Enclosed below are three charts: the computer print-out of the horoscope chart of Jesus (per birth data researched and provided by Don "Moby Dick" Jacobs) and my own hand drawings of six different midpoint trees (of Don Jacobs' chart) with the main planetary picture (or the main single midpoint) that the "tree" refers to, which is the midpoint placed on the left margin side of chart. One needs to read these trees from left to right; all the midpoints to the right of the single main planetary picture (at the left side margin) are various descriptions of this main planetary picture and are not in any specific order for interpretation.

Don Jacobs was a Methodist minister who passed away in 1981. His son, Jayj Jacobs, was my first astrologer and teacher (and he passed away July 3, 2011, (R.I.P.))  I was in an MBA program in San Francisco at the time when I met Jayj (in the late 1980's), I was attracted to astrology due to a fascination with data of the effects of the Moon on the stock market during the 1980's; I credit Peter Eliades of Stock Market Cycles with that analysis. This was what got me into astrology; the stock market and Jayj's reading of me with my horoscope. Frankly, I find astrology with people and important events to be more interesting and a whole lot easier. 

Remember "Wall Street" with Michael Douglas and Charley Sheen? The 1980's was a wild time to be studying finance and accounting, especially in the financial district of San Francisco (along with living in old studios in the inexpensive punk rock areas that were available for renting in the Mission District at that time. San Francisco was just as expensive back then as it is now! And man, if only everyone could have experienced the  intense and interesting political/economic debates that were held at the local Bohemian coffee shops at that time (Bohemian coffee shops were hippie-owned coffee shops prior to the Starbucks revolution that accomodated computer technology). I witnessed and was involved with some debates at these shops back then; I remember my favorite coffee bean formula was Mexican, Columbian, and French (and in even percentages)). There were even some similarities with the roaring 1920's in the 1980's: shoe-shine boys/men were giving stock tips near the subway stops in both eras, right before the stock market panics(of those two decades) began!

Alongside required financial accounting and business information systems books, I was learning basic astrology from books by Charles CEO Carter and Robert Hand. "The Mayan Factor" by Jose Arguellas was very popular with the New Age community at this time, and the New Age community was really big in San Francisco. There was sort of a "mini-renaissance" going on during the summer of 1987: serious and LOUD anti-government punk music, crystal meditation, astral projection studies, Hindu yoga, color meditations, psychic studies, etc. I remember the Jimi Hendrix Electric Church on Haight Street (and it would later get torn down for a condominium project). I also got my first psychic reading in that decade from a former military-industrial-complex aerospace engineer whose wife divorced him when he quit (out of guilt) his high-paying aerospace job due to the fraud involved with working for the Federal government (otherwise known as working for the "Star Wars" projects at that time, under President Ronald Reagan's term. I remember the locals calling him "Emperor Ronald McReagan!"). This aerospace engineer remains the best psychic I have ever seen or heard (PERIOD) in terms of ability to read my chakras and explain my spiritual guides. He was truly gifted, and encouraged me to explore my own psychic potential. I wish I could find him today.

In addition to being a Methodist minister, Don Jacobs was an avid snorkler and scuba diver (he lived in Hawaii). He was also an encyclopedia salesman who reportedly broke a local encyclopedia sales record (while supporting a family of five) and would later go on to write an astrology post for a newspaper in Hawaii in the late 1950's and 1960's. His astrological predictions were so good that it earned him a spot on J. Edgar Hoover's F.B.I. watch list, alongside Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Abbie Hoffman, and Angela Davis. Jayj Jacobs was learning astrology at this time in the late 1960's (as a teenager from his father), and FREAKING WOW: it must have been a truly magical experience to be learning astrology at this time in American history, from a close relative who was being watched by "the establishment" for the incredible crime of violating national security via accurately predicting events with the planets, stars, and luminaries.

