Recently I was labeled a "hater" on this forum because I stated that I thought that this "Japanese Princess" Nakamaru was not being honest about her backgound and acheivements. I wish to share what I found out about her after spending many hours doing research on her statements of achievements because somehow they did not seem quite right to me. I am hoping that I am wrong about my opinion about her, but I am having a hard time to believe she is genuine due to discrepancies I have found. Below is some of her profile on Facebook and I dug into many of her claims and am sharing what I found out about some her claims and achievements, and welcome anyone to dispute my findings; but only if you have SOLID facts that can be substantiated and proof to the opposite of what I am saying, or know something that I have missed. I am not looking for just an opinion that I am a hateful person because you don't like what I have pointed out. Fair deal? I am not in any way saying that what she shares about new age matters is not valid, I think people should decide that on their own. I just had a hard time believing her claims about herself and being a researcher by nature I dove in and found out a lot that concerned me. I know... too much time on my hands, lol...

I have numbered my findings under each facebook entry from her facebook profile page and bolded her claim dates


exerpts from Japanese Princess Nakamaru's Facebook profile



Chairperson of the International Affairs Institute for World Peace (Tokyo)

1. There is not record of the institute being in existence other than on her      facebook page and biographies on new age sites, no listing in the Tokyo       yellow pages or white pages, feel free to check it out.


Upon graduating from Columbia University and the Graduate School’s Department of International Politics and East Asian Research Center, traveled around the world learning through experience the flow of politics, economics, and culture

2.  After contacting the Columbia University I discovered that the graduate school  never had a Department of International Politics and East Asian Research Center


Published her first work "Diplomacy with America, Diplomacy with China." (Simul Press) Fusing academicism and journalism, it was acclaimed as a practical handbook.

3.  There was no Simul Press now and there was no record of a Simul Press in 1971 that I could find on the web....


Began an interview talk show "Kaoru Nakamaru, The World’s Movers" (on Television Tokyo and 36 affiliates nationwide)

4.  There was no show Called Kaoru Nakamaru, the Worlds Movers on Television Tokyo that I could verify on any search engines on the web. No record of it on the net other than on her facebook page and biographies on new age sites. I am not  saying it did not exist, just that I could not find a single piece of evidence on the  world wide web that it existed, which I found odd  if it were so popular and in  such great syndication on so many world wide stations.


Became a member of the Ministry of Trade and Industry Council (for 4 terms, 8 years)


5. (couldn't verify but could be truthful, I just could not find out the council members for 1974.)



Was awarded the Decoration of Independence from King Hussein of Jordan.

6. per this link, there was no Decoration of Independence that King Hussein ever awarded. This is the official website for the Jordainian Government and lists the only awards and medals that they give and to whom.



Became an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan Center for Inter- cultural Communications)

7. the only mention of the Japan Center for Intercultural Communications is a link to a childrens show. Here is the link: japan-japan-center-for-intercultural-communications-2/

This is all I could find on the web, nor was she listed as an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1980.


"Following the Sun," an interview show began broadcasting on PBS, which had a 380-station network.

8. There is no record of this show ever existing, except on her facebook page and  biographies on new age websites.


 1985 "The International Affairs Institute for World Peace" was recognized as a foundation by the U.S. government.

9. No record of the US recognising this as a foundation ever. It only exists on her facebook page and biography and other sites that she is a member of.  There is no evidence to support this on the web or even the existence of the institute either.


Organized the first "World Peace International Symposium held at the Plaza Hotel in New York

10. No record of this happening other than on her web pages and biographies. I contacted the current manager of the Plaza Hotel where it was supposed to have happened to verify and he was supposed to get back to me but never did. He probably thought  was some kind of nut for asking, lol.



At the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, held the "Conference on the Vision for the 21st Century and Religion," in which 1,000 religious figures from around the world gathered.

11. According to the Episcopal Diocese who governs this church, to the best of their knowledge and available information this event was never on their record of taking place, although they said they do have many conferences held there and many to do with the UN. I am just going on what  the person who is a historian for the cathedral told me.



Invited to the "Ceremony Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution" as a state guest and delivered a keynote speech.

12. no record of this ever occuring other than on her web pages and bios.


Was selected for inclusion into the American Biographical Institute’s "Great Women of the 21st Century" and "Great Minds of the 21st Century," the world’s most authoritative listing.

13. Please see this link. The American Biographical Institute is a for pay organization where a person has to pay them to be included in their book that is sold to them for an exorbitant amount.   It financially  preys on people's vanity about wanting to see themselves in a book.  

In addition, she was selected for the U.K.’s International Biographical Centre’s "2,000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century.

The same also applies for the UK's International Biographical Center, exact same deal



Established the Institute for International Problems. Published "World Report for International Affairs on official publication monthly.

14. This Institute only exists on her web pages and bio, and no record of it existing on the world wide web other than on her profiles and bios.

These discrepansies have made me question her credibility.  Just sharing what I found out about her, It is up to every one to discern for themselves. There are many more contradictions and distortions I came across as I was trying to check her facts out, but I have just highlighted SOME of her claims here for points to ponder.

