The Top 11 Galactic Prophesies of the 21 st Century are as follow:

Over the last twenty years the spiritual community at large has been presented with numerous and amazing prophetic visions and channellings of events soon taking place on earth and in the heavens above us.  The first waves of initiates on the internet introduced to this information were quickly made aware of a whole new range of galactic paradigms from a few key channelers and contactees.  We all instantly became galactic experts because of the brave work that these few pioneers did for humanity.   It is important to share these sacred channelings at this time, so we never forget their service to humanity. 

Many of seasoned seekers who had early internet access and lived through this great time of transition will remember these events with great clarity now.   Future generations in the Golden Age will eagerly access these timeless digital capsules containing this priceless information.   As they sift through the terabytes of metadata of a long forgotten past, they will become amazed at just how much prophecy and information we received during this era.   They will fully understand that it was their ancestors’ bravery and legendary ability to discern truth from fiction on the internet that propelled this planet into the Golden Age.  We were the heroes that were going to be the foundation for the future to come.

The numerous people supporting these galactic revelations with the courage of lions are now seasoned internet gurus in their own right because they gained crystal clear awareness during this time.   These great beings of light were the DEAR ONES we had all been waiting for.  They have defended these galactic paradigms with honor and a special form of passive aggressiveness the galaxy has rarely seen, and it was all out of love for us.   It would take volumes of books to capture all 23, 567 galactic paradigms that the spiritual community has been introduced to over the last two decades, so only the best ones are highlighted in the honor of all those light warriors who brought them into our awareness.  May a new seeker of light gain the deeper wisdom they may reveal now.  It was these sacred weekly updates and channelings from our favourite ascended masters and galactic contacts over the last twenty years that held the light all this time.  May the seasoned seekers of light, who walked this path for the last twenty years, now find the same joy and comic relief future generations are certain to uncover. 

To those of you who logged onto this perilous journey all those years ago, it was your courage and power of discernment and quest for truth that ensured the dawning of the imminent golden age coming anytime soon.  It is all of you who are the digital light warriors time shall never forget.  To the ones who have already ascended, and you know who you are, may these historic events just be a gentle reminder of the epic internet journey we all took together down the fibre optic digital glass highway all those years ago.   The internet shall never forget.    

The Top 11 Galactic Prophecies of the 21 st century are as follows:

11.  Sheldan Nidle Announces Comet Hale Bopp is a Camaflouged Alliance Ship on an Historic Mission Bringing 10,000 Galactics to Start a new colony at Ayres Rock in Australia in 1996.

While many of you were busy going to work and dealing with painfully slow AOL dial-up connections in 1996, an epic battle in our solar system raged on the heavens above us.  At that time the star seeds, light workers, and ascended ones were just starting to realise how fantastic and special we really were.  We were not afforded the nicely packaged informative and fancy YouTube videos you see today and information came in slowly.  It was still cool to be an AOL member at this time.  Up until this point, we received our galactic information in the form of fantasy science fiction written on weekly updates and mailed through the post.   The Web was something new to everyone and suddenly we all had the ability to anonymously cast judgement, intimidate, mock, ridicule, indoctrinate, and ultimately condemn complete strangers, who did not share our own views, from the safety and security of our own homes.  

Soon the new age community became aware to the potentials this new form of communication offered.  Within months we began to learn about new ascended masters and arch angels.  We were at the dawning of a new digital era and the internet was going to guide our way to ascension and first contact. We learned about galactic races and some people instantly became experts in inter galactic affairs.  The first major galactic encounter light workers with internet access confronted occurred in the early months of 1996 when our attention was focused on the incoming comet called Halle Bopp

One must put this into perspective and understand this was almost two decades before the internet community heard about Tolec’s comet ISON biosphere ship in 2013, or the amazing comet Elenin light ship that came in 2011 to splice our timelines.  We had a much more interesting comet ship appear in our night skies and it was the brave work of one researcher and contactee that brought this event to our awareness.  Shedan Nidle was the first one to pioneer research on comet light ships and he had personally identified Comet Halle Bopp as an alliance ship.  In late 1996 the spiritual community also heard from an Andromeda contactee named Alex Collier that the reptilians were invading Mars and our ascension was not until Dec 3, 2013.  This was a terrible time for spiritual community at large.  Many light workers wondered and worried how earth could ever make it to our ascension date if this comet was an actually a reptilian ship. Many went into a place of fear and hid in their basements awaiting the arrival of the mysterious comet ship Hale Bopp.   During those dark days on the internet the singers never sang, the painter’s brushes went dry, and love was all but a dream.

Then Sheldan Nidle bravely came forward again and assured the new age community at large it was a giant cloaked comet ship and benevolent in nature.  We learned it was a star fleet first contact ship and that it was bringing a historic delegation of 10,000 galactics to start a new colony at Aryes Rock in Australia.  Many found relief in this new truth, but many people still expected an imminent reptilian invasion.  You must put this into a 1996 perspective and most light workers were new to all these new earth shattering revelations and galactic paradigms. Many were eager to take digital candy from any stranger that came their way.  As comet Hale Bopp began to break up into pieces as it approached the sun, like comets often do, we were informed by the Sirians and Sheldan it was indeed many galactic federation lightships breaking down into individual ones.  Better fuel economy is achieved by fussing thousands of light ships into on ball for deep space travel.  Sheldan assured us this was standard galactic landing protocol procedures and they were now scheduled to take place that spring.  

