...short and to the point. Every day now will be more intense than the one before it. You are clearing all remaining trauma and negative beliefs… if you so choose...Release your love of drama(s)...Don’t grab onto them and do the why me thing now. The answer to that is that you must see them, decide to let them go, and release them...Remain centered and bid them good-bye...Remain firmly in your hearts. Your calendars say days, but in the span of your lives, you truly have only moments to go.
Archangel Michael ~ Your Time is Here ~ Feel the Love Around you Now as it Increases in Intensity
Rone Head - Dec.3rd, 2012
As channeled by Ron Head
December 02, 2012
Our message for today will be short and to the point. Every day now will be more intense than the one before it. You are clearing all remaining trauma and negative beliefs… if you so choose. Everything is up to you, dear friends.
Release your love of drama, as well. You do not need it to make you feel alive any longer. All sorts of things are emerging into your awareness from under the rocks in your subconscious. Don’t grab onto them and do the why me thing now. The answer to that is that you must see them, decide to let them go, and release them into the light for the last time. If you dwell upon them, you will only succeed in feeling battered about and they will remain with you to be brought up again, making tomorrow another intense day.

Remain centered and bid them good-bye. That sounds as if it must be too easy, but it truly is the purpose of their arising at this time. You are approaching the finish line, at least for this last leg of your journey. Of course that means that you are entering the starting gate at the same time, but we will discuss that happy occurrence in a few more days.
Look out into your future now. Fasten your minds upon the image you have created of the person you intend to be after this transformation is complete. Do not waver from that intent just to enjoy one more time the little games you have played in your minds.

Remain firmly in your hearts. Your calendars say days, but in the span of your lives, you truly have only moments to go. Rejoice. Hold yourselves in gratitude every moment. Your time is here. Feel the love around you now as it increases in intensity. This is why you came here. This is why you stayed.
We are with you every step of the way. Be at peace and do not worry about the outcome.

We will speak again very soon.
Good day.
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