I have tried now to write this down several times, however, each time I stop, reflect and then chuck the latest version in the bin. I am now being told that I no uncertain terms, I have to hurry up!

I want to tell you my version of the truth. I have very recently realised that I have been doing what people call channelling all my life. The chances are, that you probably do it too, or have, at least once........

You know when sometimes you talk to yourself in your head, and there are two voices batting things backwards and forwards? That's channelling. You know when someone explains a concept to you and you kind of get it but then at some point later, have a flash of comprehension or inspiration where all becomes clear. That's channelling.

We all do it, day in, day out.

Now I guess that you might be wanting to know what the other voice is. The fact is, that it can be a whole range of different things, from higher selves, guides, angels, aliens, whatever you want to call them, they're all coming in the same way, via the voice(s) in our heads. Yes, I know it sounds bonkers, but bear with me.

The most important thing to remember in all of this, that as much as in life, you should choose your friends and who you let in, with discernment.

One of the lost skills in our society is protection. The wisdom in cultures which have been decimated over the years taught us all to protect ourselves as children. This has been stripped away and we now need to learn how to protect ourselves once again.

So if you can bear with me, even if you think I'm talking a load of new age rubbish, that would be great :)

Protecting yourself is very easy and even if you are cynical, will take so little effort, it's worth a go! Basically you have to imagine a barrier around yourself through which only things that are benevolent can enter. I imagine myself covered in blue flames, but I used to use a circle of fire around my bed. You don't even have to see this thing in your mind, you just have to tell yourself it is there and it will be. Try it now. If you need to, imagine the forcefield on Star Trek around you in a bubble. Like on Star Trek, you can programme the forcefield to certain settings. Tell the 'computer' that it can only allow positive light and energy. If you want to test it, imagine something negative trying to get in and being repelled by the force field! Maybe it'll go bouncing off, lol :)

The more you imagine, the stronger you become but still, from the first attempt, there you are, protected. You can also protect all others that you care for in exactly the same way. If your child has nightmares, imagine for them, they will be protected. Teach them to protect themselves before they go to sleep and about the forcefield bubble, you'll be surprised how quickly their fears and nightmares will disappear.

Now, all of this communication, or channelling is great for a lot of people, a lot of the time. However our 3d brains are not necessarily designed to communicate telepathically, which means that sometimes, certain communications get stuck in our mesh, if you will. Imagine that we are made of light but that to makes our selves real in 3d, we have to wrap certain veils around us - this gives us physical form and also creates the mesh that I am talking about. Certain things in our lives, such as negative images, messages and so on, can end up being stuck in the mesh. You know sometimes when you see or hear something particularly unpleasant (images from horror films, insults people have given you etc) and you'll find them keeping popping back into your mind. This is our conciousness trying to process and discard these things and push them back outside.

Over the years, many of us have ended up with a great deal of these negative thoughts stuck in our meshes. I keep being a picture of the nargles from Harry Potter flying around and getting stuck in the meshes in our bodies. This means that the meshes become thicker, heavier and more difficult to discard. Anyone who has read about Edmund and his dragon skin in the Voyage of the Dawntreader will recognise this analogy.

Now to explain the meshes. All of us, prior to this incarnation, agreed to be part of the world at this time. Have you started to wonder yet how you can so easily have believed an entirely different reality last week, last month, last year but yet be sitting here now, wondering if you are a Starseed? Imagine if someone had told you were a starseed or lightworker five years ago. What would your reaction have been? Would you have laughed out loud? I probably would have and then dismissed the very thought as being both mental and hillarious. Yet I'm sitting here now without a doubt in my mind that this is the case. This is down to the veils. We couldn't come here whole, as the entire point is to learn lessons and if you are too advanced the lessons are no challenge so therefore there is no growth. We apply veils to our realities to hide certain parts of ourselves. There are many variations of these veils. The biggest and most common is that 'There is only one reality'.

As to be born here, we have to be separated from source, we are alone, with only our own version of reality through which to assess and interact with the world. The leads to division and duality. Have you ever wondered about people who have other faiths, beliefs etc and felt the need to somehow explain your beliefs to them in the hope that they would get where you were coming from? How would you react if they didn't? Think of it this way, if two identical babies were both born into two separate families of strong faith, say one Roman Catholic and the other Buddhist and both were taught the teachings repetitively and had absorbed these, both would have the potential to believe that their truth was the absolute and would argue with the other that this was the case. Remember that the babies were identical, no one better than the other. Yet both have different realities. Who would be to decide which one was 'right'? This applies across the board.

