Journey to Mt Shasta Oct-Nov 2OO9


Journey to Mt Shasta Oct-Nov 2OO9

Arriving in Mt Shasta town, first thing me and my travel fellowship Giddebol with her son, and Jeremia did was driving up to the highest parking lot past Panther Meadows, to connect with the Mountain.

This turned out to be a synced event, for we had the pleasure meeting Diane Robbins, the author of the Telos books, and a few nice people she was with. When we made a circle of light, we could feel the Mountain, the Violet flame, and many beings that send us healing.PhotobucketAfterwards we had lunch together in a lodge in Mt S. where a friend of D. had a room and where we rented a room for a month aswell. A few weeks later we met a woman from the Netherlands in Panther Meadows, and she invited us to join in a meditation she guided. We invoked our higher selves, many beings, AA's and dolphin masters to anchor a Lemurian grid into that place.


The mountain encountered some disharmonious events trough out the history as well. Some beings took disadvantage of the mounts amplifying energies to bring about less enlighted events. Many years ago, the Illuminati tried to find the entrance to Telos, and destroyed a lot of majestic tree beings in the process. The sadness was felt at Panther meadows and the nearby destroyed area.



There were many magical moments on the mount, a very persistent silence and serenity, and a very tangible Energy around. A few magical contemplations of the sunset and starry sky up there. Spending a night in tent, turned out quite chilly, but a nice experience. Dna activations appear to be do better in colder conditions.



I wanted to enter Telos, for I felt very much attracted to
meet the Telosians and Adama in real life, and be of service to assist in the contact with surface. Tho, the message came to me that the time was not quite right. Mt shasta town is said to become one of the first cities of light. But much has still to occur in the peoples intentions for this to be brought about. To many live separated, under their labels. For the city of light to emerge, the people will have to come together and work together in more intimate ways.

Mt Shasta is a nice place, and there are many crystal shops there.
But the spiritual communities i hoped to find are not quite there, or how i expected them. The people still rent their own apartments/ houses, drive around in their cars, and live in the same occidental system as most of us. Not self sufficient. They have many fruit trees there tho.

It was a pleasure to meet Otto of the Secret Garden bookshop. I met him by coincidence" in the forest.

On my journey home i enjoyed the visit of San Francisco. Surprised by this special place. To get to Mt shasta, I took the greyhound bus from Cleveland all the way to Weed. It was a 63 hour trip ! I drove by Columbus,
Denver, Reno, Salt lake city, Sacramento etc...amazing road trip.PhotobucketI spend 2 weeks in Happy Camp, on Native American soil. Beautiful nature ! Picked Grapes, fed goats, and collected apples in exchange for a cabin.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketThere i met up with Jeremia, and Marius from Estonia.

Wonderful mountain !








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  • lens flares imo ^^ but nice ^^
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