Yesterday after i replied to the discussion "Christians are waiting for to Jesus to repture them, new agers for spaceships" i went out to get a few items from a local foodstore and as i walked back home i was thinking about the whole deal with the channeled messages, what is the truth behind them, why would they say something, come with actual promises and then not show up, what has got me more thinking is that open letter to GFL written by Kalliope, it really shows how fed up some people feel. I was pretty suprised after i read the whole letter. Then it occurred to me, maybi it is not them but the channelers themeselfes, i mean we have their word only and maybi they are the ones giving good E.T:s a bad rap. I don`t ofcourse mean they would have done it on purpose, maybi they truly feel they are getting right information from a benevolent source but what if the case is not that, consider the mix match messages, all supposedly from a sources like matthew, christ, GFL and so on...the chances are not everything is from them. Confusing i know, but i am really trying to figure this out.


Anyway as i was thinking about all of this, i stopped for a second to watch the night sky and all the stars, and there i saw something what i first taught was an unusually big bright star high up in the sky but then i saw it started to move slowly and as i started to follow it`s path i noticed how it became smaller, after a short moment looking only like a small dot and as it moved, not very far at all it became smaller and smaller and suddenly it disappeared totally. This happened maybi in a 60 second time period. And i know, it was no coincidence, they are for sure there, we are being watched. But what they have actually told us trough channelers is an other story. This is anyway my conclusion for now. What´s yours? 

Love StarGirl




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  • wow thanks for bringing this up stargirl, i'm reading all the responses and learning much more.

    abductions feel very personal to me and i'm always open to hearing others who have shared their experiences. there's a lot of "explanations" about abductions too, it's mind boggling, even confusing. i'd like to find a place where this is taken seriously, the people who experienced abductions aren't ridiculed or told they're just dreaming, and not make one feel like they're just delusional or going thru rem sleep paralysis...

     i'm very new here, and have been both curious and fascinated by channeled messages and predictions etc. about everything, and i also bought the "follow your intuition and use descernment" t-shirt as well lol. i wear it often =D

    • Dear Krissy, Have you ever heard about Dr Karla Turner, she has written three books about this subject and was a great researcher in this field, also her and her family were involved with abductions. She was harassed by the U.S military, fbi, cia and she passed away 1996 from a heartattack, she was 48years old and healthy. Anyway, you can download her books for free and see videos of her where she talks about her research, here:


      Hope they are gonna be helpfull for you and just ask if you ever wanna find about something, i will help if i can.

      Love: starGirl

      • I´m sorry it was not a heartattack but a particularly virulent form of cancer she got and died short after, she had been healthy before and died after she and her family started to get harassed by fbi and so on...
        • thats terrible what happened to her, i will check out her books. maybe there's information on youtube as well.

          what struck me as i read from a link that marique posted, is the fact that many people experience alcoholism, reproductive complications like miscarriages and hysterectomies, and the list went on. this is just a few of the similarities that have been passed down through generations on my mom/gram's side. and we've all had experiences with seeing ufo's too, as well as other things, but we dont really talk about them much. except my gram has told me she "felt as if she had experienced an abduction."  i want to figure out what really happened to us, rather than being told we just have bad genes, sleep disorders and indians are just more prone to alcoholism and drugs :/   (wow i shared more than i meant to, but oh well :)

          i really appreciate all your help stargirl, thank you! <3

          • You know what, i have heard abductions go from (same) genaration to generation so the chanses are something has happened both to your Gram and mom and you...Btw have you ever considerd regression, hypnotherapy? Might be helpfull because what one can usually remember consciously is not very much and aliens use screen memories so what you think might have happened could be far from the truth.

            And you are right, there is a lot of stuff in youtube. I think it`s so sad that Karla died because i think she was really on to something, you will know what i mean when you watch the videos. And guess what? Her wikipidea page has been deleted and i think it´s a little bit odd because she was one of the main researches in the Ufo field in the 90:s. I`m gonna link one of her videos here but i recommend you to watch the rest too, it is 12 episods...<3StarGirl





  • Okey, i understand what you mean now.. How was the abduction for your friend, did she experience it as negative or positive or maybi both? Thank you also for your input,  I´m gonna check out the video soon


  • Thanks Ninia but one thing....i don´t agree that fear is to blame.. are you saying that it`s their own fault, because they were afraid? You should watch this documentery,questions of contact it is about abductions etc

    And just to be clear, i don`t doubt E.T:s exists, i saw them first time when i was 10 at my friends house, i was lying on their livingroom floor and they came trough the window, in the air, they looked nordic wearing special suits and they looked really friendly, smiling, so that was my first contact. Btw no-one else saw them.

    My only doubts are about the channelins i have read about. Like what´s "right" information. What is not. But you are right, doesn´t matter what anyone says, u gotta stay true to yourself. And i am trying. I didn`t even read channeled messages untill few weeks ago and i guess i couldn´t stop myself for getting my hopes little bit up when it said like we are coming for real, and yet nothing happened. And because it didn´t happen i started to doubt the whole federation of light, are they there or not. bob dean is a contactee and he says they are. confusing. i guess ot would be nice to think that FDL exists and they wanna help us...but we could be all alone too. I guess we will now next year....2012

    <3Love StarGirl


    • Here is one more channeling that I thought was interesting  : -)


      love, light & blessings


      Severe Earthquake, Volcanoes, and Disclosure 420 11
      SeRenShitha April 20 th , 2011 Channeled by Jay Bland, M.A. Severe Earthquake, Volcanoes, and Disclosure 420 11 (channeled title) Sections s...
      • sum up of the channeling


        As I am fully understanding your concern I will tell you this: there WILL be an earthquake off the Northern coast of California on the south western fork of the northern subduction area. It is expected to be a 7.9 magnitude earthquake and enliven the caldera activity in the precise locations you mentioned from your vision. The minimum possible richter level it could be, with major investment of karma by outsiders [people on earth], would be around 5.2 and this will also affect the caldera pressure and directional flows possibly leading to some volcanic activity and at  very least numerous earthquakes and increased pressure in the expected areas. If the United States Government chooses to bring their technology into the mix it could be as high as a 9.8 richter reading utterly forcing multiple sets of volcanoes along the Western coastline to forcefully activate in major onset eruptions.


        here’s what I got. I looked at a 2011 calendar and “sent” the dates for each full and no moon for the next few months. It seemed clear that it was “after” the May 17th full moon, but “far before” the June 15th full moon. May 26th was pointed out as correct when I said it. WARNING: dates are notoriously hard to get accurate in channeling, and I’m exceptionally bad with dates myself. Please take this date as a “maybe” at best, and consider disregarding the date all-together.


      • This reply was deleted.
        • You're welcome ;-)

          Yes!!! My feeling exactly, I love reading the comments at the end of the channeled messages.  I have family in Calif. & so am naturally a little concerned : /

          love & light

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