


Dear Lightbearers,


As consciousness expands among all humans on earth, to varying degrees, the collective transformational energies set the reality matrix grid to ever more refined expressions, and thus turmoil results as the old paradigm grapples with the new one emerging. We are impulsing the new and remain divinely discontented with the old.


The dominant new energy effecting humanity is that of “synthesis” which is creating a closer rapport between individuals, races and nations, in spite of minority attempts by the power elites to disrupt the process…
As well as our response to these energies and self changes, this synthesis is being cosmically impulsed from two sources:


1) The Galactic Core
2) The Aquarian constellation


The energy of synthesis is allowing the occult truism that pertains to the ONE HUMANITY, to be made manifest in ever increasing waves of demonstration upon the physical plane.

The chaos we see around us in all spheres is symptomatic of this impulse towards synthesis…and we increasingly witness calls for sharing, justice and peace among the people to realise this ONENESS.

Also this energy is invoking a mass awakening among many earth humans in the realisation that we are all related to beings from cosmos…and indeed, we are one with them.

We should all keep riding the cosmic energy surf, as it’s waves crash upon our planetary “shores.” It will inevitably lead to unity, peace, freedom, immortality, abundance and much joy…as we return to our previous state of full consciousness, but his time, furnished with even greater wisdoms and experiences than we possessed before we came to Earth, all those millennia ago..


The energy of synthesis spoken of is also bringing together INNER & OUTER Earth....As well as terrestrial and extraterrestrial relatives....

Many are becoming aware that the earth is hollow and that we have a seventh inner continent named Agartha...The rise in consciousness is opening the minds of many to this truism...

I will also place the facts before you that the GFL primary Earth base is located in the inner-Earth caverns, beneath Tibet’s spiritual city of Lhasa….

From that vast base, many miles in diameter, there are cavern tunnels that lead out to various exits, including those in India…


In ancient times, Agartha attempted to externalise it’s influence upon the surface of this planet. That nation was a major rival to Atlantis and was called the Rama Empire.

The experiment eventually failed, as the presence of Rama became a great bone of contention for the hostile Anunnaki, and their Atlantean allies. And like Lemuria before it, an attack on Rama using nuclear weapons, among other more exotic devices, created a great conflict which is described in ancient sanskrit texts, such as the famous Mahabharat, which lends itself to fact rather than fiction…in contrast to the opinions of the conventional academic mindset….


Something I would like to add about our primary GFL base, is that is is right next to Shamballah, 400 miles under Tibet’s capital city of Lhasa…


Officially the base is described as the GFL Command Base and it is 50 miles in diameter, with five levels…

Being members, the Agarthans are in the base too and you will also enjoy meeting them, after official contact..



Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie..!!!


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (Eastern England Sector)



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  • Hello Drekx, is the modern name of the City from the Rama empire maybe Mohenjo-Daro?
    According to the Ancient Aliens theory Mohenjo-Daro was also destroyed with an atomic bomb in the past and is mentioned in the Mahabharat.
    • The so-called "mound of dead." That is the name for Mohenjo-Daro....However, it was an ancient site, located on a flood plain, near Larkana and mentioned in ancient texts....The original name could have been "Kukkuta."
  • Thanks very much for saying so, friend KejRaj777.....Yes, indeed I have many supporters and comrades here and offsite...I'm very proud of them all...

    Blessings, Drekx Omega

    • Baby that was awesome to here your friend say that oh BTW know that I am your biggest fan too lol

  • Don't forget friends, if we can achieve 3924 hits here on this forum, just imagine how much more we can attain, when it goes out on YouTube....Family of Light.... ;-) We want our data out there, for all the world to see....Planetary activation is the aim......

    Selamat gajun......!!

    Colonel Omega

  • Well, if I had to choose between the Roman Catholic Pope, in the Vatican and YouTube Family of Light vids, for spiritual truths, I would definitely choose the latter....Here is the link to our LIGHT videos.....We are popular and growing in popularity....Such Aquarian methods of passing on spiritual insights, using modern technology, beat the old Piscean church and it's antiquated nonsense, hands down......:-)

    So far I've been blessed with nine videos, thanks to this amazing account....More will follow, as and when....Watch this space, folks....And remember to enjoy life.....We can all have fun while working, you know.... ACC is not a stuffy church hall, with a fearful (of God) congregation, trying so hard to keep up appearances of obedience to religious dogma and personalities....JUST BE FREE AND IN JOY.......


    Family of Light
    The Galactic Federation of Light The Galactic Federation of Light, which was mentioned in many of the channeled messages of Salusa and Commander Sohi…
    • Can I get an amen for that lol darn straight Aquarians know what they're doing.... Lol perfect sign to be born under by the way.... Heehee yes I'm a bit biased.... Let the haters hate and the lovers love... Now I'm singing Abba age of Aquarius as the farm hand laughs at me....

      • Oh yeh....groooovy baby....!! ;-) Age of Aquarius...Hair... LOL...Actually I thought I saw Wes Annac...hehe...He's a great guy, just joking Wes.... :-)

        • Just a bit of telling ages dear lol that's OK best to play with the big kids

  • I see that rev Joshua Skirvin still fears that I might be "DC," as he abbreviates the dark cabal...??? Well I would like to put your mind at rest, Josh......I'M OF THE LIGHT......And my rebellious attitude towards the current fiscal order, based on fiat currencies, as well as my desire to see a lifting of the UFO cover up and disclosure, should tell you so....

    I may post music that some might not enjoy, BUT, that is no reason to assume I'm DC....Well, think a little more about what I represent here....I have been asked to return to a more active participation today, by a popular member named Mikail....I currently have MANY ACC friends and am extremely sought after....If I were someone causing "heart aches," as you claim, then why am I so popular and on demand, among so many lightworkers...??? Your fears for me are unfounded....I'm of the LIGHT and not DC, as you call it....

    I will endeavour not to offend those who disagree, but we are all subject to the law of freewill and can each place our tastes, opinions and messages, freely, without any required endorsement from a church, or Urantia, or whatever you feel guides you...

    I don't name you in my blogs.....Why do you continue to name me....??? I suggest that you stop telling members that I'm "DC Drekx," as it's false and misleading....

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