synthetically creating the Christ-consciousness grid on this planet to heal what had happened between the Martians and the Earthlings in Atlantis. When the ascended masters began their construction of the grid, they made the hole in Egypt that connects to the flame of life in the Halls of Amenti and activated their geomancy with sacred points all over the world. The ascended masters then calculated that we would matriculate into the fourth dimension by the winter of 1998, and at that time only a very few people would make it. There was nothing unusual about this experiment of creating the Christ-consciousness grid synthetically. Apparently it is done on a regular basis--that is, jumping planets up or down dimensional levels. No one in the universe paid any particular attention to this experiment; it was no big deal.

However, about 200 years ago the Sirians, who are our father aspect, became aware of a high possibility that we were not going to make it at all. They foresaw an event that was going to happen in 1972, and they knew that we had to be at the fourth dimensional level of awareness by then in order to survive. If we were at that level by 1972 there would be no problem, but if not, everything would be wiped out--the entire planet. And, as time passed, it more and more seemed as if we would not reach that consciousness level.

The Sirians did not want to see us wiped out. We are, in a certain sense, their children and they have that special parental love connection with us. They started searching for a way to solve this problem but were unsuccessful. There was no known way to get a planet at our level of awareness through the changes that were coming. When this had happened in the past it meant that the planet was destroyed. The Sirians kept on looking, however, and eventually they discovered that someone in a faraway galaxy had conceived of an idea that might work, but had never been tried. It was still not totally certain that we were not going to make it--consciousness can and does make quantum leaps all the time--but the Sirians were assuming the worst. So they went ahead and prepared everything necessary to implement the idea or experiment that they had come upon.

They created a living vehicle that was fifty miles long, cigar-shaped, black, and seamless with both carbon and silicon life forms on it merged into one. The whole thing was a self-aware living unit. It had a transparent area on one end and was manned by about 300 to 350 men and women of the Sirian race from the third planet. They wore white uniforms with gold emblems. Dedicating as much time to this project as was necessary, they also made eight little flying saucer-type vehicles or ships that were to be unmanned; these were approximately twelve to twenty feet in length. The Sirians assembled this all together, worked out all its possibilities, then set it aside and waited.

Meanwhile, back on Earth in early 1972, Drunvalo was directed to Canada as soon as he got here. He had to make a secret connection with a man named David Suzuki. Suzuki is a very highly disciplined person who works on many different levels. He studied genetics not by looking through a microscope but by looking through a telescope. He believed in the principle "as above, so below." If you are looking at really big things you can see all motions more clearly. He watched the movements of asteroids and applied that to his understanding of genetics. Suzuki was also interested in the activity of our sun and had a team of people watching it all the time. He knew that one day in 1950, researchers had witnessed a phenomenon that was unknown in human experience. A spiraling light came off the sun and went rapidly right past the Earth. They had no idea what this was, but it was an indication of something unusual occurring. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the axis itself wobbles, creating several cycles--the Slow 25,920-year precession, and another wobble that is the inclination itself oscillating back and forth, which takes about 46,000 years. There are also other wobbles; one in particular takes fourteen years. According to Suzuki, we were on the furthermost point of this wobble in 1950. When the spiral went flying past the Earth the area subtended by the wobble began to widen, the equivalent of a top slowing down. It took researchers fourteen years of study before concluding that this change in the wobble would lead to a shifting of the poles, giving Earth a new north and south pole. By 1964 they were pretty certain of this.

Suzuki's team studied the data for four more years before they acted. In 1968 they were convinced the pole shift was imminent. Suzuki published a paper that was first distributed only to the Canadian government, then to the United States and most other governments, saying that we were going to have a new north and south pole. He said the spiral of light was coming off the sun like clockwork every three years, only it was increasing in intensity each time. From all their calculations of the past eighteen years they had concluded that sometime in 1972 between August and November the energy level would be such that there would be an explosion on the sun, an explosion unparalleled in our experience. They predicted there would be another explosion in 1984, and very soon after that we would lose our present north and south poles.

The actual event happened on August 7, 1972. From our observation--and we didn't know of course that the Sirians had intervened--it was the biggest thing that we had ever seen. Anthony R. Curtis, in his book The Space Almanac, called it "the most intense solar storm ever recorded." (1) According to "Science News: "The early days of August saw a severe disturbance on the sun that produced four major flares between August 2 and August 7.... The ones recorded in early August were among the most major ever recorded.... The August 7 flare ran the X-ray sensors off the scale..." (2) The solar wind, which has an average velocity of 500 km/sec., or a million miles per hour, got up to 2 1/2 million miles an hour for three days, then it dropped down to 1 1/2 million miles an hour for thirty days. This was considered impossible, yet it happened. Accounts of the event were published in all the major scientific literature of the world and many of the major newspapers, but scientists didn't know what it meant; all they did was publish the data.

