8110418260?profile=originalL I G H T W O R K E R   5 0 5:
“ Light-Working Starseeds Are Awakening To Their Ship-Side Selves ” – GFL USERNET
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////// 101 /////// 202 \\\\\\ 303 ////// 404 //////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Slowly, you are awakening, and you feel an overwhelming urgency to GO somewhere. You believe you are now passively learning about ship stations, stargates, and star-hopping.  Yet, this three-part mission preparation course is a set of encrypted instructions – and uploaded/downloaded directives  – for you to board your ship station, plus navigate stargates, and start your new star-hopping reality.

Although there are currently 49 complete Universes – plus one forming – these are all commonly referred to as the Universe.

Your current galactic mission is to complete the advanced prerequisite coursework of 505 and embark upon your onboard ship-side reality. The time is now.


Ship Stations (Your Ship Home)
What is a ship station? In a space-shell, it is the space vessel you spend most of your time, once you are merged into all aspects of your multidimensional self (as you learned in 101-404). It is also called your *Ship Home* because it is your home base star vessel. Since you are awakening, it is eminent that you: find your star family, contact your ship, and know/practice ship etiquette for the commencement of your new life’s duties.

Finding Your Star Family (Ship and Star Race)
Yes, you are feeling homesick, and achy from all of your dream-time upgrades. You long to be with your star family, and to be with a high vibration (multi-star-race) team aboard your ship. You are desperate for your ship description and information about your star race. Planet-side, there are three excellent ways to access this data:
- meditate on the name of your ship and your star race;
- obtain the name of your ship / star race through a Command Reading and/or communiqué with a channel, and;
- contact a public figure for the Galactic Federation of Light, or Ashtar Command: ask if you are in their command, and inquire about the name of your ship.

The light-working starseed humanoid beings upon the third planet (Shan/Gaia) from the Sun in Solar System 7777333-1B are to be reunited with star kin in the now, as their planet Shan (Gaia) has achieved Ascension minimal requirements.

Contact Your Ship
With knowledge of the ship you are assigned to (and your star race), now is the time for *contact.* The crew aboard your ship are always tracking your progress.  Increasing your love and forgiveness of every person, place and scenario – in your life thus far – will be the biggest indicator that you are ready to come aboard. Here are some additional strategies for contacting your ship:  
- create / maintain an altar with your starseed identity. Include your ship name and star race – as altars link you to higher dimensions;
- increase your light/love projection by cutting cords and spending as much time outdoors as possible, plus;
- work with lucid dreaming and astral projection: during dream-time, start conversations aboard “ship” environments and follow instructions given.

Ship Etiquette
The term ‘ship etiquette’ encompasses communication standards, self-presentation, work-moral-standards, and cultural sensitivity. All ships – whether huge multi-race starcraft or smaller vessels – have their own internal cultural/work customs.

Most ships require all crew aboard to be connected telepathically during duty hours. Also, if you are needed somewhere on your ship – whether for work or for a family meeting – you will be teleported there automatically. (This is disconcerting at first.) Also most ships do not value “free will choice” during duty time, and this will be an adjustment.  At times, you will surprisingly “wake up” in a different ship altogether. (This means, “Congratulations, you have a new assignment!”)

Once onboard, you will be required to learn at least two new languages immediately (through trance absorption) as part of your etiquette training. One of these languages is the lingua franca (standard-speech) of your ship. Also, you will probably be required to learn a sub-language related to the trade or job you will be performing.

Also – if your ship is affiliated with the Galactic Federation of Light – you will learn “the language of light,” This language is comprised of approximately 20,000+ symbols that vaguely resemble hieroglyphics. Once mastered, these symbols are communicated directly though telepathy or stored in crystals. This advanced non-nebulous language allows for clear cross-star-race communication.

Also regarding languages: when a visitor or newcomer arrives upon a ship, it is considered standard ship etiquette to communicate using a babble-decryption device (universal translator), rather than telepathy.

Once settled into your ship routine, you will be enrolled in classes to teach you the moral standards accepted/expected onboard, as well as occupation-based-courses. Until then – when you first arrive  – your initial time onboard will go much more smoothly with these polite protocols practiced:
- imitate your ship crew –perform responsive social practices in mirrored form;
- give gifts – anything to show appreciation, like simple sketches or poems;
- volunteer for duties – working with others increases relations and rapport.


