The litteral definition of "adultery" in your dictionary is: the volontary sexual intercourse of a married person with someone not their spouse.  Now, the reason for this law, which still applies now, was that well before and at the time that the Commandments were presented by Moses to the people, they were mostly simple-minded, ignorant, illiterate, and GOD-FEARING because of their previous false teachings given by the religious/empire leaders of their "time".  The problem was that (throughout your "past" history) many young men and soldiers would lustfully spread their fertile seed in the sexual act to MANY young, various willing women whom they met within their daily lives and in their travels from village to village. (Times have not changed much,have they?) 


The obvious result was that many women became pregnant, and usually by that time the man was long gone, to war or to the next village. So she would be left alone with the responsibility of birthing and raising her child. Many women could not "handle" this unexpected responsibility AND the desertion of who they usually thought to be THEIR man.  Many women, overcome the horror,shame and guilt of the circumstance, killed themselves and their unborn by trying to abort the child.  Many women were left on the streets, unless they had friends or family that would take care of them.  And many women abandoned their birthed child, sometimes at the door-step of a church or orphanage, but also some would leave the child to die in some dark and desolate place.   so thus the necessity of this law, "You must NOT commit adultery"(See law 15,"you must obey the wisdom of God for the responsibility you have of BALANCED pro-creation of your species")


So in His loving mercy and infinite wisdom, God created the commitment of marriage or wedlock defined in your dictionary as: A legal contract by a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife". ((In the Higher realms it is a very serious and joyfull commitment and is called DIVINE UNION).  In this way HE planted the seed of JOINT responsibility of this husband and wife to eachother AND to any off-spring they produced.  This is why marriage is to be concidered one of the MOST serious and SACRED commitments TO GOD!


Now we will quote some of the actual teachings given on this subject of THE FATHER´S WORD given by the Master teacher Jesus,Esu,Immanuel from the book(now in print,as a part of the Phoenix Journal series) AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL; I AM SANANDA.


Nearly 2000 years ago when the Master Jesus, Esu, Immanuel was asked about the commitment of marriage and the rights of men and women.  This is what he said:


"All good things were given unto you and you recieved the Laws according to which you are to live.  You should adhere to these and additional laws,so that you shall prosper on earth and have peace in your families; remove the power of the old law that women shall be subject to man, since she is a person equal to man in spirit respect, and has equal rights and obligations.  There are many distortions in the Laws since they were given forth by God and the Celestial sons, for men have built them to be suitable unto themselves.


"When a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward the handling of her possessions, as a price of security, lest she suffer from lack of her necessities. The price should be calculated in such a way that for each year of her life one hundred pieces of silver should be the basis, measured according to her knowledge, her ability, and her strength, provided her healths not lacking. The price is not to be concidered as that of a "purchase",for no person may be sold or bought, but as security for the woman lest she suffer lack. (Amount and type of financial security for "modern" times will be adjusted accordingly). For further clarifications of Immanuels statements read phoenix journal express volume 1&2 pages 34-40.


The bond of matrimony between man and woman should be permitted only if both are of mental competence and capable of leading a marriage in accordance with the Law.

(NOTE: that is GODS LAW)

If, according to predetermined agreement, no price is paid, the law applies: the man must supply the needs of the wife regarding all her necessities.


The inability of a wife to bear children, or a mans ability to sire children is no reason to divorce, nor does he or she deserve other opinions and actions.


The only reason for that of divorce is that of adultery, that is the destruction or endangering of spirit, the body or the life of the members of ones own family unit. If a person is divorced by his own actions of adultery, he should be sterilized, for he is unworthy of life and its laws for he has responded to the selfish lustful drives of pleasure-seeking and has cast aside all responsible behavior. (End of quoting)


Now, in the literal translation in order for adultery to occur, then one or the other or both of the two adulterers would have to have made the vow of marriage. In Gods kingdom of Truth, this vow of DIVINE UNION made between two, a man and a woman to live together as ONE,is taken most seriously indeed because it is a commitment made to THE FATHER WITHIN, EACH TO THE OTHER for that entire lifestream.  It is a contract with GOD rather than a legal contract of the human experience.  This means that a man and a woman that cohabit together as "lovers" without a "so called" legal contract must make THE SAME COMMITMENT to God as those who have "the so called" legal contract, whether THEY realize it or not.   It is NOT necessarily always a contract made to God TO PRO-CREATE THE SPECIES because many who choose DIVINE UNION may not choose, be able or be qualifed to fulfill that (pro-creation)service to THE ONE FATHER.