Hope grew again as earth had the entire galactic cavalry coming to recue us now.   The absolute truth was only posted on the internet in those early days, so our discernment chakras were not fully opened or needed at that time.  We only had a seven chakra system with a double stranded DNA body at that time. The cabal had no access to the internet back then and it was only in more recent years when they discovered its full potential for mass mind manipulation (MK-Ultra). It would still be another decade before they somehow infiltrated the unsecure internet.  It was even later when they finally discovered it could be used to pacify the minds of those who may stand up a demand change and confuse those attempting to awaken to their own nature through self-effort.  The controllers on earth were that last problem on light workers minds at this time, and many still feared a possible reptilian invasion because everyone was warned by the Adromeadeans that Reptilians come into solar systems on comet ships.  Everyone became experts on the reptilian race and many light workers had bad dreams during the early days of the expected invasion. 

When you can fly between galaxies and can jump between time lines at the speed of light it is always a good idea to slow down to a snail like comet pace and spend the last two decades on a slow approach to a planet.  We did not have any ground command on the planet at that time to guide our way or hurl abuse at us in threads and posts if we questioned anything.  We were on our own and it was a difficult time for light workers who were early internet adopters.  Those were some of the most intense and difficult years ever spent in front of a keyboard for some. You can only imagine how hard it was for those brave souls on the battle planet Nibiru.  They must have defeated the reptilians and postponed the first colony.  We may have also switched timelines because the rest of the planet just saw a comet break up into thousands of pieces.

Current status:  Undetermined.  Colony delayed until we ascend.  Ships broke up and dispersed while being cloaked to avoid cabal detection.

10. Sirians Announce the World will End on December 17, 1997

If 1996 was not hard enough already for star seeds, light workers and ascended ones the following year proved to be one of the most difficult eras in recorded internet history.  When Comet Hale Bopp blew into a million tiny bits, like comets often do, the new age community fell into great despair.  You could feel the tsunami of hopelessness hit all across the globe as everyone began to realise no galactic colony of 10,000 would ever land at Ayres Rock until we held more love a light.  That news in itself pushed many light workers over the deep end.    Many light workers still have bad memories of those dark days leading up to this event and they couldn’t take any more bad news.   We had so much hope and it was suddenly taken away when nothing ever eventuated. 

Then the light workers were informed by the Sirians that the world was going to end on Dec 17, 1997. Sheldan Nidle predicted that this would occur with the arrival of over 16 million spaceships and a whole host of angels from the photon belt.  All those with early internet access fell into great despair and many felt it could be the reptilians again.  Light workers immediately fell apart again and some were burning their houses down and running naked in the streets.  Many began to live reckless and lawless lives and this was one of the hardest times for spiritual people.  Many were puzzled at how the world could end so suddenly and we lost our power.

Subscriptions for more information went through the roof and we had the birth of the first internet webinar.  When December 17, 1997 came and went a great wave of digital disbelief flooded the Yahoo and AOL chat rooms.   If a light worker wanted to watch a video back then it was an overnight download and you were lucky if it was error free.  Many were relieved when Sheldan informed everyone the angels had transferred the earth and humanity into a Sirian made holographic projection sphere in order to give us a second chance.  Life in our new bubble seemed fine at first, but it was only a matter of time before we faced our next epic event in space.

These early events in space and on planet led to the formation of the galactic ground crew we have today.  For a small fee back then, a light worker could get a local franchise and command an entire region of their choosing.  Every candidate was carefully selected and highly trained in first contact protocols.  Each was given a Sanada’s Eagle Badge and authentic GFL Command Shield.   These brave warriors were unable to pilot star fleet craft and too angry for a ray gun, but they could operate a computer and they were strategically placed in key locations across the globe.  Their primary role was to promote and defend one of the numerous galactic paradigms available on the internet and to keep the doubters in check.

They were assigned several screen names and given numerous internet personifications that would enable them to successfully penetrate all the spiritual sites on the WEB.  Their mission also included seeking out new recruits and dealing with all conscious objectors with scrutiny, ad hominine attacks and thread sliding.  If someone did not support at least one galactic paradigm, or started displaying signs of independent critical thinking, they were singled out for attack. If they did not leave the sites under duress they were captured and taken to the great central sun and returned to nirvana.  It was the brave dedication of these various support crews on the ground that ensured the successful propagation of all these galactic paradigms of truth and light on the internet and we should never forget their service to humanity.

Most light workers were just thankful we were given a second chance and were now safe in our holographic bubble.  The mood of the light workers shifted to one of hope again and everyone prepared for imminent first contact for the fourteenth time in two years.  For those of you that can remember way back to this time, you may recall experiencing severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and projectile vomiting.  This was just our physical and etheric bodies adjusting to life in the Sirian holograph bubble. You could actually sense the relief of the global light worker community at that time.  When people learned they were secure in a holographic bubble the excitement of first contact and ascension grew exponentially from that point in time forward.  The light had won this digital battle of wits and everyone seemed to get their power back. 

The early days of 1998 were good times for the spiritual community at large who had early internet access.  The light workers, star seeds, and ascended once were so awake and aware by this point ascension to the fifth dimension was in the bag.  We openly declared victory for the light and nothing could stop us now. The community just needed a new ascension date once again to draw our collective focus on.  It was determined by the spiritual hierarchy that the year 2000 was the next date of great change.  Many feared their unstable Microsoft software would crash on this date and the resulting global economic pandemic would trigger a mass ascension.

Current Status:  The earth was given a second chance and currently remains within the Sirian made holograph.  Planet awaits its imminent ascension.  Microsoft software is still unstable.