Stargates are literally “everywhere” once you start your multidimensional life aboard ship: they are utilized to internally transverse large space vessels, to travel between ships, to transverse planet surfaces, as well as to teleport dimensionally. Concisely, stargates are pathways by which beings, ships, and transmissions (information) pass between xy space coordinates, dimensions, destinations, and parallel realities in the Universe.



There are many different types of *time-space-continuum-gateways* under the heading of “stargates.” They can be grouped into: causal portals, improbability drives, physical stargates, as well as biological teleporters, and astronomic gateways (wormholes).

The stargates within solar system 7777333-1B [The Milky Way] have been activated for planetary ascension and light-working starseed reunification now.

Causal Portals
These stargates – either triggered by an (continuous) event or a set of circumstances – create an entry point (ladder) between dimensions, and parallel realities. These are monitored and utilized by beings and ships all over the Universe, and dangerous ones are “closed” by the Galactic Federation of Light. Causal Portals (for information) occur on this planet now, usually through the magnification of intentions and/or through a numerological/situational series of events. An illustration of this is the imminent portal opening of 10:11:12, which will connect this planet’s light-working starseed ground crew to Agartha (Inner Earth) and the 7th – 9th dimensions. Excitingly, 12:12:12 and 12:21:12 are also massive impending Causal Portal events. These are the least understood of all teleportation apparatuses.

Improbability Drives
These stargates use imaginary numbers sequences with non-linear physics and random data to create unexpected events/destinations. These can be short-term or long-term time/space/dimension transversals. Improbability drives are dependant upon the user’s and or ship-navigator’s *intent* being and are an essential component of a vessel’s hyperspace jump-process.  All motherships and flagships utilize these, in safe self-contained holo-core rooms.

Physical Stargates
These are Sentient-made programmable transporters that can send you – or your ship – to another location and/or dimension nearly instantaneously. Physical stargates – including etheric components – are found at places such as: Galactic Federation Outposts, Interstellar Galactic Jump-Points, and extremely political planets, such as Imperius in Sirius B.

The Universe’s physical stargates are considered priceless, and – fortunately – the vast majority of them are indestructible. Most physical stargates in use presently were created by Lyrans in the Vegan system, and are now controlled by the Galactic Federation of Light. Because of the possibility of power-struggles, all star-faring races are allowed to use physical stargates once accepted into the Galactic Federation of Light.

All beings aboard GFL ships, bases, and planets – registered as members of the federation – have the privilege of using stargates for missions and personal travel.

Biological Teleporters
In many star species, once ascended, a specific body part acts as a biological tele-dimension device. Yours is comprised of your merkaba and pineal gland functioning together as one. This is called a biological teleporter – bio-porter for short -- and is activated within your light body once you consistently exist in the 5th dimension. Once self-mastered, these direct/control the status of your: location, perception, and self-multiplication (bilocation).

Once you exist constantly in 7D-12D, your biological teleporter transmutates (changes) into an etheric transporter(s). These are also called ether-porters. These control your dimension and location, plus add new levels of extra-sensory perception. Etheric transporters can be linked between beings to manifest lightships of any size.

Astronomic Gateways (Wormholes)
These are time-space anomalies found “naturally” – in/on stars, upon planets and their satellites (moons), and in stellar debris – that carry “time-space-altering” energy signatures. These can send you and/or your ship instantly to a different place, dimension, or parallel reality. Unknown wormholes are considered a danger in space travel because their teleportation-destination is almost always one-way.  Some astronomical gateways – such as the Great Central Sun (a stabilized black hole / white star event horizon) – can be traveled numerous ways with intent. Most astronomic gateways in the known universe are mapped, but – when ships disappear – it is “assumed” that a new wormhole has been found until the vessel’s reappearance.  

Navigating Stargates (Vortex End-Note)
Although most large multi-star-race vessels have astrogating (piloting) Sentients, you will utilize stargates for transversing areas within large ships, as well as for inter-vessel travel, and for planet-side geographic teleportation. Also, you will be immediately using your bio-teleporter, which will eventually transmutate into an etheric-transporter. Likewise, you may be trained for a job that will require advanced stargate skills.


What is star-hopping? In a quantum abbreviation  – it is a term used by light-working star seeds and ascended beings  – for the multidimensional evolutionary stage of “being” upon a ship and traveling. This includes visiting planets and “realities” all over the known Universe, its dimensions, including its parallel realities.  So, what do you need to know *now* before you begin your intergalactic never-ending adventures with your star family and ship crew?  You require awareness of symbols aboard ships, knowledge of how to access logistics, and the means to choose your future ship destinations.