Accrording to the Don Jacobs chart, Jesus is a Pisces who was born under a New Moon and with Sagitarrius Rising as his Ascendant (and interestingly, Jayj Jacobs had this rising sign as well. He also had a huge Sagitarrius tatoo on on his right arm ; I remember him showing off this tatoo during our first meeting). Exalted planets on the Don Jacobs chart include Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces. The "Christmas Star" may actually be the Jupiter conjunct Uranus placement; this conjunction is placed within a semi-sextile (30 degree) fan of planets which (in addition to Jupiter and Uranus) also includes Saturn and both luminaries (Sun and Moon), for a total of five traditional astrological points of reference between Mercury and Venus. Note that six of these seven points of reference are in the third house ("the house of the mind;" "the house of communications;" "short distance travel;" "curiosity;" "events in one's youth"). These third house components are mostly in Pisces; Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and Neptune are the only planets not in Pisces. I hope I am not insulting anyone's religion with this placement interpretation, but it's pretty hard to find a better spokesperson for the age of Pisces who was not born with the astrological placements on this chart!

I am aware of the traditional "Christmas Star" reportedly to be a Jupiter conjunct Saturn placement in the night sky over present-day Israel, but this placement conflicts with the presumed interpretation of Jesus having a Capricorn Sun (since the birth of Jesus is interpreted as being a Capricorn Sun due to a winter solstice birth, with Sun at 0 degrees Capricorn). The problem with this are the facts of recorded ancient history (which are bound to be censored soon, since this practice of censorship of middle eastern history seems to be running rampant within the current government of Israel, with the rationale of such censorship being needed due to "national security"). Note that Pontious Pilate was in his position of power from 26 AD to 36 AD, and the best shot at seeing a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the sky for ones birth and then falling into an acceptable time-frame for an age-range qualifying for the infamous crucifixion (under Pilate's term, at a reasonable age) is summer of 7 B.C, 3-4 months after the date of Don Jacob's proposed chart for J.C.'s birth (and this would be during the summer, with Jupiter and Saturn together in the sign of Pisces, and with no possibility of Jesus having a Capricorn Sun). The next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that would qualify for the Jupiter/Saturn Christmas star would be 34 A.D. (in Leo, and near the end of Pilate's term of power, and again without a Capricorn Sun placement). 

But most of the rationale for this Capricorn Sun placement is based on pagan and possible Freemason symbolism. John the Baptist was reportedly born on Summer Solstice (Sun at 0 degrees Cancer), and thus the baptism of Jesus represented (via symbolism) the start of the process of life via cardinal water (Cancer) pouring onto cardinal earth (Capricorn), and thus the beginning of life (and note that this is also the ideology and the basis for the ideology of the Baptist Protestant Christian faith. It seems to be strongly held among Baptists that the concept of water pouring down to the earth is the basis of life, and this is reinforced via the act of baptism (sorry people. I looked for my own certification of baptism done in east New Orleans, and I can't find it anywhere. May God have mercy on me,). This explanation of the Baptist faith was strongly suggested to me in the 1990's by a beautiful (and intelligent) Baptist lady from the Appalachian Mountain region of the United States, and who is now retired and living in Atlanta, Georgia (headquarters of the Southern Baptists). She has also paid me for work constructing charts related to her transits, while we watched beavers at work in a local lake near her nice house.

Thus, in addition to the conflict of this interpretation defining a Capricorn Sun sign, these two different conjunctions of Jupiter midpoints defining "the Christmas Star" results in the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction defining the personality of Jesus much better than Jupiter/Saturn in the sense that:

(a) Jupiter/ Uranus conjunctions are found in charts of social liberals, and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions are usually found in managers. Jesus seemed to have more of a liberal side than a managerial side (especially in terms of reported witnessed actions outside the traditional reported biblical sources, since the biblical quotes seem to be based on questionable interpreted quotations. Note that Hitler reportedly loved Romans:13 and its blind support for local government, especially the way King James interpreted it. Also note that Jesus didn't seem to really offend anyone in the local Roman- occupied government with his unusual ideologies and activities, until some angry local money-changers (along with some powerful Jewish and non-Jewish people (who happen to work with these profitable money changers)) suddenly popped up demanding legal retribution against Jesus after a reported conflict that took place between Jesus and these money-changers, who happened to be working their money-changing operations in the local house of worship (didn't a former Wall Street executive working for Goldman Sachs recently state (1 year ago) that "we are doing God's work?") 

