
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Forgiveness and Release are a major way in which we purify in preparation for ascension to 5th dimensional consciousness.  As we do so, it is helpful to understand our Soul purpose for this incarnation.

Before we incarnated, we—with the help of our spirit guides—created a Soul Contract in which we planned the means by which we would achieve our Soul purpose.  We contracted with other human beings to play particular roles in our life so that we could be sure to learn successfully the lessons we incarnated to learn.  Thus, each individual in our lives who played an influential role—parent, sibling, child, relative, lover, partner, spouse, boss, close friend—all have been in your life for a reason.  The role each played may have been painful or joyous, with many degree-shades in between.

We chose to incarnate on Earth’s plane of duality because suffering is a more rapid way in which to learn.  As long as life flows smoothly, we make few changes.  A traumatic relationship or event stimulates us to meet the challenge and overcome it.  We grow spiritually in the process.  As we look back over our lives, we can see people or events that were challenging, but about whom/what we can say, “I’m so glad that happened or that person was in my life because otherwise I would not have learned all that I did.  In truth, it was the best thing that could have happened!”  These will be the people or events that are a part of your Soul Contract.

If the individual or event played a painful role, it was so we could learn the lessons our Soul desired.  Keep in mind that we also are playing a particular role in their lives as well.  While they help us learn, we are assisting them to learn their lessons.  Most, if not all, of this role playing is performed from the subconscious level.  We cloak ourselves in forgetfulness when we enter the plane of duality.  Few remember anything about the Soul Contract, although we frequently recognize an individual upon meeting.  We say, “I feel like I have known him/her all of my life.”

A great way to evaluate our lives … to forgive and release the actions of others … is to study your Soul Purpose … consider all those who played a role in helping us achieve that purpose … understand that had they not played that role we may not  have attained the goals of our Soul.  Once we understand the vital role each played in our lives, we realize THERE IS NOTHING TO FORGIVE.  Instead, we want to thank them.  Remember, those who played a painful role LOVED US ENOUGH TO DO SO.

Your Soul Purpose is revealed by the astrological sign in which your Sun is located.  This location is determined by the date of birth.  Find your Sun sign below … use the information to look back at your life … consider all the major persons/events in your life.  As you do so, you will find that your life has unfolded in a constructive manner, regardless of the ways in which it did so. 

Success = achieving your Soul Purpose

Contrary to what our world teaches us, success is not based on your status in the world.  To achieve success in the world’s eyes is not why you incarnated.

You incarnated to successfully complete your Soul’s purpose.

8109037672?profile=originalAN ARIES INCARNATION (March 21-April 21) is an important lifetime.  It offers opportunities for establishing a strong sense of ego-identity; for learning to set boundaries; and, by learning to use the intellect and intuitive mind, to develop a sense of separateness as a unique human being.  What is initiated in ARIES will be the basis from which the soul expresses for the next eleven incarnations       through the zodiac.  During the ARIES incarnation, the soul experiences inner resourcefulness and self-reliance.  It is an opportunity to learn that the I AM is the SELF.  A balance between polarities, ARIES & Libra, can be achieved through building a lasting, happy marriage or partnership.  ARIES learns how to move forward, even if it is through a dark tunnel.  Optimism is eternal; ARIES knows there is light at the end of the tunnel.

8109038065?profile=originalA TAUREAN INCARNATION (April 21-May 22) offers the opportunity to develop an enlightened value system that transcends attachment to material possessions and persons.  TAURUS learns through experiences with the physical.  The ultimate goal is to infuse matter with Spirit.  TAURUS is seeking a balance between being serious over responsibilities and allowing greed to overwhelm her.  In TAURUS, the instincts and passions are confronted.  There can be a great deal of inertia to overcome.  This inertia can be beautifully transformed into the capacity for outstanding meditative concentration.

8109037885?profile=originalGEMINI INCARNATION (May 22-June 21) is a most important one because GEMINI is attuned to the dualities in life, accepts their existence, and learns to rise above the plane of duality, via the Rainbow Bridge, into the One.  GEMINI, in turn, is to communicate that knowledge with others.  Synthesis of the myriad facts, sought out by GEMINI, into a meaningful whole that can be shared with others is a major goal for GEMINI.

8109038075?profile=originalA CANCER INCARNATION (June 21-July 21) offers the opportunity to get in touch with the feelings and to learn to control and constructively channel emotions into creative and humanitarian endeavors.  CANCER marks the beginning of a new cycle of evolution and the building of a strong inner foundation upon which to base future spiritual evolution.  CANCER is to learn to “let go” all the familiar signposts of security and to move out into the world.  It is an opportunity to develop the qualities of compassion and nourishment.

8109037895?profile=originalA LEO INCARNATION (July 22-August 22) is an important one, for it offers the opportunity to both develop the ego and to surrender the ego to the Self.  This task is vital to the positive ongoing nature of Soul unfoldment.  LEO cannot learn to merge with the Whole until he has awakened to his own unique role as the Part.  For this reason, LEO must go through a stage of development in which he is focused on self/ego.  Creative self-expression is vital to this process.  LEO’s task is self-mastery; LEO’s quest is for Wholeness.

