Ebola Obama Campaign Logo - w url

So why has the Obama dream become an unpleasant wakeup call for his followers...?? Nothing really changed under Obama, so we wonder why those who thought he represented change, fell for the con...?

Now that the Obamanoids have become increasingly disillusioned by his presidency, does anyone know how so many were fooled by HIS lie of promised "change...??"

We can now safely assure people that Obama is not synonomous with NESARA, but he may have a growing reputation as poisonous as ebola...


Barack Obama's popularity rating ahead of mid-term elections is at an all-time low. RT's Egor Piskunov reports on how even Obama's own side is getting jittery.

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  • Well, my dear ACC...I did tell you that Obama is a fraud, way back......BUT then, we need not focus on his fraud, but instead be positive in the truth of the matter......Be happy, a fake president has passed your fake parade, yet failed to pass muster.........A lesson learned for ACC......Now we can start anew...I'm happy with that....I hope you people are... ;-)

  • I do want member Stick to know the truth about Obama and have sent him a friend request, with message explaining Sheldan Nidle's recent admission, that Obama does indeed work for Wall Street and the Cabal, as I've been telling Stick and also, falling out with him, over, for several years on ACC discussions.....I hope Stick will now believe me a little more than he did....He believes in Sheldan and it's now on record as to what Sheldan believes....The GFL policy is to view Obama as an agent of the Cabal....He was recruited by them years ago.....Maybe Stick will begin to see the light on this matter, now...?? Hope so....as we fell out as a result of his loyalty to Obama and it made me look like the bad guy....

  • A few days ago, Sheldan Nidle, the official GFL spokesman, went on record stating that Obama works for Wall Street and the Cabal....I have been saying it for years, as my numerous blogs can testify.....THAT THE GFL KNOW OBAMA AS A DARK ASSET.....Which, of course, runs counter to CIA psyops "channelled" data from Mike Q, et al.....


  • Obama who?
  • NANCY: you just stuck your foot in your mouth. The Tea Party called for closer monitoring of immigrants arriving into the United States last summer due to TB medication resistant tuberculosis and ebola, while Obama (AND THE GOP LEADERS) viewed the importance of immigration rights as a paramount "human right."  And now look what happened: someone from Liberia lied on their application and made it to Dallas (close to the center of the U.S.A.) with ebola, and a second health care worker is now infected.

    The Tea Party could have prevented this "fear porn" from taking place if they were listened to in the first place.

  • Well, Benjamin Creme made the prediction, on behalf of the Master, on his website...Maybe if it fails to manifest, you can cancel your subscriptions to Share International newsletter...?? LOL ;-)

  • Well, the change is coming, in spite of all dark resistance, but it is a shame that they cannot give in gracefully and instead, behave like spoilt brats, who moan and cry, when their toys are confiscated...

    What you are witnessing are their dark tantrums, using dangerous scenarios such as germ warfare, in delay tactics..

    Cabal surrender would be far less painful, for people everywhere...

    Sending 3000 troops to west Africa is a way of spreading contagion further and they know it...

  • "The decision by US President Barack Obama to dispatch 3,000 troops to West Africa to fight the Ebola epidemic has sparked reactions in Liberia.

    “We don’t need guns to protect us for now. What we need now is drugs. We need vaccine to curtail the spread of this virus. So it is unfortunate to hear that America is sending over 3,000 troops,” one Liberian citizen said.

    “If it is an armed troop then I will start to question myself whether this virus can be fought by guns or so,” said another Liberian.

    On Tuesday, Obama described the Ebola epidemic in West Africa as a threat to the entire world."


  • yes there is-a change for the worse for working people especially blacks-it's a really bad joke on the American people 

  • Actually there is a job increase lately.

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