by ARI
“Who are the 144,000 people mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapters 7 and 14?”
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by ARI
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…
Apathy and ignorance is a tool for evil.
You forget the evil aspect.. the shadow government,and their hoodlums..and their plan for NWO..
They are set in stone to drive that through, and it will come to a confrontation. There are as we know plenty of people that live in ignorance and apathy,and destruction. As it is now, they tip the scale. To the negative. Theyre not gonna help. They are evils willing and unwilling tools for destruction. The great golden age will first come for those that are not living and participating in destruction and chaos anymore. Those that do, have to be removed. or it will not come. Because no evil and no destruction is allowed on the new planet earth. It is promised that way. So, where will all the other go? they stay in 3D. But there are requirements,to come to the new earth. No evil and no destruction. which is the laws. journal 27
Anything outside the laws are at best described as unbalance/evil.
So it will just not come without any upstanding with the evil and a final put to place for lucifer and his hoodlums. And the ones that go with him,willingly or in apathy.(unfortunately)
So, just floating away and next day were in la la.... no. but as above.
that attitude, we dont have to do anything because it will come and we just have to wait, have been tricked and fooled by evil. and new age. we are responsible for what we do,say,think and feel. we are responsible for what we do to planet earth,and if we take action and do something or sit on our flat. If we dont, we are not going to be made to forget that from Creator Source.
that is simply wishful thinking. i wouldnt want that on my conscience. the apathy must stop. we are all RESPONSIBLE.
Its time we unite. and DO something.
Call on angels to protect you.
I'll show you how.
You have to pray to a higher power.
Don't be proud about where you stand try to go up even further.
For some it is jesus
For some mary
for some Krishna Buddha Allah or if you dont know what to call it--- it could be just an
unnameable presence
Oh yes. The star-ship with the fantastic food and the magical shower-rooms.
I love your mug, LOL.
do not get obsessed with virginity in any form or manner.
it can only happen effortlessly.
be your true self and observe your thoughts.
99 per cent book of Revelation is just a metaphor.... think about ???
Our dream like life is but a metaphor for our spiritual journey.
yeah too bad he also doesnt realize revelations was written about 1st or second centruy rome, and has nothingn whatsoever to do with this millenia.
The world is on the brink to mass destruction, and you are free to ridicule, but it does not change the fact,how the world looks like. Chaos and destruction. Do you think it has come by itself? I dont think so. And it will not go away by itself,either. If people dont come together and do something it will be total destruction. And you will be the responsible in front of Creator Source for have destroyed planet earth.