
We've all know the all seeing eye, the symbol for the third eye/pineal gland.

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSchvH5f3zJKXm1hd_h2alL1KqPMXRIWyB5xrbwmwmjGxqVAj0COgBPniGiwgSeems fairly straight forward at face value.

But what if it were a con. What if it were in fact a ploy to keep our pineal gland shut down instead of activated? (Or f it were appropriate for the "old energy").

Using Eye Positions as a means of Accessing Different Parts of the Neurology.  

Anyone that has had exposure to Neuro Linguistic Programming will be familiar with the concept of eye accessing. Essentially the position of the eyes determines what parts of the neurology you access. This includes memories, emotions, creating of ideas, logic, and the spiritual realm, if you believe in that kind of thing.

Below is a chart that shows the  fundamental position the eyes assume when accessing different parts of the neurology..


And here a series of questions you can ask to watch the magic happen. Ask the questions, and watch where the eyes go.

Visual Remembered
What is the colour of the shirt you wore yesterday?
Which of your friends has the shortest hair?

Visual Constructed
What would your room look like if it were painted yellow with big purple circles?
Can you imagine the top half of a tiger on the bottom half of an elephant?

Auditory Remembered
What does your best friend’s voice sound like?
Which is louder, your door bell or your telephone?

Auditory Constructed
What will your voice sound like in 10 years?
What would it sound like if you played your two favourite pieces of music at the same time?

Auditory Digital
What is something you continually tell yourself?
What are your thoughts about this article?

What does it feel like to walk barefoot on a cool sandy beach?
What does it feel like when you rub your fingers on sandpaper?

Basically, if you ask someone a series of questions like this you can literally watch their thought process as their eyes dance around in their sockets.

If the eyes struggle to follow this pattern it can be a sign of neurological blockages. It is a very handy diagnostic tool.

(P.s a handy one to know is visual remembered. If someone is telling you a lie they have to create the story in their mind so if you see their eyes go up and left whilst answering a question they are making it up on the run.

Eye Position and the Meridians.

Not going to spend much time on this, only to say that there are a series of meridians that terminate on the eye sockets. So as you'd imagine the eye position affects the energy flowing through the meridians.

In chinese medicine, each organ has an emotion and behaviour attached to it. So any problems in the organ would manifest as the eye being unable to access certain areas, and thus manifest as a potential emotional "issue" and an inabiltity to access certain parts of the neurology/memories.

Problems in the organs would also limit the energy to the meridian and create a problem with focusing.


Putting it all together. Eye Positioning and the Upside Down Pyramid.

So what is the point of all this, I hear you ask.

Well, for the longest time we have lived with this symbol as a part of our truth.


The all seeing eye, sitting inside a pyramid. But as has been pointed out above, eyes do more than just see. The are the way consciousness controls what part of our neurology is accessed.

So lets explore this idea of the all seeing eye further.


Our eyeball flexible friend here has his eyes going “pointy” in roughly the same place that the pyramid surrounding the all seeing eye peaks. If we go to our meridian chart we see that the eyes are pointing towards the bladder meridian .

The bladder meridian deals with the following concepts.

Bladder Meridian

Meridian Flow: Begins at the corner of the eye, continues over head, down back and legs, ending on small toe.

Companion Organ:Kidney

Psychological Qualities of Balance:

Caution, restraint, determination, will power, ambition.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:

Fear, lack of confidence, nervous-ness, fear of being submerged or overwhelmed, strained nerves, hypersensitivity (both physical and emotional)

In other words, We are accessing fear in an either positive or negative way.  

Also, “The bladder meridian is yang, meaning it deals with the outer world”.

So the all seeing eye is only seeing all that is external.

Now lets turn things upside down for a moment.   


Now the eyes are peaking in the position of a metaphorical upside down pyramid.


Just looking at the picture in that way changes the feeling of it. There is a feeling of expansion associated with it – “opening up to heaven”, but I digress.

If we look at the concepts relating to the associated meridian, the Large Intestine,

Large Intestine Meridian

Meridian Flow: Beginning either side of the nostrils running across the shoulder and down the arm to the index finger.

Companion Organ:


Psychological Qualities of Balance:

Compassion, good survival instinct, instinct and intuition, free will, individuality, positive outlook, endurance. As per the lung and metal element.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:

Sorrow, resentment, worry, coughing, anguish, claustrophobia, inflexibility (both body and mind), pessimism, nostalgia. Stubbornness, holding on.

We see a completely different part of the neurology, and thus behaviours accessed.

Now we are dealing with concepts of the heart. And with concepts of the inner world.

The all seeing eye suddenly becomes the all knowing eye,

If you refer back to the eye accessing chart you'll notice that this eye position also melds the logical and the kinesthetic. You are accessing the logical and emotional simultaneously. Otherwise know as the getting of wisdom.