9. Ascended Masters and Starfleet Announce the Formation of NESERA to the World.

When Y2K failed to deliver the massive societal collapse and trigger the ascension, the spiritual community again drifted aimlessly and reckless behaviours resumed.  By this time everyone had to upgrade their computer hardware and the world was introduced to extremely fast internet speeds.  Light workers could now access data at break neck speeds exceeding 56 Kpbs.   It was decided by the ascended masters at this time and the late Shania Goodwin that starving and impoverished people of North America should receive enormous economic compensation for their many lifetimes of hardship they endured at the hands of the cabal. This new program of abundance and joy was named NESERA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and it was going to bring hope to so many.

 A massive amount of money was going to be seized from the naughty cabal and distributed fairly, to end the suffering and misery of all the malnourished North Americans.  Sometimes, the best way to help an evolving race break the bounds of the material world is to give them so much cash that they will simply spend their way to higher consciousness.  This radical new approach was quickly adopted by the light worker community at large and within days every channeler and contactee was an expert and talking about it.  Sex and money always appealed to humans and light workers were no exceptions regarding these matters.

Soon the message boards and chat rooms were flooded with new NESERA information.  We were now going to ascend as a race and be swimming in cash.  By this time there were several competing galactic paradigms on the internet and in order to gain market differentiation the name of NESERA was changed to GESERA.  Now the galactics were not only going to save the starving North Americans, but the rest of the less important world was going to get cash payouts as well.  It was now going to be a global distribution of galactic cash for all the citizens of earth.  Many light workers eagerly provided personal data and banking details in order to receive the early payouts, and you know who you are.  It was a wonderful time and many light workers started spending way beyond their means because we were all assured the funds would arrive any day.  By early 2001 the light worker community started to rebel because of constant NESERA delays.  Many had spent well beyond their mean by this point and were desperate to receive their hard earned NESERA windfalls. 

When the spiritual community received the tragic new of the 911 attacks, it hurt all that much more when we were informed our NESERA gold and cash were in the twin towers. Many light workers went bankrupt during this time and some began drinking heavily and living reckless lives.  Some turned to the dark side of conspiracy theory for a few years to learn about all the meaners in the cabal and shape shifting royals.  By this time internet speeds doubled almost every three months and we became overloaded with data from hundreds of reliable sources.  The light worker community at large changed a little after receiving numerous premature NESERA announcements.  There were very few new light worker recruits during this time as the mood of the new age community became one of hopelessness and indifference again.  Many wondered how we would ever endure spiritually when this promised material world was taken from us in an internet millisecond.

Every month millions of new internet subscribers joined with World Wide Web and soon the digital world was introduced to the shill or elusive internet troll.  This made it even more difficult for the light workers to share their higher knowledge and daily updated information about NESERA payouts and ascension to their friends and family members still stuck in the matrix of reality.  People also suddenly learned they could download free porn on the internet and 70% of all internet bandwidth being used was for this type of nerds and pervert traffic.   The remaining 30% of all internet traffic was light workers, star seeds and ascended ones in chat rooms, spiritual sites, and message boards arguing with each other.   

Some of the greatest and most epic internet battles among light workers occurred during those dark days and it was always about NESERA and first contact.  The light workers were so busy processing megabytes of information; no one had time to ask why they needed so much cash when star fleet promised everyone a replicator as well.  The old 3D logic of the past was no longer relevant to our ascending fifth dimensional future. These were still the early days of the internet and everyone believed it was still a place of higher truth.  Many light workers were still misusing the ancient greeting term of Namaste at the end of messages and Gaia was still being called earth.  This brief era was known as the time between times on the internet.

Current Status:  Tricky cabal prevented the NESERA funds being released and the rest burnt up on 911.  Poof never delivered the new packets and codes.

8. November 2005 the Creator Decrees the End of Duality and this Cycle on Dec 21, 2012

During the years following 2001 the light worker community slowly gave up on the promise of NESERA.  We lost direction as a community once again, and the chat rooms and threads went quiet for a spell.   The light worker community at large needed a new ascension date and a more hopeful direction to follow.   It was initially decided, by the most popular channelers of the day at that time, that the Mayan date of December 21, 2012 would be used.  This date traditionally marked the return of the Mayan sky god named Bolon Yokte, but now it was also going to be used for our historic mass ascension date. 

In 2005 light workers received a historic message from one of the most popular channelers confirming this date and it was coming directly from the Creator himself/herself.  Now light workers had definitive proof and direct confirmation that this was now the real date of our ascension.  At that time the spiritual community started to come together once again as a family and a wave of love and light flooded Gaia.   Even the Big Three (Sheldan Nidle, Mike Quinsey, and Candace Frieze) began to cooperate and release similar messages for a very brief period of time.   These three became beacons of lights to the whole light worker community at large.  They were seen as modern day digital versions of the roles Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin played during the dark days of WW2, and they guided the light workers through the first contacts scenarios and landing protocols.  

By 2005 the light worker community had become much wiser and more sceptical of any new dates that were being put forward on a weekly basis.   However, this historic news came from a popular channeler and it had to be real. This was another historic date amongst the light workers.  We were informed directly from the Creator himself/herself that the end of duality and planetary wide ascension would indeed occur on December 21, 2012.  Never before had we received such a powerful message and decree directly sent from the creator via St Germain and channeled by Mike Quinsey.    The world was also informed by the Big Three that we would also have first contact with of brothers and sisters from the stars long before this historic ascension date occurred.  The light worker community rejoiced at receiving this tremendous news and a wave of love and light engulfed the entire planet.   Suddenly first contact became the most important things in our lives. 

