



The most important words in recent history of humanity,shall be considered  Apathy of man and Grace of GOD.

Apathy is related to man,s  attitude and behavior,in respect of of all  socioeconomic,political,and environmental activities,which, in one way or another,  helpful or not in mans evolution,in most levels of experience, and conscious awakening.Apathy is closely related to the world of illusions,the old dream,and paradigm.

Apathy is considered as non-attitude to most important aspects or expressions of the imposed,established,and controlled  by power,deception,money,corruption e.t.c, by the governmental or other  joined  administrative aspects   of the system..

Avoiding or refusing participation,in positive or active ways ,to <what has to be done >,leaves all doors opened  to the controllers and the associated networks,to apply without any hesitation ,their deceptive and corrupted plans.

Apathy  should be taken before the court and so judged?The law of Cause and Effect,is the judge.

Anybody  is subjected to the <provisions> of this universal law, and either is rewarded  or punished,according to

our actions or lack of action,whenever is considered necessary,individualy or as a collective.

Does Light is responsible for non-penetrating in the very dark, empty,mental and mind compartments of the deceptors?

Attached to the dark side,walking within darkness through space and time for long,does this givesThem the privilege,  to seat on,their Father,s Throne,without any hesitation ,and play ,as gods?


Does Grace is for actions ,having no motives or intention,or plan,to oppose GOD,s Devine Plan,or applies  also to the

High  ranks,soulness,evil entities,of the other side?

Actions through unholy motives and intentions,are <punished>,based on cause and effect ,and justice applies according to the possibilities of Light or dark to prevail.See http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/removing-the-cabal...

Harmony and balance in creation ,is based on equality of chanses for action or non-action.,and actions through this law,are either rewarded or punished.   Cosmic laws are for universal  application,and are not subjected to  circumstansial,or subjective enforcement.

Any action taken,which opposes the manifestation of the Devine Plan,or Evolutionary Process,and GOD,s Dream,is

violating Universal Law,and is subjected to the provisions applied thereof.

Ascended Master S.Germain,referred to this issue is suggesding also that.evil or dark entities with the lowest tensity,or whom the source of their light within it seems to have turned off completly,.their essense of existense(their part of That)

is freese within time-space,until the Night of The Creator-pralayia-when everything is return back to the Source of ALL THAT IS. 

On the other side of te river of Eternity,Gods or Deities,through billions of years life experiense,and travelling within Infinite and Eternity,they gained to keep copy of their essense of.existanse and their spiritual Identity,during the Great Night of Brachma,and the disolution of the Phenomenon Cosmos. 




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  • Actions which intentionally,and have motives,and also plan,to oppose God,s Devine pPlan....and in this category are the unholy actions of the Fallen ones,which in our opinion,are not falling within the Grace of God.If these unholy actions,of the fallen ones,are faced as been within the Grace of God,we can imagine what should happen at the end....may be a Kingdom without the possibility of enjoy the Crace of God.

    Actions,without intention and motives,definedly are falling within the Crace of God.

    Regarding Apathy of the collective....i am just raising a guestion,because in some chanellings,they are suggesding,that for everything happening on this planet,we have to blaim the collective,which,in my opinoion,is not true,if we take into consideration,the agendas of the Cabal and their associated Networks,for Earth.So i am not in fouvor of this suggested theory,and put  all and everything in the same basket,for balancing circumstansess.


  • "Any action taken,which opposes the manifestation of the Devine Plan,or Evolutionary Process,and GOD,s Dream,is violating Universal Law,and is subjected to the provisions applied thereof."

     - In my opinion grace should be available for all those who in earnest regret their errors.

    "Any action taken,which opposes the manifestation of the Devine Plan,or Evolutionary Process,and GOD,s Dream,is

    violating Universal Law,and is subjected to the provisions applied thereof."

    Correct me if I should be wrong, but as far as I know and feel god is not a dictator of any kind.

    So I doubt that it was his will to punish all who either conciously or unconsciously act against him.

    I assume god to be loving and tolerant (at least to a certain degree)!

  • "Apathy  should be taken before the court and so judged?"

     - At least I feel guilty in this regard. I respectfully ask my higherself to help me to overcome my current struggle with Apathy. I don't like to continue this way!

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