The History of Earth

Sal Rachele

In the Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth -- okay you know that part. About 100 million years ago, a group of souls called the Founders, originating in the systems of Lyra and Vega, and later the Pleiades, came to Earth to explore what it would be like to live in a third-density world. They created a DNA blueprint for a humanoid form and populated the galaxy with similar experiments.

They tried on and off for about 90 million years to live in 3D, but it was extremely difficult to lower their vibration enough to be able to inhabit the 3D bodies. These bodies began as single-cell amoebas and gradually evolved into primates and humanoids. The Lyrans tried to embody many times, but were unsuccessful in holding their high vibrations in these primitive humanoid forms. Finally, about 10 million years ago, the Lyrans/Vegans/Pleiadeans successfully incarnated a male-female pair (known as Adam and Eve). They were 7D beings living in 3D bodies. As time went on, they became enmeshed in the 3D form and forgot their 7D heritage. This is known as the fall from grace. They learned of the knowledge of good and evil (duality) through identifying with 3D. The “apple” is symbolic of taking on the energy of the lower densities. After 10 million B.C., the Lyran/Vegan/Pleiadean couple and their offspring became known as the Adamic race.

During the period from 10,000,000 B.C. to about 500,000 B.C., several ET factions from various star systems attempted to take over the Earth. In about 500,000 B.C., the Orions successfully interbred with the Adamic race and diluted the consciousness of the originally peaceful and loving people. They infused their warrior-like, aggressive, competitive nature into the people of Earth.

The "negative" Orions have been visiting Earth for over 500,000 years, off and on, and even though Rigel has evolved significantly over that time, the negative factions from that system are still the dominant dark force on Earth (the Draconians, also known as Reptilians, are a minority of the so-called “dark” forces on Earth – they originated in the Alpha Draconis system). Of course, this is all going by the wayside as we approach the Great Shift.

Regarding the enslavement of humanity by the Orions: Over the past 500,000 years, the Orions have been the number one group controlling humans. Nearly 80% of humanity has Orion genetic strains. The other cohorts are Sirians, Reptilians and Greys (from various star systems including Zeta Reticuli).

The Orions are broken mostly into two factions, the Rigelians and Betelguesans (coined words, of course). The councils of Rigel are the warrior-like aggressive strain, and the councils of Beteguese are more peaceful, light-oriented. They have battled over control of Earth for millenia. The council of Betelguese were the original Illuminati when it truly meant “illumined ones." When the council of Rigel took over, the Illuminati became corrupted and that is what we have today. Both Orion factions represented polarized light (duality) and that is why this situation has never been resolved. The solution is to transcend duality and live in the Oneness of the Infinite Creator.

The Orions are the ones responsible for the warrior-like masculine aggressive competitive-type human. They took over the human race around 500,000 years ago and the peaceful, benevolent characteristics of the original Adamic humans soon become obliterated by the Orion strain.

Yes, I know, each soul chooses its experiences and we can't blame the Orions. Okay, we attracted them because of our level of consciousness in order to learn about slavery, mind control and how to turn a peaceful, benevolent race into aggressive warriors who fight for scraps of food and kill over differences in religious beliefs.

Anyway, the Orion control of Earth is about to fall by the wayside. Give it a few more years and they'll be outta here.

Earth is unique among most civilizations (from what I've learned) in that it has both some of the most enlightened and some of the most barbaric of humans. Some so-called “higher-ups” have labeled this place a “penal colony.” I think that's a bit harsh. But I like what Patricia Cota-Robles says regarding the “laggard souls” or those souls who have refused, lifetime after lifetime, to embrace the light.

She states that we made a soul agreement to take on the laggard souls and educate them in how to awaken. As I would surely agree, that's an arduous task! Of course, some would say that we should not be overly concerned with the progress of the laggard souls because they are where they are supposed to be in their soul growth. That's true, but part of their soul growth is to live on a planet with enlightened souls and to learn from them.

Notwithstanding the above, we are meeting with some success in helping them awaken. Look at the daily exposure of lies, deceit and manipulation showing up in countless websites and news sources (for example, All this is coming to the surface of mass consciousness because of the daily increasing energy flooding the planet as a result of our collective desire to awaken (and the end of the cosmic cycle). It may be only 20% at best, but some of humanity is waking up. Waking up can be a painful process, especially for those souls who have long put their trust in our government agencies and corporations. In fact, I'd say a lot of people are in the midst of a rude awakening!

Now, back to our history of Earth:

Pan, Atlantis and Lemuria

The Hopi call our present civilization the Fourth World. There were three prior civilizations, as follows:

Pangaea (10,000,000 – 1,000,000 B.C.)

Lemuria (700,000 B.C. – 150,000 B.C.)

Atlantis (125,000 B.C. – 23,500 B.C.)

Each of these civilizations were destroyed by warfare and ignorance of natural laws, along with invasion and attack by ET factions. This is highly oversimplified, as there were actually two periods of Pan, three of Lemuria and two of Atlantis, whereby partial destruction occurred due to the Niburu brush-bys every 3600 years, and other natural and man-made disasters (including resulting ice ages). At some point I will dive deeply into the details of Earth history, but this will have to suffice for now.

Egypt and Maya

After Atlantis was destroyed, the more advanced souls set up shop in Egypt and Maya. These civilizations achieved great heights from about 20,000 B.C. until about 11,500 B.C. when they were overrun by malevolent races. The wise members were forced to retreat underground or into the etheric realms. The Egypt and Maya we study today were lower-vibrational remnants of the original civilizations. I go into this in depth in my book.

The Biblical Period, Sumerians, and Underground Civilizations

The Gods of the Old Testament were Sirians who came to Earth and enslaved the peoples due to their egomaniacal desire to be worshipped and revered. Some factions fled into underground caverns and began underground cities, while others tried to keep the sacred knowledge intact. But eventually, most were consumed by the Sirian consciousness and the Old Testament is one account of the brutality that ensued.

Sad True History of Earth - By Alaje - Pleiadian


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  • Two of the very best, most thorough and compelling sources I have found: 1) David Icke's "Human Race Get Off Your Knees" and 2) "The RA Material" books 1-4, trance-channeled beginning in 1984 by Carla Reukart of L/L Research (David Wilcock's favorite too). The RA Material books are only available at I believe.

    • Dear Cameron you have given a fantastic link about The RA sleeping for me tonight its 3.52 am in London

      I am trying to get the HISTORY OF EARTH right from the beginning

      I know the ARCTURIANS have the BLUEPRINT of every planet in this Universe

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