
Dear friends,

It has been accurately stated, by our associates within the Plejaren Federation, that for the purposes of clarity, they have quantified and qualified eighteen specific ET species, of sentient types, which make up the cosmic races of the known universe...They may exist across the cosmic aetheric planes, but here upon the physical aethers, they are also able to manifest, within their ships, when they visit this realm of outer Earth.

Independent surveys have been conducted by various star nations, to confirm this data, but this one list provided, is supplemented by the following facts in support:

That across this galaxy, termed the Milky Way, by Earth peoples, there are 2,630,000 highly developed spiritual societies, of space faring technologies, including the Plejares, Sirius, Lyra, Vega and many others....However, there are a further 1,040,000 civillisations in this galaxy, that remain officially outside of the wider Federation and though some of them are space-farers, they are not as technologically and spiritually advanced...Outer Earth could also be included among those...with
Inner Earth numbered among the former.....So officially, within cosmos, neither NASA, ESA, or the Sino-Russian space missions, are rated very highly...Even those notorious and secret space missions, using back-engineered technology....It has all been a drop in the galactic ocean, as it were...

Beyond this galaxy are numerous allies of the greater Cosmic Union of Light, numbering 1,141,000,000 advanced civilizations....And like the Galactic Federation, they seek to be part of a greater Lighted Union, in service to the evolution of spirit, through creation, linked with this Milky Way and several others and some at Universal levels and between Universes.

Sentient Species Types:


Humanoids  Like the Plejaren themselves and the Earth humans 

Amphiboids  People who resemble animals that live in the water; they live on land and in water, like Asina and her people 

Reptileoids  Human-reptilian forms with a skin covered with scales 

Insectoids  Human-insectoid forms; their skin having a chitin quality 

Sauroids  Human-sauropode form, their skin resembling that of an elephant 

Primatoide  Human-primate form with more hair on his skin than the Earth human 

Condicoids  Humanoids who are capable to move along through levitation, like the ones who were seen sitting on the roof of the SSSC 

Teropoids  Human-birdlike body with a long neck, face and beak-like mouth 

Hydroids  Human-fishlike body, who are living in the water, but can leave it for longer periods 

Thermoids  Humanoids who are living in hot zones of very high temperature 

Frigoroids  Humanoids who are living in regions with very low temperatures 

Aërioids  Humanoids who are breathing poisonous gas or living in different gas environments, respectively 

Acoroids  Humanoids of humanoid body, whose skin is covered by a fine acid layer, as it is the case with the Trilaner (Trilans). 

Floroids  Humanlike and diverse plant bodies 

Kentauroids  Life forms with part human, part horse-like bodies 

Faunoids  Bodies part human, part animals with hooves 

Cheruboids  Very light human life forms, with wings with which they are capable to fly 

Seraphoids  Very light life forms with a human-animal body, with feathered wings by which they are able to fly 

This comprehensive list was provided by Srut Ptaah, who stands at the first degree, of that spiritual level of "Srut," so a higher grade than an "Jschwjsch"..and this means that his data is of premium quality, as far as ET sources go...

I will also gladly clarify that the classifications use the frail English language, which cannot compare to Plejare (based on Lyran dialect,) in it's far-ranging finer meanings, however, it is the nearest we have to use as a global language and so we must work with it...I know that many in this community use the term "reptoids," as opposed to his preferred choice of term, "reptileoids," but he has selected that variant deliberately...and it was not an oversight on Ptaah's part.

Moreover, just to straighten another common misunderstanding, among enthusiasts of "ET data," the Arcturians of the Bootes constellation, those well-known healers, are of the species type listed as "Kentauroids." They are in possession of horse-like features, and stand upright on two legs....There have been many descriptions of the Arcturians, by false contactees, who make the claim that they are a type of grey being, with hairless bodies and bald heads...?? Not so...

I will also say that the species term of "Sauroids," Ptaah has used, describes the infamous "Dinosaurians," sometimes discussed by contactees such as Sheldan Nidle.

