With the ever increasing showing of star ships around the planet, and more and more new news stations willing to share this information, it is seemingly any day now that massive showings of decloaked star ships will be seen around major cities creating an undeniability in which all the world can truly see truth. With that truth comes the knowing of the oppression and terrors caused by the cabal to all humanity over the eons. Those of us who are in the knowing of all these things will not have such a shock of it all and so I wanted to make this point as clear as possible as well as just how important it is.
The surface of the planet will soon be full of questions, and likely full of emotions; fear of what is to come, anger for what has been done, etc... It will be a shock to so many, but that is what I wanted to talk about. It is not about the shock at all, but the vibrational resonance that affects the planet and all of us together as a co-creative collective consciousness as a whole. For those of us in the knowing, it will be a critical time for us to stay in our calm, loving place of unconditional love. We must set the example to love all souls alike. As we set this example, we will greatly help flip the scales from the oppression of all humanity, all the while reducing and calming the dangerous period of panic so many others may find themselves experiencing. Hold on to your hearts, my fellow ground crew friends/family.
The dark ones have an agenda. It has nothing to do with the many horrors they have and continue to inflict upon us and everything to do with lowering our vibrations and it is that simple at this point. The do not even comprehend compassion. They have dimmed their hearts so far that the love of source cannot even reach them. Set aside the past deeds and look to the future that is promised to reward us all for all that we have endured in this lifetime especially -for all that we have done to give back. Practice forgiveness and let any hatred or anger transmute to love. This is how we WIN, my friends. Holding those grudges allows them a hold on both you and humanity.
Have you wondered why the knowledge about the Illuminati was ever allowed to surface when it was kept secret so successfully for all those years? It is as simple as the fact that they knew they were on their way out and that there wouldn't be anything anyone could do to stop them until the very end. Allowing the release of knowledge about their societies and clubs and practices raised a great deal of hate and anger, did it not? Well they are all but done and gone now. What do say we finish them off together with love?! You don't have to like what they do in order to love them. After all, we ARE all one, are we not? Even as far removed from source, they are still part of the whole. However long their personal choices are in evolution, we all return to source eventually. Practice acceptance of these dark souls as their journey is the most difficult of all. Even if it is incredibly difficult to see it that way now, can we all agree that love conquers all? It is not necessary to like what they do in order to hold them in your hearts.
In love and adoration to all of us as we are just getting to the fun part…
Read More About Becoming a Cosmic-Being at: www.divinewillpower.com
Where the "Truth" is FREE as it is found within YOU(r Heart)!
Please Also Enjoy My 3 Part Advanced Guided Meditation Series HERE!
FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS of my Guided Meditations HERE!!!
- Guided Meditation of The Highest Self - A Message to the Ground Crew
- Guided Meditation of Empowerment - Grounding to the New Earth Frequencies
- Advanced Meditation of Unity Consciousness - The "New You" Attunement
- Subscribe! There's MORE on the way! ! !
Enjoy my Blogs as written from Source:
- How To Talk To Family About The Coming Shift - Coding Your Speech
- What is “Thymus Tapping” Really All About?
- Owning the Playing Field of Kindness - Manifesting the New Earth Frequencies
- Reclaiming Your Power - Becoming A Cosmic Being!
- What Is Truth? What Is Awareness? How Do I Get There?
- Follow your “Feelings" to find your “Knowing” and “BE” ALL THAT YOU ARE!
..love and gratitude,
Set aside the past deeds and look to the future that is promised to reward us all for all that we have endured in this lifetime especially -for all that we have done to give back. Practice forgiveness and let any hatred or anger transmute to love. This is how we WIN, my friends. Holding those grudges allows them a hold on both you and humanity.
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/oh-i-so-love-you-dark...
Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook
Much love to all beings...

Yes, 555 is such a lovely number! :) hehe Thank you for all the support as always, FW! :)
No, you just need to adjust the screen size in you browser page.
Either close the page and open it up again, or if that doesn't work,
Hold the button "Ctrl" on your Keyboard down and either press the "-" button a few times, or continue Holding the button "Ctrl" on your Keyboard down and roll the mouse wheel(if you have one) while the cursor is over the active page window in the browser.
Have a super day!
hehe hold ctrl and roll the mouse wheel down.
Or, hold Ctrl and press the "-" minus button.
I hope that helps. ;)
Thank you, my dear friend, Feather Winger for keeping this one alive all that time. I do believe this valuable reminder reached so many thanks to your help!
..love and gratitude,
It sounds like a period of self reflection to me! That can be so very beautiful! :) Thank you so much for keeping this one alive! I really believe this is an incredibly important reminder to stay in our calm place of unconditional love as these changes begin to manifest in to the physical collective reality.
Yes Divine Willpower, this highest point of view, that all is one, often gets lost, even among lightworkers, in the drama of 3d.
It's the one and only compass by which to align yourself with and go forth in your actions.
Thank you Light of Wisdom for the reinforcement!
We can and should be super excited for all these increased showings of the star ships, but it is so very important that we remain extremely calm on the exterior as the sightings continue to increase in the next weeks. We must be that calming stability for all our loved ones, whether they are afraid, or in complete denial. It is when they see how calm and collected we light workers are that they will wish to ask us all the right questions. Still, it IS our excitement in the continued and increasing showings that helps manifest them into this timeline all the quicker, but we can do this all energetically and through meditation!
I do hope this post stays up in view for some time. It is so important for us all "in the knowing" to BE this example just as you made so clear as well.
If nothing else this world has given us one heck of an immune system to take with us on our eternal journeys.
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/oh-i-so-love-you-dark-souls-of-the-cabal?commentId=2859786%3AComment%3A1789687&xg_source=msg_com_forum#ixzz22uRoMIBX
I love this! And agree!! :)