FACEBOOK not what you think



Anyone who has Facebook really needs to take a look at this video ---->FACEBOOK<-----

I have a Facebook page, all though i don`t use it but now i regret for ever getting one, l had a funny feeling about it from the start and it seems i  was right and it`s even worse. I know no-one is anonymous on the World Wide Web but let´s not make it too easy for them (you know who, illuminati) to categorize us and profit of us. I mean we don`t know half of how they track and watch us. It was just on the news that the U.S.A has been spioning on the American ambassad in Stockholm on everyone who ever entered the buildning, people who worked there and everyone who ever got visa to the USA, for atleast past ten years! And what they can do on the web is so much more. I don´t mean to scare or anything like that, but just like i sayed, let´s not make it too easy for them, and if you wanna keep using Facebook don`t tell everything about yourself there because you don´t know who in the end can acces that information, well if you watch the video you will know some of the corporations.... But let`s face it. For us it`s a community, for them it´s just an excellent way to gather information about us.




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  • I try to remember that ALL forces are working for my highest good and I personally see facebook as an opportunity for us to practice living out loud.
  • We live in an "information" age, and of coarse social networks are going to try and gather information about the "society" at large.  These are the times that we live in, and how things have evolved on planet Earth.  

    If you want to cut your self off from the world, you also have the choice to not involve yourself in any social networking, but personally, I'm not worried about sharing information about myself~ :)
  • I couldn't agree more, thanks for posting this StarGirl. Namaste!!
  • lol!!!
  • Indeed. The awareness of this is important. I'm continually surprised by how few people understand the level of data collection on every level, web, phones, everything: Every iota of data is being tracked and often stored, 1 gb per day per person is more than enough for that and is well within the capability of modern technology. I highly suggest Orwell's classic "1984", shows why exactly this is a problem. Also there are small steps one can take to frustrate the information gathering, including omitting or falsifying your real interests, location, image, social connections etc. Using cash instead of credit cards. Refusing the cell phone that monitors your whereabouts and acts as a Orwell's "telescreens", watching and listening. Disconnecting the camera and microphones from your computer when not in use. Etc etc. Never any reason to fall into a fear state, but from a practical point of view, "the best defense is not to be there" ;)
  • Lets not get really paranoid abut this twisted minded elites.I see it as a matrix.The battle is really for your mind.so as long as you got your mind right, I don't think there is really any need to fear anything.Truth is,sometimes I enjoy the game....Yeah mind games is my forte.
  • Just be sure to choose exactly what you share and with whom.  My limited info is only available to my "friends", not to friends of friends not to the general public either
  • I think we discussed this a while ago, I don't remember who's post it was, but I'll share my opinion.


    I worked at media some time and let me tell you, YES they've got you sorted out completely, read you from head to toe without a problem, they know how markets (groups of people with common characteristics) are going to react at different stimulus, and they don't even work for the government, the government works for THEM.


    Mass media and mass consumption is their latest strategy which works around the clock and to completelty wash it from your daily living is pretty hard already, unless you decide to go freegan, or everybody does. Facebook is the latest capitalist tool. (I must admit, as an independent designer I use it too, targeting new clients)


    Why worry about them knowing your location, they've already got satellites for that. On one hand, it is true, we've got no way out, on the other, why care? What better way to show them we can live pretty fine and dandy even with their tricks and gadgets, we can mess them up too by showing them that no matter what they do, they no longer have power on our frequencies, we can keep them as high as we want. So they've got their eyes on us, let's give them something worth watching!

  • I have to agree with you Stargirl about using discretion on Facebook.  A lot of people do not use their smarts and share WAYYY too much information of a personal nature on the internet. 


     I know of a person who mentioned on facebook that they were going away for a three week vacation to Aruba, and also happens to have their town address and real name right on their home page.  So voila someone who read that information checked the phone book or something and found her address and while she and the family were away they got robbed by that person of all their possessions, and the thief left a printed out note to her thanking her for announcing on facebook that they were going to be going away, when they were leaving, when they were going to be back, and where they would be staying while they were gone.  That is not good information to put on facebook.  Never leave information that you will be gone or home alone, or that the kids are home alone while you are going to be out....not a good idea at all but people unthinkingly do it all the time...


    Also a lot of parents post pictures of their children and all sorts of personal information about their kids....also not a good idea at all...it sets that child up for possible kidnapping or god knows what....and pediphiles are aplenty on facebook too just lurking in the chat....so facebook can be a very dangerous place to broadcast your life, not to mention that all sorts of people and organizations have access to all your postings and information. 


     It never ceases to amaze me when people talk about illegal things or other stuff  they do on facebook bragging to their friends.....like smoking weed, copping bags, using more swear words in one sentence than is conceiveable.....don't people realize that when potential employers are making hiring decisions that one of the first places they look to check applicants out is on facebook....They should not be reading about that wild party last night, how drunk the person got, how many people they bedded down, all the dope or crack they smoked etc, you get the drift....I used to run a business and when people applied for a job, that was where I would go first to check out their character.  Often I got an eyefull and chose not to hire the candidate just by virtue of what I read on their pages.  No everyone makes their page private and anyone who can type a name can see a persons life in a nutshell at the push of the enter button.  Not good...


    Also facebook has blanket permission from you to give all your information to companies and all sorts of places...also not a good thing.....All thoughts to think seriously about.  I admit I am a member of facebook, but I am there mostly to play farmville, which is pretty harmless...I am very careful what I post on my page, my theory is if you don't want anyone to know your business then do not post it on facebook.


    Thanks for the video link. Hope people will watch it....important information to be gained.

  • a good sourse of information ?...like what ? ~ where I live ( not shy about that )

    where I shop ( not shy about that )

    what foods I eat ( not shy about that )

    who I prefer as internet friends ( not shy about that )

    what are my political, religious and social agendas ( for sure not shy about this one )

    .........sounds like every social site I visit

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