


  -  I am the wind and the rain. Iam the sun and all that shines. Iam the All of All-ness. Iam the Nothing

                                of No-thingness. Iam All That and more.I AM THAT I AM.-


For many centuries,old testaments and prophesies,within Christianity,but also within other religious,

stated that Christ/christ conciousness,is to be the saviour of humanity,leading man to the New Golden AGE.One of the major lessons derived sinse now,is that mastering and ascension,is not an achievement,

based on hard work and personal efforts during life time,but is through self-aguired knowledge,through

many lifes experiense.

   GOD Grace is embodised all creation,transformed to compassion,sympathy and undrestanding,of man,s

actions,as co-creator on Earth,and the human drama on this 3d mode field of experiense.

   What is the action reguired to be taken by man,in order to change or to divert the flow of energies

reguired for balansing circumstanses,and change the flow of events?

  All Ascended Masters and also Cosmic Masters,agree, that Few can make the differense, but many 

  can move mountains and more! Right or wrong,humanity,s expectations,hopes,and dreams,are based

  on  long existing beliefs and deep rooted faith,within Christianity.

  No doubt, that for altering circumstanses,GOD way is the only way,  but how one is perceiving this 

  Way,is a matter of enlightment and wisdom.Finaly,what is giving merits to man,s evolution,and shifting 

  of conciousness,is not what one thinks or he believes deep inside,but his actions.

   Actions are the outpicturing or manifestation of one,s thoughts,believes,and life dreams,and thus,

  is what defines one,s lower or higher self.

  Cosmic Power,the Father,is the moving element,within All Creation.Christ,the Eternal Son,as the

  Manu, represending the purity of ideas-principles,the Second Aspect of Trinity,-Love/Wisdom-,is the

  modivating element within all creation,as co-creator and administrator also of the Universe and All


  In this critical cycle of humanity,s evolution and shifting of conciousness,to higher levels of existanse,

  all energies flows with GOD Grace,within the Sacred Triangle of  Christ/Christ Manu (in the center)  _Spirit of

  Peace_and Avatar of Synthesis.

 CONTINUE Part -2-

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  • Thanks rev.joshua Skirvin and marianinia for the comments.To see or to find our true origin and the Devine,we have to look and search beyond mind,s conceptions,and this depends in our beliefs,and our faith.After the fall,we ,ve been separated from the Devine,living on this 3d mode,or field of experiense,in a world of duality,polarity,negativity.

    A world,although,real,is been defined as the kingdom of Mayia or the world of illusions,as the lower level of the spectrum....What i,m trying to say ,is that ,everything happened here,on this planet,it happened for a reason.

    And we are here,each one of us,for a reason these times.We have to see the challenge,to choose sight without fear,and enjoy our time,the best way we can. 

    Love &blessings



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  • This is very good work and I recognize what is being done here, for I have been working on this principle many times myself; What I believe is being done is this, you are recycling, all Religions are born out of older religions. You have done a wonderful job of interbreeding the old concepts of the christen religion with the more newer and more powerful version of spirituality sometimes refered to as the new age, which by the way was started by Jesus. And speaking of Jesus, I would relate your concept of him as the Man-u in 2nd place, in the UB we would call this Synthesis of the Father MIchael and the human son Joshua ben Joseph the one and only dual origin concept. And the Spirit of Peace, Christens call the holy Ghost is actually the Holy Spirit and yes this Triangle of Christ-ness is actually one Trinity in a Trinity of Trinities in the Master Plan of the Grand Master Universe. I have made a drawing of this GMU ,if you go to my profile here and scroll down or the UB group also on this site you can see and copy the drawing. And I have written a paper on this subject which I also released on this site last year but will do again this yr. By the way, if you understand this stuff then already you are moving up to higher levels of existence. It is all part of Ascension. In other words there will forever be a deeper understanding of all evolutionary life in a ever expanding universe. Other wise it would get rather boring and monotonous  don't you agree. This way we keep it exciting and fun along the way.ADONAI

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** Biz .....................
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