We instantly became keen Netscape researchers and experts in all galactic civilizations, shape shifting royals and first contact protocols.   Everyone waited for weekly updates from all the channeled sources like hungry puppies and our thirst for knowledge expanded exponentially.  It did not matter if the messages contradicted each other because the wave of love now engulfing us would purify all things.  Our families and friends could no longer understand our higher dimensional thinking and mocked us when we told them about NESERA cash and ascension to the fifth dimension.  We had to walk between two worlds in those days and it was a pity the rest of our families were still caught up in the matrix of reality.

Current Status:  Ascension was delayed in 2012 as humanity at large still did not hold enough light.  It was never about a date or destination it was about the journey.

7.  Sheldan Nidle Announces Long-awaited Promised Prosperity to Finally Show up at Our Door Steps within Days (October 2007)

By late 2007 the internet grew to levels far greater than ever expected in all the corners of the earth.  Now we had legions of light workers around the globe that were much more aware and focused on the planetary ascension soon to come.  By this time two out every three light workers and star seeds could channel at least one ascended master or arch angel.  In many cases, they could channel several and the internet was introduced to a whole new range of ascended masters and star nations we never heard of prior to this point.  Then on October 7, 2007 the growing light worker community was informed by Sheldan Nidle that our prosperity payments were only days away from being delivered to our doorstep and the 11,500 year of Annunaki rule was soon to be over.

Almost every light worker by this time was using the greeting term Namaste in the proper context and many had already uncoiled their Kundalini energy and fully activated their pineal glands.  Our powers of perception and discernment had reached staggering new heights.   Some began to even think the cabal may have infiltrated the unsecure internet by this point and some feared our sacred messages from people we can’t see in the sky could be compromised.  So many dates and promises of galactic salvation and prosperity were being broadcasted across the internet it would be almost impossible for even a Creator to fulfil just one-third of them.   When promised dates and events never happened repeatedly people started to become impatient again and the drums of revolt were slowly beating across the internet.  Some light workers even began to question how advance races that could jump between time and dimensions could never arrive on a promised date.   However, this lower three dimensional logic was quickly abandoned once again when we all heard the terrific news that prosperity would be on our door steps with days. 

Many light workers bought larger houses, power boats and new sport utility vehicles during this time in celebration of the great news.  This information was not coming from one of the new and unknown aspirant channelers just entering the market.  This was a message from one of the Big Three and an approved GFL source.   Just when most light workers gave up on the repeating promises of funds being realised suddenly our old dreams of being filthy reach in a spiritual world came alive once more.  We could now have that one last consumer frenzy of excess before entering the golden age of wisdom and simplicity.  Esentially we were having cake and eating it to.

Our bodies were also being prepared for full consciousness and galactic medical teams were on stand bye.   When this event failed to eventuate the light workers did not fall down like before.  They were now more sceptical and they had many newer and more exciting channelers to listen to in other forums.   A subculture of roving internet interviewers now traversed the globe like groupies in search of the next ascension rock star or special one.  We learned about indigos, super soldiers, undersea reptilian bases, and undesirable walk-ins.  We also learned how to successfully decode ancient Egyptian, Hopi, Tibetan, and Mayan hieroglyphs in our spare time.

This failed event was just a small ripple on the water because the light workers had become so powerful by this point and even promises of bags of galactic cash could not hold us back from our ascension. Many light workers in the elite guard began to fully open their discernment chakras by this point.  Some even began to ask the age old question to why they would even need bags of money in a society where everyone was also promised replicators.  We could now just make whatever we needed in replicators.  We could even print our own money in the replicators just like the Federal Reserve did and all would be well.  As our power of discernment increased daily, star fleet and ground command were quickly able to develop work around solutions to paradoxical problems like this.  We were becoming creators in our own right and even the constant merging of our timelines could not throw us off the prize of ascension anymore.

Current Status:  NESERA funds have never been released to the public.  The replicators are still on board the ships until we have enough NESERA cash to purchase them through a lease to own program.

6. Galactic Round Table Announces Imminent Arrest of Global Cabal and Capture of Last Remaining Reptilian (October 2009)

By 2009 many different galactic factions and paradigms arouse and the flow of information reached astonishing new heights.   By this time it was no longer cool to use the term Namaste in any conversation or correspondence.  Names like Sananda, Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, St Germain, Lady Master Nada, and of course Tom the ring tailed cat became household names among light workers. By this time, the light worker community rebranded the greeting term Namaste to Dear Ones and many were growing tired of all the promised first contact dates being predicted on the internet.   Nerds and pervert traffic on the internet dropped substantially by this time and now 70% of all internet traffic was the spiritual community at large arguing if President Obama was a light worker.   After the failed first contact date of October 14, 2008, and then the delayed Jupiter ignition event in 2009, light works were no longer in the mood for another premature ascension date.  It was almost like we were in a digital matrix within a matrix.  By this time light workers began to realise the internet had been compromised by the cabal and it was no longer the beautiful place it once was.

The only glimmer of hope the light workers received that year was when we heard that the arrests of the global cabal was finally imminent and the Fabulous Five at the Galactic Round Table (Beth Trutwin,  Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Mark Huber and Tom the ring tailed cat) were initiating first contact sequences.  This galactic dynamo would share their weekly adventures with light workers and we could join the unsecure multicasts over the internet and receive super top secret intelligence 42 levels above the president and this information was not available to the cabal. We were receiving highly classified information and light workers role expanded from one of anchoring the light on Gaia, to one of disseminating high level intelligence.  

