
THE PURPOSE & MISSION OF THE GFL IS TO HELP FULFILL THE PROPHETIC REALIZATION OF THE DIVINE WILL OF HEAVEN........Which is to bring all of physical creation within this galaxy and eventually others, into light polarity....such that physicality becomes a perfect mirror of Heaven and not an imperfect mirror, as has been the case...

This desire for perfecton is the stated intent of spiritual evolution....such that creation and creator become perfect reflections of each other and thus become self-realised at cosmic levels. It is the intent of Lord Surea who is representative of PRIME CREATOR within this galaxy....


This mission will require that not only will Earth require to ascend to 5th dimensional expression, but all of the former dark empires too, such as those of Draconis (Sigma, Theta and Alpha) as well as the Orions (Mintaka and Belatrix) and Zetas (Reticuli,) be fully polarised to the light, also....

So all the darkest corners of this galaxy prophetically become lighted and aligned with the sacred will of Lord Surea, the great being who oversouls this entire galaxy, including it's physical aspects.....Surea is a galactic correspondence to Sanat Kumara on Earth, a Logoi.


The Galactic Federation of Light is the full title in English and is often shortened to "Galactic Federation," in common useage on Earth...It serves the divine will across many planes, including the physical plane.

There is just one GFL and there is no seperate organisation, nor "split," as some false channels may suggest.

This LIGHTED UNION is an instrument of divine will and IN NO WAY INDEPENDENT of that divine will....And when I use the term, I'm referring to the carrying out of the divine Plan, in accord with a prophecy for this "Milky Way" galaxy, that there would be a complete return of all physicality to the LIGHT.

The Lighted Union or GFL is an instrument of the higher will of the Galactic Logos...aka Lord Surea, who decreed that his divine will be unfolded by his agents within the Great Blue Lodge of Creation, presided over by Lord Aescapulus of the Council of Nine.

So the political centre of the GFL is the Vega system and the spiritual centre is the Sirius B system.

There is no greater "Federation" within this Milky Way Galaxy...and no rival to the GFL, which is 4 million (sol) years old.

For aeons the only real rival to the GFL was the Anchara Alliance, centred within the Orion star constellation sun, Bellatrix and it's allies within Alpha, Sigma and Eta Draconis former star empires...

With the treaty of Anchara, signed by both rivals (GFL-AA) in the earth year 1994 AD, that galactic war ended....and those former adversaries, including their allies, the Anunnaki, are now allied to the GFL...

Also I would like to clarify that there is no such thing as a "Galactic Confederation of Worlds." which is based on an approximation used in the fictional Star Trek TV series...


There are federations within the greater GFL, such as the Plejaren Federation.....But there are many false channels confusing the issue and pretending that the GFL and GF are different, when they are, in actuality, the same.


Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for "be blessed in the love and joy of spirit...!")


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England sector)


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  • To assist member understanding I've again be asked to re-clarify what the GFL actually is....The message can sometimes be misunderstood and the Sirians are keen that people everywhere will one day be fully aware of their galactic heritage and the cosmic gifts pertaining to it...It is a birthright of every surface earth human to become fully-fledged members of this forthcoming star nation and through it, the wider Galactic Federation of Light.

    ACC members are asked to kindly tell their friends and families of this matter, which is of great importance in allowing a destined planetary advancement, to procceed seamlessly.

  • Hello's good to see you here...although I'm sorry to see you receiving a swearword from Alejandro...


  • Thanks for your likes, Jana, Sanin and Hellen....I have re-opened this discussion, if anybody wants to place comments again.... ;-) Feel free dear friends...

  • I have some questions! (not trolling/hate/etc intended)

    Why haven't the GFL extended to other galaxies?

    Can the human race form it own group? or will it always depend on the GFL?

    Did other races were like us once, and were helped by the GFL?

    Do the GFL use some kind of monetary/economy system like the one they want to implement on earth?

    Why the conflict with the "Anchara Alliance" even started?

    Why aren't they helping the human race in matters that people would consider more important, but do help in other events of not so much importance? How do they decide? Why they don't ask us?

    • Outstanding questions Solarkid! 


      I also look eagerly forward to the answers.  I would love to hear about (and directly from the other races, which of course will not happen) that  they have helped.  I mean when you are thinking of hiring a contractor to do work for you, you would always want to find out what others thought of their workmanship before investing in a company to do work for you and before you would give your money to someone to do the work. Whenever I am getting work done on my house or yard, I always check references, the Better Business Bureau, the scam sites and look and investigate thoroughly and also always get three estimates before getting a job done.  So of course it would be nice and also prudent to see what other races they have helped thought of their help.  Makes total sense to me seeings how everyone is so ready to hand the "keys to the planet" without any references and just on their say so via channeled messages, dreams and visions and ancient writings from people dead for many years....I would NEVER ever hire a contractor because someone told me they heard talking in their head saying that the contractors were great or read something in a book written by someone who I could not ask if it was true that said the contractor was good....I did get my roof done one time without doing my homework and a day after the job was done the roof leaked like a sieve and the contractors rode off into the sunset with my money that took me three years to save up! Lesson learned the hard way! The stakes for humanity are so much much more.


      I especially would like to know all about the successes of a monetary system that they advocate for earth too...but we will never know will we?.....Mankind and money are an absolute formular for disaster.  I am assuming that any "advanced" race has figured out a superior way of life, but the GLF talk about Nesara being an answer to all our financial woes which is all about MONEY....that concerns me.  Humans are inherantly greedy...What better way to make a species dependent and grateful and compliant is to offer them MONEY on a platter.  This concerns me and makes me really wonder.

      And why indeed don't thy ask us, instead of telling us "look we know what is best for your species, we will take care of the details, rely on us".  That alone disturbs me.....I remember my kids growing up teaching ME that I could not and shouldn't fix everything that was wrong or distressing in their lives, they had to make their own mistakes and learn their lessons, and I should not rescue them or make excuses for them or fix situations for them all the time. They used to really get mad at me for intervening because they wanted to deal with things in their own way.  It was a hard lesson for me to learn and I never really got it right....Sad on looking back because the more I rescued them, the lessons they needed to learn for their own adult survival were not learned.  I did them no they struggle to learn and I watch them fall and all I can do is love them and catch and help them and suggest things, but they have to learn for themselves.  I had to learn to LISTEN to them and see what they wanted and how they felt and that it was not all about me.  I feel guilty that by my overbearance I had ultimately made them so depend and defenseless in life dealing with life's realities and I feel so much remorse and guilt.  So it would be nice if the GLF would ask for our input on things in this world (which is ours and not theirs) (yet?)....I don't hear them asking any questions of humanity...and asking how we feel about things. Whats up with that?

      • I could EASILY provide answers to every one of his questions......BUT, seeing how you, Marique, have decided to place a spin on this thread, which is somewhat negative, I choose not to...

        Remember that answers are only provided, when students are ready to receive them.....anything else is bad timing on the part of the teacher....

        When you can visit my threads in joy and contribute with less of a chip on the shoulder, you might even receive some gems of responses from me.... ;-)



  • Yes, sometimes the media do report such events, as happened in 1983, with News of the World, the former sunday paper...This was under a FoI request in the US, but was nevertheless spun by the paper into a more confused presentation...Yet, still interesting it made a headline at that time..


  • Thanks MoL and Kate....awesome words....!! Cheers, Drekx

  • Powerful quote Kate... thank you for  b e i n g  You 






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