There's more.

If you position your eyes so that the base of the pyramid is at the top,


You find the eyes are positioned near the triple burner meridian.

The concepts the triple burner meridian deals with area as follows.

Triple Warmer Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the ring finger up the back of the arm, over the shoulder ending above and to the outside of the eye.

Companion Organ: Pericardium

Psychological Qualities of Balance:

Sociable nature, ability to work well in groups, platonic friendships, personal warmth, sense of humour, liking for others.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:

Unsociable nature, standoffish, lack of humour, prefers isolation to group co-operation, poor decision making abilities, forgetfulness, rambling thoughts.

These are concepts that deal with unity. Compassionate concepts, once again. (and as far as I can tell, the way to position your eyes if toy are wanting to co create. Like co creation, its not easy or intuitive. But it is our birth right.

Likewise if the eyes form the base of the pyramid in the traditional place, at the bottom


sort of, (I need you to work with me on this, not many people can do this),

You find them pointing in the general direction of the gall bladder meridian.

Concepts the Gall Bladder deal with are..

Gall Bladder Meridian.

Meridian Flow: From the outside of the eye around the ear up and forward over the head before doubling back to travel down the body ending in the fourth toe.

Companion Organ: Liver

Psychological Qualities of Balance:

Good decision making abilities, impetus, inspiration behind decisions.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:

Irritability, rage, bitterness, constant sadness. Anger of the sort that leads to irrational or hasty decisions. Allergies.

Concepts that deal with Logic and the external world. Once again. And the companion organ of the gall bladder is the Liver, the general. The organ that deals with anger.

Clearly anger is an important emotion. As is fear. Together they are our primary survival emotions.

However, in my opinion the mix between the two pyramids is ideally, and  approximately thus,


Compassionate control over strength.

The Divine Wise Feminine guiding the Divine Powerful Masculine


                                                          Honour in Anger.

P.s, next time you meditate,and you focus on your breathing, Really focus on your breath, in and out of your nose. And see what happens. Large intestine meridian).

Next time you focus on your heart, really focus on your heart. and see what happens. (stomach meridian).

Next time you need a bit of inspiration focus your eyes straight up, The enlightened element of the gall bladder meridian



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  • Thank you Devi.

    i hope yuo get some benefit from it as Ihave.

    Most of the information was already there.

    I've just put it together in a unique way. (as far as I can tell). Taken it in directions that I haven't seen it be taken in before. Bur that was fun :).

    Hope yo get some benefit from it. A bit later on I'll describe the techniques I used to better mobilize eye movement. so that they start to perform  more like the archetypes in the pictures. 

  • the brain is where it is because of the way a high frequency vibration is refracted into a series of lower vibration frequencie. It is consistent and lkewise infinitely variable within certain parameters.

  • In my experience, peoples details are different. There are however certain patterns the are consictent. the details are very variable within those patters, But if you take the time to break it all back to basics, the patterns remain consistent.

    it is a mater of expereience in understanding the way they move.

    In the same way you can't do palmistry out of a book either. theer are certain fundamentla that apply but each hand is tells a unique story that can bear no resemblance to the fundamental lines. 

    vive le differnce, of course :)

  • If I read you correct, straight up.

    and straight down into the heart.

  • this eye thing is part of the "you can tell which way people are lying by watching their eyes" which has been debunked :)

    • Not in my world it hasn't

      The debunkers are the ones that are too dogmatic to understand it. :)

      Unable to make it work:)

      Too 3 dimensional in their approach :)

      They need to gain some wisdom :)


        why dont you learn that your precious linguistics is just another product sold by the snakeoil salesman.

        You are worse than Alfred.

        • Just read your article.What a load of unsubstantiated dribble. You believe an article that is all hearsay. they had a sample of 52 people out of 7 billion 

          And pardon my linguistics here, they use the term "equally likely" not very scientific is it one.

          And I quote from the article.

          ""Our research provides no support for the idea [that certain eye movements are a sign of lying] and so suggests that it is time to abandon this approach to detecting deceit,"

          Hardly scientific disproof.

          I have experience of more than 10 years and maybe 1000 sesions of clinical work as personal research that says it works.

          I can tell from that statement they don't believe what they are saying. 

          Sounds like an illuminati con job to me

          This is what one of my new mates thinks of this article.Mooning-Garden-Gnome2.jpg

          • You're engaging with some'one' who considers Glen Beck a valuable source.

            Nuff said ;-)

            • I live a fairly sheltered, conservative life if I AM honest, and I'd never heard of Glen Beck before. So I thought I'd "check him out. This is how far I got.....

              Glenn-beck.jpgClearly this man has no concept of the power of body language.

              Or eye positioning.

              This one is a bit intimidated by your authority Glen...


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