This group introduced the first per-NESERA investment program for light workers.  You could invest $700 into a complex inverted trapezoid investment structure that would kick start NESERA.   If you did not hold 51% light quotient or higher you simply could not join the podcasts transmitted over the unsecure internet.   For the special ones that held 90% light or higher quotients, and you know who you are, you would provide a generous donation at the end of each podcast.  Their galactic motto was no dates, no nukes, no flukes, and no critical thinking.

Starfleet would perform random non-intrusive mind scans of the population and determined the cabal was our greatest fear at this time.  The ground crew went on a series of high-level and dangerous missions to help end the tyranny by arresting all the bad guys on the planet.    Beth, Mark and Ashtar even went on a mission and arrested George Bush sr. and his wife Barbra in a restaurant on Pluto trying to escape justice on earth.  They then captured the last remaining 40 foot dragon or hive queen in a dangerous mission on Earth just before the final arrests of the entire cabal.    The remaining cabal members including Geithner were arrested and tried by a galactic tribunal in The Hague headed up by Lady Master Nada.  Every cabal member was cloned and the somewhat less malevolent version would be under the control of star fleet. The real cabal members were placed in a special prison the size of a shoe box that utilised holographic technology and it was buried in the flower garden at The Hague.

With the threat of the cabal gone forever light workers once again rejoiced.  This excitement only grew further when the galactic round table crew informed us that our twin flames were also on the ships and they were waiting for us.  We learned our twin flames were hot and resided in the fifth dimension awaiting our ascension.  The divorce rate amongst the spiritual community went up 400% during this time, as light workers started to ditch those they once loved before, in preparation for the imminent arrival of their younger and much hotter twin flames.  Suddenly, we were falling in love all over again with our invisible twin flame and it was a beautiful thing.   Those were some of the most erotic and sexiest days on the internet for light workers and love was in the air.  When star fleet conducted their non-intrusive mind scans two out of every three light workers had fantasies about rolling around naked in their bags of NESERA cash with their twin flame.

Current Status:  Cabal clones continue to live a stress free life in ultimate luxury and wealth. Real cabal members remain in a shoe box size holograph prison behind The Hague. Twin flames wait on the ships for our DNA upgrades.  The zero point modules still not at full power.  RA says no pre-NESERA refunds.

5.  Sirians and Sheldan Nidle Introduce the Light Chamber to the World in 2010

By 2010 the light worker community was flooded with high-level military intelligence from many sources.  David Wilcock introduced the community to several key insiders like Drake and Anonymous.  We were now being informed by the most popular channelers of the time that Geithner was going to be arrested any day.  People learned that we all came into this free will planet, but were bound to an iron clad soul contract we each signed without receiving copies of the originals because this is also a quarantined prison planet.  Never in the history of the galaxy could we see some many paradoxical statements in one sentence. Many light workers wondered why it did not logically make sense how one could even have free will and be bound by a contract at the same time. 

 By this time the average light worker spent 4 hours a day watching YouTube videos and three hours a day reading weekly channeled updates.  Our discernment chakras should have been fully opened by now, but we did not have time for this kind of spiritual work.  It again appeared that only the elite guard of light workers would be ascending earlier.  It was a tense time as we all awaited the arrests of the cabal and final capture of Geithner.   We were only two years from ascension and many had not done much real spiritual work, so we needed a galactic solution and technology to solve this problem as well.

 As we waited for the cabal removal we received more bad news about our poor physical state. The entire light worker community was jolted awake when we discovered we only had two strands of DNA and most of it was unplugged to make us better gold mining slaves in the past.  Suddenly we realised why we had been so gullible and somewhat dim witted for the most part.  We were basically a cracked vase, not broken enough to throw away, but cracked right down the middle and not of much use to the multiverse, unless someone or something could fix us.  Suddenly we went from being the shining stars of the multiverse to the dimwits of a one star solar system.  We were a damaged race of beings which were locked in a special needs Sirian holograph bubble for our own protection.   Apparently, a two stranded humanoid is one of the most hideous looking creatures in the multiverse.  Our twin flames loved us, but they just could not look at us for long periods of time.

We were not ascending with the rest of the galaxy because we were still two stranded DNA humans and we must have looked hideous to the more beautiful and special 12 stranded Homo Galacticus beings that no longer lived in duality.  It was a hard pill for the light workers to swallow when we discovered our original creators had dropped the beaker in a manner of speaking all those centuries ago.   The ascended masters could sense our loss of self and negative reaction during this time.  When star fleet conducted global non-intrusive brain scans it confirmed we have never been so low emotionally and spiritually.  We were now a galactic problem with no reaction or solution

Once again our galactic cousins the Sirians came forward with an innovative and exciting solution using new technology called the light chamber.  These marvellous new sun beds would be delivered to every citizen of earth and they could perform the necessary DNA patch work we needed to make us whole again. These devices would reconnect all 12 strands of DNA.  Suddenly hope returned when light workers realised we could use galactic technology now to transform our horrible two stranded body deformities and instantly blossom into a much more beautiful Homo Galacticus version of our selves.   It was almost too good to be true and a wave of hope flooded the new age community once again.  Once we were a complete vessel and fabulous again the ascension would take hold and the golden age would come.