After six months, David Suzuki called a worldwide scientific meeting to discuss the implications of this explosion. Drunvalo left him about three months before the meeting so he doesn't know what happened at the meeting. What he does know is that previous to the meeting--that is, from August to November 1972-- there was a great amount of information published and written about this. After the meeting in June or July of 1973, there was a total worldwide blackout, just as if the great event had never happened.

If the Sirians had not intervened, the explosion would have definitely killed us all. It would have killed everything on the planet right down to the microbial and algal levels. What really happened was that our sun was about to expand in a giant red pulse out to the orbit of Jupiter or thereabouts. This pulse would have lasted for approximately 1,000 years, and then the sun would return to its normal size. If we had been prepared for this, that is, consciously prepared, if we were at the Christ-consciousness level or higher, we could have just tuned to it and it would have been a beautiful trip. But since we had fallen so far in consciousness from the events in Atlantis 16,000 years ago and had not yet moved into Christ- consciousness, we certainly were not prepared.

At the time, 144,000 different races from the other dimensional levels came in here to assist. By mid-January I972, about 80,000 of them had already arrived. They had a very intense discussion among themselves on the subject of the impending red pulse and about 79,900 of these cultures said, "There is no hope, there is no way, there is not a prayer of the humans surviving. Let's get out of here." They went home because noninterference was their policy. The other hundred or so cultures--the Pleiadeans, the Aldebarans, the Arcturans and others led by the Sirians--decided to stay and help.

The Sirians not only had the hardware and software in place but also ambassadors. The moment the situation was declared hopeless they sent ambassadors to Galactic Command to ask for permission to carry out their experiment. If anyone at all, even just one person, were to survive this explosion of the sun, the Sirians would have been refused. But because no one on Earth was going to survive, they did receive permission. They were first asked by Galactic Command how many survivors they thought there would be as a result of their experiment. They didn't really know but said, "Probably at least two but no more than ten will make it."

A key condition for receiving permission was the belief that at least one person would survive. In truth, as this was a radical thing that had never been tried before, they didn't really know how many would survive.

After receiving permission the Sirians immediately went to work and within thirty days had everything in place. They launched the large cigar-shaped object just outside the membrane of consciousness of the Earth, at 440,000 miles out, and they placed it one overtone higher so it was invisible to us. They placed the eight small flying saucer-type ships on the apexes of the eight tetrahedral points-that is, the eight points of the star tetrahedron around the Earth. There is a star tetrahedron inscribed in the Earth. There is also a much bigger one, around 10,000 miles above the surface. The points are the chakra system of the planet. Again, these were set one dimensional overtone higher than the Earth. Then from the cigar-shaped ship they shot a beam of laser light, the likes of which we do not have. The beam was about eight inches in diameter, made up of little segments of different colored digital light moving, of course, at the speed of light. This light was coming from one dimensional world into another.

The beam entered into the North Pole and hit the little flying saucer-type ship that was at that tetrahedral point. From there, the immense amount of information contained in the laser light was translated into three primary rays--red, blue, and green--that were beamed to the next three ships. These ships repeated this and sent the rays to the next three ships until the rays ended up at the South Pole. At the South Pole they were translated back into information and shot into the center of the Earth. From the center of the Earth, by refraction, the information came out in little tiny beams of light by the billions, all over the whole planet. As these beams of light came out through the center of the Earth they connected to all the humans and animals on the planet.

Remember, the Sirians had to protect us from a wall of flame and this is how they did it. Not only did they have to protect us, but they also had to do it in such a way that we didn't know we were being protected. Our knowing would have completely changed the human equation. They also had to speed up our evolution so we could get to where we could handle a wall of flame. They set a holographic field around the Earth; then they set up a holographic field around each person and animal. They then began to program events into these holographic fields. In the first few months they didn't change anything, they just got control. Then they programmed our sky into a hologram and kept everything going as though nothing unusual were happening. Then they began to program events into our lives so that we would evolve as rapidly as possible. At the same time, they were protecting us from the wall of flame.

