The Midheaven is the point in the sky directly above at the time of birth of a person or an entity.  It is a crucial point that is not looked at too much in contemporary astrology, but is viewed as an important horoscope component in advanced astrology (i.e. Uranian astrology or TransNeptunian astrology).  The Midheaven is known to define the reputation of the individual or entity, as well as what the individual's "legacy" will be, or what they will be remembered for.  Uranian Astrologer Gary Christen called the Midheaven "the seat of the soul," and I think this reflects the definition of "reputation" very well.

The Midheaven of Barack Obama

     The planet and star closest to the Midheaven will have the greatest impact on defining the reputation of the individual.  In the case of Barack Obama, Barack Obama was born with the star of Toliman (29 degrees Scorpio) and the planet Neptune (at 8 degrees Scorpio 36 minutes) closest to the Midheaven (at 28 degrees Scorpio 53 minutes), as seen in his horoscope below:


       The star of Toliman is a lucky star, noted for high position, occult and philosophical learning, honours, stormy or spoiled relationships with women, many friends, need for freedom, and a tendency to be stubborn and cruel.

     Neptune is well known as the planet of deception, and I like astrologer Robert Hand's definition of Neptune as being a vibration of the Hindu Goddess Maya, the Hindu goddess of deception.  But Neptune can represent spiritual service and artwork, as well as psychic ability and clairvoyant sensitivity.  

     Note that Jimi Hendrix was born with Neptune very close to his Midheaven, and he took his artwork to a whole different level that was regarded by many as being spiritual, especially the material he was working on the year before his death. But Jimi was subject to major deception before and during his stardom, and much of this deception was committed against him by others in the music business, especially his high profile management (in which Hendrix discovered they were paying him $8000 for booked shows and were caught charging promoters $50,000 for these same shows; his contract called for 75% of receipts).  

      Hence, the issue of Neptunian deception may be something that Barack Obama may be unfortunately remembered for.  This is evident as many supporters recalled "running to him and embracing him" after George W. Bush's unpopular presidency ended, and these same people are now claiming he really isn't much different than George W. Bush. This is especially evident in terms of use of U.S. military powers internationally and protecting the illegal activities of Wall Street. Talk about being deceived!

Transiting Saturn Conjunct Obama's Midheaven: 12-13-2014


      Saturn rules restrictions limitations, and intrusions of authorities. Saturn crossing the Midheaven and entering the 10th house is an intense time that usually defines a review of one's reputation and standing before others.  The general rule in astrology is that if one was committing many questionable acts of legality or immorality while authority-minded Saturn transited the 9th house (which rules philosophy and legal definitions), one may expect some sort of backlash or scandal to manifest as Saturn crosses the Midheaven and transits the 10th house.  

       Richard Nixon became a victim of much scandal and damage to his reputation with his call for the Watergate Hotel break-in right before Saturn crossed over his Midheaven.  Nixon was reportedly committing much in terms of illegal activity (with his illegal wiretapping of important conversations and his allowing of the F.B.I.'s illegal actions against Vietnam War protesters) during the time frame of Saturn transiting his 9th house.

       A similar unfortunate fate may be building up for Barack Obama, regardless of how much incriminating evidence he may have (or illegal NSA wiretaps obtained) against people who are currently questioning his possible illegal actions and calling him out for such actions.  It is possible that his career and/or his reputation may take a serious blow in 2015, or come under some sort of "review" for questionable actions he committed from 2011 to 2014, the time of Saturn's transit though his 9th house.

8110812086?profile=original     Transiting Neptune is conjuncting Obama's Chiron in the first house, and Chiron has a lot to do with advanced technology.  This may be a national broadcast with disappointing results, technology failures, deceptive intel from Obama's spies, or a public relations disaster via internet users or television viewers.  A real serious drop in ratings is also possible for him with this transit, unless he does something to improve what may be the start of a much trying and negative year in 2015. 

       I expect the next year to be one where Barack Obama will have to work very hard to protect his reputation and good name, as he may have to face a similar "fall from grace" period as Richard Nixon had to deal with.  I'm not into calling out bad luck on anyone, but Barack Obama's 9th house transit of Saturn appears to have demonstrated (much like Nixon) he may have abused his power capacity in controversial areas, especially the areas where he angered people for use of executive privilege without consent of other government branches or agencies. This was evident with the executive orders he issued that favored certain United Nations directives, as opposed to discussing such directives with the Legislation branch that the Constitution calls for when U.S. statutes, actions, and regulations are about to be implemented.