(re-read commandment number 6 where we discussed the responsibility of pro-creation)

But both lovers STILL HAVE THE SAME RESPONSIBILITY (as a "legally" married couple) for the offspring they may produce. If they only choose cohabitation only because of sexual lust or other selfish reasons, they have,thus, denied THEIR responsibility to GOD, and they will suffer the consequences of their actions at the hands of evil. (see law 13 "as you sow shall you reap"also known as, "the law of cause and effect")


Does this mean that DIVORCE, defined as: 1.Dissolution of a marriage bond by legal processes OR accepted custom 2 any radical or complete separation,goes against the law of God and Creation? YES AND NO!  You see it depends on the TRUE circumstances experienced by the divorcing couple. FX:Since your commitment in life is always FIRST IN SERVICE TO GOD, then ideally, your chosen partner in marriage must support your commitment as well as his/her commitment to THE HOLY FATHER.

If,fx, your partner batters you/and your children physically or emotionally and thus does not support or honor either his or your commitment in service to GOD, then you are no longer bound by your contract/bond of marriage. Why would God bind you and your children to a commitment of SUFFERING and PUNISHMENT? It is not logical. But, if your partner decides that he/she wants to divorce you because you are no longer attractive to him/her physically and sexually, THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE REASON FOR DIVORCE. Lets take that example further. Say your partner is no longer attracted to you and decides to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere, he/she has commited ADULTERY (re-read above quote by Jesus Immanuel) and if you choose to do so, it IS an acceptable reason for divorce. The reason is that not only has your partner broken his/her commitment with YOU and HIMSELF, BUT in the act of adultery he has broken his commitment to SERVE GOD... because by the act of fulfilling his lust he has invited the antichrist within his temple. Of course the choice you make about whether to divorce and adulterous mate or not will ultimately be made BY THE FATHER WITHIN YOU.


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  • :-)
  • Although we often don't agree on matters, Reikara...I must say that I do agree with your views that place the Phoenix Journals alongside any other religious dogma...

    I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you that real ETs completely distance themselves from the man-made "Hatonn" and messages from the journals...which are almost as frenzied as catholic dogma...Cheers, Drekx

  • one more hug
  • : )

  • I just wanted to post this, um, unconventional comment, I wanted to share, and I felt I should post it specifically here:

    something happened this morning, something finally happened, for me, this morning, and I wrote some thoughts about it quickly, so here they are

    their was this one old old ancient chain wrapped around me, yea, for so long in my life, and now I was able to fully 100% recognize it, and at that moment I did, it broke, and I cried as I knew what I'v been living through all this time, through my young life and beyond, slowly making my way out of what was drilled into me by some insane minds from my past. my body or being has kind of told me now, that I will slowly be able to see and understand how to say and address what I'd now call the "naturally divine", I will have to practise this, but this one old chain is now broken, I feel it, finally, after all this time, I held onto it for so long and yes could not escape it because of this. . . faith.

    now my body and being is telling me in its own way that I am kind of able to move around a bit somehow and I am able to finally slowly begin to address the naturally divine, now I can fully 100% know and ongoingly pursue to know what is real.

    I wanted to write this to just let this be my marking stone, and to say thankyou, to all, cheers,

    and thankyou very much
  • yes, good call, I'll have to agree with this too, I'll be honest, these old weeds of our past humanity are getting to me too, and so I better pull out of them now and remember too, else my acrobatic attempts at communication may get me pulled to the bottom of this old old paradigm of a "world"
  • And I will leave you all with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. one of my heroes, and a great soul of God. This is one of my all time favorite quotes.

    "Cowardice asks the question: Is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is RIGHT."

    And I submit to you all right now, all my fellow mankind, DO WHAT IS RIGHT BY CONSCIENCE! Don't just do what feels good in the moment. It might feel good in the moment to tell off a co-worker, or to flirt with other woman when your wife isn't around. Just because it feels good, doesn't mean you're supposed to do it! Be strong, be disciplined.


    I mean, what do you think being spiritual IS? It isn't doing whatever you want, whenever it feels good to do it! It doesn't mean mocking God and goodness! It isn't using "love and light" as a catch phrase, while using it to give in to every impure and immoral thing you can think of, saying there is no morals, no right or wrong.

    Being spiritual means caring about God and caring about goodness, and morality. It means doing the right thing, every time. It means living a good, pure and righteous life, That is what spirituality means. And I know we are not perfect, I am far from perfect, like the rest of you, but let us at least STRIVE to do the right thing. Not because society tells us so, or because some book tells us, or because it is THE LAW. No! Let us do it because we know it is right, and because we have love in our hearts for God, ourselves, and each other...we want to do the right thing. That's what being spiritual means. Thank you and may God bless each and every one of you!

      • John, I think that the people in here are not interested in being good and follow goodness, I think their spirituality is more like the wolf in sheeps clothing. If it was real, they would not use their time to critisize,demeanor, judge and be negative,no matter what they like the topic or not. that is truth. so, when the lights coming they show their true color. if the color were true they wouldnt treat others spirit with disrespect. simple as that.
        • so, when the lights coming they show their true color.
          ahh, hmmm, I'll be honest. . . I really like that bit
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