The fact is that once you can grasp that more than one reality can exist at the same time, you are already thinking in a multi-dimensional way.

Our challenge is to remove our veils while we are on the planet in order to race back to source as fast as we can. Think of it as a massive sprint to this finish line. The problem is that with the advent of the radio, television and finally the internet, we are allowing unprecedented amounts of information into our minds. Thing of the jingles (actually known as mind worms) which pop back into our brains to remind us of certain products. We can't get them out of our minds and they will repeat constantly in some cases. At the same time we have been taught that subliminal programming etc, does not exist. Now if a simple sound jingle can remain in your mind and reappear as and when it pleases, what do you think that more complex images might be able to do? Especially those from negative sources such as horror films and the like.

The good news is that once again, as with protection, we can remove these things with ease. Now, lots of people mention AA Michael when it comes to protection. If you have ever been scared or worried but felt a warm caring, brotherly presence around you, that is Michael. He can be in all places at all times and will always protect people who need it. To the people who aren't sure about the whole angel thing, again, just bear with me. If the thoughts can be put in through allegory, then surely they can be removed in the same way?

Imagine for me, Michael standing next to you. In his hand he holds a beautiful sword, made from platinum and glowing with a blue flame. Now this sword can pass through anything (like the subtle knife in his dark materials). Imagine that all of the little negative thoughts that have made their way into your mind have come from a source. It doesn't matter if you don't know what the source is, all you need to imagine is the line. When your mind absorbed the negative thought and image, it pulled it in along with the line, almost as an anchor. Where this is an insult, for example, that has repetitively come from one person, we will find that maby of the little lines have grouped together to form one big one. You might also have lines from people where you have taken on board too many of their responsibilities or karma. What I do is to imagine that aroud my waist, I am drawing a circle. Those lines which are joined about the circle are pulled up around me until they form almost a ponytail which I am holding above my head. Then I ask Michael to take his sword and cut them for me. I have to concentrate on the knife passing through anything as some of mine are a bit stubborn. If you find some are escaping, Imagine that the sword is a circle around lines and that the circle gets smaller and smaller until all strands are severed and it disappears. I then gather the lines below the waist and and ask Michael to cut the ponytail beneath me! Don't be surprised to have random thoughts about people for days afterwards as the connections come to an end.

Even for those cynical people, it's a lot of fun imagining cutting away all the negative energies and people in your life! By the way, for anyone who is worried about cutting lines to people they care about - the lines can be two way and flow negative and positive. However, if you do this after having protected yourself to allow only positive attachements, the strand will connect again, without containing any of the negative elements which had been stored previously.

Now, there are two more elements of baggage that we carry and need to get rid of. The second last type of baggage is to do with contracts. Before we come here, we make agreements with other souls as to how we will help one another to develop. This will sound bizarre, but sometimes we choose to experience negative events in order to grow. I will explain my understanding of what happened in 'the beginning' later, but essentialy we are all little pieces of the source which have broken away in order to grow into big pieces with little pieces of our own! To become a 'big piece' we have to absorb as much light as possible. We can do this by meditating, caring for others, laughing, having fun but also by facing challenges and rising above them, becoming more than we are, absorbing light through these processes. The quickest and most effective way of doing this is by facing challenges, negative events and overcoming these. This means that in order for us to do this, there needs to be a bad guy. Now imagine for a moment, that the only way that you could truly allow souls to progress was to allow them to make their own choices and mistakes. Think of your children, if you have them and how hard this is to do. Think how hard it is to play the bad guy yourself - who wants to be the person spoiling all the fun? However, we all know if our children do not learn how to master themselves, they will not progress in life, so sometimes, we, the parents end up being the ones to set the challenges and boundaries in the first place. I'm struggling a bit myself with this one but from what I can gather, no-one wants to play the bad guy, yet some enlightened beings do this in order to allow us to progress but cost to themsleves in incurring negative karma and having to work this off. From what I can gather, very few people are aware of the bigger picture, as many people are involved in negative work but that most of them only have awareness of certain parts of the picture. There are many that are also manipulated through their own fears into doing this. This is why I do not want to jump on the bandwagon condeming the Illuminati etc, as I'm not convinced that they all knew exactly what they were doing, or why....

