We return! Your world continues in transition mode between theold and the first intimations of the new. Many on your world who areinvolved with implementing these changes want so badly for every littlething to go right. However, it is more important in our eyes to just goforward and make the necessary corrections as needed. Our Earth alliesare getting some sound advice on this matter from our Agarthan cousins,and we are making sure that initial implementation is carried outswiftly and successfully. What is being done is truly unique in yourrecent history, but what is vital here is to know when to act and whento let go of what you have so diligently created. Our liaison teams areconvinced that the moment has arrived for this bold action, and we arefully prepared and ready to set in motion the moves which will manifestthe new financial system and the many new temporary governments. Thesenew governments are an essential precondition for disclosure, and it isdisclosure that is so important to the completion of this first contactmission.Disclosure is a formal announcement that is to happen with muchfanfare once the financial, monetary, and governmental restructuringpolicies are proclaimed and expounded upon by the interim regimes. Wesee this phase taking approximately 10 to 14 days. Once these subjectsare fully explained and implemented, these regimes can move on to thesubject of disclosure. Disclosure requires about two to three days ofpublic announcements and open press conferences given by severalcabinet posts in the new governments. Included in these discussionswill be the revelation of the existence of Agartha. Your Inner Earthfamily can then be part of the global broadcasts that we intend tocarry out after the formal disclosure event is completed. Thesebroadcasts will introduce us to you, and then branch out to cover allaspects of the first contact scenario. This will be supported andenhanced by open flyovers of our craft and by several joint broadcastsfrom the new governments and ourselves.After disclosure and the accompanying broadcasts, we intend toaccelerate the work of your governments in bringing forth our varioustechnologies. Our plan is to provide all of you with a replicatingdevice and to complete the distribution and training-phase within onemonth from the start of this project. Our training-phase will includespecial videos that will accompany the devices. No other type ofprogramming except for these videos will be shown on your televisionsets until our technicians confirm that you are fully conversant withrunning a replicator. We need to be very sure that these devices are notoperated improperly; failure to comprehend the operating parameterswill result in repossession, as this Light technology must not beabused. It is important to get this first step in the technologydistribution right, as it is to be followed swiftly by even moreadvanced concepts and devices once the consequent responsibility ofLight technology use is fully integrated into your collective mindset.The period immediately following first contact is about yougetting to know us, and about us getting to know you. Your world isbeing prepared to accept a new reality, and our role in this is to showyou that this new reality no longer excludes your space, Inner Earth,and heavenly families. You will be given the opportunity to prepareyourselves for a level of consciousness that you can presently barelyenvision, and as such we have a daunting task before us. This is thereason why it is advisable to get started on this process rather thanto continue delaying the inevitable. Our liaison teams are firmlycommitted to making this transition period as smooth as possible, andour Earth allies have the considerable resource of our Agarthan cousinsin their midst. All of us ardently wish you to forgive and forget yourmindless worries and plunge boldly and confidently into this excitingnew time in your history! Here you will discover that the final stepsto full consciousness have been taken, and that all that remains is touse your new world view to forge a wondrous new life for Earth'shumanity!Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day withgreat news! The time to manifest your new reality is upon us! Ourassociates have begun a final procedure that will bring forth theprosperity fund deliveries. This operation also leads to newgovernments and the special broadcasts by the new American presidentwhich will bring into being a new global monetary and financial system.The news of the precious-metals-based currencies signals the start ofmonetary stability for the American dollar and the coming-on-line of abasket of comparable currencies that are to be the bellwether forglobal prosperity. Added to this is, of course, the worldwide debtforgiveness program. These programs are only the beginning of manyothers that will institute the new prosperity promised by Heaven. Yourrole in this is to support this spread of abundance with the plethoraof monies that will be distributed to you.This cascade of money is being given to you to seed abundance inyour world, thus helping to banish one of the major sources of lack andlimitation in your present reality. We encourage you to follow theletter of our intent and bring prosperity to everyone! This will be avery rapid process which will be further accelerated by the disclosureof our space and Inner Earth families. Together with Heaven and its vastrealms, the Galactic Federation is to be a prime instrument ofconsciousness change. Once your material privation is solved, the nextstep for you is moving into conscious oneness with your fellow humansand forming an inner link that can sustain Gaia and her diverseecosystems. In doing this, you are emerging from limited consciousnessand beginning to accept your ascension to full consciousness. At thispoint, you have reached the moment of your metamorphosis.Your metamorphosis is a very special Heaven-sent event. Long agoin the latter days of Atlantis, experiments were carried out whichreduced humanity to its present levels of limited consciousness,eventually resulting in a group of 15,000 humans who were trained to be'pets' of select members of the Atlantean ruling clans. This projectwas overtaken by a cataclysm that sent the remnants of their homelandsto the bottom of the ocean. Your ancestors were kept in a speciallaboratory with the capability to function as a large ship, if need be.And so they survived, and were eventually distributed around the planetby the Anunnaki. Now, after 13 millennia and several global cataclysmslater, you have multiplied to almost 7 billion, and are set to returnin triumph to your former selves and reunite with your long-lostgalactic relatives.Today, we continued our messages which are preparing you for theevents leading to first contact. They include the lead-up to disclosureand our own series of broadcasts telling you about first contact. Afterwe land, the schedule of events prior to your metamorphosis is to begreatly accelerated. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply andnever-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! SelamatGajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, ElDorado Hills, California 95762 USAVoicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address:www.paoweb.com

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  • this full video comes out on 11/11/11
  • This Plan is Brilliant!.. Uriel say that Earth was delivered to intergalactic Councils March 7th 2011, so it is much in the air now. lol. I believe this plan can work out.
  • Wonderful message! I believe with all my heart that all of this will happen, well, at least most most of this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             We shall be united!
  • My thoughts on this weeks PAO update are that none of what's being described in terms of political and economic change is verifiable when it should be. And I've caught people claiming to be GFL/PAO reps and their associates spreading disinfo so many times, and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is disinfo, that the PAO and GFL have a huge credibility deficit from my perspective.