From the summer of 1972 to the summer of 1974 we were moving in an entirely new direction. We began to accelerate in our evolution. Then it started to get out of hand; we began to really accelerate. This experiment was much more successful than they ever imagined. Instead of ten or so making it through, the number is now up to 1 1/2 billion or so people who will make it through to the next level. We have obviously all been protected from the wall of flame; we're still here. The Sirian intervention also bought time for the synthetic Christ- consciousness grid to be completed. Without the Christ- consciousness grid, no one can make it to the next level of consciousness. This grid was completed on February 4, 1989. Normally, when a planet goes into Christ-consciousness only a very few people initially make it through to live and understand the new reality. The rest drop down to a lower level of consciousness and only over a very long period of time the initial few pull the rest up until the whole planet reaches Christ-consciousness.

There are, as well, different levels of Christ-consciousness. The levels of Christ-consciousness in the fourth dimension are the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth overtones. It usually takes a long period of time for the planet to evolve through those stages. The lower overtones of the fourth dimension contain the astral plane, where many of us go when we dream, a level where most people go when they die, and a place where you find beings like faeries and tree spirits. It isn't until you reach the tenth overtone of the fourth dimension that you attain Christ- consciousness. It is to one of these higher overtones of the fourth dimension that we as a planet are headed. And this, by the way, is where the Greys cannot follow. They do have access to the lower levels of the fourth dimension and in fact hang out regularly in our astral plane. It was primarily in the astral plane where they were messing with us.

The geometry of the consciousness grid around any planet changes as the consciousness of the planet changes. These changes are normally very rare. Usually small changes occur over thousands of years. Changes on the grid around the Earth are now happening hourly. This has attracted the attention of beings from all parts of the galaxy. Because we are inside the system, it is difficult for us to know how fast we are moving. But for anyone outside observing us, it is obvious. What is happening here is unheard of; it has gotten to the point where we are on inter dimensional galactic television. That's why the two higher overtones are like a parking lot. Everyone is tuned into us to monitor this event because they know that whatever happens to us here will affect them, too. All life everywhere will be touched by this. According to Thoth, an analogy for the speed at which we are evolving is one of a newborn baby becoming an adult in fifteen minutes. This is totally unique; there are no memory patterns for it anywhere, even on the Melchizidek level.

It appears to be the most successful experiment that anyone anywhere has ever conducted. Drunvalo now suspects that this may have been in the mind of God from the very beginning. However, the ascended masters don't know what the outcome will be. Thoth wanted Drunvalo to be very clear about this. It thus far appears to be a very successful experiment, but the ascended masters keep figuring out game plans that become obsolete before they can even implement them. Originally Thoth and other ascended masters thought the planet would reach critical mass around the last week of August 1990 or the first week of September 1990, and that by the spring of 1990 we would go into another dimensional level. The ascended masters said they would then bond together, leave the Earth in a ball of light, and go into another level of consciousness. That would pull us up and serve as the trigger for everyone to ascend.

Instead, what happened in August 1990 was that Iraq invaded Kuwait. The major nations of the Earth did band together, but in preparation for war against Iraq. Because of this the ascended masters held off. We created planetary unity of a sort by banding together against one man in one country. This was unique in our history. Never before in human history has essentially the entire planet melded together against one person. Even the world wars were very different from this. Because of the Iraqi war, the ascended masters created a new game plan whereby thirty-two of them would go off at one time in a group merkaba. This is how Thoth left on May 4, 1991. That would bring us up a little bit at a time instead of all at once. Every time they do this there will be a rapid expansion in our consciousness. They are timing these events now.

Before Thoth left here he told Drunvalo that he suspects we will not go through the sudden and violent shifting of the poles that usually accompanies a planet's change of consciousness. Rather, we will go through a series of steps with our eyes open and we will do it very harmonically. The ascended masters are going to try to make this a controlled shift of consciousness.

Drunvalo believes that all previous predictions regarding the future of the Earth are no longer valid. The Sirian experiment of 1972 changed everything. Nostradamus was very accurate in his predictions up until 1972, and since then his predictions have fallen way off. Suzuki predicted a pole shift in 1984; he was sure of it. When 1984 came, we were in a totally different place. Thoth believes that we are going to have the most unique experience that life has ever had. Before the end of the century every last person left on the planet will ascend into the next dimensional level together.

There will be people dying all along, and those who do will go into Christ-consciousness through resurrection. We will be making this shift as a conscious planet, as though we were a million years further advanced. Many higher aspects of life everywhere are begging to come down here either through birth, or as walk-ins, to directly experience this because it is so unusual. It appears that we have made it in a really big way, and we will soon find ourselves not only in the higher overtones of the fourth dimension, which is the first step, but far beyond. At some point, most likely in 2012, we will skip universal octaves, a totally unheard-of event in the history of our universe. Where we will go, no one anywhere knows.