8109037688?profile=originalA VIRGO INCARNATION (August 21-September 22) offers the opportunity to achieve the Christed Consciousness through the synthesis of the lower bodies into a soul-centered means of service to humanity.  VIRGO serves as an expression of self/Self.

8109038254?profile=originalA LIBRA INCARNATION (September 21-October 21) presents the opportunity for the soul to rest before moving into the transformative struggles that characterize Scorpio.  A LIBRA INCARNATION relates to the 7th Day of Creation, a karmic hiatus.  A sense of self has been achieved during incarnations in the first 6 zodiac signs; now a day of rest is permissible.  A LIBRA INCARNATION will focus on relationships, on balancing the personality and the soul while relating to the external world.

8109038085?profile=originalA SCORPIO INCARNATION (October 21-November 21) is a pivotal incarnation during which she will either progress or retrogress.  Beginning early in life, much past life karma will be resolved, either consciously or unconsciously.  Nothing is frivolous; everything is important to SCORPIO.  SCORPIO is the way out of the personality life—in her, the Way of the Disciple is revealed.  The process of death to the lower self and resurrection into the Higher Self is the path of SCORPIO.  SCORPIO’s struggles will include dealing with past life residue while attempting to reach for the Soul.  She must descend into her depths in order to ascend into her heights.

8109038094?profile=originalA SAGITTARIUS INCARNATION (November 21-December 21) marks the final stage of an alchemical purification.  This process will often begin with an injury to the physical body, especially the hip.  SAGITTARIUS is to evolve from being unable to dismount from his horse (the Centaur) >>> to the Knight who has conquered his animal nature and may now dismount when he chooses >>> to the Knight who rides while aiming his arrow of one-pointed devotion skyward to the source of all Wisdom.  SAGITTARIUS is to become the One-Pointed Disciple whose arrow signifies the shaft of light released from his Higher Mind in order to bring about an expanded awareness in the lives of humanity.

8109037698?profile=originalA CAPRICORN INCARNATION (December 21-January 21) involves the search for dharma, or a mission in life.  Following the initiatory process of CAPRICORN, she is ready to serve humanity—she has earned her place among the World Servers.  The spiritual work accomplished through CAPRICORN must crystallize and be grounded on the Earth.  It involves the correct harnessing of Earth’s resources.

8109038458?profile=originalAN AQUARIAN INCARNATION (January 22-February 21) involves the search for the Holy Grail.  AQUARIUS must go alone, and in his own way, into the dark forest on his search for the Holy Grail.  His journey can be lonely at times.  The work of the AQUARIAN soul is to surrender his will to the Divine Will for the greater good of the Whole.  AQUARIUS is to be the Angel Waterbearer to the whole of       humanity.

8109038658?profile=originalA PISCES INCARNATION (February 21-March 21) involves the search for the inner Castle of Peace.  It is in PISCES that the Victory of Love is to be won.  The meaning of PISCES is found as she learns to take the journey into her creative unconscious, where her spirit is refreshed, where a period of inactivity in the outer world can restore her ability to heal and serve in that outer world.   Time spent in the unconscious—reading, meditating, creating, writing, composing music—is absolutely essential to PISCES’ well-being.  To deny this part of self is for PISCES (more so than the other zodiac energies) to deny her Soul.  PISCES is the sign of rebirth as the Divine Child.

Article source:


You may learn more about your Sun sign at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/astrology/index.htm

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  • Very interesting I am that I am

  • aquarian here, any help? Im am pretty lonely at the moment..., although i desire to have love from other humans i still handle lonelyness verry well.. how can i find the grill?? by letting go? i already meditate every day ...

    still there is somethingwrong that is blocking in my system. Someone has advice for me?

  • Nice writing, but way too simplistic. It's not that it isn't accurate, all were very good interpretations of  the defined energies of the signs. But one must consider all the components of one's horoscope to truly understand what "God's plan" is, and not just the Sun sign placement.

    This is good work, but It's been my experience as an astrologer that omission of the definitions of zodiac placements other than the Sun, Ascendant, and the Moon can have disasterous results when attempting to define one's destiny or work in the present lifetime. 

  • Our BEings and DOings in Duality will bring much to ALL. Our sacrifice will liberate many in moments from now. Ascended masters, creators and co-creators in the earth experiment, ALL incarnates will venture forth into creation and the arms of our sisters, brothers, mother and father to share ....let the good times roll!  :)

  • Thank you Rainbow Star, this great! Love and Hugs!


  • My incarnation upon this time is that of Aquarian. I have searched my whole life for truth, unconditional love and peace. Little did I know,  that which i sought was inside me all along. My sacred heart space, the seat of my soul. I AM ready to surrender to the will of the divine for the good of the whole as ALL is ONE, ONE is ALL.

    Thanks for the share RainbowStar.

    Love and Light to ALL, Lotus

  • Indeed, Nancy, the soul is represented by both the rising and sun signs. The whole birth chart is a blueprint for achieving our soul purposes in this incarnation... Thank you <3

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