There are sounds around for a while that something is not right with our moon and our sun, people claiming that the moon is currently not located where it should be, and that the sun is not responding how he should react now.
According to some, the moon is about 90 degrees off its normal orbit around the earth. But others argue that it is not the moon, but our earth! According to these sounds just the earth would be a change undergone it seems as if the moon has changed jobs. Given the shifts following the recent seismic and volcanic activity, the latter could well be true.
The sun was on its recent activities indicate that it is not with the expected cycle activity and progress. Experts are hurriedly weekly looking again by unexplained events in or around the Sun.
Others have claimed that there is nothing wrong with the earth or the moon. That all those other sounds are mostly based on misinformation and misunderstanding of data.
Currently it is mainly a "yes - no" conversation on the Internet. But there is more truth to sit in the claim that the moon has indeed undergone changes.
Yes Leo is right.
The bright big moon was a supermoon, which seems to be normal in periods.
This topic is about rotation of the moon. I have never noticed it, I read it yesterday at a whistleblower website and my interest was awakened. Maybe some people here on Ashtar Command know more about it. :)
I heard a story about the moons orbit changing, but from what I read (don't know where) the change in the moons orbit is minuscule and will have little to no effect on earth and it's inhabitants. We will still be here in 1,0000 years to destroy ourselves just as we are now.
Hopefully, I won't still be around to see it, I'm going to somewhere much nicer.
I have been discussing the moons position in the night sky with my son for ages. Where I used to photograph it coming up over the horizon, it no longer rises there, but several degrees south east of where it used to rise. Maybe it's just me??
The change in the moons axis is insignificant from what I've read, but like everything, there's no guarantee the information was accurate.
Thank you Leo :)
I like this one sentence of you:
um there is something wacky about the moon over the last 2 or 3 months lately, not only it's orbit but it's frequint change's in colour and positioning, i have seen the moon rise and set in the same place, i have seen it rise close bright blood orange, yet when it rose a metre higher it was bright white and further away, i am frequintly using the moons energy to recharge, or used to anyway, and yes i know it's female energy that's a whole new topic lol
there is something wrong, i know my moon, i live in australia, currently in QLD and i have noticed even things such as the quarter moon rising underneathe itself, from the bottom!
hard to explain, i will draw up some dodgy pics it doesn't need to be good to get my point accross!
again this is dodgy as hell, it's paint and a quick fix way of explaining but the point is still pretty clear!

this is how i've seen the moon lately!
The moon has just been at it's closest phase (closer to the earth) for the last 19-20 years. Known as a super moon, it will appear much larger and brighter, nothing dangerous, just usually 20 years apart.
I'm sure there are topics on here explaining the super moon in detail.
You are so lucky, where I live it was wet and overcast and I didn't get to see or photograph it. I'm a self confessed Lunartic.