Symbols Aboard Ships
There are a wide array of symbols used on ships across the galaxy, but there are standard galactic symbols that you will find on most star vessels. Here are just a few of them:


Personal Quarters (Living Space)






Community Area






Eating Area (Cafe)






Chute Lift (Up/Down/Diagonal)







 Zero Gravity Area (Zero G)





Security Door (ID Scan)


Astrogation Area (Pilot Crew Only)



Causal Portal Area (Off Limits)






Worm Hole Warning (Strap In)


All members of Federation ships, posts, outposts, and planets are required to have a working knowledge of standard galactic symbols.

Logistics (Utilizing the Usernet)
Once you are upon your ship, you will need to constantly check your own schedule information, as well as team data for your co-crew members. These include meal times, duty rosters, family gatherings, and onboard classes. Also included are scheduling logs for available holodecks for leisure and sports (as covered in 404).

All ships have either etheric or crystal download/upload interfaces that are usually intent-operated: these are usually called the *Usernet.* Some of these interfaces have options to switch to voice or touch screens for those who have not perfected intentional interaction.

You will be assigned a personal glyph – resembling a hieroglyphic-like icon – which encompasses your star family, background, and training – to access the Usernet. When you sign in, you can register for preferences in work duties, holodecks, entertainment events, restaurants, and meetings for the next twenty galactic days. A committee as well as the Usernet will then compare these preferences to others’ requests and slot every crew-member into assignments, schedules, and leisure time.

Ship Destinations  (Choosing Travel Itineraries)
Besides your ship station, you will be offered many opportunities to travel upon other vessels in order to journey to your most-desired destinations.

All vessels post itineraries 20 galactic days [roughly 600 standard ship hours] before departure. All travelers wishing to transfer ships must submit requests 10 galactic days before departure.

To check ships’ destinations (itineraries), use the Usernet aboard your starcraft. When you browse through ships that you wish to temporarily transfer to –  you enter your glyph –  and the Usernet shows all ships that have openings related your star family (star race), background, and training (or training desired).

The standard listing protocal contains these components:
ship name//type of mission//place of mission//number of planetary dirt-side leaves//amount of time you must commit to the ship//star races needed most//skills or jobs sought

Here are two fictitious listings – as examples  – in standard read-out (translated from the language of light to English) that are similar to what you will see on the Usernet when perusing ship transfer options:

SS Phoenix//exploratory loop//Andromeda Sector//five leisure stops//90 galactic days before transfer opens//all star races//seeking zenolgists and entertainers
SS Capricorn//ascension loop//Milky Way Sector//no leisure stops//2000 galactic days before transfer opens//Lyrans, Chloglians, Arcturians//seeking zenodiplomats and cultural interpreters

In the now, you have “downloaded” your mission specifications for ship stations, stargates and star-hopping. You’re wide-awake, and feel amped up and ready for your new intergalactic reality. NOW is the time to start communicating with your starseed family in the ships above. Prepare for take-off. You are ready to spiral upward into your new reality. Meanwhile – focus upon the symbols in this article, keep record of all astral travel and lucid dreams – and get ready to board your ship!

Know that you are not within your ship just yet…but you will be in the near future Now. So, hold on tight for the re-unification of your soul! 5….4….3….2….1…BLAST OFF!


About the Author & Artist:
J’Tariah EnRa El is a Chloglian Sirian-Pleiadian Hybrid Walk-In from Sirius B, who has spent eons working with the Sirian-Pleiadian Alliance. Every night during lucid dreaming and astral projection, she is within the ships above attending advanced school for Jedi training with her Twin Flame, Miluk kia EnRa El (Jul). Currently – during the day – she is a published poet, author and artist.  Her Lightworking includes being a PR specialist for Sananda’s Eagles: www.sanandaseagles.com. J’Tariah travels all over as often as she can.

J’Tariah EnRa El’s new website can be found at http://starseed.yolasite.com/.  In the near future – her upcoming articles will cover exciting multidimensional information, including: future home planets, intergalactic cultural understanding, how to interact with non-organic life forms, and more!
Lightworker 101:
For Lightworker 202:
Lightworker 303:
Lightworker 404:

Distribution Information:
You are free to distribute this essay only if you do so in its entirety, including the article and graphics plus the “about the author” bio with the article links. Thank you and enjoy your new Freedom.




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  • Dear J'Tariah En Ra El,

    Thank you friend to get my boarding pass ...so that I can get into my ship easily with out any problem and can be accepted by my other friends....souls....