Right now, if you have not cleared your contracts, you may still have some with negative connotations. You need to get rid of these. Again, very easy to do. Simply say out loud, 'I cancel all contracts agreed to at any point during my existence'. You are then free to do as you wish, all contracts end and can be re-negotiated on new terms. You can also say that 'No negative being can ever again enter into my space'.  

Now we have one type of baggage left. I have debated as to whether to include this or not, as very few others seem to, however, I believe that people deserve and can handle the truth.

The first thing is to say that if you have followed all the steps above, you are safe. Nothing can ever touch you or your family again, no negative thought, belief, image or communication.

I say this with absolute love and compassion and know that all those who can discern the truth will know this. You will notice that there are many starseed traits listed which include fears, phobias and physical issues. These include things like problems with sinuses, unexplained bruising, extreme phobias, OCD, depression, anxiety, PTSD etc.

The truth is this. A call was put out to all lightworkers asking them to save the people of the earth. Many of us came, as they were us and we were them. However, before we came here we knew that we would face many challenges, some of which would be difficult for anyone in 3d to overcome. In forgetting everything we knew, we also knew that we would not be able to protect ourselves in the way we needed to. Many of us have experienced negative times in our personal lives, with bullying and abuse being common experiences for starseeds, especially those who arrived prior to the 1990's. The bodies we inhabit are made up from the DNA of many different races from across the universe. By entering these bodies, through universal law, we essentially also sign up to interact with all races who have added their DNA to the human genome. If we knew this when we arrived, we would end the contracts, as we have total right as sovereign beings to do so. As we already know, we forget. The images we receive through the media and other sources contain negativity designed to keep us away from the path of protection.

You might ask yourself why and in some cases, you already have the answer. This is an emotive subject for all but the truth is that sadly, some of us have been abducted from an early age. If you have experienced nose bleeds, sinus problems, unexplained brusing or bleeding, extreme phobias, such as fear of the dark, spiders, heights etc, you may have been abducted. It's common to have needed to sleep with your back against the wall and in parents rooms, of being terrified of cupboards in your room, sensing energies or having psychic experiences. If these things are worrying you, remember that by going through all of the above, protecting yourself, removing negative lines and contracts, you are clear and cannot be touched. Just saying the words 'leave now' with conviction (and who wouldn't want them to leave, lol) is enough. Showing them love and forgiveness is more than enough and will send them scuttling to the hills! :)

The fact is that the people actually in control are aware of this but have had no power to stop the negative energies from visiting us. When I first realised what had been happening, I was horrified. At this point, you need to be careful and keep reminding yourself that as bizarre as it seems, we signed up for this. We might not have liked what we signed up for, but we took it as a consequence so that we could protect all humans by becoming human and to do the work that needed to be done. If you are a higher dimensional being and you compress yourself into a 3d body, you have to leave that body in order to refresh and renew your energies. Or sleep, as it is otherwise known! When you sleep, you move from 3d, to 4d and upwards depending on what stage you are at. Although we have chosen to essentially be human, by placing the veils over oursevles and remembering nothing, we have left ourselves entirely open to any type of energy. This runs alongside the fact that other beings of a negative type who re-incarnate do not forget in the same way and know how to find us. We have been one of their main sources of energy for many years. Think of the film, Monsters Inc. Yes believe it or not, even this is one of those allegorical stories which reflects elements of the truth. When you apply fear to a higher dimensional being in a 3d body, the veils contract and the energy which is produced by the starseed as a result is potent. This is what has been used as fuel. Remember, as revolting as this is, we knew it would happen before we came. For all we know, those doing it may even be trying to help us progress at some level in their being. This is one of the many reasons governments do not want to disclose as they have been unable and in some cases unwilling to protect children and adults who came here to help all people. They are terrified of the reaction to this. We must lead with compassion and understanding, the only route of choice is love.  