Advanced Astrology: Obama's Midheaven And Midpoint Tree Equal To Midheaven (And Transiting Saturn)


Interpretation of Midpoint Breakdown:

"The reputation of the individual will begin to face challenges and the individual may progressively have limitations of freedom or limitations of power placed on one and on one's career.  There may be occasional and sudden displays of anger or rage with the gradual arrival of such intrusions, and any past lessons one learned from questionable sources regarding illegal forms of government or criminal forms of government may come under review by outsiders as one has limitations imposed on one's freedom and power capabilities.  Any association with secret organizations involved in the use of advanced technology may also have certain limitations imposed in terms of one's involvement with such organizations (or the use of such organizations within the context of one's career), as well as involvement of such organizations in areas that are deemed to be vital to one's career."  


The Midheaven of Vladimir Putin

       Vladimir Putin has Pluto very close to his Midheaven, and this is associated with defining one as an important agent of change.  Pluto can be defined in one of two ways: the researcher and beneficial transformer at best, or the gangster and agent of corruption at worst.

            In terms of stars, Putin has the star of Tania Australis ("The Right Paw of The Great Bear") conjunct the Midheaven. Vivien Robson defines this star as a star "unfortunate for nations and kings" but also noted that the reason for this is because the Great Bear is mainly "martial in nature" (and Putin is a chess master!) 

       Richard Nixon was also born with Pluto close to his Midheaven, and was regarded as a keen and very able diplomat prior to his election as U.S. president.  But Nixon would unfortunately be seduced by the dark gangster side of Pluto after being elected President, and it would come back to haunt him as Saturn entered his 10th house.  

       Putin may have been involved with gangsters and agents of corruption in earlier years, but currently he appears to be transforming and redefining himself as the role of researcher and beneficial transformer with his role in creating the BRICS banking system. His popularity with his voting population and with many important power brokers is evident of this transformation, regardless of his past activities.  And yes, he is being openly threatened, possibly due to this proposed banking change known as BRICS, as this will challenge the Bretton-Woods agreement that defined the Federal Reserve's U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency (after WWII).


       Jupiter Going Stationary And Conjunct Putin's Midheaven (within one and one-half degrees): 12-09-2014


       Jupiter rules expansion, luck, freedom, world-view, philosophy, legal definitions, and (at times) financial resources.  The fact that Jupiter is very close to the midpoint of Pluto/Midheaven ("the evolution and transformation of the soul" and "the ability to transform and develop that has an effect on one's reputation") may define this as a significant and successful time for Putin.

       Transiting Mars is in the 3rd house and in a sharp square with Putin's Ascendant (at 3 degrees Scorpio 10 minutes).  This could indicate a major debate or argument of some kind taking place, or the need to debate or argue.  Transiting Venus conjunct natal Mars in the 2nd house could indicate Putin may be sexually involved with someone special or simply be happy with the company of people and friends at this time, so again, this may be a good time for him.

 Advanced Astrology And Stationary Jupiter With Putin's Midpoints:

8110812693?profile=original       Uranian astrologer Hans Niggemann defined Jupiter/Kronos (the midpoint that the pointer above is pointing to) as "the successful money manager" and "the successful manager." Again, this could be a fortunate time for Putin in December of 2014, as well as going into January of 2015.

The Horoscope of the United States

       There are MANY different horoscopes of the United States.  I worked with some with reported good reputations, and some that were quite ludicrous.  The U.S.A. horoscope I like the best is the American Federation of Astrologers chart, as displayed below:


The Final Square of Uranus And Pluto And It's Direct Hit On The Natal Sun Position Of The United States Horoscope: 12-24-2014 (OUCH!)

       December 24th, 2014 will feature the final square between transiting Uranus and Pluto in equality with the natal position of the United States Sun position. But December 24th may also be a day that will live in infamy in lieu of a possible executive action from U.S. President Obama.  This order may implement (via the United Nations) an initiative that calls for certain firearm restrictions in the U.S. to take place.  This action also comes at a time when Great Britain is calling for the outlawing of butcher knives due to high rates of crime (since outlawing firearms in Great Britain didn't work out as planned).  ARE OUTLAWING HAMMERS AND FISTS NEXT? Hammers and fists killed more people in the U.S. in 2012 than guns did, so don't laugh.

Click for proof of this.

Here is the December 24th U.N. act "in a nutshell:"

UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty to Go Into Effect Dec. 24

Merry Christmas!
UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty to Go Into Effect Dec. 24

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. | New American | November 9, 2014

On its official website, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (yes, that’s really a thing and yes, it is housed right here in the United States) announced that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) “will enter into force on 24 December 2014.”

Merry Christmas!

