When the time gets nearer.... in a not too distant day.... the skies will be filled with our presence. Then, you will know the time has come. If you see this, events will become so severe that you are in grave danger as a species.


You will not be able to board the ships unless you come with the High Vibration of Love. The beams will cause harm if you are not in that vibration. Therefore, you CAN NOT be in Fear.


This is why, I have been placing all this uncomfortable information for you all to digest now and perhaps be in some sort of fear mode now, and get it over with. Once you've heard it, seen it, and felt this over and over again, and from different sources here and elsewhere, you will become immunized to the "events", you will come to accept these things and make peace with it. Then you can move into forgiving those that you need to give forgiveness to and come from the Heart. This is the only way to board the ships. This is your ticket, if you so choose.




You will need to use discernment, as in these days there are some ET races that look angelic, and glow with light, that will pretend to be of the Light, of the Command of Light. Let them know you have Free Will and ask them if they serve YHWH - (Yod Hey Vod Hey), and if they serve Sananda, Jesus, The Christ... ask them to say with you Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth. If they indeed serve the Creator and our Leader Sananda, Jesus The Christ, these beings will sing this with you..... This is our salutation on the ships.

And it means: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.


Use this for your protection against all the things that will come to pass and to greet any ET beings on crafts or on the ground. If the beings approaching you in ships are beings who serve the Nartoomid - Limitless Eternal Light of YHVH, they will sing this back to you.


Say the Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tseybathoh over and over again - to create a forcefield of protection. Say it as constant praying, as a mantra. Say it unceasingly, under your breath. Let it be constantly in your thoughts while you're driving, thinking, contemplating.... It raises your vibration and allows you to stay anchored in the heart and be without fear.


It creates a vortex around you where the Nartoomid surrounds you and you are shielded. Especially use this as the world as we know it disintegrates due to the great changes that will come. Not one hair of your heads will be harmed or moved!


You are here, on this site, as a member for a reason. This is information you should start using as soon as possible. It also creates a forcefield around those that are near you and in your neighborhoods.


You are the ones that have chosen to listen and take action. Our Light Forces are here and ready to be of assistance. Be at peace!





Most Radiant Blessings in the name of the Most High,

Cmdr El Ari AN

Orion-Jerusalem Command

Ashtar Command


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  • i'm so unconditionally in love with all of you

  • @Osizis

    Yeah... I'm gonna stand by what I said.
  • Oh my God. I just read a bunch of you newly awakened  ones comments. Your really scattered. Got to learn to focus. Focus (center) surrender. Try to understand what is being said here. Yes there is going to be Great Earth Changes ,caused by Planet -X. And it will be so great that we must be removed for our Safety. And its going to cause great fear in some people,especially those who have been in Denial up to now. They are telling us ways to control our emotions and ramping thoughts.To release the fear now, get into and then over your fear! Because if you do then you can be rescued  but if your intent is evil or negative then you cannot be taken up or into the inner earth. They are not going to take in those who are responsible for the downfall of mankind . It would just start all over again. The negative and Fearful ones would bring down the rest. Its like putting together a bad battery with a good one,the bad battery will bring down the good one. So yes you do have a choice even though you are just now awakening. You must do your home work now! You must cram for the biggest Test you have ever taken. You are greatly loved and the best of teachers have been sent to you. This blog ,mine and many others are giving you the positive info or truths ,that you need now. Problem is you don't have much time left. Direct your questions to the teachers,Mentors and guides. Not to other students, they don't have the answers yet. That takes time. The signs of the times are upon you. I have written new blogs for you,chek it out
  • This is good ,I teach the same. the ticket out of here is a pure heart and that is achieved through total forgiveness. Forgive the world and your self,past and present. Forgive your past so you can move into a more benevolent future.I have been reading from Ashtar command for thirty years and the keys of enoch confirms much of this. Time is short now.Do not be in Fear. If you do not use the mantras above there are many others by Jesus in the book a course in Miracles. You can also white light your self ,calling in the Golden white light from the Lattice and Source for protection. And you can call on Ark Angel Michael to white light you and protect you/ And the stronger ones''From the Lord God of my being,I command you (dark forces).'be gone. And yes I too use the verbal Mantra HU (hue) amongst others .I highly recommend it.Try them out.Be Safe, Adonai
  • Comment from Ari Kopal...states

    You may chant sacred names. These all emit high vibrations -that is the purpose. Whatever you hold true that allows you to connect to the Highest Level of Creation - The Creator, that sound while emitting that name or names, will create the shield, the protection.

