Who is Bashar?

Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin (Essassani race), a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 26 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.

Overwhelmingly the response we receive is "This works!" Some of the feedback our listeners have shared include:

- Enhanced creativity & abundance
- Mental & emotional clarity
- Improved health
- Enhanced love relationships
- Expanded psychic ability
- Increased self love & self acceptance
- Greater self-empowerment


Bashar has given us a gift. A system based on 15 symbols. You can find more details in the video. PLEASE WATCH IT ENTIRELY! as you will be taught how to use them.

A quick brief: The symbols have their origin from Sirians. There are more than this first 15 but only this are accessible for us at this point. Bashar explains that they are all we need for now. 

We should mediate on each of them in order 1 minute each (15 min totally) three days in a row, each day the same. After this we can use them how we want but no more than 15 min a day. PLEASE SEE THE MOVIE FOR MORE EXPLANATIONS.

You can also download the symbols by saving this image:


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  • Bashar is amazing :)

  • I love Bashar! I have been listening to him on you tube but never saw this one. Thanks Krishna Kali!

  • curious how could you not care how your words are interpreted, if you dont care how your words are interpreted how can you expect them to be understood, and if not understood then what is the point in saying them.  There is a difference between honest speaking and violent speaking.  One attempts to get the point across, the other asserts that ones own point is the right point and all others wrong.  One has no jail cells around the words and the other has undesirable consequences that naturally surround it whether you put the jail cells there or not.  DOEST A THOU WILT being the whole of the Law comes with a consequence,  All action has reaction, ones own observation of responsibility will allow ones own determination of consequence.  That you are your own and free to do as you will is with out question but that others are their own and not bound by your will is also with out question.  People react.  Harshness and Violence begets Harshness and Violence regardless of avenue of doctrine, principle, faith, rigorous constraint, or any other path of defining one's own self definition, self-reflection, and self-creation.

    Oh and regards to your Karma, I infer that you will keep trying to convince yourself of that fact.  Your underlying anger apparent in your approach insinuates an imbalance of Karma resulting in your reality being irritating.  I would suggest doing a strong study into where your responsibilities lay and what responsibility means, also clarifying the line between your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others including the intelligent reality itself.  First you need to define yourself before you try defining reality.

  • Your only law is taken from the satanic bible written by Anton Levay?  Wow says a lot about you doesnt it.

    • actually it preceeds the currently known satanic bible and Anton Levay.  The material that supports its preceeding them exists out there but it seems that it would be a shame for me to direct you to it.  Im not particularly fond of feeding the vultures, so i will leave that fact as it is without any further statements about it.

      • You mean the book of the law written by oh whats his name, he called himself "the beast", shoot i cant remember his name right now.  alister crowely, bingo.

        I am NOT a vulture, and NO information should be sacred or secret.

        • Not sure what u guys are talking about here, but I feel these symbols are helping me and I believe they are helping others... isn't that what matters here?! oh, and they are free to use, though they (or Bashar for that matter) may not resonate with every individual!! On the initial response about Bashar.. it didn't resonate with me, but each to his/her own.. we should all b free to speak our minds... this is a forum, which allows for all this wonderful back and forth dialogue!!! I watched both in their entirety and it was worth it!!!

          Love and enlightenment

  • again with your negativity, I feel sorry for you. Call me a fool if you want, I most certainly am not a christian or a bible reader or a fool. The negativity you put out is just a reflection of what you see in yourself. For such an unnecessary reaction, I'm glad I'm not like you but thank you for showing me what I don't want to be like. as for WW3, I won't be here for that and neither will you so why say something like that? Action and consequence mate is the real law, think about it. Not the Christian BS based on fear and control. Law of Attraction, if you put out negativity that is what you're going to get back. Good on you for doing what you want and making your own happiness and experience but bear in mind, we haven't left yet. You're still under the karma laws because you're choosing to play into it. I'm sure you're perspective will be changed when you choose for it to change. I will leave it at that. Love and Light.

  • loving those symbols.  I can really feel the meaning behind them.  Thanks for sharing Krishna Kalki :)

  • WOW ouch, what's up with that? Negativity like that is unnecessary, if you are that bothered by what she says can you msg her instead? It sucks reading a positive post only to have it ruined by unnecessary negativity. No offence intended, just an idea??

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