It is ironical that on the day before the world’s 2.18 billion Christians commemorate the coming of Jesus Christ to the Earth, the United Nations will officially put into motion a plan to deny them of a right given to them by the very God whose birth they celebrate.

For those unfamiliar with the text of the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty, here’s a brief sketch of the most noxious provisions:

• Article 2 of the treaty defines the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions. The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms Trade Treaty.

• Article 3 places the “ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2” within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.

• Article 4 rounds out the regulations, also placing all “parts and components” of weapons within the scheme.

And here is what Mao Tse-tung (murderer of 40 - 60 million unarmed Chinese citizens) had to say about firearms:

Mao Tse-tung

“Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun...”
Mao Tse-tung


       Uranus is strongly related to firearms, and Pluto (as mentioned) can be defined as either "the research specialist" or "the gangster." And with these two planets forming a square, it is possible that a conflict (square) may occur over the role of firearms (Uranus) and "the gangsters" (Pluto) that want to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens.  Note that the F.B.I. proved that areas with the least crime in the U.S. were non-metropolitan areas where law-abiding citizens were allowed to own guns.

       The problem is that the United Nations (whose agendas are pushed in the name of the interests of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, ISRAEL, and shareholders of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England) do not like the idea of law-abiding citizens owning guns because of the past memory of the U.S. Great Depression (with some debt-free U.S. citizens having issues with banks grabbing their property and belongings).  Bank robbers like Bonnie & Clyde and John Dillingher became folk heroes in this era for robbing banks (especially the ones viewed by the public as stealing funds from a financially-strapped public), much to the anger of the U.S. banking community at that time.

       The most important midpoint combination relative to the U.S. Sun natal position is the midpoint branch of Venus/Cupido ("peaceful relations with others") and Mercury/Aries ("the media or news"). With the sharp square of Uranus and Pluto transiting over the U.S. Sun (and also the Venus/Cupido and Mercury Aries midpoint combinations described), it is possible to expect some angry people to come forward after Christmas in event this U.N. gun-grabbing act is passed.

The Horoscope Of Russia

       The chart I like to use for Russia is the day and time that the old Soviet Union flag came down and the Belavezh Accords "Russian Federation" flag (which is the white, blue, and red striped flag) went up. The horoscope below is this event, and no, I don't view the issues in Ukraine as qualification to define the chart "null and void."


Jupiter Stationary Position And Russia's Horoscope: 12-06-2014

       Transiting Jupiter goes stationary at half a degree away of a perfect hit to the Ascendant of Russia's horoscope.  Note that  this stationary position of Jupiter also forms a square to the natal conjunction of Venus and Pluto in the 4th house.  I suspect this to represent good luck with secretive functions at home, especially financially related or related to areas involving secret government work:


       The transiting square between Uranus and Pluto is applying to Russia's Uranus placement, but it is weak.  I suspect that this may represent tension on a nuclear weapon threat basis (since the Uranus definition of weapons can include nuclear types as well).

       Here's the advanced astrology midpoint breakdown of the Jupiter stationary position on Russia's chart:



"Good luck or something expansive may manifest that involves a philosophy or a creation or that is viewed as reflective of justice or something proper in some way.  Outside barriers may be erected as a result, and disruptions from others not so favorable in the environment may also be present as well, such as "enemies" or "adversaries."

       This sounds a lot like the BRICS banking agreement, but it can represent something else, such as a diplomatic agreement or trade agreement.  I really suspect some sort of important international agreement is possible with this placement involving Russia.

          Now let's look at the Jupiter station with the U.S. horoscope:


       Zeus/Admetos (the midpoint pointed to above) is defined as "a tragedy," "a difficult beginning," and "specialized creativity or creativity put on hold."  With Jupiter, this placement combination can represent either good luck with preventing the bad aspects listed, or legal involvement based on the bad aspects listed.  It's a hard call.

       Thank you for reading.  Remember to work for and be active with peace and harmony this Christmas, as we have one last planetary review of the sharp square between Uranus and Pluto.  Let's hope Christmas doesn't turn out too bad, as it will be tense with the Uranus - Pluto square taking shape at that time.

       Please put this tense square energy to good use this holiday season, and work for and protest for peace and justice. And please do so peacefully, regardless of your political or religious philosophy.

Love to all,



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  • Angels may not just be carrying swords for looks (or as "extensions of their penises"). They may have to deal with evil forces that require the use of such tools. And the same can be said about us humans: we may to deal with similar evil forces that require us to carry firearms.