As a bonus these new light beds of hope would also include an enlightenment feature as well.   We were also held back spiritually because of the naughty cabal and now we deserved enormous amounts of cash and instant enlightenment for our suffering.  We would no longer need to meditate or follow the ancient practises the great avatars gave us.  These dusty old teachings and the writings from the wise ones were for the old 7 chakra double stranded DNA human, and we were becoming so much more than that now.  Even though these wise teachings had enlightened so many before us, they were no longer applicable to our evolving DNA structures, so we had become our own gurus that someone was waiting for.

 Now we could just lie back in our light chambers like lumps of coal and push a button and receive full enlightenment without allowing the soul to grow as the creator may have intended.  Now light workers could spend less time on self-practise to reveal their own Buddha-natures, and have more time available to read channelings and watch the plethora of YouTube videos.   This new technology offer from the Sirians appealed to westerners the most because we did not have to take responsibility for our own spiritual evolution anymore and now we had more time for leisure.  Technology was going to solve all our spiritual, genetic, and monetary problems with a single push of the button.

Then reports started coming in that some special light workers were already mending their own DNA and merging the light filaments through the power of intention in the NOW.  When star fleet conducted non-intrusive cavity probes the galactic lab results all concluded that the special ones, and you know who you are, were indeed repairing their DNA.  Tests also concluded light workers were still not getting enough fibre in their diet.   This was the first time self-generated DNA encoding had occurred in the multiverse and all the star nations rejoiced in the news.  The common folk would still have to wait until Dec 21, 2012 to transmute their DNA, when the galactic plane aligned with the great central sun.  The resulting influx of plasma would trigger the later ascension for them and everyone would become beautiful and worthy again.

Current status: Light workers still wait for Drakes green light and wonder if David will meet new insiders.  Light chambers are located in the inner earth awaiting our evacuation just prior to ascension.  Light workers still contemplate the new age koan: what comes first a replicator or a pile of cash.

4.  Candace Frieze and Starfleet Announce Jupiter Ignition 2009

This amazing earth shattering prediction took the wise writings of the book of Urantian and propelled then into a modern day galactic paradigm of adventure, bravery, improbable science, and a second sun ascension scenarios.   This would have easily been number one, but the October 2008 first contact visit hiccup took some of the galactic wind from the sails of this timeless prophecy.   The script writing for this historic event and internet distribution was exceptionally deployed.  Never before has a more epic saga designed to propel our ascension into the golden age been told.  Under this ascension scenario Christ Michael of Nebedon, Candace, Sananda, and friends would use star fleet craft to fire photon torpedoes into Jupiter and ignite its core into a second sun.  The video graphics are also no longer available on YouTube for some unknown reason, but they were some of the best of all time. 

Under this proposed ascension scenario the blue light of our second sun would enable our ascension and transmutation to something more pleasing to the galactics.  Earth would experience great changes initially, but we would be put into a state of stasis.  In this sleep like state, Christ Michael, Candace, and the ground teams would move in and sift through the good, bad, and ugly.  Those of negative polarity would be removed and placed on new globes that matched their vibration.  The good would receive a huge GESERA payout and live in the golden age of prosperity on the new earth.  Many still had doubts since the October 14, 2008 date failed, but when the communications started coming in all caps and light workers were able to discern from that something really big was occurring.

The entire light worker community patiently waited for Jupiter to be ignited by star fleet.  It was a nerve racking time for all that watched the videos and read the scripts.  When this event never occurred we were told the newly ignited Jupiter was positioned behind the sun indefinitely until we are ready for ascension.  Star fleet used the spaceship Capricorn to cloak itself as Jupiter, so no one on earth could tell the difference.   A few more imminent stasis events were announced in later times, but they never had the appeal or traction the original Jupiter Ignition paradigm provided the light worker community.

Current Status:  Jupiter remains our second sun but it is hidden by star fleet behind the sun.  When we are deemed ready to ascend it will be brought out for the world to slowly bake in the new blue rays of ascension.  Stasis will then be initiated and all the ugly and bad will be removed in one last act of unity and oneness.


3. Sheldan Nidle 2012 Timeline of Events

By 2010 light workers were swimming in a sea of disinformation and it was becoming obvious to those with thoughts something was seriously amiss.  By this time the first wave of light workers had fully activated their discernment chakra which resides in the 13 spot on the new 14 chakra based system of a Homo Galacticus.  We were now much more perceptive and we would never fall for another premature ascension date again.  We were now able to discern if Benjamin Fulford was interviewing a real Japanese princess or not.  Light workers now had access into high-level Eastern affairs through our white dragon contacts, so we knew almost everything at this point.  We were also waiting for a currency reset valuation (RV) at this point because a properly pegged currency would solve all our problems in this new spiritual age. By now, every different galactic paradigm had large support crews that were turning on each other.  Many competing groups were labelled as being cabal controlled and they were either labelled as being either CIA or MI5/6 in origin. The light workers did not know if we should be building sea walls with Greg Giles and the GFL, or if the next October surprise would be followed by a November of disappointment again. 

The ground teams informed us Sheldan Nidle was now the only GFL approved contact. This brought some relief to light workers because now we knew who we could trust.   Light workers received the famous 2012 time line of events that detailed all the first contact procedures and ascension details for 2012.  Finally the cabal clones would be arrested and we could now meet the galactics and our favourite ascended masters for real.  The galactics would also deliver great prosperity and release free energy in 2012 and it was all once again too good to be true.  Light workers once again celebrated in hearing this much needed news.  Any internet dissenters or those still asking the deeper questions like “why do we need cash if the replicators can produce all we need, were treated with the highest disdain.  Those still brave enough to question this timeline were ridiculed and labeled shills.  If they did not capitulate or stop shilling for truth, they were captured and taken to the great central sun and returned to nirvana. This historic event was coming from someone who had a 20 year track record of galactic prophesising, so it had to be true.  