I am not trying to scare people and am only mentioning this as to remove the last type of baggage, we need to be aware that it exists. I keep hearing the term 'implants'. I don't know if these are physical or just some sort of metaphor they are presenting me with, but basically, we need to ask our higher selves, the angels who are here to help, the positive beings around us to remove these implants. They are commonly around chakras and are intended to block these. If you feel that you would like to, repeat the protections and removals of negative lines and contracts, tell them to get out and never come back, then ask those benevolent beings to remove the implants. Over the following days, you may feel your body straightening out and small random pains appearing and disappearing. If you have problems with sinuses you may find that like I did, they disappear altogether!

Alongside this, it is very important to look after your physical body. If I told you that there were certain substances on earth that he been introduced to the general population to keep their abilities under control (essentially to help things stick in the mesh), I can't imagine you'd be shocked. Even if it is just to feel a bit healthier, you need to avoid the following:

alcohol, meat, caffiene, chemicals, in food and water, some prescription drugs, flouridated toothpaste and water, refined sugar, white starchy foods, the list goes on.............Veils and certain things stuck in the mesh are applied to keep people addicted to these substances and therefore away from their true selves. Typically, the more addictive escape mechanisms, the greater ability an individual is likely to have. Cutting this stuff out will make a massive difference as the glue that holds the mesh in place will no longer be available!

Think about what this means and who you are. You have literally come to save the world, regardless of the cost to yourselves, You are amazing and loved more than you can imagine. The fact is that there are few negative beings left, the light is forcing them to move on. Remember, We are the light..............

I will answer any questions that people have. I would also ask that people with better discernment than me root out any distortions or provide details of protections that are available for those reading. Also, send light to those who may find some of this difficult to hear :)

Peace, light and love Catherine xxx


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  • OK here is an update and one that answers alot of questions. My Angels told me a few days ago that my Kundalini popped. This is what started everything back in the spring. It is also stuck at the moment in more ways then one. This is one of the reasons my Angels have been working to get me to completly change my life because if I continue the way I am now it will never ascend. I got lots of work ahead of me. TY Feather and Catherine for the info, very helpful and much LOVE to you both!

    • Am glad that we helped. Why is it stuck? Are there things that you have to resolve? Sorry, eternally nosy over here :)


      Peace, light and love

      Catherine xxx

      • There are 4 attributes at the Chakra that is blocked, a lower one, that relates to primal activites like health, sleep, etc. One is fine, the other 3 need to be worked on. I'm in a difficult spot on the other 3, most people take at least some of them for granted but I am struggling with them at the moment.

  • Thank you Feather Winger, your pictures are so pretty! :) The faces used to scare the life out of me when I was a kid, I would literally have one after another everytime I closed my eyes and I would fear the dark and sleep because of it.


    Paladin, it sounds as if you have had a really tough time with this still, I feel for you because I remember well what it was like. I was still fairly closed at that point, mainly because of the attacks so in some ways it wasn't so bad for me, as there was less that could be manipulated. Definitely get the Bach stuff, Feather Winger told me about this a couple of days ago and I got some and it is awesome!


    You maybe already do this, but I find that it helps to practice controlling your energy with 3d people. My most useful practice has been with my 'energy vampire' boss who is now becoming increasingly frustrated that he can no longer tap me, lol! Now I just need to work out how to stop him doing it to everyone else!! found that once I knew what the feeling of control was in 3d, I then knew what I was looking for in the higher levels.


    Take Care







  • I have, I guess, throughly detoxed as I became a Vegatarian, almost exclusively eat organic food and filtered water. I have to be pretty clean, my third eye is wide open and has been to target of a few attacks. The visions are very devious and came from a highly intelligent being and caused serious harm to my thought processes as they were in direct contradiction to the direction my Angels were guiding me. How do you tell whether a vision is from your Angles or a hostile psychic? When I get info that does not vibe I goto my Angels but that now takes alot longer. The psychic attacker has duplicated many of my Angel signs and before I realized it happened it almost cost me my life. I have Neg's on me as well and have enacted countermeasures but they are not the biggest threat. If it was the Neg's then they are coordinating with the psychic whatever it is. Just to give you an idea of what I am talking about, the psychic tried to convince me my Twin Flame was someone other then who my Angles eventually arranged a bumping into after 25 years. It was comlete with a girl I have never seen before, a setting, spoken words to me and music. Good call on the Chakras, they are a mess. I do balance them but they just keep at me day and nite. Right now my throat chakra feels like something is trying to strangle me and that is not good because that Chakra is your intuition and that has kept me from harm and on the right path, I'm not surprised at all they are going after it. Thanks for the other info, I will put them on my shopping list and to do list ASAP. The book I listed spoke in detail about Negs and nightmares as it is one of their primary means of attaching to people. There are alot of secondary signs to look for which should determine if the cause of nightmares are Neg's or something else.

