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"Good material....all true and I hope members read this.."
"Inclusivity in the armed forces only truly works, if the set standard is met...Physical, psychological and mental....I'm all for men and women in branches of the military, but merit is key to this policy....To lower standards to accomodate all, can…"
"The deep state consocialist unaparty, in the UK, is getting so desperate, because of the rise of Reform UK, overtaking both Tories and Labour in the polls, that comrade Starmer and missy Badanoch, both seek to halt council elections...These idiots…"
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm. President Trump states it was an…
"New Galactic blog up and ready for those who are interested."
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The last…
"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 7."
"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 7."
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The…
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has done an excellent job of exposing a major cover-up at the EPA regarding a study on global warming because it conflicts with the agenda of the current administration and its Cap and Trade legislation.
Below you will find an excellent summary of the attempted cover-up of the evidence, which is, we are experiencing global cooling, not warming, gutting the argument for the horrendous “cap and trade” bill. Incredibility, CEI has also released internal emails between Al McGartland, Office Director of EPA’s National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE), to Alan Carlin, Senior Operations Research Analyst at NCEE, forbidding him from speaking to anyone outside NCEE on endangerment issues. Mr. McGartland’s emails demonstrate that he was rejecting Mr. Carlin’s study because its conclusions ran counter to EPA’s proposed position. Don’t take my word for it, the evidence is here.
Folks, Congress just passed a 1,200 page bill which was not read, was shoved through with only 3 hours of debate, based on the premise that we are experiencing “global warming,” which will endanger life on earth as we know it. This bill will not only destroy jobs and your household budget, but we are being lied to by those who are pushing this “green” agenda. We must set the record straight. So here is part of the record:
The Public Shouldn’t Be Kept in the Dark by an Agency Supposedly Committed to Transparency
by Richard Morrison
June 25, 2009
Washington, D.C., June 26, 2009—The Competitive Enterprise Institute is today making public an internal study on climate science which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Internal EPA email messages, released by CEI earlier in the week, indicate that the report was kept under wraps and its author silenced because of pressure to support the Administration’s agenda of regulating carbon dioxide.
The report finds that EPA, by adopting the United Nations’ 2007 “Fourth Assessment” report, is relying on outdated research and is ignoring major new developments. Those developments include a continued decline in global temperatures, a new consensus that future hurricanes will not be more frequent or intense, and new findings that water vapor will moderate, rather than exacerbate, temperature.
New data also indicate that ocean cycles are probably the most important single factor in explaining temperature fluctuations, though solar cycles may play a role as well, and that reliable satellite data undercut the likelihood of endangerment from greenhouse gases. All of this demonstrates EPA should independently analyze the science, rather than just adopt the conclusions of outside organizations.
The released report is a draft version, prepared under EPA’s unusually short internal review schedule, and thus may contain inaccuracies which were corrected in the final report.
“While we hoped that EPA would release the final report, we’re tired of waiting for this agency to become transparent, even though its Administrator has been talking transparency since she took office. So we are releasing a draft version of the report ourselves, today,” said CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman.
CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For more information about CEI, please visit our website at
If you have never visited CEI please do so. This is a great organization.