When none of the events listed in the timeline never seemed to occur, light workers once again went into a deep state of disbelief and shock.  We lost our faith a little more each week as every event failed to happen.  Many began to wonder why an advanced galactic race could miss so many dates when they could fly between time lines and dimensions. Then when the actual date of December 21, 2012 failed to deliver our global ascension many light workers rebelled and joined the dark side.  Some disbanded and went back into the matrix of reality.  Some decided to take up troll working for a time to help work through the inner pain they felt when they realised the last 18 years was basically made up to keep us from awakening to our own potential.  We had given our power away willingly by relying on something external to ourselves.

Christmas of 2012 was the most difficult time for light workers since the cancelation of the galactic colony at Ayres Rock in 1996.  Our families and loved ones, who were still trapped in the matrix of reality, were now openly mocking us.  They were asking questions like ‘is this a 3D Christmas or a 5D one now?” We were jokingly asked to pay for everything with our new NESERA windfalls.  Light worker families really seemed to enjoy our downfall in those dark days of hopelessness and shame.  We had to become meek and bow to the humiliating comments and open scrutiny about our internet activities over the last to decades.

Current Status: Not a single event listed in the timeline of events occurred.  Light workers now spend Christmas alone.

2. Earth Becomes a Second Sun on March 21, 2013

The light worker community were in a dark place by the spring of 2013 arrived, and we had finally come to the conclusion the Mayans had lied to us. Many ancient cultures were fully aware of the dark entities that always played tricks on us existed and they were careful not to fall into the spiritual traps that took us away from our real nature.  The terms ghost, evil spirit, jinn and spook was rebranded to archon the light worker community in this year.  Suddenly all our problems were either President Obama’s fault or the work of these clever little fellas who have been doing this already for thousands of years.

Light workers were no longer accepting new ascension dates, but then suddenly another miracle occurred and we saw a dim light at the end of a long tunnel of hopelessness.  We were told of a new prophecy given by George Kavassilas long before the date of December 21, 2012.  This new prophet on the scene told the world earth would centre herself for a pole shift during the spring equinox on March 21, 2013.  He informed us this was not about the winter solstice, but about the spring equinox.  Light workers were informed the earth would defy all science, and the properties of solid objects in space, and actually ignite and become a star.  Many light workers were sceptical at first, but George told a good story and he predicted this date just before December 21, 2012, so it checked out okay from that evidence alone.

Under this new meltdown to ascension paradigm being proposed to light workers, our role was still to anchor light, but we now needed to discern between the false light and the real organic light.  We were also warned about the GFL, so this was a radical new concept and take on things.  George also warned us that our blue skin avatars’ of the past represented the false light.  Suddenly the wise and sacred words contained in the Bhagavad Gita were to be treated with great caution and concern.  We just needed to be centred for this great transition to a sun.  Light workers now understood that what unfolded here would affect everything in the multiverse.  We were no longer just saving ourselves, but we were now saving everything. It was our role to lead all the races of the multiverse into the big black void of nothingness without a plan.  Suddenly we were ascending once again and it was going to be a beautiful thing.

Many light workers began to fear the earth transmuting into a star and ended up in a place of fear.   We were worried about the potential pain one might experience while igniting into a star. Would it damage our flower gardens and new curtains on the windows? We wanted to know if there would be pain in those last few minutes as we bubbled down into a pool of man oil and transmuted into our light bodies via one last violet puff of smoke.  We concluded it would likely only sting a little at first and then our life as a real ascended star being would begin. We only needed to be centred and not handle flammable liquids during this time.

1. Blossom Goodchild and Ashtar Command Announce World-Wide First Contact Date of October 14, 2008

This galactic paradigm is the number one of all time.  It may not have had the best creative script writing or video graphics like Jupiter Ignition and many other productions did at this time, but the hope placed around this historic event unfolding on the internet was the most intense ever.  It came at the right time when 2012 just seemed too far away for an impatient new age community of truth seekers.  By 2008 the light worker community was once again flooded with hope.  No one had a cup of coffee in the morning without reading at least one weekly update.  If a weekly update was missed information withdrawal would set in and often light workers would panic and wonder what happened to the channeler.  In late summer of that year light workers received the most historic galactic message of all time.  

It was the long awaited first contact announcement directly from the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL).  Every light worker still gets a lump in their throat and tears in their eyes when they remember back to the image of Ashtar in a classical mudra prostration pose with the wall of text full of hope and promises scrolling behind him.  Even though the YouTube video was long taken down, we can all still recall its exact words many years later.  Never before was so much hope generated within the spiritual community.  Those were some the greatest weeks ever spent on the internet and love and light flowed freely to all.  We were flooded with follow up videos from all over the globe confirming this date.  Every popular channel of the time also confirmed this was the date for first contact.   Suddenly the net was flooded with new updates and information on our imminent first contact.

We were finally going to be released from the cabal one more time and millions of galactic ships would appear in our skies.  We were all finally going to live the dream we had yearned for so long.  Salvation was ours and the only thing left to do was have a party.   The internet was abuzz with the excitement of first contact.  Every other popular channeler and internet prophet was concurring with Blossom Godchild’s prediction.  We were going to meet our galactic brother and sisters and ascend together as one big family.  You were not a real light worker if you did not watch that infamous video at least twenty five times.  There was so much hope and love at this time it almost felt like we had the ability to create our own paradise on earth without all the promises from others we never met.