In Peace

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  • Thank you Ara.

  • Hey Ara, It's good see you and Drekx talking about things like this in the open more. I think that it will shed a lot of Light as to what this whole thing is about. If only there were a lot more Souls out there who were this brave in talking about where they stand in on things lol

    Thanks for sharing this 

    Bless the Nite,


    • There are 7 billion Brave Souls who wakes up every day in the morning and face their own personal realities - that is Courage.

      Love and light

      • For the ones that face there own realities, and I do mean really face it there own personal realities, then yes that is courage. It takes a lot for people to see what is in front of them at times 

        Bless the Nite,


  •  Thank you I always knew there was much more to David Suzuki than met the eye.

     In our bodies we have the Male Atoms spinning one way and the Female spins the opposite.

     Ashtar has just announced that Masculine Divinity will merge withe the Feminine Divinity.

     This isi awesome confirmation of that. I am also thanful that both my parents who have recently

     transited will not be staying in the Astral.. Thank you Ara for the Post. May a trillion Rainbow heart Bubbles

     cascade from your heart blessing and healing all you come in touch with with your own special perfume. Kingjeff

  • Thank you Ara for posting this....I am totally speechless...There is a lot here to think about.  I had no knowledge of any of this till now. 

    Blessings and Love to you.

    • RealightElly,

      you can find more in Drunvalo's books 'The Ancient secret of the Flower of Life volume I and II'

      Love and light

  •   I'm speechless, I had to write a few things down, I don't dare forget, I'm so grateful Ara you shared this with us all, Lots of love and light, Janet

  • Thank you for the info Ara.  It's good to know so many have our backs :)  I know my consciousness wouldn't be where it is at today without the gentle nudgings of guides/ETs/whatever you want to call them.


    And: "At the time, 144,000 different races from other dimensional levels came in here to assist"  <--amazing how 144,000 just keeps popping up


    Life without Lucifer would've been so boring ;)

  • I clearly remember the big to-do back in 1972 and David Suzuki being involved with a huge conference about the sun going Nova.  I have been asking THEM above for a more complete story about exactly what they (humans) thought and the fact that nothing happened to us at that time.  I've even looked online recently for the information in Google but with the world wide blackout of course nothing showed up.  Thank you for this very timely explanation of events at that time.  I am floored and even more grateful for the Sirians (and the Others) for caring that much about us to intervene. 

    My questions are - for anyone who cares to answer- what would have happened to the light beings who have been coming here by being born into the human karmic cycle to raise the light quotient from within the population.  Was there actually two plans overlapping at the 1972 event? It seems so.  Would they have been "beamed up" just before the Sun expanded?

    And Is the sun still in the expanded form as they said it would last for 1000 years or has the Divine TEAM done something to control the sun since then?? 

    Thanks again Ara.

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1 hour ago
AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening’s blog post was featured
January 1, 2025Original source: https://universalforces.space/2025/01/02/ashtar-command-report-the-...
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
2 hours ago
AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening posted a blog post
January 1, 2025Original source: https://universalforces.space/2025/01/02/ashtar-command-report-the-...
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
2 hours ago
AlternateEarth’s blog post was featured
Floating above my house in NJ -Qoute from Drexk;The craft below is not strictly orb-shaped, but rather a rhombus diamond shape and the occupants are Tau Cetians, who are sentient ET members of the GFL, and are similar to bears on Earth....The face…
4 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The dark cabal hates us all and wants to destroy us, or enslave us...BUT, they will not succeed, as there are such powerful forces in cosmos that oppose their plans, that they are doomed...And their former protection by the Anunnaki "gods" has been…"
6 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  How To Talk To God? Secrets from Mahavatar Babaji's Teachings Have you ever wondered how to connect with God on a deeper level? Discover the profound wisdom of Mahavatar Babaji as we unravel the secrets to divine communication and spiritual…
7 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  Sri Amma Bhagavan Wisdom:Experience Everything!Question: Dear Bhagavan, most of us are tired of battling with life. We often wonder if life is conspiring against our joy and peace. The more we try to elude pain, the more challenging it becomes. Is…
15 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
......"May this New Year bring an abundance of peace, stillness, and clarity into your heart and soul. May the light of Sri Amma Bhagavan’s grace illuminate the path of enlightenment for you and guide you to discover the highest truth.May we all…
16 hours ago