  • Feather Wigner, well said, my point exactly. 

    Catherine: ''How would you explain it to get people through the veils to the end point, without having to go through all of the other stuff?''  I don't think it is our role to 'get' people to do anything.  We may state information we believe to be relevant to someone's enlightment, but what they do with it is their affair, we are all on our individual journey and we all have a pletora of invisible guides to help each one.  We all have a life plan that we agree on before we come here and the important thing for the people we meet is to follow their path, not to awake according to our agenda.  There is nothing wrong to state what you believe, but your responsability ends there.  We might think that preserving someone from 'bad' experiences is noble, but you might deprive him from essential lessons for which he came for.    

    • Idiot compassion, lol :)? Still not quite beyond that stage I'm afraid!


      I'm thinking that it they're supposed to read it and it will help them then they will and it will :) 



  • Thank you Feather Winger, this makes sense. I use some of the Bach remedies which are a combination of different elements, I have the 'Peace' and 'Cheer Up' versions, will have a look to see if they have chesnut in! I know the high feeling that you talk of, it's like soaring, or zooming above, is lovely. Thank you so much for your help and encouragement, you have helped me more than you (and probably I) know :)


    What you say about there being deeper and more subtle levels, this makes sense, I'm only able to access certain levels at the moment but at least now know that there is more out there. I do meditate, probably not enough though. I'll stick with this and see where I end up!


    I think that we get presented with information at the right times. I think the reason that I am waking up now is so that I can explain things to people as I will be going through them at the same time, or just before they have, so that part of the journey is clear and still seems real.


    I need to think about what Nayon is saying - the founders etc keep coming up and no-one has clear answers. What I'm getting is this. Yes, none of this is real, it's veil, holographics and ultimately, a game. However, within the game there are many actions which have been committed and have appeared to be real, depending on what stage you are at. Until you reach the end point, where all the veils are lifted, certain elements will still appear to be real and will have to be cleared. I dithered about the abduction and implants and then put it in anyway for it was helpful for me to clear that part. I know I'm not the only one, there are others and they are most likely to be starseeds. To my thinking it's better to acknowledge and deal without fear than it is to leave these things alone when they are holding you back.


    I would love to have a version that lifted everyone out in their entirety but don't know if this is possible without collective input, which is why I am asking for help.


    I want to do something on the beginning of this and how we ended up where we are now, I guess I will meditate on that next :)

    Peace, love and light

    Catherine xxx



  • Hi paladin,

    For me, it works in a few different ways. The conversation thing is more of a filtration process, its actually quite hard to describe but its a bit like washing my thoughts. It may be that i use the discernment on myself during the conversations. I get given pictures, allegories, often these things have an element of humour.

    I just 'know' when communication takes place, there is a quickening sensation and then what can be best described as a flash of understanding. I've had this since i was a child.

    The flash that i get, whether it is a picture, concept or whatever remains clear if i think on it again, where as what i would class as y thinking falls away and becokes distorted.

    So, now that i am thinking about it more, you are right, its not necessarily the conversation that is chanelling, it's what occurs during it. and is more of a purification process.

    Does that make sense?

    Peace, light and love
    Catherine x
    • Yes Catherine it makes sense. But your talking about visions and pictures given to you sends chills up my spine. I have been under psychic attack, among others, and one of the techniques used against me by my attacker is the use of images, visions, and short dreams, etc. Once I realized what was going on the gig was up and it moved on to different techniques against me. Some of my attackers have mad skills, able to perfectly heal my eye sight with a flash from my TV set. It was trying to train my like some dog, saying it was just lessons and such and once I learned that lesson my eyesight would go back to normal, needing glasses. The devious conditioning they were trying to give me was don't be too quick on your path to enlightenment, enjoy perfect eyesight for awhile. I didn't of course as I felt doing so was selfish, so it stopped trying to use it against me. Plz be carefull!

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