Have you ever encountered an angel in an earth body?

The angel-wings debate reminded me...

   Years ago when I was part of a spiritual study-healing group.... I was riding the bus, sitting by the window... and I noticed a woman who was struggling with bags, at the bus stop... I prayed for her & sent her peace.... and a woman sat next to me.      

      Almost immediately felt a delightful energy filling me, like energetic champagne ...full of delightful energy "bubbles of joy" .... I just marveled at this, and the woman got up for her stop, turning away so I couldn't see her face.

    I'd never felt anything quite like this, and just assumed she was  an angelic  being who wanted to remain anonymous.... 

    (Of course she coulda been an energy worker) but I'd never had an anonymous experience, or felt an energy-gift like that, since

   Share a story about anyone you've encountered (in physical form, that shared an extraordinary gift)

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  •   I had an encounter with an angel many years ago now. I was with my twin sister, who was nine months pregnant and her daughter, who was two years old. My 2 yr. old  neice started running toward a busy road of collage students, I was about 75 feet behind her, running, My sister was weigh ahead of me but still not close enough to catch her. I heard her yell out God help me, as she was trying to run with her big belly. I instantly saw my little neice's right leg go up in the air sideways, and stayed that  way till my sister got to her.when I got to my sister she was not panting at all.but knew she just said thank you to an angel.

    • Thanx Janet,

         I feel it's important we share these stories rather than keep 'em to ourselves.

      Acknowledging the beauty-magic in life is a way of manifesting more.

  • I had a very strange experience years ago when I was studeing in Oslo. Its 20 years ago now.

    I was on my way home from school, it had been raining and I was walking down the pavement when I thought about how alone I feelt in the big city, almost a bit loost. I stopped up. Then suddenly it feelt like the whole atmosphere changed, I turned around and saw a small lady walking towards me. She had long coat, skinny and had blond shoulder long hair. When she passed me she said: " I am not used to be in the city" . She said it in a way like we had been friends forewer, and I feelt she could read my thoughts. It was something very strange about her. Looking back at it now, I dont think she could have been an ordinary person.

    Who she was I dont know, but I newer encountered a person with a charisma like she had ever since.

    • Thanx Mark, Nayon, Zeta... 

      We hear so much negativity in the media ,  that stories like this really need to be heard-shared.

      Yes , some folks will scoff but many also will find needed inspiration and possibly recognize a bit of magic in

      their own life experiences.

      I sure will.

       If we accept miracles-magic it just may appear where we least expect it 

      As I see it , optimism is the only viable option.


  • About 5 years ago I was sitting on a park bench and one came to sit with me and we talked for about 20 minutes.  I started watching him while he was still far, about a few thousands feet away, there was something odd about him.  At one point he tried to help 3 girls carry their bags but they pushed him away.  Then he got close to an elderly lady that was going by with a walker and he grabed her by both wrists.  Her husband hit him with his cane and he let go.  Right after that he came to sit with me. 

    From the get go he asked me if I believed in God.  He talked to me about non existing hell and the illusions of religions.  He asked me to take care of children because they had no real parents anymore.  He told me he had healed the old lady and that it was unfortunate the she didn't let him tell her, he said she would take her medication for nothing because she didn't need them anymore. 

    He told me he was very uncomfortable in the human body but he loved the touch of them and he asked me if he could touch mine.  I said yes and then he gently caressed my arm and that was it.  We talked about Venus and he told me he had live there for a while.  He was in telepathic contact with someone else, he interrupted me a couple of time to hear from them. 

    At first, I wasn't sure what to make of this, genuine or crazy?  At that time a chemtrail sprayer happend to lay a big fat trail over our head and I took the oppotunity to pick his brain about this.  I figure it could be a litmus test.  I asked him what he thought of those.  He told me that those were 'trash' and that at one point, earth would warm up because of them.  I was surprised by his answer because I had made research to see if there was a correlation with chemtrails and global warming because I had noticed the glow of the sun getting warmer with those suspended aluminium oxyde, but I found nothing on the Net.  At that point I think I fully realised he was genuine and asked him something very few could know, I asked him was was their composition, what was in them.  He turned and look at me right in the eyes, smiling, as if there was a line. he could not cross.  I think he felt I was on to him.  He then stood up and said he had to leave.

