I am still shaking inside for the dream and channeling I had last week. We know there are many other civilizations, we have spoken about it, but…how about living close contact? How open are we to it and what definitions we hold towards the whole experience, not just the thought?
I dreamt this:
I was in the company of someone else (can’t identify) , a colleague it feels, and we came to pick up a person , a woman about 60 years old, because the Mothership had landed. I came to her and offered my hand, palms up. She placed hers on mine and we saluted each other with both hands intertwined, at chest level. Very honoring and respectful energy. She was a very distinguished member of the Alliance, incarnate in this planet, a real pioneer.
I turned around and I saw a huge spaceship, just a couple meters over the ground. The ship was oval, with the ends flat, and it was in a vertical position. On its belly was a kaleidoscope of bright lights of many colors, and the pulsation of those lights had meaning. The distinguished lady boarded the ship, and we teleported at consciousness speed to other locations.
We proceeded to pick up more and more people. All of us. The aliens that came in the spaceship looked very much like humans, and I was one of them.
A vast operation was launched. Many spaceships all over the Earth, picking up those of us who had incarnated and effected this vibrational change from the Core of the planet with their Lightwork and their Being. So honored we all are!
Three days ago I woke up with an image flashing in my consciousness: the Seal of the Ashtar Command (as it appears in the website), in golden wings and a blue background. It was a direct, formal message. In telepathic communication I was told: “There has been a Galactic Conflict” and also “tomorrow, darkness”.
I know that by know you may be getting several kinds of feelings, and so was I. I must admit that the energy of those communications was not of fear, but honoring Who I Am. Later I learned about the solar flare, and these past two days I have been feeling very amplified, more refined, energy and consciousness. The Ascension symptoms are more under my control, and the overall vibration I am experiencing is very, very refined, sweet and stable.
I received a lot of information last night, but I cannot remember details now. I have to raise my vibration to access this in full, and I will.
As I went to bed last night, a silver energy was present in my field, and I had these communications. A lot more I was told, and I have chosen to explore this area of my own consciousness. To me nothing is off-limits, and my desire to explore feels true and appropriate. I am sharing this with you, Masters, because I know that we are entering a time of full disclosure, unveiling of all those things that have been kept from our consciousness, and that we have stayed clear of them, and perhaps that has been appropriate until now.
In this time of Empowerment, I choose to know everything that’s going on. I know and accept my responsibility in this Shift.
Thank you for your kind comments!
Indeed the "conflict" and "darkness" bit makes one react. I did too. But I have to say, that as a Galactic Guardian incarnate human, I am told about this even though I will play my part from the physical trenches, that is, to hold my High Conciousness in the physical realm, and other aspects of me will do their thing at their level and circle of influence. I have asked to know what's going on, and I get a lot of info. I will be sharing more insights in new posts.
It is so beautiful what you said, Ahashavita, that you declare no darkness in your life, that makes my heart smile...
Namaste to you all!
Blessings and much love for your post, very interesting.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in :-)
Wow! Exciting!
Very nice that you remember your 'dream'.
Thanks for sharing!
I do not have channellings or whatnot per-say, but I am not sure how to put in words,
I knew this? or what I always say, "smelled it". but I really felt it in my heart. thankyou for putting this bit out, feels important to me somehow I think