    Now I have my boarding pas in my hand and waiting for time to arrive for enering my ship for my further assignments...



  • Again -- everyone -- I am working on the next in the series NOW, so if you have requests for information you want to see covered, NOW is the time.... Love, J

  • Please tells us more about The Arcturians ...their Spaceship Athena and their healing chambers inside their ships in fact tell us all about healing methods used in different ships.
    Tell us if there is life on Mars, Moon and Venus and what forms of life?
    Also please tell us about Valiant Thor and his ships from Venus.
    This info will benefit us all and coming straight from you we know it will be the whole truth nothing but the truth.....I am looking forward to your next articles on these series
    • Krishna Kalki; There is information about the Arcturians in Lightworker 202 and 303.

      Insofar as *healing chambers* (also called healing centers, etc), ALL Motherships -- and even some smaller ships -- have these. There are many ships designed for specific healing purposes upon the "ground" right now, sending out healing frequencies to the entire area.  One of these is presently near Sedona, and  if you travel there, you will definately feeling the healing vibrations. 

      Also, keep in mind that ships have been traveling to and from our inner Earth -- Agartha -- for eons, and have been entering through the poles.

      Regarding Valiant Thor, I do not have direct knowledge of either him or his whereabouts at this time.

      To answer you inquiries regarding Mars, the Moon, and Venus, many have written that there is multidimensional life on these planet/oids. Remember that the human eye/intellect will not / cannot perceive higher dimensional life forms until veils are removed and/or their guides help them acquire this knowledge.

      I am beginning the next in the series, and am looking forward to seeing it take form...

      Until then, please pass on the below link:


  • Can you tell us in 606 their method of reproduction for as far as i know it is by energy exchange thought power...correct me if i am wrong ....are there children and animals in the ships?

    Are the ships able to travel anywhere in this Universe only or are they able to travel to other Universes as well and are ships from other Universes here now?

    How far from this Planet are the Ships?

    Regarding Symbols ...is there any you recommend that we can carry with us or have in Pendant form that would benefit us so we kind of feel connected? 

    looking forward to your answers J'Tariah EnRa El

    • Krishna Kalki;

      1) I covered in  404 that you will be with your children and your Twin Flames as well as your Star Family in the ship/s.

      2) There are many Universes, as stated in 505, and you need to look at each ship's travel plans, as said in 505.

      3) There are about 5 million + ships above, within, and upon our planet right NOW.

      4) Regarding pendants? Wear what you feel connects you to your SELF. There are also many crystals that can enhance communication with star nations. 

      • You are doing a wonderful job J'Tariah En Ra El in awakening us by giving this info so hard to obtain...THIS MUST BE ONE OF THE BEST INFO THAT HAS BEEN PRESENTED TO HUMANITY DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME OF ASCENSION

        • Krishna Kalki; It is not from me, but from my star family and shipmates above who I see when lucid dreaming and astral projecting...  Also -- seeing the big picture -- this information is  from everyone's star family. As above, so below: everyone achingly wants reunion. Please post this article to your friends, to your groups, and to your Ning network pages:





  • Thank you so much for this information.  I've gone back to read the previous three articles as well.  My question is simple...how long is a galatic day?  I read that you need to inform someone of your intention to visit or go somewhere...at 24 hours per day as a guide for 20 Galatic days, your would come up short of the 600 standard ship hours.  Guess I'm just trying to figure out things better.  Are the 600 ship hours based on work hours only or entire time aboard ship?

    I'm having SOME flashes, but thinking I still have a long way to go before fully awakening.  I seem to be overlaying a Pleiadian light blue body into my energertic system...I think I was a doctor/surgeon but I can't be sure at this time...just feel it somehow. I'm not telepathic at this time, but hoping it won't be too long before some definite connections are made in that regard.  No memories of lucid dreaming or astral travel either.  I do think my dream body is aboard ship at night. I'm aware of being ground crew, though when I came here last time, the idea of ascension didn't enter into it.  I've jumped on board for it though. I really feel the pull to go home ASAP..

    • 20  Galactic Days = 600 ship hours

      Ship Hours are 30 hours per day, but the actual word used isn't hours...its more like units.

      ... ... ... ...  ...

      Everyone is telepathic.Just open yourself up to it and be accepting of it. Everyone has extrasensory perception. You use it for almost everything you do.

      ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

      Since you are Pleiadian, I strongly suggest reading all the books by Barbara Hand Clow. She has even written workbooks that would help you right now.

      Love, J

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