    Some can also chant HU.


    "HU (pronounced like the word hue) is an ancient word with immense spiritual power. It is the sound behind all sounds. Singing HU can open your heart, helping you find peace, expand your awareness and gain a higher perspective on daily problems.

    With eyesopen or closed, take a few deep breaths to relax. Then begin to sing HU in a long, drawn-out sound, HU--U-U-U. Take another breath and sing HU again. Continue for up to twenty minutes Sing HU with a feeling of love, and it will gradually open your heart to unconditional love."

    "HU is both a name for God and a sound of the Audible Life Stream, which we know as the ECK, or Holy Spirit. HU is a charged name of Gdd that can spiritually uplift the people of any religion:. - Harold Klemp (Spiritual Leader of Eckankar)

  • Tara: And the best way to rise our vibrations is to be the 5-d .. Being in Joy and laughter is 5-d.

    A short way to 5-d is being 5-d

    A longer way to reach 5-d is to make 5-d..

    Ok, this is my opinion.

  • I agree completely with Tara, this doesnt resonate as written by someone filled with light. It comes much more from a fear place and the dooms scenario that there will be major catastrophes. This is not going to happen. Ask yourself, where does this message truly resonate inside yourself. Is it a place of peace and love? 

    Also it doesnt make any sense, because how unfair would it be to all the people who happened to just not have stumbled upon these instructions or might be good human beings with light but not as "strong" enough as to pass through the process described.

    This message to me much more creates fear as it creates enormous pressure to not be fearful in a scary situation (the alleged catastrophes). Imagining this doesnt make me feel good about the future. And so I reject it as not coming from the light. 

    Fear is what it is and it is one thing to be lost in it and live a life in fear without being aware of it, it's another thing to be aware of fear inside but to allow it to be and pass through. What is, is. So not experiencing fear in my eyes is not the crucial aspect, but rather to be conscious and aware of it being there so it can transmute. 


  • Thanks RAvinder!!!


  • Ok, let me get this straight.  So at some future point in time, the species will be in grave danger and we can't get saved unless we're on that high vibe of love.  Seriously?  That doesn't make much sense and doesn't sound very loving.  If the species were to really be in grave danger, it's going to be very hard to not be in a state of fear for many in the world.  That would be understandable.  To require us to not be in a state of fear when faced with sure extinction is a ridiculous request.  We all have egos and egos cause fear, how can many not be in fear?  Obviously, there would be those who probably could handle it, but the idea that millions if not billions would be left behind simply because they were fearful is cruel.


    One would think that the aliens would be compassionate enough to realize this and make an exception.  I have a hard time believing that they are advanced enough to travel the galaxy and probably other parts of the universe, but they can't make adjustments so that as many can be saved as possible despite their fears.  Can these aliens truly be this incapable or incompetent?  Really?


    And then there is the song that everybody is supposed to sing.  If this goes down, don't you think there are a lot of aliens reading this stuff right now?  They would be tuning into internet talk just like anyone else and would know to sing this song.  So if the "bad guys" now know and sing this song when the time comes, who do we trust?  Big major oops in the plan.  And if they're watching, then they also know about the shielding and would be currently creating a plan to dismantle it.  I know I would.  Looks like another major oops in the plan.


    If I were one of the "good guy" aliens and knew that there was a good chance that the "bad guys" were watching and listening, I wouldn't broadcast the plan on the web.  I would create a stealth plan that wouldn't be implemented until the last minute.  Just seems like the smart thing to do.  And another thing, these great changes that supposed to be coming, is it just a temporary thing or is humanity going to be facing certain extinction?  Not only that, in light of what I've just written, it would appear that I've just dismantled the plan of aliens.


    Just let that sink in for a moment.  Me, a mere human, managed to find a shit load of holes in the "plan".  Based on their supposed technological abilities, shouldn't they be smarter than me and have anticipated these points?  So there are a few possibilities.  One is that the above is a lie of the writer.  Another is that these are the words of someone who is simply mistaken or confused or just not quite right in the head.  Another is that the information is coming from the "bad guys" and it's basically a set up.  And then another is that the "good guys" are basically a bunch of dumb asses.  Am I missing anything?

  • Dear Ravinder, Thankyou for posting this on here, this is just what I was looking for Xxx

    Lovely music =) I will use this constantly!


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