
Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech

Received by Julie Miller
December 24, 2013

Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with.

The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to.

What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others.

It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

In order for the words you choose to be helpful, appropriate, true and non-harmful, not troublesome, not hurtful or abusive and not to include negative gossip or chatter, its important dear ones to tune into your conscience, listen to your intuition and allow it to be your guide for knowing what to say and what not to say.

It is important dear ones to understand how the words you choose to express to another, either through written or verbal form may affect others.

By not consciously thinking ahead of what you wish to express, more often than not what you intended to express becomes misunderstood.

With your discipline and focused effort to continuously search for ways to improve and enhance your ability to communicate, to bring a greater quality into your speech, the practice speaking and communicating in a non-hurtful way, a way that is moral, sound and compassionate you will discover your vocabulary has increased and your emotional tone in your voice, your facial expressions and body language supports the positive changes you are making to enhance your communication skills.

Being able to speak to others effectively, without bringing harm to others will improve the quality of your life, because dear ones by being able to speak well, you learn about being more focused, you understand the importance of paying attention, you understand the significance of your intentions being good and meaningful.

We often observe how within your family or familiar structures, how many dear souls speak and communicate in destructive and overly reactive ways, making use of anger in their tones.

Anytime you speak to another dear soul in anger, especially one whom you have a relationship with brings poison to that relationship.

It is true dear ones, you cannot ignore your frustrations or anger because in turn they will poison your own inner self.

What is important dear ones when you begin to feel angry towards someone you care and love is to find a middle ground, recognize how you are feeling and why.

When you are feeling angry dear ones, this does mean you need to respond in anger.

You have a choice to allow the anger to pass and remember the feeling of anger or frustration does not describe you as a person, it is just a feeling and it is up to you to determine how long it gets to stay and visit.

By not clinging to the angry feelings, you are able to speak and respond in constructive ways that allows room for the other person to express how they are feeling in a positive way as well.

What we have also observed is how many dear souls love to talk and chatter about anything and everything, but there are few who actually take the time to actively listen.

In order to communicate effectively through speech dear ones, you must be able to listen and know what the other person is saying, and show an interest in what they are sharing.

It is well understood dear ones; the people that like to talk so much will miss many opportunities to get to know the people around them because they only looked at the receiver of their words as an audience.

However for the dear souls who talk too little will miss the opportunity to make themselves known and understood and will not be able to engage in the conversation.

Being conscious during any conversation, even one that is in writing means looking for a balance between your ability to speak and listen.

It also means not being so self-centered and stuck in your own private world that would leave no room for anyone else to share and respond.

When you are consciously aware of your speech and its effectiveness you are also demonstrating that you are in the NOW moment and fully present when you speak and when you listen.

During the time you are speaking, you become aware of the tone of your voice, you are able to determine how emotional you sound, how loud, if your voice or tone demonstrates hostility or compassion and being aware of these things will affect the words you choose to express and the gestures your body uses and the expressions that cross you face will help deliver your intention.

Being present in your heart, body and mind - balancing speaking and listening will help improve the interpretation of the ones that are listening to your words.

Of all the practices that encourage development, not just in your spiritual practices but effects your personal life, being able to speak effectively is one of the most difficult but also the most rewarding when you work on making this area better.

No matter how committed you are to your inner work, when it is time to talk and express yourself, many times what you wish to communicate and the intentions behind your delivery seems to vanish the moment to speak or to respond becomes available.

In order to improve how you communicate, its important dear ones to become aware of your voice as you speak and during the time you are talking.

It is easy to begin being aware of your voice but as your conversation lengthens you forget about being aware and the intentions behind what you wish to express vanishes.

It is increasingly valuable during any conversation that you are part of to remain present, not to wander off or ahead in your thoughts, to be attentive and aware of both your voice, and tone, but also how the other person is receiving your words.

It is important dear ones to spread your awareness into every corner of your life with the understanding how the power of your speech may only light once corner of your life, but it is one of the keys that opens many doors of growth and development opportunities.

Understandably dear ones, being able to speak consciously is more than being aware of the sound of your voice.

It is also being consciously aware of the meaning of the words you are about to choose and bringing your intentions into your actions that speak love instead of having ego-centered motives.

It is well observed dear ones that much of what is expressed between people during conversation or through written responses is judgmental, criticizing and many times houses destructive emotions that will compel you to say things that are hurtful, words that cannot be retracted.

During any time an interaction with others becomes available and if you speak from a self-centered stance, you are thinking everyone is interested to listening to you talk about yourself, while at the same time you offer no pure and honest interest to the people that are listening to you speak.

This kind of action behind your power of speech speaks clearly of your ego and every time you seek attention through your communication by not being interesting or knowing what the other dear soul has to share ultimately feeds your hungry ego.

The less you criticize and hurt others through your words and actions the less critical you are of your own self.

Therefore, the less you talk about yourself, the less you become cornered into your own ego-centered world.

Understand dear ones; your ego can have a very strong hold on you if you allow it so much control. Your ego fears any light of your ability to become more consciously aware of others and how your intentions behind your actions and words impacts your freedom to express and to develop into the peace loving dear soul that we know you are capable of being.

Being able to say what is true and real requires you to be conscious and aware.

Well-chosen words, either through written or verbal form that come from the heart will enhance any relationship and open the doors for new ones to develop, and your ability to speak well deepens the bond between you and the one whom you are speaking with.

Being consciously aware of your intentions and words also includes your ability to speak and to communicate from the entirety of your Self, which means what you feel, mean and say when appropriate and useful you will say what you mean and feel that is heart-felt.

When you honour the other dear soul whom you are communicating with by being aware of their presence, allowing them to actively join in the conversation by listening and being aware of certain cues from them and by being aware of your own intentions, voice and words you are honouring the kindness of the other dear soul as well as your own.

Making room for others dear ones by listening and by being fully present in speaking and listening will bring peace, calm and pleasure in any interaction.

I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller


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