
Stepping outside of your "vehicle"....your is time.




Empty Space......
.......we've been told it's nothing more than an empty parking lot.  A vast void..... a barrier between what we "know" and we do not. "One small step for giant leap for mankind".  And "we" left it at that.... left "it" in the hands of elected officials who sold "us" out.....  who sold us on our own desires.  A golden carrot on a stick that dangles ever so delicately before ALL of our faces.  And when and if you are able to reach out and sample that juicy carrot.... it moves.....and is replaced with a *new* shiny one.  And around-and around we go.....  where we stop?.....God only knows?......well, no....not really.....we ALL knew at ONE time.....but "we" chose to forget....amnesia time is over.... so let's use this "parking lot" analogy and take it ONE step further......ONE step closer to HOME.
When you look out to a vast parking lot,  like that of a shopping mall....  or Walmart, what is it that you see?  You see empty "vehicles".  Can anyone of those "vehicles" drive all by themselves?  Of course not....  they require a driver....or.....a soul.  Our planet Earth....or Gaia is a parking lot of sorts.  In order for us to properly navigate throughout this planet, we get inside of "vehicles" to take us there, in one way, shape or another.  Your body.... the human body.... is "this" vehicle......your soul is the driver.  In order for "us" to properly navigate a 3rd dimensional world and to be able to truly experience all that it has to offer, God / Prime Creator / Source / whatever you wish to call him/her, created a "vehicle" ( body ) for our souls ( light energy ) to occupy..... to "use" when needed.
  However..... somewhere along the way, we  got lazy.  We forgot what it was like to move around and experience "life" outside of our carefully put together vehicles.....which by the way,  over time,  now come with "Warranties" that we ALL pay for.  We all sit inside our shiny new cars ( body )..... windows tinted ( sun glasses )..... music playing ( Ipod ).....skipping over the pot holes in life as our new shiny SUV's, with their upgraded suspensions( latest NIKES ), take care of all the little "bumps".  We honk our horns ( artificial )..... We rev-up our engines ( artificial )......We crank up our tunes ( artificial ).... We squeal our tires ( artificial ) .... all in an effort to only "express ourselves "...... for "we" are all  trapped inside our "vehicles".... and the ONLY way we know how to express anything now is through the use of our artificial gadgets ( latest trend ) that we added to our vehicles.... but just like the carrot.... these gadgets change.... and then change again....all while we are still dancing to the beat coming from our radios with the windows up and the air conditioning on. 
 So much time has passed..... and somewhere along the lines.... somewhere along the road of life... we stopped listening to ourselves.  We chose to follow "signs" along the roadside that told us where to go.....what to do....rules.   What was once meant to be a temporary joy of all expense....... has now become a series of "payments" that never end.  We continually upgrade.....  continually add more "things"( expression ) to our vehicles in a vain attempt to "show-off"..... only furthering our reliance and leading us farther from where it is that we once came.  And just like the "signs" along the road side..... the "road" itself has been laid out FOR YOU.  One taking you this taking you that way.....the "choice"(?) is yours.....all while you continually "feed" your new shiny vehicle a substance that is toxic.....not only to you......but to everyone, including Mother Earth.....Gaia.
Automobiles are made in factories.  They come out empty. Lifeless. One after another.... over and over again.  Some big, some small. Some sporty and fashionable, some hunky and practical.  All made to appeal to your senses.... so you can properly express yourself as you go about you day.  We've outgrown these CARS!  We no longer need this vehicle as a means to an end.  We, as the driver, have decided to finally step out of the prison.....decided to finally place out own 2 feet on the ground and feel the soil for what it is.........ALIVE.  And just how did we do this?......Simple:  We opened the door.....a door thats always been there......but we were so distracted with all of our gadgets ( golden carrots ) that we forgot to even look for a way out...... a door?  Could it have been that simple all along?.........In short, YES.
The 3D matrix that holds together the Giant Factories is falling apart.  Vehicles once mass produced and "sold" to us as superior.... are now falling to pieces.  The music on our radios is BORING..... has been for about 25 years...... ever since New Kids on the Block......the air conditioning is making us sick..... our GPS(?) is telling us a better way to get there..... and the toxic food ( gas ) only gets more expensive.  It is time to finally "park" our "vehicles".... time to step out......and discover what is it like to move around........FREE.
For energy cannot be created or destroyed.....only transferred......"we" are transferring.
...through my eyes......
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