Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Mass Arrests confirmed to be underway.
Mass Arrests confirmed to be underway. Do not be shocked when it happens.
Submitted by SimpleSam on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 08:23
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Folks you may not believe Drake, may not believe Thierry and you may not even believe myself, but I cannot think of even one of you who would DENY the respected journalism of Tom Heneghan and the British Guardian's editor in chief?
"UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is now only days away.
The implementation of the Protocols will:
1. Absorb worldwide debt
2. Recapitalize banks worldwide, and
3. Create an interest rate equilibrium that is revenue neutral and non-inflationary."
The Global Settlements ARE the final financial trigger for the arrests that will be taking place, taking many of you by shock as all the way along you have believed these things to be false.
You may not be able to deal with the changes easily, and I mean that sincerely because the global settlements are a huge change. You will hear about it on television. They mean bankers will be arrested across the board, period.
Watch Drake's radio show some time when you aren't interested in fear and just want the truth, basically. He'll explain that the "Plan" started in 1979 and that is officially the same timeline when the Wanta Reagan Mitterand Protocols started. Authorized by former presidents more than sixty years ago, the Reagan Mitterand Protocols are the only reason the U.S. Military would be given the actual power to arrest these criminal bankers and of course traitors. Listen to "Drake" confirm in his own words, the Protocols have quite a lot to do with the five-inch thick "Plan". The Reagan Mitterand Protocols are the global settlements, and every single paper in Europe, has been apprized for more than a year.
(Yes I do know thierry t & lady dragon, who are a part of the plan)
They mean the financial criminals lose a huge amount of their financial status, which translates to wholesale changes across the board. The Wanta Mitterand Protocols as soon as they settle, produce changes you will never see coming or hear the end of for decades.
Benjamin Fulford by the way, is a dis-info flake and worth ignoring. If you happen to follow the British news closely, you'll notice they are discussing a lot about Global settlements.
Corzine resigned and will be under arrest after several massive injunctions against MF Global. The Global Settlement Revaluations are the same thing as the Wanta Reagan Mitterand Protocols. This was ordered by several District Judges and over 53 Article 3 courts in this country. So the revaluations are coming...after that? The arrests, the plan, everything else- can only begin.
(Caveat: Drake works for thierry whom I know years back, thus he is linked to me & is giving the green light on all orders)
P.S. The comment in the above post about ignoring Benjamin Fulford is not to be fallowed in my opinion as he bring a lot of good info that can be easily confirmed with a little research. We all have a bit of the truth <3
God bless the Internet. Thank you for the news and a loving hug.
Cheers Sylvian
Please read David Wilcock article on my site here it is in full just for you
It resonates
Namaste Dave
Your correct
I do´'t know if BF is of the Light or not but I was really shocked when I read in a message that he theatened the US government with creating a tsunami bombing with nukes the Canary Island of Gran Canaria, I really thought he was out of his mind, but other messages are more reasonable.
I live in the Basque Country in the North of Spain bordering with France, thank God we have some own inner laws, so we are not so bad, (we've been trying to vote for the independence from Spain, but they don't agree), I see the spanish government, banks, "royal" family and the rest of the old energy desperate to keep the old structure. They want to build a Las Vegas to attract more tourism and also several high standing hotels on the shores, that are already spoiled from the Franco period. The "king" has travelled to South America to collect some business, trying to clean his image after the lasts escandals of the family, not only killing elephants in Bostwana but his son in law (and her daughter) stealing public money and saving it out of Spain with both hands. I think Spaniards regret their unconcious votes to this party in the power, they wanted to punish the socialist party for being useless but haven't dared to change and vote for a new way of doing things, but I'm sure that old ways won't work. The whole galaxy is changing due to the new vibrational frecuencies of Universal Energies that are coming in. Gaia is becoming an "adult" and she getting rid of anything that bothers her Ascension to the Light Realms, ALELUYAH!!!
Amen. Words to live by. Thank you GoddessHeart13.
So sorry
Your information on Benjamin Fulford makes this whole post irrelevant and creates negative thoughts and anger
Your PS does not even cover anything other than your irrelevant view
Benjamin Fulford needs to be followed and is followed and every one who knows at least something of what is going on ,,cannot wait for his next post
His very way of life ( Camalot interview 3 hours Go There) is dedicated to us the people not the cabal
I have followed him for several years now and almost every thing he has said has rung a bell
Not unlike David Icke
not only that he always corrects errors in difficult times
I see you have had 1300 hits on this post
I suggest you change your comments on BF
if you do not
You have me to answer to and many others when you pride your self on intel
that you accuse our mentors of disinfo
For this article being of negative significance on Mass Arrests
Which incidentally is the most important news we all seek
and I will advise people to not continue to follow any more of your posts
I will also post this disinfo on my web site as an example
I give you 24 hours to change your tune on BF
And i will act in a positive nature should you choose to do so
I really hate to be debbie downer JT but why do you think these arrests are going to happen just because of some chopper with a spotlight flying over one of the busiest cities in the entire world?
MotherGod posted something several weeks ago and she sounded so sure that something was going to happen in the next days. I asked her if she cared to "make it interesting", even gave her 500 to 1 odds, yet she didn't take me up on it.
So, I will offer you the same, would you care to make it interesting? I'll give you 1000 to 1 odds NOTHING happens. I would never be so happy to be so wrong but I just can't believe all this stuff anymore, it is truly becoming ridiculous.
Then your not very enlightened are you ????
That was a very human remark showing your ego if your ego is on the back burner you have no cause to use your egotistical sensitivity by assuming I'm yelling Was it not too long agao I read a discussion in all caps and not one rediculous remark about shouting appeared on that discussion!
Why are you so angry, ma belle? dimensional shift is going to happen one way or another, I don't know exactly how, but it's going to happen. We are all getting a bit nervous and excited about seeing Big changes, but in any way fighting among us will remove the frustration, instead I propose we all make our best to get along, even if we don't totally agree in all matters. That makes the process more interesting.
Please, accept my love and a hug.