Our thoughts, actions and signature vibrations place us within the frequency bands of our own created reality. The 'gaps' represents the Zero Point – the place of Higher Dimensions above the physical and the influence of the higher Self.
Those on Earth in the lowest vibrations of reality will place themselves in the lower colours which allow little perception of the Divine zero point and Higher Self consciousness.
The Red Band is ruled by aggressiveness, ego, materialism and focused on the strength of muscle and energetic Will to achieve their aims. The individuals here concentrate solely on using their bodies and ego minds within their chosen profession with little thought beyond their immediate needs. This was dominant after the fall of Atlantis, in the time of Empire building and in controlling others.
The Orange Band allows for co-operation amongst individuals, participation in religion, to build communities, to show consideration for fellow man and to appeal to others through the nature of ego, all physical traits but with signs of inspiration filtering through from the higher self. The downside is a need for recognition, pride, power and laziness through the repression of others to do your bidding through domination.
The Yellow Band allows for expanded thought of the physical world beyond the individual, philosophy, mental ability, a time of renaissance, arts, music, inventions and creativity. The ability and development of man beyond mere survival instinct. The negative traits of this create competition, jealousy, sabotage, undermining, power over weak Will and forcefulness over timidity.
The Green Band is the frequency of feelings – an equal balance of physical and spiritual abilities. Balance, compassion, healing – the inner need to achieve a greater purpose, a time of discovery, of achievement, perseverance beyond requirement, to expand the mind beyond the physical consciousness, to consider the needs of all, to help the planet, to care for animals and plants and trees and all things sacred, a time of considering and contemplating the nature of Spirit through the spirit of Nature.
The Blue Band is the frequency of higher communication - the ability and requirement to manifest the voice of Spirit, to bring forth knowledge and wisdom from the higher realms, to make known that which is to become present, to learn from remembering what once was and what is to become. The nature of the blue ray allows connection with all things, of mind communication with all of nature and each aspect of other.
The Magenta Band is the colour frequency vibration of theta waves, these are the brain waves generated whilst in meditation in a deeply relaxed state. This occurs at the point of sensory shutdown when the body's senses are suspended and the mind enters a multi-dimensional vivid holographic state. This Band is now readily available for direct access by all, to allow manifestation of Creation Events to take place and bridge the gap between imagination and reality. The awakened Pineal Gland provides the gateway to illuminate and bring forward the creation of Form and Substance from higher etheric to lower density reality.
As we accept and increase the Divine Light within us, our higher physical vibrations will place us further within the frequency bands where higher self plays a greater role in the decisions and directions we take with our lives. The physical body becomes more a vehicle for Spirit and the survival instinct of the ego takes a secondary place. In the highest bands, the body is filled with light and no longer represents the dense hard material it once was. The skin becomes translucent, the person looks younger and fresher and starts to give off its own radiance. Each individual physical cell is replaced with its twin flame equivalent of a higher vibration, crystallized light cell. All others will feel and see the differences that have taken place.
Those who operate within the higher bands of reality will simply see and feel and experience reality as a completely different world to that of the lower bands. And yet both exist side by side. This is the fact behind the saying that we create our own reality from our thoughts. The transition from third density upwards does not require a solid physical light body – the blueprint remains and takes form on the astral level but the body consists of lower density light rather than of matter in a physical form. The higher self consciousness maintains the vibrational frequency required to remain in this state.
Thank you for this clarification
Ahhh these correspond to the Chohans, fits nicely with my knowledge, but again, you explain it very well, thanks again, Polaris, you do my little scholarly heart good :)