The information they are looking for is a CIA trap and will be used to try and eventually shut your site down! DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP!

Warn other Site Owners away from it!

Look at the info they are looking for!

There is no way I am going to have this site put on a list of sites for the CIA or whoever to restrict!

A lot of those sites have already done so and are going to be 'captured there!'

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  • Hi folks, Hi Charles, thanks for the reply to my thoughts. Yes indeed, raising our vibrational energies is the key. Don't get me wrong, it's ok to know about all these shenanigans and systems of slavery we are currently experiencing, though if it puts us into a state of fear, panic or hopelessness, then it is doing the job the so called dark ones intended. Because in this state of fear we are easily manipulated to hate, judge, etc. when ultimately it is the systems that have been foisted upon us in various ways that are the enemy, not any living being. There are no living beings you could remove or assassinate that would change the living conditions of humanity. Only changing the systems and the belief in them can change that.

    And as far as this wikileaks thing, who knows and does it really matter. One is either awake enough to think for themselves or they will believe more lies and partial lies. I've heard something to this effect said before, 'if you have to ask the question, you'll never know'. This tells me that if you need another being to tell you your truth, you'll always be deceived, for ones truth comes from within and the rest of this illusion is created to help awaken that truth in us all.

    peace love light

    • Well Said VioletRay!  but it is hard to just not do anything. 




  • Hi Charles, thanks for sharing your perspective. I as well know full well the shenanigans of these ones and the systems they have come up with over time. Though I have to come to some rather simple conclusions to the whole seemingly complicated mess. We are always given the choice to choose FEAR OR LOVE. It may sound naive and/or simple minded, though I think it is that simple, based on the experience of my life thus far. Of course, I give all respect to others perspective, as if I did not, what would be the point of us all having separate physical bodies and such. Though, let's stop and think for a moment how a young, innocent child fairly free from the conditioning of this world would think. This may give us some clues as to what is closer to the real me or you. What I'm getting at, is that knowing all these so called diabolical acts and plans from the past, present or future mean nothing and exist to distract us from being who we truly are, pure unconditionally loving beings. I know it may seem as though we need protecting, though that is another illusion. Fighting, warning, shame, guilt, revenge, anger, fear, blame all carry a very similar vibrational energy that results in certain experiences. Even voting or signing petitions is abdicating ones power to another. Peace and love is what it is, it is of a vibrational energy that does not entertain such lower energies and if it does, it has lowered it's resonance for whatever reason to experience it for a time. Though one can raise their vibrational energetic frequency resonance and still be among others of lower frequency, though it usually results in conflict or the other removing themselves from such energy or they start to resonate with you and harmony is achieved hopefully for awhile. I'll be the first to admit, it's not easy to grasp these simple concepts when within this forest of fear of this world, though I can see some on this forum seem to understand it to different degrees as are we all. And believe me I'm experiencing it in my life even now, the fear energy in others that wishes to have conflict with me, though it seems to be less and less as the days pass.

    This may not seem like an applicable analogy or example, though I think it's novel. All the limitation people have accepted in this world is for the most part caused by this fear energy and to some extent ignorance, though could still be attributed to the fear energy. Now Imagine this world and everything and everyone inside of it, is nothing more than a virtual reality game and that the only way one can be in their individual power, as who and what they really are when not in the virtual game, is to embody pure unconditional love. Now compare this objective to everything we've been conditioned to think or taught since our so called birth. If this doesn't say it all, I don't know what will.

    peace love light

    • You have a point, I know that they want us to be in a state of fear, but I am not going to give them the satisfaction of that. It isn't easy being in a state of unconditional Love, or stopping fear. but I do what I can.  People have to refuse to go along with what is going on.  If we could have the whole soul within the body, they could never hurt us.  They would be unable to do anything against us.  This is why we should all be raising our vibrational frequency.  Balance their hate with our Love and their greed with our Compassion.



      Love and Light


  • I don't want any religion to dominate another,  Though Islam would not hurt America as such.  It may harm Israel as American Israel's bidding always that is because all the top posts within the USA are held by them.

  • Reason Magazine has a good analysis on the wikileaks issue and what it might lead to going in the future. 


    Link Here



    • It link worked today!!  Thank you Silent Observer.




    • Link is not working.

      Sorry I couldn't see it.

  • ...if extraterrestrials are working with China...then for sure they are not positive.... lol...

    ..in fact..if any group of ET's. are working with any government/nation here on Earth... then, they are not the positive ones...

    • Oh!  From what I know, these ones are the good ones!    Generally when ETs work with Govnernments it is bad, but not the ones working with the Chinese government.




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