    About 20 feet away, he turned around and shout really loud that he loved me, using my first name.  He walked away and I never saw him again.       

    • I would like to add that I've been woking on a theory over the last 7 years about what we could term the greatest conspiracy of all about avatars (angels in the flesh) running the show on earth.  I think it is very plausible that there are a lot more than most can imagine, and that all key roles on earth are played by them in secrecy.  'The world is a stage', 'everything is under control' are things we hear quite often.  I think most evil is made up by them to create the cosmic drama's backdrop.  They run politics, economics, entertainment, and most internet 'spiritual sites' to steer everything in the right direction.  I think the Illuminati is an avatar organisation and that the evil facade is just their cover.  They are our teachers; the great athletes, artists, scientists. 

      I found a lot of supporting data for this theory among lyrics and movies and I've confronted many of them on their Internet sites and got intreaging response.  I suspect there are a few on this site here too.  For good reasons, this is the conspiracy you will find nowhere on the Net.  I'll probably get the usual response but I don't mind, I stick to my story.   

      • Strange coincidence that this topic was promptly removed from the main wall.  Not surprised though. 

  • I was returning to my car from a festival here in Seattle (Folk Life Festival – highly recommended!). As I walked down the sidewalk I noticed down the way a large delivery truck parked in the street that blocked an entire lane. I didn’t pay too much attention.
    As I continued to walk I saw too rambunctious kids running behind the truck and it looked like they were going to run across the road – but what the laughing kids couldn’t see was that there was an approaching car coming from the opposite direction. Mentally I yelled, “Careful!!!!”. The kids stopped, appeared stunned and then the car saw them and stopped, and the kids ran across.
    I lowered my gaze to the sidewalk in front of me and breathed a sigh of relief. Just as I was lifting my head a young lady appeared from behind the bushes, beamed a fantastic smile at me and said, “Have the best day ever.” I was stunned, and automatically replied with a weak smile , “You too,” as I continued walking down the road.
    After a second or so I found myself floating in the most amazing blissful loving energy. And then I knew she was an angel. I thought about turning around and talking to her, but then instinctively knew that either she would just have vanished or at best she would deny everything and quickly leave. So I continued walking towards my car just glowing with this amazing energy. As I reached the crosswalk I realized that I’d better ground myself or I’m going to get run over by the first car that drove by.
    That’s my angel story – and I’m sticking to it!
  • Lady T,

    I guess in this time period "more than human" might seem a silly saying, as it's so very "common" with all the new kids on the block-planet...and our accelerating evolution.....but this encounter was 20 yrs ago.... and it stood out for me.  

      Thanx for sharing your story. 

    • Actually I thought of another cool story-event.

      I've been a photographer (my avocation) about 8 yrs, and I shoot women exclusively, aspiring models mostly.

        6-7 trs ago I  contacted a young black woman from a model-photographer site who interested me (for some reason)    I drove 70 miles to her college to shoot with her, and remarked she must be special, as I'd never driven out of town to meet anyone.

        We had a fun couple of hours shooting some casual & fashion looks near a lake, and I thought nothing more about it ... she was from the Islands.. in Minnesota on a student visa.


        That night I looked at the images, I was astonished-stunned-mesmerized...

      It was obvious to my soul.  she was a highly evolved being, as her look-beauty was not of this earth, The depth of love-compassion-wisdom in her eyes was like nothing I'd ever seen, in a photograph.

          If anyone was an angel-celestial being,  she certainly was..... regretfully she returned to the islands before we could arrange another shoot.

      I've met-shot with a  fair number of young women who were fairies or similar forest beings is a past life...as I seem to attract them , and  manifest their unique magic-talent-beauty. Our souls just seem to recognize the connection in some way...

      and magic is always the result.

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