
  • sure enough youre, well you can see now that its not an ET i hope, this is as bad as the jesus freaks seeing jesus in corn flakes and toast

  • so. . . they want to go camping, ahh, I see, hehe

    I'll be honest though. . I kinda like that image

  • Wow that is pretty weird. I don't know what it's supposed to mean, though. It could be a subtle hint...I don't know, very weird indeed.

  • 8113982466?profile=original   here is the link to the candian mint close up page,  and can flip the coin around,     a poceket conversation peace for sure, topic opener, why else would the mint create it for.   

    • I saw another pic of this coin posted in ATS. A clearer pic shows that it is really a boy.


      • looks like a metaphor for "getting to know ourselves again" if you ask me...

        * Boy/man in the puffy coat looks like he is in a motorized boat of some sort, seems more modern

        * The Man on the other side looks like he is in an old-timey canoe with no shirt

        ----Looks to me like we are reaching into our reflection, gaining new insight from the past...unifying past & present...----


        Still a wonderous and beautiful message minus the aliens :)



    • Or just click on the image will inlarge it to full page.

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Magically Appearing Mother Mary Shrine

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