


Mother Mary:

Hello dear ones, all of the Light. I gather amongst you today to bring you much Love, and to shed more light and understanding on your precious missions and purpose.
You are Love, you are the Divine, and amongst you walk many who do not yet know this about themselves.

It is for you to BE Love and the Divine in complete totality and purpose and to shine ever brighter every day within that reality.
As such you are very important catalysts not only for your own lives, but also for that of others. You may not realize how important you are.

Every time you choose to acknowledge and live your Divine nature of Unconditional Love for yourselves and others, you spark greater Light and Love for all around you, causing others to take up the banner and spread it as well.

My precious children of the Light, my precious children of Love: You are making your way steadily and surely up the ladder of dimensions while spreading your Love to all who need it. Do you know how remarkable and important you are?

I hold you in my arms of love and caring, and I comfort you all when you need it and ask for it. I love you beyond measure, and I am most grateful for your presence in this world at this time. For you are making great headway in offering love, acceptance and comfort for others.

That is what we do in the Celestial Realm; we offer our total love and comfort and acceptance of you and with that you are fortified to offer it to others.
You are our wonderful emissaries of Love and Light and you can never be reminded too much of this.

My heart is so full of joy and love and gratitude at the knowledge that you are forever holding up this banner of Love and Light for all to see and absorb. It is like a beautiful blanket of tender and sustaining Love that we see you constantly holding and spreading over the world. You are magnificent in this purpose.

Make way in your hearts for even more Love and Light to enter as the days go on. Fill yourselves up with it without limit. With this you will raise the frequency even further and thus allow the masses to lift and be ready for further ascension.

Do not worry your hearts about those who are reluctant to accept what you offer or do not respond well. Just keep up your work and go on about your mission with tolerance and acceptance and understanding that each is proceeding along their path in the perfect way for them.

Pay attention to your own heart and allow yourself to accept as much Light and Love as you can hold, my dear ones.
Be at peace in knowing that you are fulfilling your mission by holding as much Light and Love as you are able, constantly transmuting old and negative energy for yourself and all around you at the pace and degree that is appropriate and comfortable for you.

By constantly doing this, you have transmuted much energy into crystalline gold glimmering particles of Light that is becoming the sustaining essence of energy that many can feel in a palpable way. Many can also see it, and dear ones, we can see it so plainly from our perspective.


This is the energy that you are becoming much more acclimated to as you make your way up the spiral of dimensions and increasing frequencies. Your increasingly crystalline bodies are adapting and thriving in this new energy, and for many, the fatigue is diminishing and you are becoming more adaptable to the new milieu of energy you are finding yourselves in.

Hold yourselves tall and strong in this new energy and begin to see the effects of your tireless efforts to transform and re-form your world. It is magnificent to see what you have already done.
Hold fast and true to this steady progress, and do not waiver in your heart-felt endeavors to feel and know your loving Divine essence and to demonstrate it to others, each of you in your own special and unique ways and manner.

You are each irreplaceable and valuable contributors to New Earth and it is being built steadily and true upon your lofty dreams and actions to build a world of ever-lasting Peace, Harmony, Abundance and Love for all to thrive in and enjoy.

We of the Celestial Realm are forever grateful for your beautiful hearts as you make your way higher and transform all around you to glistening perfection, and we remain by your side throughout this Divine endeavor.

All my love is yours,

Mother Mary

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.
http://www.franheal.wordpress.com (Blog)
Source:http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html (Website)

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