divine-geometry.pngSaLuSa ~ 30-July-2012

Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also  like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.


Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities. So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones. Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.


The coming period will show those who are of the Light, as they will be able to step forward with our blessing and take the reins from those who are not. We want to stop all actions that are happening or proposed, that are purposefully directed at you the people to limit what little freedom you have left. You do have good souls of the Light that are here at this time to handle such matters. Hitherto you have had too may people in high places that have become corrupt, and do not know who you can trust. That must change and we are the ones to help you, as we know exactly what level of Light people are at and whether they are honest and proven to have the interest of others at heart.


We know you have had your share of disappointments over many years, when your expectations have for different reasons been dashed. However, we are empowered by God and we see no reason why the great spectacle of the Olympics, should not be a show window for the announcements of our existence and our coming part in your evolution. The end of this cycle is in itself an historic occasion that will be a long spoken about through this Universe. As we have often told you, it is a unique event of your Ascension with Mother Earth. Upon your assured success rests the future of the whole Universe, and many civilisations look on with awe and wonder at your coming Ascension.


Although you have been preparing yourselves for this time, we know it will take your breath away as it is massive process of world wide extent. In one way or another every single soul is involved and provided for. Where God is concerned there are no mistakes but only perfection, so you may be certain that the outcome will place everyone where they are intended to be. You have had a long journey that has led you to where you are today, and your future will be a continuation of it in the next phase of your evolution. Do not worry exactly what that will mean where you are concerned, as in time you will be told. Be assured that many spiritual Beings share your journey and know you better than you know yourself, and you will progress in a manner that is exactly right for you.


Lightworkers can prepare to take some responsibility for making sure people around them are calm and not fearful about what is happening. We cannot cover it all in just a few days but will soon have the freedom and facilities to address you directly. We do not use your methods that are to us antiquated, and ours are such that no remaining members who oppose us will be able to prevent our communications to you. We know you well and have many recorded addresses that are precise and capable of relaying details to you that you will understand. We feel as excited as you do at the prospect of at last of meeting you, but first things first and the acknowledgement of our existence is most important.


That will allow us to be identified with the many ways that we have helped your civilization already, as much of our work has been carried out without any publicity. It goes back thousands of years when you have incarnated into your various lives in the many Races that exist on your Earth. It has all been part of your experiences that have enabled you to grow spiritually, in your understanding on your way back to the higher dimensions from whence you came. Bear in mind that you volunteered for your Earth lives, that have given you so many opportunities to find out about duality. You are all the greater for it and as you might say, earnt your spurs and done so in great style. You will not have to re-live those experiences unless for some reason you desire to do so.


You have yet to fully understand the function of the different time lines, and many different dimensions but all in good time when it will be of value to you. We will however tell you that everything that ever was still exists at some level, which is why you can go back in time and re-live your past lives. Of course you can also travel into the future and see all probabilities. It is what many seers have used to predict the future, but it is of course open to change. It is why you are best advised not to hold onto old prophesies too strongly, as time can change the outcome of events. An example of that is your present time which will in no way be as catastrophic as was first anticipated. You have lifted yourselves and Mother Earth up, and the Light has grown so much it has paved the way for much more peaceful changes than were thought possible.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and many of you will know already that this coming week is one that is a last chance for your leaders to respond to our demands. If we are ignored yet again, we shall go forward ourselves, and make ourselves known in such a way that our presence can no longer be ignored or hidden. Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands.


Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


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  • I want to share a channeling from the Pleiadian Council on why the rumors of the alleged Olympics landings are not true, and why humanity is not ready for official landings yet: 


    "We will not perform a public landing on Earth during the Olympics. Nor will any of our enlightened friends. It is due to the simple reason that humanity is not ready for it, and that the time has not come yet. The energies on Earth are not the right ones for the first major official visit to take place. That day, when the visit will take place, it will happen together with the very most enlightened people on Earth, who have reached highest in their spiritual development. It will happen together with tomorrow's representatives and leaders of humanity who will bring humanity into the New Age. It will not happen during any event that is linked to the Matrix [such as the Olympics].

  • Nothing surprising here Manne.... there are countless perspectives about how the current timeline will play out. That's the nature of the game while residing behind the veils of duality. The simple fact remains that more will be revealed. ALL Channelled material represent pieces of the multidimensional puzzle. Nothing more, nothing less. Channels who take the time to discredit others data not nearly as radical as it may seem... in fact, it's quite predictable. ~In Light   

    • We don't intend to discredit anyone ells, only bring forth our own message. I will try to put my post differently so that it can't be misinterpeted as discrediting. 

  • So, Salusa scours the internet channelings too and then hops on the bandwagon to nowhere himself. roflpomg!

  • This is Vrillon:

    Perhaps the given deadline of the August 4th will help to put things into perspective regarding the olympics.

    One only has to consider the massive amount of military gear that was brought in for the olympics, as to clearly indicate they are anticipating that something may happen at any time during the event's duration. 

    Given the light vs dark battle that is going on, that would also explain the masonic symbolisms surrounding the venues, which the dark ones are using to harness dark energies to support their resistance to the light.

    Perhaps also, the many empty seats at the event, may indicate that those in the KNOW chose not to attend for this very reason.

    The deadline of 8.4 should not be viewed as a the date that events WILL unfold....but as a line in the sand as to when all negotiations are off the table. 

    The olympics will run until 8.12.12.  so there are 8 days of possibilities after the deadline.  This is the approach that provides a more enlightened view of Salusa's message.

    Having expectations for events to unfold precisely on 8.4 may lead to dissappointment and frustration...

    I had said in an earlier message on this site that the most important event is ASCENSION.... and if you are aware of it, then it may be your desire and choice to ascend at the close of this cycle.  Preparing yourself for this event is of supreme importance and should be your only focus at this time... moreso than waiting for sightings, disclosure, or first contact to occur....all of which have already occured in one form or another...those with eyes to see and ears to hear...know this thru and thru....

    I am Vrillon
    We are one.

    • Well said Vrillon. Yes... Expectations are resentments under construction. Our Galactic Brethren & Sistren are  'one' part of the multidimensional Rubik's Cube that we call Life. Each and everyone of you has a significant 'role' to 'play' in the Shift of the Ages. If you didn't, you wouldn't have incarnated at this time... period! Active observation & staying rooted in One's Intent to manifest the Glory of the Gaian Mind is the center point of our goal...  ASCENSION for the masses! ~InLight555    

  • Look forward to see youu...

  • he cabel never were going to give in to the Galactics demands... why would they? The only thing they respond to is power and aggression

  • i pray for all of us to focus on one action, which is to give complete permission of all OUR space families surrounding earth RIGHT NOW to inforce the truth to be told to all of mankind of it's history and how it became to be so called fact written into our so called histtory books with explaination to the loving and the punnishing of mankind in all it's actions; so maybe we all can become aware of the truth of what our mankinds history of compasssion at the expense of its instincts to surviival for food just like every living entity on earth that is a plant or animal. it has been said that history is ALWAYS written by the victor for ALL those books of history of the loser getting destroyed. i feel mankind has somewhat grown out of our animal instincts to have more terriorory for which to hunt for it's food , actiing just like every animal, plant on thie earth. enlightment on our control of our instincts should be of the outmost action to bring peace on earth for real not just empty words of promise .

    blessings to all of us for we are all one
  • Time to use our power to visualise!  Be positive at all times NO MATTER what!  Love and light to all!  Espavo (take your power).

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