Saint Germain on Soul Groups

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Paul E. Yandeau.  This submission carries a MULTIDIMENSIONAL COPYRIGHT (M©) in the name of all beings everywhere; Please copy and share!  Source: .  Illustrations of the Soul Matrix by Luis Prada.  See illustrations for a better text clarity.


Beloved, it is with great interest that I observe the statements that are made and attributed to me. It



is a very great concern that information be consolidated, corrected and enjoyed from the Light and Love that is intended.

What is the I am presence? It is that within you which is part of God Source. The balance within, the core star of who you are. You are no different than I, equal in that part of Source we all are. I have greater consciousness than you, not better, just more in my mastery of remembrance, a place of growth that you will attain, all humanity will attain. So, beloved, you are me, I am you. We are all God source. We are all magical, masters, God source, divine beings. Live, Love, Light, Laugh, great Joy, at-one-meant.

It has created wonderment within me to observe all that people say, down through the ages, which are credited to my name, and my doing. I was Merlin, I was Columbus, I was St. Francis, I was etc., all of whom are part of the same Soul Group that I am. For some, I am as Germain, had the agreement to be their Spirit Guide, others as channels, which transmitted that information they were capable of understanding, and others that agreed to be embodiments of myself, such as Paul, whom we are currently working with. (An embodiment that is in its beginning stages, which will be in fullness within the next 5 moon cycles of time.) Even with an embodiment on the earth we still do the work with those who chose to Channel the energy of Germain. All Channels are that composition of awareness of their truth, which evolves as that channel evolves in their mastery of remembrance.

So, what does a Soul Group consist of? There are 2,135 Soul Groups upon the Earth at this time. Each Group has 144,000 Monads, each Monad has 12 oversoul Souls that split into the duality of male-female upon entering into the 3rd dimensional form. You, as either male or female, are that part of God, which is one with all that is, to experience, individually, all creation in its diversity and wonderment. Those, who you call Soul Mates, are beings who have agreements with you to teach, and be taught by you, the lessons in this diversity, down through the illusion of what we call time. The purpose of duality is to understand Light and Darkness in fullness of Creation. You, as an individual, have God, both as Light and Darkness. You choose which you will experience in the Now moment. Your life reflects those choices. Twin Flames are that original male-female split from the monad you descended from. As members of a monad take on greater Light in their mastery of remembrance they contribute to the Soul Groups greater Light in its mastery of remembrance, and as the Soul Group evolves in taking on greater Light, it too, takes on greater amounts of Light to evolve in its mastery of remembrance.

It is my wish, Beloved, this information brings greater understanding in your remembrance. Love and Light to you.

St. Germain


Illustration by Luis Prada

The Monad


Illustration by Luis Prada

Soul Matrix

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  • These illustrations are all wrong!!! This Luis Prada fella has soul extensions on the 12 souls of the monad and nowhere is it mentioned that there are soul extensions. So work it out: 12 souls with 12 soul extensions each already = 144 souls and St Germaine says each monad has 12 math is all wrong or someones trying to pull a quickie with all these numbers!!
  • oh ok i see,,,, ben arion this is a channelleing yet you tell not post all channellings to a channeling site, i am amazed you say that to me but not yet here you are doing the excact same thing you told me not to do...whats the difference...back stabbing contradicting is the word...
    • sarcasm and missing the big picture.. the power of love is in your heart at all times you want to access it...
    • sarcasm and missing the big picture.. the power of love is in your heart at all times you want to access it...
  • the seventh ray, the purple vibration of the G note... saint Germain...
  • how do you know your soul group ? astrologically ? channeld ? how
  • Hello Ben- Arion,
    Thank you for posting this. I feel particularly close to St Germain, I always have. Don't know why. Wonderful explanation too.
    Love and Best Wishes
    • There are also double
    • There are also double
  • Well it would be nice to recognize eachother on a more eazy way than figuring out who is who. Most people are just geussing who they are or belong to, it is not like on planet earth where by the uniform or other visible traits you recognize who one is. Ofcourse we al seem to speak almost the same inner language but still who can actually say 100% shure that what he or she is doing-talking-seeing etc is the real deal. And why if we al are can we not be closer to 1 spot as to speak where you can bundle more power together than al over the place in un-coordinated smal self spot.??
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