

It is really fascinating,reading some of the chanelled messages,from our Galactic Family - Pleadeans,Arcturians,Sirius,

Andromedians e.t.c

There is no doubt,that in most cases,they all try to give us guidance,by releasing information for many aspects of our

life,that it seems,we have no idea,or we have limited perception,as to what is happening,or what is going to happen.

We have been deceived as a collective,for many-many years,not directly by alien races,but,by people and individuals,acting as traitors of their own race,modivated only by greed and power.

All the events and happenings we are passing through as a collective,in recent times,is making no sense for many.

When all these goes to an End,then will make for us, perfect sense.

It is obvious,that the scenario,we are passing through,in recent times,is something which happened also,with other civilisations,either here on Earth,or in other star systems,before Ascension,to Higher Dimensional Field of Experiense.

In one of their channelled messages,the Pleadeans are saying,that before their Ascension -their Planet and their Collective -only few thousands of them,they have ascended,leading succesfully their people to Ascension.

Ascended Master S.Germain,the master of the 7th Ray,and the newTeacher of Humanity for the New Golden Age,is suggesting, that after the activation of the Crystall Crid on 11/11/2011,the number of people ready to ascend on Earth,

is 5(five) million individuals or Lightworkers.!

This is a sufficient number (is exceeding critical mass ),to lead succesfully,the rest of Humanity and Planet Earth,to the final stage of the Ascension Process.  

Futher more it is stated,that our Ascension is related to the Ascension Process of the Entire UNIVERSE,the End of Dualty,and finally the coming of Unity,One Vibration,the time of Oneness and ALL THAT IS.

In relation to this Universal Ascension Process,fundamental part is concidered  to be, the Ascension of All Suns to the

One and only One Central Sun of our Universe.See more about this Ascension Process...


Our 3D mode,or Field of Experiense,is considered to be,the lower level of the Spectrum,in whole Creation,and as that,

is NOT REAL .In Secret Doctrine,H.P.Blavaskhy admitted,that it was difficult for her to understand,or perceive the

meaning of NON-REALITY of the matterial world,within, we live and breath. I think that, this is also happening to most of us,untill the time of our awakening,and mastering of the mysteries of the Ancients or the Archaics.

So what is REAL and NOT-REAL ?



In order to give a logical unswer to this,we have to - in my opinion-to give an unswer as to the meaning of the word or term  FALL.in relation to the interpretations given or provided to us,by various differend sourcess during our life time.

In the first place,listening or reading this word,for years,we feel somehow,as like we have done something terrible,in the very past,and somebody,kicked us in the ass-for punishement-and found ourselves,in the midle of the darkness

gravity !! Without knowing who we are,from where we came from,what we have done wrong,or to whom,and lso,having no memories of our past lifes,or any clue about our lost identity if we had any,anywhere in cosmos.!

Taken all these into consideration,the guestion raised, is how one can fix in any way,something,for which,can,t recall

anything?.In a stage of complete amnesia,and the information provided afterwards to us,feeling guilty-for what and why?-,instaid of looking up to the skies for discovering our destiny and destination,they made us looking down to the valley of shadows,and through the mirrors of mayia.  


2.THE VOLUNTEERS,AND THE SUCRIFICE TO THE ETERNAL.(OUR) - The Fall into the Center of Darkness

Gravity (Matter).




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