(b) The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is strongly associated with having revolutionary or shocking knowledge/ideas within a certain philosophical area. Note that Friedrich Nietzsche and Al Sharpton were born with Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions, and they also reportedly are/were very liberal in certain areas (in addition to having radical ideas in certain philosophical areas)..

(c) The concept of Jesus being born under a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is unfortunately based on the concept of "great kings" being born under this placement, and thus Jesus supposedly qualifies for birth under this Jupiter/Saturn placement with this idea of him being a "king" of some kind, instead of one who promoted social reform in his environment. Note also that this "king" definition works well via the ancient symbolism provided by the Hebrew Quabalah interpretation of the number 33, due to the presumed crucifixion of Jesus taking place at his age of 33 or close thereof (and 33 is interpreted as "to kill a king of Edom" per traditional Hebrew Quabalah). Jewish leaders at that time needed a means to get rid of Jesus, who was challenging them pretty good per ideologies and philosophies, as well as his public attacks on the profitable money changing operations taking place on Jewish temple property. The individuals who owned this property (i.e. the Pharisees) may have come up with the famous criminal charge of "he says he is king" to the local Roman authorities because (i) it worked perfectly with the Quabalistic symbol of 33 as a means to kill him and (ii) ANY protests from Jews against the Roman government at that time were met immediately with a notice of death via public execution (via crucifixion) at Golgotha ("the place of the skull"). The Roman elite (and certain rewarded portions of the Roman population) LOVED violent deaths as a means of public entertainment, and the ancient Roman-occupied populations of now present-day Israel were just as hip to viewing public executions as "entertainment" in a similar manner. Note that this similar form of "entertainment" was similarly in vogue in the United States in the 19th century, with the "wild west" and its outlaw hangings. It was reported that women reportedly went to these 19th century "wild west" hangings (via noose) to watch the reaction from men that took place below their belt buckles when the noose went tight around their necks. It is for this same reason that many men have accidentally hung themselves to death in the 20th century, but this was due to ignoring the dangers of hanging oneself for the purpose of bringing forth sexual gratification.

Astrologer Georgia Stathis is a business astrologer (and she's my second astrology teacher, working in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay area). She once did a lecture on Jupiter/Saturn cycles, and discussed the meaning of them from a business-success perspective per placement in ones horoscope, as well as the meaning of them within a business cycle. Jupiter/Saturn interpretations were definitly her thing. and she once stated that "great kings are born and die during Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions." As previously stated, I notice that great responsibility and management are areas associated with a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, and successful managers are usually born with this placement, since these managers have histories of  losses with this placement prior to realizing great success (since these individuals understand that success is based on understanding hard responsibilities in life and learning from hard choices made. Jayj Jacobs once verbally told me that Jupiter/Saturn and Saturn/Jupiter transits are defined as "a hard choice. The devil or the deep blue sea"). Until one can show me otherwise, I think Don "Moby Dick" Jacobs hits a grand slam with his interpretation for the horoscope of Jesus, born with Jupiter conjunct Uranus.  The Uranian formulas also have his data nailed; Jesus was a very spiritual individual who understood the realities within this dimension (that we understand) and possibly through others (that many of us can't understand).

Finally, check out the fixed star placements of this chart that are VERY close to the Midheaven of Don Jacobs' chart for Jesus (and this Midheaven is exactly 26 degrees Virgo, right above the manger in Bethlehem): Arcturus and Spica are both fixed stars and within 2 degrees of the Midheaven, per computer calculation. The Midheaven is defined as "ones reputation or ones standing before the world; how one is viewed by the world." Don Jacobs' chart has Arctutus and Spica almost EXACTLY overhead, and Jacobs wasn't into the fixed star astrology thing. These are the interpretations of the nature of these two stars below (AND THANKS FOR READING!!!):

Arctutus: "a different approach from the norm." Astrologer Vivian Robson defined the nature of Arcturus as "great honor and prosperity with navigation and international travel."

Spica: "the potential for brilliance." Vivian Robson defined this star's nature as "incredible success with finding financial resources and money management; to be reknown for success."





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