I left his wording exactly, but will state here that the top listed "Humanoids" includes the Plejaren, Sirians, Lyrans, Vegans, Andromedans, Timarians, Epsilon Eridanians and numerous others, too many to list....all coming under the "Humanoid" category....All ancient Humans were related to Lyra and earth is very much a melting pot of these various types, who came in waves to our shores...For example, the Njsans of Kudra, within the Lyra constellation, were the original (Chinese) colonists who arrived in Atlantis, one full precessional cycle ago...All modern Chinese and Japanese are descendents of space colonists, from the Njsan star system of Lyra....

Putting artificial genetic tampering of ancient Earth people aside, for one moment, all the species listed here are products of the natural spiritual evolution process, manifest within the greater creation....There are cross-species variants artificially induced using advanced ET technologies, as in the possession of the Life Sciences Clans of the star nations...Such manipulation may sometimes be at odds with spiritual laws and create an artificial species possessing chronic disabilities, physically and spiritually and these can also render such a race as sterile..

I think that the race from Zeta Reticlli I have in mind here, explains why they have been coming to Earth, to extract human genetic potential. Under divine law and a special grace, such a race is and has been aided and now has regained many healthy qualities that it formerly lacked....and we may now honour them again, under the natural category of "humanoids."

The term; "Teropoids," can be aptly used to categorise the so-called "blue avians" some people report in witness accounts.....I will state though, that although some have made the false claim that the ancient Egyptian "god" Thoth, was one such a being, in fact he was humanoid and only used the costume and insignia symbolisms of the ibis bird, as depicted upon various papyrii, in which he performed ritual and acted in his special role of scribe of the gods, overseeing the lives and good order of nature, within the two ancient kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt (Khemet...)

One further observation for reference I will add, is that the category listed as "Primatoide" is intended to list the beings of Tau Ceti, who are well known bear-like members of the Federation and use distinctive rhombic-shaped scout craft...Although the English name he selected suggests that the category is purely applicable to primate type beings, we can also include the variations upon the type, and all those with much bodily hair, akin to apes and bears on earth...

Hopefully, this was of interest to readers and may be used as preferred reference material, for any serious student of cosmic sentient species.

Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”)

Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (Eastern England Sector)

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  • Galactic Gold Mine here Drekx tons of great information :)
  • Billy Meier: the silent revolution of truth (documentary)........This vid summarises and encapsulates the holistic totality, as near as is possible to present, of the Meier case....I have been searching for a vid like this, so that I could present the whole story, evidence, eye witness testimony, creation philosophy, technology, metal samples, films of beam ships, etc....the lot..

    It is fairly long, but percevere and I'm sure you will see the veracity of the Meier case, after you watch it....Many experts comment upon the photos, and film of ships and you may see of hear things, that will make that ahahh moment, more forthcoming.....if you were a sceptic, be prepared to have that challenged here...

    Also, be prepared to have any illusions and preconceived ideas about ETs blown out of the water, also, do they carry and use weapons in self defence....??? YES.......Does Billy Meier....?? YES....he shows his gun collection.....His son is interviewed, Atlantis Meier, friends and neighbours, too...All with their own sightings and experiences of ET craft.....And the evidence extends way back, decades.......Worth viewing...

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    •   i seen this video before a few years ago . i believe Billy Meier was reincarnated to fulfill his mission as a teacher,author ,a visionary .The Hencho Prophecy he give a dire warnings of cataclysmic future . I see this already happening ,the drought in California,worldwide poverty,chemtrials ,environment destruction...etc.. it does seem hopeless but then  there is always a possibility of evacuation but only if the planet is in real danger this has happened before it buried within our subconsciouse minds .This all stated in the Galactic Center where there was a war that took place in this solar system and has never stopped . There are many species of ET s here including the Reptilians who i see more often and they are hidden behind the scenes of all organizations,churches including the Vatican.They can be seen everywhere . David Icke and Scott Roberts has written about them in their books . Not everyone sees them but some people already have. Spiritual wakening is about seeing the invisible not just the physical reality . We have both sides of the ET s races fighting to keep this planet alive and some of them have been policing this part of the Universe since this planet has been under quarantine .