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  • Thank you for doing all this research.  I have seen mentions of this Princess person but something felt off and I never followed up on any of what she has said.  Most normal humble lightworkers don't call themselves "princess".  Except when we are playing a video game but that is completely different :-)

    • WOW, good catch Starfire.  Now that you mention this, like it was some kind of video Game. OMG the ultimate in reality games, your absolutely right.

      How is it not any different than an online multi player video game.

      Registration is free, choose your user name, pick an avatar, choose what side your on. Join a faction or two. 

      Fight against darkness and deception at every turn, build a reputation. Endless level of topic’s to choose from.

      Roll and script playing, endless enjoyment, subliminal spiritual and mental attacks to defend your self from, quests of domination and control to fend off.

      What an ultimate elaborate trap for the almost awaked human spirit to fall into.

      Always second guessing oneself as many belief systems and trigger’s to piss you off and keep everything off balance, or worm fuzzy pictures of love and light as bait on a mouse trap.

      Trip wire’s of allegiance to a cause, sucked in because it feel right or good or one resonates with deceptive words.

      The battle is to keep our minds occupied with frivolous idea’s and concepts, a rime or puzzle to figure out to get to the next level of game play.   When all along as spirit we are totally complete and the game keep us away from the peace and calm of the inner moment of spiritual bliss in knowing nothing on the outside of this temple can harm us.

      As st. Paul said so well a few thousand years ago, “ walking in spirit there is there for no more condemnation to those how walk and live in the spirit that is in you.”

      I’m not a religious man in any shape or form but some words to cut threw the quick as a two edged sword.

      This bull shit princess is a piece that’s moved around on a game board, one that may trigger the little girl fantasy of princess and prince sitting on a great white house.

      The bait for unsuspecting player’s distracted enough to listen to that game piece’s  interductory offering of words of wisdom in anything that will up set the apple cart, and keep you busy picking up the apples, till the cows come home. 

      Some one told me once, a long time ago, stay away from TV and social net working.  I’m beginning to understand what that person was trying to tell me. 

      And your connection to a video game rung a hug bell in my head of all the same set up developers use to create block buster Games with.

      And the so called shills, moles, are the director’s of this multi level interaction game?  The princess, Drekx, me, you, Harry Krishna, Harry Potter, are all game pieces on this ACC monopoly board wasting our time, like an endless race track going around and around the board, OK I’m done now.

      Its your turn now, “Roll the Dice.”   ‘Oh shit’ are we really this stupid.? And this topic is just a space on the board we landed on?  And when we get board of the princess we move on to Greg G when he shows up to play?  What a great topic for another thread,  how the princess sucked up all of our attention for a couple of days, and every time she makes a video we dance with it again.?

      Or is the princess caught in the same game board trap? Like Mother God, GFL, UFO’s, conspiracy this and that, we are spending a lot of time outside our selves as of late. And for what? Just something to pass the time with, ? Marique, turn on that investigator mind of yours at this game board this princess is standing on just a little further.  I think Starfire has stumbled onto something deeper than I want to believe is going on here -- it looks big -- really big, may be this is what they been hard at work, -- keeping us from seeing?

      And as for the princess and the GFL there pretty much done as a player in this game. The new player’s waking up, and joining this game need to know.  What we have all found thus fare.

      • Wow, what a revelation....I think you are on to something.  And to think I am working on another expose of another person making tall claims...Will share the results by the end of the week, this one is not labor intensive.  I know people may misunderstand why I do this, but I just don't want anyone decieved by out and out lies.  If I can be part of revealing deception I feel I have helped someone somewhere for disappointment.  You are right, I think this has been a game all along and you have hit upon it just right.  So while we are all distracted playing this game, what are THEY really up to is the question.....hum.....wondering......

  • Congrats on the research... if there isn't anything to verify, it raises red flags.  Personally I never categorize people as "haters" just because they look further than others but I do categorize people who take things and others for granted!  Keep researching because you never know what you might find!

  • You've done a lot of research on this.  Impressive, most impressive.

  • It have been so tough on me for last several days lately, being extremely sensitive to energy... It have been purely maddness... So I know how you both feel... 

  • aww marique it seems you have destroyed this lady's cerdibility. although anyone witha  few brain cells to rub together should have known she was lying when she claims to be in an organization called "institue for international "problems" "

    great work, another one bites the dust.  the solstice party is getting pretty thin with all these people getting their invitations taken away

    • LOL, well we will still have Mothergod's love parties to look forward to, I am sure they will continue come what may...Love parties are so much fun, more fun than solstice parties anyway....I am all about love.  That is what this life is all about, loving people....been learning every day. 

  • Derailing a thread or post is very serious matter, why? because your onto somthing important or close IMO.

    Making a list of those who canstantly stop or side trek a thread or post, my revile an other story that needs looking into.

  • This picture is an absolute hoot...some guy things are universal no matter what the species...LOL, LOL....this one is priceless.....hahaha...I have been pawed by an ape too, but that one was a homo sapien human...we won't go there....

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