    The only way that something like what's being described could manifest on this planet in my opinion, would be via a military coup. Because it could never be gotten through the legislative and judicial process. And if a military coup were attempted, it in all likelihood would quickly dissolve into violence and civil war.

    What I do find encouraging, is the gradually improving tone of the PAO updates, from whoever is providing Mr. Nidle with his information, being in a bad mood and unhappy, to being in a good mood and happy. So I'm hopeful that when the time comes for completing my revised transportation arrangements for traveling up to the ships to meet and talk about the future of our civilization, that my request will be approved, and my trip will successfully complete without incident.

    • SC

       You think that our friends read these posts? I do! They see everything my friend.

      It's ok to question. We all have questions that need answering. Not all of them can be answered for our friends safety. The time will come for that in the mean time I'm going with what my heart says to me. My heart says LOVE everyone and everything. Trust your instinct and go with that.

      Peace be with you SC and hope your wishes all come to light.


      Love and Light

  • Great post but now I am more confused than ever!  If we are to ascend to 5D, then what do we need with money, whether it is gold backed or not.  Money seems very 3D to me, and just because people all have piles of money, how does that equate with previous posts that said that we should all go to GLF "chambers" to have something done to us to make us ascend easier.  This post almost to me sounds more like a groundwork for a new world order where a new president will be the boss and many new leaders calling the shots, and it will business as usual.  Did I get my wires crossed?  Aren't we supposed to be ascending or is this just the set up for the people that do not get to ascend, as many posts have pointed out that not everyone will ascend.  I am just totally confused now.  can someone set me straight.  I also thought of the same question that Draco posed about regime changes. Will it be by overthrow and with power, how will it come about? Sounds like coup to me.  Also it seems that it will be left to the peoples of earth to distribute the wealth.  How is it that we will not just end up with the same delema of some having most of the money while others will have less if it is left for humans to seed the wealth as this post implies.  It seems that it is going to more of the same just with more money available.....Greed is a very human trait so how is it that suddenly there will be no more greed...I cannot picture it frankly....some people are always going to think they are more deserving than someone else.  What happened to the idea that we will either meet some natural disaster or ascend with or without the GLF "ascention chambers"..what about the harvesting of the souls that the GLF talks about?  Am I the only one who is confused?
    • I'm with you Marique.. it almost sounds like a variation of project blue beam.. instead of an alien invasion.. its full 'disclosure' with a new president (or the so called 2nd coming) ...and we want to work with u so pls step in our little chamber and receive your 'Mark' which will help you ascend. Also, i am quite sure theres a difference between Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light.. they are groups from different star systems with different agenda's.. everybody keep your eyes, ears and hearts open.
    • The most important thing to remember, is that due to the current structures of limited consciousness and the deliberate elite restrictions upon access to wealth and plenty, for the majority of earth humans, the CRITICAL role of Earth Guardianship is being sidelined....and that stewardship of the planet needs to be karmically balanced....Thus, before ancient souls qualify for ascension, they must all demonstrate Earth Guardianship skills, by cleaning the pollution, worldwide, on land, sea and in the air...

      That can only happen IF they are all free and wealthy and motivated...

      Thus abundance and the new money, increases purchasing power ten fold....Thus, individuals and groups will be able to devote time to the planetary cleanup, as all their day-to-day needs will be met, without having to go to a 9 to 5 job for a pittance in return...as per the norm...

      Thus, spending time to learn the use of aetheric energy technologies that can dematerialise pollutant particulates from the environment...A simple atomic structure identifier and removal of those pre-defined undesirable substances...also plutonium, uranium and more dangerous toxins...

      SOooooo...having completed their PROPER Earth Guardianship role, for the first time in millennia, the great mass of earth humanity, will then qualify for ascension....

      So these steps are necessary under divine law, as they demonstate good will in action....Thus burn off the karma of centuries...

      Then we can bring in the Elohim to make the transition complete..after the cleanup....


      Sheer poetry....  ;-)


      • Thank you Kelly and Drekx, after reading your replies it does make sense so much more to me.  I am normally a kind of paranoid person due to my life experiences, so I have to stop and think sometimes.  I guess I am not the only one who wonders what the future will bring as nothing is written in stone.  I just have to remain optimistic and hope that my discernment does not let me down when I need it the most.  Sometimes I admit that I panic and see shadows that spook me, so I have to bear that in mind.  As long as I stay in LOVE mode and have love for all that I should be ok.  Got to stop thinking I am going to know all the answers for openers because I don't know squat but will understand more when it is the right time.  So I will go with what I do know, Love for all and unity. Thank you for replying, it helped.
This reply was deleted.

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