  • hi folks.

    my two cents again.



    this includes all actions and deeds we manifest to others.

    never lie. for without trust there is no safely among us; when this betrayal act happens no matter how small the lie.

    try to keep an open mind, MAYBE we might have miss something our e.s.p. OR AURA did not mention.

    be nice,if we can, power does not always have to be: WALK THE VALLEY OF ANIMAL KINGDOM OF EARTH, BUT ALWAYS CARRY THE BIGGEST STICK, but have the big stick ready.



    blessings to all of us for we are all one        (atoms is everything, and the atom is not mindless)

  • NANCY: Jesus reacted violently to money addicts in the Jerusalem temple.  And protection from similar money addicts  (i.e. those in D.C. and up to their eardrums in financial debt) via the right to protect oneself with a firearm is the basis for the Second Amendment right to bear arms. So please either get over it or get use to it. Here's what George Washington had to say about the subject:

    George Washington, our first president, said:

    “From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good.”

    Now let's look at the list of people who abolished the right of law abiding citizens to own guns, and then murdered their populations during periods of economic distress:

    Let’s parallel history with the present ideology and methodology that those in the past blueprinted to implement gun control.

    Mass murderer Adolf Hitler at a dinner talk on April 11, 1942 said:

    “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms.  History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.  Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country.”

    Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

    Josef Stalin, the sole leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, said:

    “If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

    In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

    Mao Tze Tung, communist dictator of China said:

    “War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”

    China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

    Idi Amin, president of Uganda from 1971 to 1979, said:

    "I do not want to be controlled by any superpower. I myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world, and that is why I do not let any superpower control me."

    Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

    Pol Pot, who created in Cambodia one of the 20th century's most brutal and radical regimes, was responsible for killing one million of his own ‘educated,’ yet unarmed citizens.

    So come on Nancy, let's get real. An armed population keeps tyrants in government in check, and a disarmed population allows tyrants in government to do ANYTHING they want to such a population, including murder them (as the list above demonstrates). And please don't tell me this type of situation can't happen here; the U,S, government has a credit card debt of $17,000,000,000,000.00, and in desperate times people do desperate things. Government included. 

    • thanks for sharing with us all Malcolm.

      i agree 1000% about the murder of people who cannot defend themselves from the socialpaths and the stupid pyschopath.



      we know what happens next: the dumb down and trusting fools find themselfs and all their family being put in a truck,IN A NICE AND QUIET AND ORDERILY FASHION ALMOST NICE AND POLITE, SO AS NOT TO CAUSE ALARM TO THE VILLAGE AND THE PEOPLE WHO COULD HAVE DRAWN A LINE IN THE DIRT, AND BE FREE MEN TO THE LAST INHALE.

      those same people who were dumbed down,ALWAYS EVERY TIME, get a wake up call on what is the truth of the leaders words, and somehow they realize they were betrayed by their pastors, senators, and congressmen in that THIS IS REALLY WAS  A COLLUSION  PLOT AGANIST THE MASSES, and TO INSURE their depopulation to the goals for 500,000 alive number as human cattle stock. a string is in order.

      god is not saying a word, for seems the love is more on the side of these hitler types all through human history, and these 13 families of the OLD MONEY WHO HIDE IN THE SHADOWS, for they have learn if they brag too much, or control the masses in the open for all to see who they are, it will cost them their exposure of intent and their fast demise of ACCOUNTABLILY RIGHT DOWN TO THEIR SOUL.

      blessings to all of us for we are all one

      • Good one rsolor. I don't know how this may play out per conspiracy theory, but a call-in on the Alex Jones show wanted to know if all these empty cities in China will be the future home for unarmed U.S. citizens sent over there to pay off the U.S. debt to China via slavery or low pay work. The U.S. government has an enormous debt load to pay to China, and it will need to be paid back somehow.  And this may include the possibility of slave labor from the country that owes them a lot of money.

        Just a thought, and another kooky reason one may need to own a gun.  If the government can force you to buy health insurance from a campaign contributor, they may just try to force you to work for a creditor also.

        • "                    "

  • Thank you for all your work Malcolm.

    • Thanks for reading 1 darkstar!

  • VAL: extremists destroying the U.S. extend beyond the Muslim camps, they include the Zionists that run the financial Ponzi schemes (i.e. Federal Reserve, Bank of England) supporting a one-world government, a one-world bank, a one-world currency, and a one-world police force / military to enforce it.

    "You do not have to be Jewish to be a Zionist." - Joe Biden, current U.S. Vice President. 

  • the leftist/nazi UN can say whatever it wants but it cannot override our constitution or any other countries-12/24/14 funny ha ha -the Unbelievable Nerve is heavily influenced by muslim/islamist anti Israel countries-sickest part of this bullshit is US taxpayers pay billions per year to support these assholes and they are on our turf!!!-anti American/anti west leftists in our government want to go along with this shit

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