  •   Billy Meier has been attacked by MIBs many times and this is what happens to contactees .This has been my experience in the past .The author of Stranger At The Pentagon '' was physically attacked by these dark beings ( MIBs ) .. The author of ''Odyssey Of In UFOs : The Buzz Andrews Story  By Oscar Magocsi  fought a terrible with MIBs until the The Psychean Federation Of Worlds .The location of these beings is location on Lake Eerie Ontario .. i believe Billy Meier .One of his videos i seen  a small crop circle near his house and MIBs have been seen around crops circles ..

  • DREKX: you are using a fake photo from Billy Meir for you UFO craft in your article. Otherwise, you provided a good listing of various ET types. Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arMKT0r9cL8 for experts (AND HIS EX-WIFE) proving that Billy Meir is a fraud.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    • Of course, friend Malcolm is entitled to his view and I do not agree with it, though accept he has that view...Indeed, all blogs I produce mentioning the Pleiadians and Meier, he will tell me that Meier was fake...However I know otherwise....Meier was a genuine contactee of the Plejarens.....Using only one arm (he lost the other in an accident) he used film to record beam ships, back in the 1970s.....Here is an example of genuine beam ship teleport.....If he faked this, using 1970s tech, he would have to have worked for Hollywood, and being a Swiss farmer, was far from that place....Not even Pinewood studios in England could match these shots....

    • I disagree, he was framed by his ex-wife.....Well, you know the saying, hell hath no fury as a woman spurned....Divorce can be messy and Billy had a terrible marriage to his volatile Greek wife.....Poor man

  •     I believe that some reincarnated here on Earth and some were walk - ins . Many contactees have written books about their contact with the star nations and some have been made into movies  but unfortunately have encountered MIBs soon after . Many of the star nations had experienced mutations and inbreeding of other species and some have destroyed their planet and eventually fill victim under other malevolent ETs and others were evacuated to other sympathetic star systems where they evolved,safely intermingling with other races . Many of the experiments that were done here on Earth have lead to opening the wormholes letting in a malevolent race called Necrominton operatives also known as the MIBs .The Greys have been known to occupy other planets such  Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Orion, and Rigel .There was race known as the Dark Vader few have mention but probably still exist. Here what has been known about MIBs : The men in black are the dark forces specialist of harassment, intimidation , terror , and murder .They are known as robots of alien orign ( cloned and short lived duplicates of existing humans) ..

    • Well Hellen, thank you for your input here, as you make some good points which allow me to elaborate upon the fact that the listed ET species types above, are all natural evolutions and any genetic mods, have been conducted within creation law, so have the spiritual mandate of Lord Surea...For example, as already mentioned, the genetic tampering conducted upon the Zeta Reticulli race, rendered them sterile and compelled to "procreate" solely through advanced cloning methods....And of course, that policy had health implications for them, as they then required to re-establish genetic viability, using human DNA.....

      So what I'm getting at here, is that all the genetic tampering conducted upon species, in defiance of creation law, has not been included in the list of species above...However, genetic tampering within creation law, has not resulted in a given species being taken off the natural form evolution list......So, clones have been excluded from the list above, as they are in defiance of creation law and considered abominations...There are also actual robotic humanoids who are not listed above, as not natural, also, and we could describe them as synthezoids....

      I will also state, that many humanoid star nations, such as the Pleiadians and Sirians, have used genetic engineering to remove all homosexuality and lesbianism from the species....That is an example of genetic engineering, which is in alignment with creation and spiritual law....Cloning is not within creation and spiritual law, in stark contrast...

      Another example of genetic engineering within creation and spiritual law, is enhanced lifespan....This is why there are different life-spans among the star nations....The Sirians and Lyrans having the longest incarnations of all the star nations...some 2000 years, plus...

      Thankyou for your input and I hope this explains why the list above does not include species who were cloned.

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