
Archangel Michael via Ron Head: On the Horizon

We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses.

This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before. Some will be bewildered by this. Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long.

This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator. You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon.

As with all things, one change will begin several others, and the effect will be like an avalanche. Some of you have begun to feel this approaching. You try to prepare yourselves. Just relax and prepare to enjoy it, dear hearts, for you cannot be prepared for what is in store. Your world will be turned upside down by even one or two of the things you will soon see, and there are more than one or two in the offing.

You feel that promises are made and never kept. We say that there is enough evidence before you already to dispel those feelings if you look around you carefully. But it is of no matter, because very soon those who have the will to see will be unable to deny it further.

Still, we wish you to keep your unceasing focus on the inner change you have initiated and nurtured to this point. It is the driving force for all the rest. Our fondest wish, dearest angels on earth, is that you continue to explore the truth of your beings until you discover the wondrous and divine truth which we perceive in you.

You will walk differently, stand differently, feel differently, and think differently. Can you imagine the world you will create then?
For us, that world is already here, but we speak in your terms in order to encourage you. Be at peace. Be in joy. Be at one and in love with life. We will speak with you again very soon.

Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Source:http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/

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