When this date failed to deliver all the promises another great wave of disparity flowed over the earth.  Light workers lost their innocence on that fateful day and we were never the same again.  Every, reptilian, gray and lower dimensional being in the multiverse feasted of our emotions of despair and hopelessness once again.  We had put so much faith into this date that when it did not occur it took light workers many months before they were even able to even consider a new date for our ascension.  The pain was deep and this was another dark time on the internet.

Current Status:  The cabal clones threatened action if this happened.  Apologies were made and all was forgotten and swept under the galactic fail rug. 

The later years

After the historical day of December 21, 2012 came and went the years just seemed to tick over and it was no longer fashionable to give out dates.  All new ascension dates that came forward since then were ridiculed and never supported. The first wave of light workers eventually hit information overload by reading too many channelings and watching far too many YouTube videos.  When Gaia failed to become a star in 2013 light workers drifted aimlessly and many could not even read the repetitive weekly updates full of empty promises anymore.  The level of discernment increased tremendously as many began to fully activate their discernment chakras.  As we approached the year 2015 light workers sort of drifted alone in a bardo between the two worlds.  By this time, old channelers began to quit and flounce all over the internet. On the outside world, the old east vs. west and Islam vs. Christianity duality game played on, but light workers were now far too wise to fall for this age old trick again. 

Light workers no longer accepted new ascension dates at this time and now we patiently wait for THE EVENT.  This is a day of no dates or empty promises and its scope is undefined. The tricky cabal and archons would never hold back the spiritual community again from the real mission.  We were no longer going to be etheric milk cows whose emotions of despair and hopelessness could somehow be harvested by lower dimensional entities after each failed promised date.   We suddenly realised that the vessels or bodies we lived in were already perfect, and the indwelling eternal soul was always fundamentally pure.  All these distractions were just a sideshow to keep us distracted from this truth during a time of great transition.

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  • Here it is in a nutshell.  How can anyone who fashions themselves as a "light worker" read through all this and not feel like an idiot at the end of the read?  "Hope springs eternal in the heart of a fool" - sound familiar? 

    Don't think it does not pain me to come to this realization - especially since I have been "sharing" all this over the years with anyone who would listen to me.

  • ~Angry?… Not in the slightest, Tsong. Simply making an observation. As for ole Sheldon? I have no deeper investment in his story, than I do in anyone else’s, who’s seeking to decode the fading veils of duality. Information of this kind, is just information; until it isn’t. Pieces of the multidimensional puzzle, if you will. Nothing more, nothing less. Ultimately, like the 7 billion souls of our fellows on the Gaian Matrix, Nidle is merely sharing his experience… how, or why, it may resonate for any individual, is of course relative to their own discernment. It goes without saying that he has been as inaccurate as any other Channel in New-Agey circles, regardless of the ‘technology/chip’ he uses… & I suppose, for those who have laid all of their faith & hopes in these kind of messages (ultimately a tiny fraction of people, mind you), it may be disconcerting? I just choose not to personalize any of it; never have… all of the data that ‘one’ may encounter in their personal ’story’… & I mean, ALL of it… are ultimately tools for Spiritual Navigation. Sheldon is merely one shard of a beyond complex picture… like you, me, or anyone; he has his ‘role’ to ‘play.’ As the illusions of ‘reality’ continue to dissipate, one ‘fact’ remains: no one knows exactly how the full Glory of the emerging paradigm will manifest. No one! In the interim, Humanity is still enmeshed in Maya; & that includes you, Tsong ;-) That’s what makes these times so exiting! ~InLight555



  • Ha! Ha! Ha! thank you Tsongkhapa...they say that the best medicine for longevity is a good are adding to my lifespan! And as a bonus you speak the truth...with humour!

  • I hear you my friend...but as you know it the TRUTH will remain the TRUTH no matter how bad people are fighting or denying it...

  • what do you mean?

  •  pretty much ... ;))

    our attachments may eventually become our "anchor" ... "drowning" is never a pleasant thing

  • Tilopa’s six words of advice … ;))

    Don’t recall – Let go of what has passed

    Don’t imagine – Let go of what may come

    Don’t think – Let go of what is happening now

    Don’t examine – Don’t try to figure anything out

    Don’t control – Don’t try to make anything happen

    Rest – Relax, right now, and rest

  • smile means smile ... ;)) on internet it means ... 'i come in peace' ... ;) ... double smile means - emphasizing it ...

  • here you go again Tsongkhapa ... ;)) - being serious ...

    i get your frustration, but people are lazy to work on themselves, they talk a lot and when they stop they go back to their normal 'nonsenses' ... i don't want to experience Shakyumuni bliss, i want to experience my own, cause i am not Shakyumuni ... i rather stumble a lot, have regrets, make mistakes and call them mine, then live my life like somebody else ....

  • what do you mean being like 'me' ... ;)) are you saying that i am 'stupid' and 'incompetent' to discern between right and wrong? ... ;)) you have mentioned that you are spiritual teacher, well like so many saying here i woke up in 1986 and being found and though by spiritual master ... and it's gets really boring to explaining myself ... if you didn't get my comments that's your challenge not mine .. maybe you should read them again ... ;)) who knows new day and all ... ;)) just don't take yourself too seriously Tsongkhapa ... 99% of misunderstandings come from that simple act ... and remember you are still a mortal  just like the rest of us ... ;)) - and i am 'hurt'... ;))  i actually enjoy intelligent conversations ... 'small debate' about life ... guess i was wrong ... oh well

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